Minmax' thought process during his assault

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Mutters to Themself
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Minmax' thought process during his assault

Post by cbertrand » Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:42 pm

Okay, trying this in a new topic, rather than parasiting off an existing thread.

What are people's opinions about the October 22nd, 2013 comic?


I was wondering if anybody has ever begged Ellipsis to swap the art of panels 9 and 10. ie. have Minmax cry out first before looking down and realizing what he had done, a la:


instead of


Does Ellipsis say somewhere she used that order on purpose because Minmax really did think through (however briefly) what he was doing? In my head, I have always swapped those two panels around so that I can consider Minmax guilty of criminally, selfish thoughtlessness, rather than criminally, selfish malice.

if Minmax yelled at her to listen and then realized that he had grabbed the leash, I could equate him to a man who, in the heat of an argument, grabbed the shoulders of and yelled at a girlfriend who had been in abusive relationships before. It is still an awful thing to do, but it is not as strong an indication that he might be an abuser. You could believe that Minmax reached out and grabbed the leash, the way you might reach out and grab a person's shirt. Then it could be that he forgot what that leash can do and is guilty of not always keeping what it can do in the forefront of his mind.

Instead, this, imho, is closer to date rape. It comes across as though he looked down and saw the leash, realized that it would force her to stop and then deliberately used it. That is is not grabbing somebody by the shoulders or shirt in the midst of an argument. That is more akin to pushing an unwilling woman up against the wall, tearing her shirt and bra open then forcing her to kiss you (or even worse) Sure, a man might stop himself at that point, but that woman had best get the heck out of there and never let themselves be alone with that man, again!

I would love to know Elipsis' thoughts behind those two panels (maybe she just had space issues on the page! Keep hope alive)

I have been an avid reader since late 2005, but that page has always felt off for me.

Of Few Words
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Re: Minmax' thought process during his assault

Post by Hope_Caswell » Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:31 pm

I'm pretty sure you're not the first to have this exact observation.

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Re: Minmax' thought process during his assault

Post by Generic » Wed Oct 06, 2021 2:06 am

I am 100% in the camp of MinMax being a terrible monster, and the panels are as intended.
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Re: Minmax' thought process during his assault

Post by Velgar » Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:43 pm

Since the question was asked again, I'll point towards my comments in the previous thread and reassure my thoughts have not changed. XD

Also Hope Caswell put it very well too in the previous thread. :D
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