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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:14 am
by NewOneAround
Turn 14

1. Player Actions


Active: Rest
R83 ÔÇô failure Chance up to 20%

Passive: Refining firestone
[Knowledge magic: 2 +1 [tool] d 5 + 2 (preperation) = 9]
[R46+9 S55 D15] ÔÇô ongoing 6/9 +1 XP (26XP)

Training: Knowledge creatures +10XP (15XP) Gain Knowledge Creatures (Int) 1


Free: order 2 kobolds to expand the rat tunnel. If possible ask Click-Clank to do it since he has the highest mining skill. (Side note: how much interaction do we have with him till we have a player for him)

Active: Tag along with KnickKnack to spy on the gnomes
See Wandering Monster.

Passive: continue curing leather
Craft ÔÇô Tailor: 3 d 6 +1 (fluff) +3 (koboldhelper) = 14
R16+14 S30 D30 ÔÇô success +5XP(49XP)

Training: knowledge magic +10XP (20XP) Gain Knowledge Magic (Int)

Order: Tell one of the common kobolds to learn spell - revive (too close of a call on Ozt, I want a back up plan)

Active: investigate the hole that his trap was dragged into
[Perception: 2d4 +1 (fluff) = 8]
[R8 S8 D5] ÔÇô success +5XP (26XP)
You can see a big bloodpool and the marks of a bunch of rats dragging something over to the hole.
You listen closely and try to look into that hole and soon after you hear the sound of two rats fighting.
You are not sure but by the look of it the hole opens into a bigger chamber after about half a meter.

Passive: Assist the other kobolds curing leather (it will take them forever otherwise)
Craft ÔÇô Tailor: 3 d 6 +1 (fluff) +2 (koboldhelper) = 11
R5+11 S 16 D 30 ÔÇô ongoing +1XP (44XP)

Training: knowledge - creatures +10XP (16XP) Gain Knowledge ÔÇô Creatures (Int) 1

After training I should have 15 skills and eligible to receive another +1 stat, I'll pick int


Click-Clank decides he does not want to have an active part in leading the colony.
He digs rooms and minerals.
Active and Passive:

He mines the rat-hole bigger.
[Mine: 3 d 4 + 0 = 8]
[Mine: 3 d 4 + 0 = 8]
R8+8 S16 D15 -success +7XP (56XP)
pickaxe Break 15 : ÔÇô nothing
pickaxe Break 15 : ÔÇô nothing

Training: Mine


Free: Order a kobold (how about the guy/girl making plates from chitin? S/He can do that, there, too, s/he just needs to watch for movement out of the corners of his/her eyes) to make a fire in the passage to the spider room and make sure they stay in there (just WATCHING and telling, if anything happens), or at least that we know when spiders come out of that room into our part of the mine.
No Problem with that.

Tell Pskal to start preparations for another stew (if he even needs telling. If nothing else useful can be done yet for the soup, Pskal can help KnickKnack butcher the animals they have gathered)

Active: scout the camp of the gnomes. Try to remain hidden, if found out, try to negotiate, if they turn out hostile, run. [stealth] Return to the mine in any case, but if followed, try to shake the pursuers first.
See wandering monster.

Passive: butcher the turtle(s and the snakes, if there is still time to do that in one turn), try to capture their blood in some bowl or the new glass flasks, so we can maybe later on make healing spells from the blood. [forage] 2x turtle
Forgage: 2 d 4 +3 (helper) +1 (fluff) = 10
R10 S 10 D 8 ÔÇô success +5 XP (41XP) Forage 3 21x meat (turtle) 8x bones (turtle) 2x entrails (urtle) 6x shell (turtle)

Training: Spell: Dragonskin (Con) +10XP (10XP) Gain Spell: Dragonskin (Con) 1


Free? Can I do a sense motive on why Traknesh wants the improved fire gem?
Sense Motive: 1 d 5 -2 (noskill) +1 (fluff) = 0 ÔÇô failure +1XP(1XP)
His only intention seems the safekeeping of the precious gem.

