Frequent Travellers

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Frequent Travellers

Post by lingrem » Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:02 am

Y'know, I realized that on this forum I tend to talk about everything that I adore about life: my students, books, games, Doctor Who, general geekiness... everything except one!


And I think that people who travel often tend to be a bit of their own little community... so why not start a thread to talk about places we've travelled, places we want to travel, etc etc?

So on that front: I've decided that next summer (July/August 2014) I think I am going to save up and go to China. This summer I am just hitting up the East Coast of Canada, so it won't be nearly as expensive as most holidays I've gone on. So may as well save up for a biiiig one the next summer!
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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by TinSoldier » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:13 pm

That sounds awesome!

I hope to be able to afford to travel one day. I mean, I've been to the Middle East but not really free to move about. There are so many places I want to go if I'm ever able to afford it.

I remember when my high school French language class went to France. That would have been awesome if I could have afforded it.

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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by lingrem » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:19 pm

Yeah.. I couldn't go anywhere when I was in highschool or university as I couldn't afford it.

But when I taught in London for 2 years I went somewhere or another every break. And am trying to make sure I go on at least one trip per year now that I am back in Canada. I just... don't do so well if I don't have somewhere to go planned out!
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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by TinSoldier » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:26 pm

I'm in my 40s and I can't afford it LOL! So kudos to you and I hope you have a great time.

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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by Zathyr » Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:24 pm

Whereabouts in China were you thinking? That sounds interesting.

I myself will be making my first trip south of the equator this summer. Heading to South Africa and Botswana for some sightseeing. And a bit of Zimbabwe by Victoria Falls. It should be quite a trip.
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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by Amara » Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:00 pm

I can't afford traveling much, but I get terrible wanderlust. I usually go to one con a year (and fly there,) but that's within the states. The only time I've ever been able to escape the states was to go to England for three months over last summer. (I was visiting my boyfriend.) With luck, I will be able to return for Christmas.

I'm staying with the same university for my master's, as well, so with luck I'll be able to take a semester elsewhere (hopefully Salzburg!) to continue my language studies.

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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by RocketScientist » Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:07 pm

TinSoldier wrote:I'm in my 40s and I can't afford it LOL! So kudos to you and I hope you have a great time.
You're not the only one. lol.

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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by lingrem » Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:39 am

I figure... I'm single and only have a cat to worry about, so I am going to try to cram in as much travel as I can. If I ever settle down with someone I expect I will get to travel a lot less.

And where in China? Well... I really want to go to Tibet, which is going to be the harder part to plan around - but I just got a quote for a tour guide and trip for 1 person (since I can't seem to find any Tibetan owned companies that arrange the groups) and have found that while expensive, I can in fact save up and afford it. Obviously want to go see the Great Wall of China, and will fly in to Beijing and spend time there. I tend to be a bit random when I travel and will likely hop out to lots of places just outside of Beijing.

And remembered that I have a friend currently living in Hong Kong, so might make a stop over there to visit him depending on what his life is like when it gets closer to travel time!

Have a great time in Africa btw! What made you choose to go there?

ETA: Also plan to go visit Chengdu, because I'd like to see the Panda sanctuary. More for the red pandas than the pandas though!
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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by Jibjib » Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:16 pm

A friend of mine and I are going to Cuba in August before we start university :) we're going mountain climbing in the south east for one week, and staying in Havana for the other, s'gonna be epic o:)
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Re: Frequent Travellers

Post by Zathyr » Sat Apr 13, 2013 2:23 pm

My travel is sort of a family thing: me, my brother and his wife, and my dad and stepmom. We've been getting together for a while every summer at my Dad's place on Cape Cod, but he recently sold the place so we're traveling instead. I think it'll become an annual thing, maybe not always so far off. We did an Alaskan cruise last year and that was really nice, and we decided to look for something a bit different this year. We tossed around some ideas and Africa came up the winner.

That sounds like a great trip you're putting together there Lin. I'd love to see Tibet some day. I remember some years back I saw a big list of sights to see and all the ones I hadn't seen yet and really wanted to were either in Tibet or Arizona. Heh. I still haven't gotten out to hike around and explore the painted desert like I'd like to. That'd be more of a winter trip though.

And Jib that sounds pretty nice too. I hear Cuba's gorgeous. Try to catch Thunt live in his broadcast and you can probably get him talking about his honeymoon there. :)
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