Time Wasting Wanted

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Time Wasting Wanted

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Sep 08, 2014 11:19 am

This may belong elsewhere, please reprimand me if this is the case.

Soooo, at my rather dull job I find myself with a ton of free time in which i typically spend browsing the interwebs, hanging out here (including running games, but breaking from that for now), playing random crap games on Kongregate, playing a random steam game...etc

So, what I'm asking/looking for, a way to waste my time...

Things I enjoy wasting my time on:

1. Webcomics
2. browser based games (free preferably) (ex: Kingdom of Loathing)
3. Any other free games, which are fun (ex: Dwarf Fortress) (I'm not against downloading a game onto my "work" computer to play it)

I do have some requirements i should list though. In order to effectively hide my lolli-gagging, games that need to fill my entire screen, are bad. Games which trap your mouse unless you open the menu or pause (like minecraft) are bad. Also, I am at work, so typically overly graphic things involving graphic gore, sex, and generally anything NSFW things are bad (though i will take things into consideration if they are on the border, but nudity in general, is very bad)

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by gamecreator » Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:58 pm

Why don't you want to read some fiction? It may be quite entertaining, and is less suspicious than any other thing on your list.

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:13 pm

Mmmm, I'm a paper book reader, brick and mortar kind of person. Can't stand E-books and audio books can't hold my attention (I have focus problems).

I do love reading books, but, I don't think i can read at my computer so easily, unless i had a pdf version of what i wanted to read and then proceeded to do so my computer, this would probably not seem suspicious since i work with Pdf's quite often.

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by Zathyr » Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:30 pm

Well for webcomics, we've got a big thread full of suggestions here.

Or you could take up writing. Songwriting! Then you can sing your songs (outside of work) and become a famous rock star and when you get interviewed and talk show hosts ask what your inspiration was you can tell them you were bored at work. Then it will start a deluge of new songwriters when all the people who are bored at work hear that and start writing their own songs at work and soon everybody is singing all the time and it's not even annoying.

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by Synch » Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:58 pm

You played Call of Gods?

I also love fl0w, good little time waster.
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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:19 am

Zathyr wrote:Well for webcomics, we've got a big thread full of suggestions here.

Or you could take up writing. Songwriting! Then you can sing your songs (outside of work) and become a famous rock star and when you get interviewed and talk show hosts ask what your inspiration was you can tell them you were bored at work. Then it will start a deluge of new songwriters when all the people who are bored at work hear that and start writing their own songs at work and soon everybody is singing all the time and it's not even annoying.


I find your suggestion so ridiculous that words fail me.....besides, I've already given my hand at song writing and have failed, this could be because I am instrumentally challenged.

I do enjoy writing though, but this typically comes out through my playing of role playing type games in our forum games section.

Synch, as to your suggestion, at one time i did play Call of gods, however, I've grown to have a hate-relationship with any and all "city-building" games...

edit: Alas, when i put my brain and hands to writing in..."less controlled" environments, i tend to get in trouble. This is what got me expelled from controversy on one occasion and is the reason i still avoid it.

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:17 am

"hate relationship" with "city building games"... says the guy who is usually one of the most active in my civs. ;)

Maybe start up a twitter RP account? I know there are dozens of pony ones...
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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:40 pm

mm, further stipulation, need something not so visible as twitter....someone would soon realize i was doing nothing = Very Bad

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by Krulle » Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:40 am

Flash game sites?
They have tons of games, and new ones every hours.
While there is a shortage of good ones, there are plenty around and youc can repeat the best ones over and over again...
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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:36 am

No thanks...i mean, kongregate supplies me with cheap mind-blowing flash games....what I want is something I can pour my life into in order to earn results that are meaningless and worthless because they are trapped inside of a computer....

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by Krulle » Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:38 am

Well, I played "O-game" or one of its variants (a free version would be SpaceInvasion). Browser based.

Plenty of time to invest, but in the end, it will invade your private life too, and in the beginning there is often not much you can do, as you'll have to wait for your ressources to have been earned, for projects to finish, before you can do something again (at least they have "building lists", so that the systems automagically start the next project when finished (if the ressources are available).....

I annoyed newcomers by offloading large amounts of ressources on them (for me it was the production of 2-3 minutes, for them the production of 1-2 months.... They plan a slightly skewed industry base since they have so many ressources and didn't get a feel of the balance they would need later on...). But then, finding one who does that for you allows you to continue in-game rather well. Plus, you can spend hours in forums and "clan" sub-forums (if you join a clan).

Due to family obligations I was not able to plan my log-on times such that I would be safe from raiders, who often stole my ressources. So, when they changed the game mechanics by lowering the strengths of planetary defences, thus favouring the raiders over the miners even more, I quit (while having been in the top100 for that universe).
But I had it running in the background during work for months.

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Re: Time Wasting Wanted

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:00 am

mmm...this looks intriguing and this is the kind of thing I am looking for. Something that I can log on to several times daily to become king of the universe...

my thanks, i may look into it, though, as i said, not a huge fan of city building games..

I've actually been thinking about getting back into the Discworld Mudd, and If there are any of you that would be interested in also joining, that could make that way more fun.

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