A: Lead kobolds digging for quartz
Lead: 1 d 3 +1(fluff) +5 (FLS) = 8 ÔÇô success +1 skill for 2 creature +5XP(15XP)

P: Continue refining quartz
(The roll from LAST turn)
Craft ÔÇô Jewels: 1 d 5 +1 (fluff) = 4
R4 S 4 D 10 ÔÇô ongoing +1XP(20XP) Craft ÔÇô Jewels 2
(This turn)
Craft ÔÇô Jewels: 2 d 5 +1 (fluff) = 11
R4+11 S 15 D10 ÔÇô ongoing 2/10 +1XP(21XP)

T: Stealth +10XP(25XP) Gain Stealth 2

Active: Persuade a kobold to make him a bed.
[Persuade: 2 d 6 +5 (FLS) = 12]
[D12 S12 D10] -success +5 XP

Passive: Help the kobold make his bed.
Craft ÔÇô Wood: 1 d 4 -2 (noskill) = 0 - +1XP

Training: +10XP Gain Spell: Healing 2

2. NPC Actions

2 Kobold dig for Quarz (T18)
[Mine: 1+1 d 4 = 6]
[Mine: 1+1 d 4 = 5]
[R6+5 S11 D20] ÔÇô ongoing
Break 15 ÔÇô success
Break 15 ÔÇô success

Prisarz cares for this pet hamster and shears it. 1X wool, hamster

3 Kobold start curing leather [9x warhog fur,1x rat fur] + [liquid organic waste produkt (kobold)]
[Craft ÔÇô Tailor: 1 d 4 -2 (noskill) = 1]
[Craft ÔÇô Tailor: 1 d 4 -2 (noskill) = 2]
[Craft ÔÇô Tailor: 1 d 4 -2 (noskill) = 0]

1 Kobold makes plates from spider chitin and keeps an eye out for spiders
[Craft-Bone 1 d 4 -2 [no skill] = 2 ]
[R9 S 11 D 15] ÔÇô ongoing [9/10]

1 Kobold makes a bed in 5 turns
Craft bed, wood
Skill Craft-Wood
Material [2 wood]
Tool needed: [1 knive]
Yield: 1 piece
Dificulty 10
Craft wood: 1 d 4 -2 (noskill) = 0
R0 S0 D10 ÔÇô ongoing 1/5

[Forage: 1 d 4 = 3]

Isarl trains ÔÇô failure

2 kobolds place the nest boxes and tidy the room in case eggs will be laid.

Zi'it stand guard.

Ozt rests. +1 con

3. Event

Good: nothing good happend ÔÇô the chance something will happen increased

Two kobold come to you while you are gathered. They are both rugged and one is bleeding. Kobold A acuses Kobold B that he has stolen his lunch. They brawled and Kobold B acuses Kobold A to injure him without reason.
-1 Con for 1 Kobold

Ludo gets a dream message:One of the trader traveling in your direction has been killed.
A few turns no trader dares to travel to you

4. Trader

The traders are scared.
Chance of recovery 5%. - 89

5. Wandering Monster

KnickKnack and Nockit try to get stealthly near the camp of the gnomes.
K: Stealth: 1 d 5 +1 (fluff) = 6
N: Armor: 2 d 3 = 4
N: Stealth 2 d 4 (6 -2 Encumberance) = 5
Stealth = 5

Gnome Perception:
G1: 1 d 4 = 1
G2: 1 d 4 = 4
G3: 2 d 4 = 4

The gmones seem to be on edge but the two kobold get near enought to see and hear them.
G1: It's already very late. I do not want to go back to the village in the dark. Let's stay the for the night, ok vice-captain?
The three gnomes are sitting around 3 backpacks and 3 baskets. The baskets seem to be full of medical herbs and mushrooms.
Each gnome wears a leather armor and 2 of them have spears while the one who beins to speak now has a hand-axe and a very goodlooking shield.
G3: We can do so. But you take first watch! I do not want the gigant turtle we saw the other day eat our herbs. Finigan will be rageing, if his magical surplies can't be restocked. And you two know how important he and his mages where in the last few months.
G2: Dips on last watch!
The shieldbearing gnome laughs: Sneaking, backstabbing git! Ok First watch Reenus, secound me, third you.
After the conversation the get two bedrolls ready from their backpacks and begin to make something to eat.

