07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by WearsHats » Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:59 am

Thunt mentioned in the livestream once that
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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Morgaln » Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:46 am

Aegis J Hyena wrote:
Fumbles wrote: The mount is backwards, it is displaced.
The levels are gained outside of time.
She saw but misunderstood.
The name is not right.
Got nothing here, unless it refers to Minmax calling himself Maxo when dealing with Fumbles... I agree on the "displaced" bit being a Displacer Beast... granted the only "mounts" we've seen so far otherwise we've seen were the horses cows :P back in Brassmoon when they were escaping.
Mount might also refer to mountain (as in Mount Rushmore, for example). So it might be a mountain that isn't where it is supposed to be. MAybe moved/hidden by magic? Or a mountain that goes down instead of up (thus being backwards)?
Displacer Beasts are product identity of WotC, so just like Yuan-Ti, the comic wouldn't be allowed to use the name. I somewhat doubt one is going to show up.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Mueca » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:06 pm

Matney X wrote:
Fumbles wrote: When the serpent becomes his prey, friends will become enemies and love will fuel hate.
Emphasis on "his" added, because that's what Fumbles says. Not "your." Who has prey, so far, in this story? Kore.
Well, Young and Beautiful said "When the serpent becomes your prey" to Forgath, so if anything, this only reinforces that it refers to Forgath's prey. Or am I missing your point?

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by redfeather » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:19 pm

Morgaln wrote:Displacer Beasts are product identity of WotC, so just like Yuan-Ti, the comic wouldn't be allowed to use the name. I somewhat doubt one is going to show up.
Maglubiyet is also a copyrighted Wotco name, yet I'm pretty sure it's been said in-comic, and recently even. Maybe THunt was able to work something out with Wotco's lawyers, so that his comic is explicitly not seen as a challenge to their copyright?

Anyway, even if Displacer Beasts aren't in the SRD, the Displacement spell *is*. So we may well be able to see a Cloak of Displacement worn by a character or somesuch.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Scoshan » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:57 pm

I've been thinking, maybe Forgath is scratched by a warped klik so he attacks Kin, and Minmax ends up killing him

I mean wouldn't that be the most emotionally devastating way Forgath could die?

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by RocketScientist » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:43 pm

WearsHats wrote:Thunt mentioned in the livestream once that
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Interesting. Seems like that's probably relevant, then.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by kesgarion » Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:49 pm

I don't have much speculation about all the foreshadowing, but I'd like to point out that Complains' mom was named regarding books...Reads Books, I believe?

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Lionday » Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:32 pm

Wasn't Dove a Goblin God or some such? The line " A Dead Goblin a Dead God" Could just be talking about her death.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Derkins » Mon Aug 07, 2017 5:52 pm

Matney X wrote:
Fumbles wrote: When the serpent becomes his prey, friends will become enemies and love will fuel hate.
Emphasis on "his" added, because that's what Fumbles says. Not "your." Who has prey, so far, in this story? Kore.
- I think that is an excellent point. The Kin's become Kore's prey at some point. Minimax is the only one in love (as was confirmed in the dungeon room with the pillars. that may have been the whole point of that scene), so it is likely his love for her that will fuel his hate. That may be hate for Kore, but who knows. Obviously a wedge will grow between some group of friends, whether it is between Minimax and someone else, or Kin and her group.
ForgetsOldName wrote: It doesn't say she was wrong--it says she misunderstood [about Dies Horribly}.
If in fact the incident with the demons was the "horrible death" she give Dies a very misleading name, either because she wanted to, or she misunderstood the context.
- I thought immediately that the wrong name was in reference to Dies, although I wasn't sure who the "she" was. Now thanks to your comment it seems pretty obvious it was Young And Beautiful having the vision of Dies having his horrible death, but misunderstanding that his death wasn't permanent. I think the fact that a prophecy in regards to Dies even exists means that he is important to the central plot and outcome of the overall story.

- Also!! I am surprised no one has brought it up yet, but I totally assumed that "Death of a Goblin, death of a god." was the death of the White Winged Terror, who actually claimed to be a god. She was crushed by Biscuit when he went over the cliff, during her duel with Fox. With her gone, the whole goblin world domination plan kind of goes out the window.

Other ideas:
- Everyone is probably correct that "the hammer awaits" is about the Axe of Prissan. That one seems like a no-brainer, as well as "The levels are gained outside of time" referencing the Maze of Many.
- The ears will not hear -- cause Ears is super stubborn, and he will likely refuse to listen to the rest of his group at a critical juncture. Possibly, in his quest to journey into Hell and kill the demon personally.
- "The dwarf cries no more." is probably about Kore as well. Forgath has never been much of a tearjerker in the first place. I bet it's because Kore is cursed and can no longer feel.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Plays with Fire » Mon Aug 07, 2017 6:11 pm

You all said almost anything that I wanted to say. I just wanted to add, that while some sentences are pointing in multiples directions, it is well possible that none of them are the corrects interpretation... or maybe all the interpretation are true. I like the idea that Vorpal is the only character able to "remember" the "ken" necklace which actually never existed since it was sent into a pocket universe oblivion. Also, I want to add Herbert to the list of possible gods the prophecy may be referring to. Unlikely, but who knows ? He IS a canonical god after all.