Stealth +5XP K(20XP) Gains Stealth 2 N(30XP)
Armor: +1XP (26XP)
Feel free to ask specific questions about anything you want to know.

Zi'it stand guard.


KnickKnack is very pleased with the results of the foraging of his group and thanks everyone and tells them what a great job they have done together.
He feels that the spiders in their room remain a threat and thinks it would be a good idea to try and make sure they stay in their room, or at least be sure to know when/if they come out, so he orders a kobold to make a fire in the passage between the spider room and the rest of the mine, and stand guard there (just watching & reporting if spiders emerge, no trying to fight them.)

He also is curious about the gnomes and their camp and decides to check them out, while trying to remain out of sight.
After returning safely (hopefully) to the mine, he'll see that the gathered animals are butchered properly, so Pskal can make another stew, that will hopefully be at least half as tasty as the last one.

Now that he has some basic understanding of armor and how to wear it - and how heavy and hindering it can be - KnicKnack decides that learning magic that can serve the same purpose would be a good idea, too.

Ludo is a bit puzzled by Traknesh's request. "Why do you want to keep it in your room? I take real good care of my stones, nothing will happen to it."

After talking with Traknesh, Ludo visits the quartz mining kobolds.
"You are doing great work, I am proud of the effort you are putting in, and I am sure all the other kobolds are envious at your skill for mining!" The kobold look proud.

Two kobold come to you while you are gathered. They are both rugged and one is bleeding. Trixxa acuses Zi'it that he has stolen her lunch. They brawled and Zi'it acuses Trixxa to injure him without reason.
"I only got away a few minutes to do something private and as I came back my food was gone and this lazy scalebag was snoring away leftovers still around his mouth!" "I did not eat your food. I had my own stew... and even if I did its no reason to try to rip of my ear!"
They look as if they start to brawl again any minute.

The break in the ore room into the rats next had some effects:
1st a few dozends of rats came sqeeking and running into the main room and a few were caught by the kobolds there while the rest ran out of the mine or into the 'spider'-room.
2nd a very unhappy and bleeding ClickClank comes after them and says the rat nest is bigger than expected and full of rubbish.

KnickKnack witnesses Isarl speaking in his sleep and doodleing strange runes with one claw on the ground.

All kobold are sated .

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.[tabs: In front of the cave]

Active Traps:
2x masterwork hunting snare, small [metal (iron)]

[tabs: Ore Room]
6x ore, high quality (copper)
2x ore, low quality (gold)

Active Traps:
masterwork hunting snare, small [metal (iron)] [disassembled]

[tabs: 1st Room]
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1x stone, soft (siltstone)
6x magical gem (firestone)
11x firewood
1x herb, poison (wolfbane)
8x stone, hard (flint)
5x silk (gigant spider)
1x bone (rat)
4x bone (bat)
9x leather (warthog)
8x bone (warthog)
4x horn (warthog)
1x leather (rat)
5x bolt of cloth [wool (hamster, gigant)]
5x assorted trapparts [metal (copper)]
8x chitin (gigant spider)
1x monster part, silk gland (gigant spider)
8x herb, medical (mint)
2x herb, medical (nightmare bane)
4x herb, poison (ivy)
1x berries, poison (lords and ladys)
14x berries, poison (belladonna)
3x wool (gigant hamster)
2x entrails (turtle)
9x bone (turtle)
8x shell (turtle)
1x broken breast armor [leather (cave lizard)] Durability 0/6
3x gem, semi precious (malachite)
5x gem, semi precious (quarz)
1x wood (ash)
3xherb, medical (nightmare bane)

6x bag [leather (cave lizard)]
1x barrel [wood (ash) / metal (iron)]
1x barrel, small [wood (ash) / metal (iron)]
1x quiver [wood (ash)]
2x bottle (glass)

1x Spell: Forgefire [refined magical gem (firestone) / rare wood (firelife)]
1x Spell: Healing [refined water (molten snow) / refined herb, poison (stinging nettle)]
1x Spell: Revive [refined blood (red dragon) / refined magical gem (earthbone)]

[tabs: Stone Room]
1x arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)] Break: 60 Durability: 2[/tabs]
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.[tabs: Krat]
Player: Theis2
Color: #8000FF
Strength 2 Dexterity 5 Constitution 3(2) Intelligence 5 Wisdom 6 Charisma 3
Fearless Leader Score: 6
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1x Shortbow [wood (ash) / bow string [entrails (cave lizard)])]
15x arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)] B60 D2
1x quiver [wood (ash)]
masterwork Magnifying glass [metal(silver) / magical gem (skyclear crystal)] B35 D15
pickaxe [metal (copper) / wood (ash)] B15 D7
strange frog (Tedook)
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[tabs: Nockit]
Player: ChuckDaRighteous
Color: #400000
Strength 2 Dexterity 6 Constitution 3 Intelligence 6 Wisdom 4 Charisma 3
Fearless Leader Score: 6
► Show Spoiler
masterwork hunting snare, small [metal (iron)]
Shortbow [wood (ash) / bow string [entrails (cave lizard)])] To Hit: 1 Break: 30 Damage: 1d3 Durability: 2/3
9x arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)] Break: 60 Durability: 2
3x cloth wrapped arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash) / cloth (gigant hanster)] Durability: 2
2x cloth wrapped arrow, shortbow [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash) / cloth (gigant hanster)] Durability: 1/2
1x fine sword [metal (iron)]
quiver [wood (ash)]
brestplate [metal (copper)]
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[tabs: Clink-Clank]
Player: no player ÔÇô slot free
Color: #008080
Strength 3 Dexterity 5 Constitution 3 (1) Intelligence 4 Wisdom 4 Charisma 4
Fearless Leader Score: 5
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pickaxe [metal (copper) / wood (ash)] Break 15 Durability 5/7
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[tabs: KnickKnack]
Player: GathersIngredients
Color: #FF8000
Strength 3 Dexterity 5 Constitution 5 Intelligence 4 Wisdom 4 Charisma 4
Fearless Leader Score: 5
► Show Spoiler
masterwork backpack [rare wood (floatwood) / metal (mithral) / leather (mounain troll)] Durability 30
3x spear [hard wood (oak), fire hardend] To Hit: 2 Break: 30 Damage: 1d4 Durability: 5
3x good pole [wood (ash)]
2x fine spear head, bone [bone(rat)]
1x axe [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)]
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[tabs: Ludo]
Player: eirikdaude
Color: olive
Strength 2 Dexterity 5 Constitution 4 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Charisma 3
Fearless Leader Score: 5
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masterwork toolset, gemcutting [metal (mithral)]
axe [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)]
4x small stone
1x gem, magical (firestone)
3x egg (bird)
1 strange fruit
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I feel good for having great players like you. Thx for waiting.

@gathers: i glanced over the recouce post. I thank you! I will read throug it in time and PM you rule changes I made since recruitment and stuff.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:27 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
I've noticed you haven't updated stats recently. It didn't matter this turn as I finished the leather regardless, but my int is now 7 not 6.

Questions about the gnomes:
1) general question: I'm guessing you're not going to tell us their base stats but in your world are they strong and burly, quick and agile, ? Are they reliant on charm and intelligence or dumb and gullible? Trying to size up strength in case we get in a fight or for some other weakness we could exploit.
2) Do these particular gnomes hold themselves like veteran warriors (gnomes who know how to fight) or rookies? One seems more advanced than the other 2
3) What are gnomes general disposition towards kobolds?
4) when they talked about their village did they give any indication of what direction it was in?
5) any indication of what's in those backpacks aside from bedrolls and food?
I might have the beginnings of a plan depending on the answers.

Non-gnome questions: does that mean the rat's nest is empty of rats/enemies now? Is my trap recoverable now?
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:10 am
by GathersIngredients
@ resource thread: I'm happy to help and will try to keep it current.

@ gnomes: they said they will stay the night. How long is this (in turns)? Are they gone already, will they be in range for some time?
How good are chances to just grab anything from them (e.g. backpack, basket of herbs/mushrooms) unnoticed? (E.g. are all the items close to the gnome that stands watch, how 'noisy' is the ground/surroundings, how tired/perceptive is the gnome standing watch, etc.) As in, I would like to know if there will be anything added or subtracted to sneak/perception rolls, due to the circumstances.
Also, do gnomes run faster, the same or slower as kobolds? Also how about the endurance while running. Will they be able to run longer, the same or shorter distances/time as a kobold? Just racial tendencies, I know that each individual specimen may be fitter/less fit than the next one. But generally, Giants DO outrun dwarves over pretty much any distance, due to the different leg lengths.