Edit : and also we are probably wrong about the spaces.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by WhichWayDidHeGo » Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:03 pm

VBAtheflyinghead wrote:"If there are two and a half words you don't want to hear from a person who can see the future, those words are 'I'm sorry'."
But I think that in this particular case Fumbles is seeing the past clairvoyantly, and - unlike any of the others - he knows why Kin left Minmax behind, and that their breakup is absolutely not Minmax' fault. That last would be a big surprise to anybody in-universe who knew Minmax at all.
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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Inky_Cricket » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:05 pm

This might be somewhat relevant to the "The shining forest is only found through heroism." line, or it could be a red herring:


Firesap trees.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by AXIS » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:27 pm

So are the Flea demons all taken care of now?

Can we get to healing? or is there more battling to be done.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Th'reader » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:34 pm

So, does this mean Fumbles is the Three Eyed Goblin? #GoTReference

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Belzera » Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:51 am

Derkins wrote:-snip-

- Also!! I am surprised no one has brought it up yet, but I totally assumed that "Death of a Goblin, death of a god." was the death of the White Winged Terror, who actually claimed to be a god. She was crushed by Biscuit when he went over the cliff, during her duel with Fox. With her gone, the whole goblin world domination plan kind of goes out the window.

Dove ain't dead, she was used as a fallbreaker by Biscuit, but he pulled her from the water and after some talking he removed her of her remaining wing remember

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Like-A-Horse » Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:26 am

The way I see it, the part about a misunderstood name might imply a far more grave end to all this.

We all know only too well the part about love fueling fate. Now...
If the mount is backwards, it means you proceed in the wrong direction.
Kin is gaining levels outside of time as of now.
She misunderstood the true meaning of the Maze of Many, along with everyone else. It is, after all, the sword of a fallen god. The name was given by the visitors, not the wielder Himself.

The way I see it, there is something wrong in the way Kins exploit the godly power, that might backfire and make her the ultimate trial of Minmax's conviction.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Dangmaster » Tue Aug 08, 2017 4:40 am

I know we all love the forshadowing speech and stuff but can we just sit down here and apprieciate the fact that Fumbles now have 15 (or parts of 15?) Imprints within him now?!? Holy shit i mean young-and-beautiful only had 2 or 3? (was that confirmed?) he is atleast 2 and a half time as powerfull as the fabled 6 imprint guy now.

Personally i now think that fumbles is the key to surviving hell fire down in hell now, it sure sounds like he is, or will be powerfull enorgh to cast a resist energy spell of that calibre.

and as for foreshading stuff... Out of all the characthers that can see the future now, Fumbles might be one who dares try to change the destiny or atleast lead it to the best path possible.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Krulle » Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:23 am

Inky_Cricket wrote:This might be somewhat relevant to the "The shining forest is only found through heroism." line, or it could be a red herring:


Firesap trees.
Good catch. Making poop glowing is still lacking in this comic.

Also, Duv is not dead. There was also a "meanwhile sketch" with her. See discussion here and sketch (it happens later than indicated, see discussion).
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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Lightning Lance » Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:08 am

Inky_Cricket wrote:This might be somewhat relevant to the "The shining forest is only found through heroism." line, or it could be a red herring:


Firesap trees.
It probably refers to Bloodrain Forest: http://www.goblinscomic.com/comics/20120525.jpg

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by Imrathel » Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:12 am

Fumbles wrote: When the serpent becomes his prey, friends will become enemies and love will fuel hate.
I always thought this prophecy was interestingly worded. I've interpreted this one of three ways;

1. Kin becomes an enemy of Forgath for some reason (bolstered by the the fact that Fumbles uses his instead of your), causing Minimax to choose between the two.

2. Kin becomes the target of the GAP for some reason or the other, forcing Minimax to betray his friends.

3. The "serpent" is actually Complains demon; I always interpreted the pattern of the tail to look like that of a reptile. See (http://goblinscomic.com/comic/06122017-2), for example. So Forgath attacks Complains, leading Minimax to attack the GAP.

This was a clever page as I think it clinches the fact that the "your/him" is Forgath, at least. Great job!

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by jbrecken » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:36 am

"The mount is backwards" makes me picture a legless kobold trying to carry a blind ogre.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by DrinksTea » Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:39 pm

Wow!!!!! :D

Firstly: Foreshadowing overload?!? Well if that is the case, then each piece of information should be a DIFFERENT piece of foreshadowing... the trick is separating the pieces of information up.