Will post an action later, when I know more about the gnome situation.

Also: boo for inter-mine quarrel! I suggest we reprimand the both of them. Stealing is not okay, and attacking a fellow goblin is certainly not okay either. (Hrm, maybe Trixxa has some mood swings from 'pregnancy' - as in there is an egg maturing within her - might want to avoid her for a little while... :lol: )

We should try and copy down the note that Isarl writes in his sleep. Maybe it's the dragon trying to communicate with us, teaching us a nice new spell or something. Or it's dangerous. Or is't induced by the mutant frog, who knows?

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:38 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
GathersIngredients wrote:We should try and copy down the note that Isarl writes in his sleep. Maybe it's the dragon trying to communicate with us, teaching us a nice new spell or something. Or it's dangerous. Or is't induced by the mutant frog, who knows?
My guess was it was a side effect of him trying to learn the revive spell.

Also based on your questions it seems like you and I have similar ideas. At the moment my thought would be to stealthily slit the throat of the gnome on watch before he can wake the others. Do the same for the sleeping vice-captain. Then steal everything. Then trail the remaining gnome home so we know where their village is. Or if they indicated where home is we could slit his throat too.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:48 am
by NewOneAround
About your size little bit bigger.
Common Gnome has Str 2 Dex 3 Con 4 Int 3 Wis 3 Cha 3
They seem to know how to move in their armor and handle they weapons wich care. The vice captain has some battle scars.
They don't hate you but distrust you deeply (with a reason looking at your thoughts how to handle the situation)

Rat next could be empty perhaps one or two rats left. Nothing dangerous.

You can do something about the gnomes this turn after this they arebback home.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:01 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
@Gathers if you want to go for it, I'm all for it.

My plan:

Wait till 2 are asleep.
sneak into position. I snipe, aiming for the throat. You jump up and cover mouth and stab so alarm isn't raised. (I'd suggest javelin, but you'd lose it if we're forced to run.) If alarm is raised, run. If the others are still asleep, kill the captain in his sleep. Loot everything but the sleeper's armor (likely to wake him). Take everything back. Run back and tail the remaining gnome to find their village.

Feel free to give your plan, modify mine, or veto it.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:49 am
by GathersIngredients
NewOneAround wrote:Gnomes.
They don't hate you but distrust you deeply (with a reason looking at your thoughts how to handle the situation)
Hey, there's an ARMED group of them waltzing around near our home base. We don't know whether or not they would attack any of our kobolds who just happen to pass by, that's highly dangerous for our colony, even more so if they find out the mine's whereabouts. If they have many warriors in their village AND are set on conquest they might just try and take our place over, once they learn about it. Plus, they have nice stuff that we could very well use.

@ chuck: Generally I approve of your plan, but I would rather not risk it to let one live. Here's why: It's a lot more dangerous to try and go for that for us while we're at the camp (every noise we make while looting could wake them up) and for the rest of the colony. We could be seen, which would give them the info that it was kobolds who did this.
I'd vote for killing them all (if we manage to off the guard without waking up the others). We get more loot, and maybe we can follow their tracks to find their village, if you are inclined to locate it. PLUS, if no one returns to the village, it will take longer for them to send out search & rescue parties (at first assuming they got lost) and maybe eventually war parties for redemption. If a single survivor returns, telling them that the other two have been killed, they are much more likely to send out a force right away to deal with us, robbing us of precious time to prepare our population/mine for having to deal with them.