Has there been a bit of retconjuration? What I read is not the same as what Orzahn transcribed.

(pretty sure this is 3 bits: the "the"'s are the giveaway)
bowstrings break they are unreliable (bowst goes bananas???)
the shining forest is found only through heroism (about someone called Dagwood?!?!? I'm at a loss here - and while glowing poop is hilarious, we've only seen 1 firesap tree, not a forest)
the dwarf cries no more (surely about Forgath - do we know any other dwarves?)

the ears will not hear they want the book but they need to complain
(this could be one entire statement!) (I don't think this is about Complains... but more likely one statement about Big Ears! something about him not realising they want the book (what book??) and the remedy might have something to telling him off (or if you want it to be about Complains, then something to do with him))

the mount is backward/sit is displaced (alternative transcription???) (mount could mean mountain. SIT could be an acronym... yeah, I'm at a loss here)
the levels are gained outside of time (has to be a reference to Kin in the Maze of Many)
she saw but misunderstood (surely a reference one of Young and Beautiful's fortunes... most likely Dies Horribly's being wrong: she saw the Orb of Bloodlight demon try to kill Dies... thus naming him incorrectly)
the name is not right (I thought this would be Complains of Names is not right... because of the whole demon thing)

death of a goblin death of a god
(I'm kind of terrified what this one might mean...)

the hammer awaits
(agree that is surely something to do with the Axe of Prissan)

two coins for a dead dwarf (well Forgath's death has been foreshadowed for ages)
another leg lost (who lost a leg??? you're gonna lose another one)

This the 3rd time we have seen this prediction. The "his" is most definitely Forgath (since the other two times it was "your" and said to him). We're all pretty sure this refers to Forgath, Kin (the serpent), and Minimax (friends in love) right!?!

OH, and before I forget:

And OMG on the 15 imprints!
Last edited by DrinksTea on Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:46 pm

DrinksTea wrote:the dwarf cries no more (surely about Forgath - do we know any other dwarves?)
Well, Kore.
DrinksTea wrote:she saw but misunderstood (surely a reference one of Young and Beautiful's fortunes)
Or possibly Kin.
DrinksTea wrote:another leg lost (who lost a leg??? you're gonna lose another one)
Biscuit lost one, though this could be a reference to more metaphorical legs supporting something?
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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by DrinksTea » Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:07 pm

spiderwrangler wrote:
DrinksTea wrote:the dwarf cries no more (surely about Forgath - do we know any other dwarves?)
Well, Kore.
Oh yeah! Well then it HAS to be about Kore. Because the last foreshadowing is about Forgath for sure. Next question: have we seen Kore cry??
spiderwrangler wrote:
DrinksTea wrote:she saw but misunderstood (surely a reference one of Young and Beautiful's fortunes)
Or possibly Kin.
Ha! Ninja'd Thought I would have time to elaborate that one further before someone commented... guess I didn't. I was aiming to have each prediction for someone different... Kin got the one before...
spiderwrangler wrote:
DrinksTea wrote:another leg lost (who lost a leg??? you're gonna lose another one)
Biscuit lost one, though this could be a reference to more metaphorical legs supporting something?
I knew someone lost a leg (and survived...)!! Thanks for reminding me.

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Re: 07-08-2017 Foreshadowing Overload.

Post by WearsHats » Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:15 pm

DrinksTea wrote:
Bowst messes something up. Not surprising. But a heroic act brings them where they need to be. Forgath and Minmax are reunited, or at least he finds out Minmax is still alive.
Ears won't listen. He's too singleminded right now. I don't think we've encountered the book yet. But Complains is the key to getting it.
the mount is backward/sit is displaced (alternative transcription???) (mount could mean mountain. SIT could be an acronym... yeah, I'm at a loss here)
The mount is backwards. It is displaced.

Mount could be a mountain. Or a beast you would ride. Or the pedestal base upon which something is held. I don't think we know enough. But the rest of the prophecy dealing with the Maze of Many provides some clue.

Levels are gained outside of time would be Kin, returning from the Maze of Many. The last thing she saw of Minmax was proof that he did See her in the sense of her people. (Feeling each other's physical pain, such as with an injured hand.) "The name is not right" could refer to a restored memory of the KEN necklace.
death of a goblin death of a god
(I'm kind of terrified what this one might mean...)

As others have said, it could be Duv.
AXIS wrote:So are the Flea demons all taken care of now?

Can we get to healing? or is there more battling to be done.
It appears the demons have been defeated, though it's only a matter of time before more arrive. But healing depends on Fumbles functioning. I expect that, now that he's snapped out of the initial flood of prophecy, he can start healing. But I don't know if there's any more to the ritual.
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