I'm okay with your kobold sneaking & trying to snipe, aiming for the throat. I'm also okay with KnickKnack trying to finish the guard off before he can make any noise. I'm not sure whether melee or ranged combat would be good for that. My dex (ranged) is higher than my strength (melee) and I would have to sneak closer for melee, that speaks for ranged, both because I might alert them if I don't make the sneak roll, as well as putting me into fighting range which is especially bad if the others wake up. OTOH, I worked SO long on my javelin, I really don't want to lose it, and the GM said the spears fly like dead weasels or something. :( Tough decision.
Also, since you would be doing ranged combat, would you give me the armor for the duration of this attack? I haven't looked at the numbers/mechanics, so I'm not sure it would even make sense. But since your char would be further away, he could get a running head-start while KnickKnack would have to deal with 3 angry gnomes. Granted, they have same strength and less dex than a kobold, but higher con, making them less likely to hit us (depending on their skills, though) but harder to kill. :shrug:

In other news:
So I read more closely what all the other people were doing (usually I just look at what KnickKnack did and the results of that in my first read-through and come back for other stuff later on) and I noticed that Traknesh used two of the thee ash wood I EXPLICITLY said I wanted to have set aside as potential trade goods for Lossa (I hope he wasn't the trader, who got killed). First the bow into fishing pole making (that's at least something the colony might have benefited from, if he would actually put it to good use, that is!) and now THIS, especially now he is grabbing colony resources for his personal comfort ARGH! I mean, seriously NO ONE of us has a friggin bed. It's just not within our resources right now to have that kind of comfort. We're struggling to keep everyone fed and he uses up something I was going to trade for food that is not going to spoil soon! Is he trying to sabotage us? I SO want to kick his butt right now from here to kingdom come! :x :wall: >:( :fume: :stab: :thaco: :bonk: :bomb: :rant:

/rantmode off So, @ GM: didn't Traknesh 'get the memo' or did he ignore KnickKnack's wishes deliberately?

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:44 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
Well he did say Kobolds are greedy. He's definitely not focused on the greater good. He also forced them to make him a room, and floor tiles. And he tried to take another gifted's gem. At this point I think he may have been added as a mixed blessing: he's a problem but we need his skills so how do we deal with it situations. 3 solutions. Lay claim to resources for future projects before he can use them for frivolous comforts. Hold an intervention where we warn him we will act if he doesn't shape up. Or come up some form of government/leadership where he isn't in charge.

And if You want to kill them all, we can do that too. The only thing I worry about is that with 4 con and armor, we might not be able to finish him before the alarm is raised. Still willing to take the chance though.

Active: Attack sleeping gnomes and loot their stuff
Passive: retrieve his trap and set it up outside with the 2 others
Training: Spell - Blind (int)

Combat - gnome fight:
Round 1: Sneak to a good sniping position
Round 2: Fire upon enemy gnome aiming for the throat so no alarm is raised, if others are woken then run
Round 3: If its still alive and the other are still asleep then finish off the gnome standing watch, if others are woken then run, If gnome is dead and others are asleep, draw dagger and slit the throats of the sleeping and start looting!
(also all running away won't be directly towards the mine)
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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:33 am
by Theis2
Krat will approach Traknesh
"I've seen you practicing with the healing spell. I wondered if you could cast it on me before I head out to the forest. Besides there being trees, we don't know much about it.
Krat will refine his stone while waiting for Traknesh to heal him and continue to do so while being healed if possible. He'll then head towards the forest only stopping on the way for anything that seems remarkable, profitable or dangerous.

Active: Join the attack on the gnomes
Passive: Refine the firestone
Training: Stealth

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:07 pm
by NewOneAround
@gathers: KnickKnack is sure Traknesh was in the same room as he said he wanted to stash the wood. Perhaps he did not hear him? Perhaps he does not give a ****? Or he has other plans you do not know. Speaking with him would perhaps help. o:)

@Chuck & Gathers: You have enough time to go back to the mine get reinforcements and come back with them. You know they will be there for a night and you could be back about a hour before dawn.

"I will try to heal you. Give me a moment to get in sync with the spell." [He will use his passive action to cast Spell: Heal]

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:36 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
NewOneAround wrote:@Chuck & Gathers: You have enough time to go back to the mine get reinforcements and come back with them. You know they will be there for a night and you could be back about a hour before dawn.
I'm sorta torn on this one. If we can kill the gnome on watch, it smooth sailing. The armor worries me though. If the alarm is raised its 2 vs 3 in their favor. But if get reinforcements we will likely fail our stealth check, as someone is bound to fail unless he completely fumbles his perception check. We could bring Ozt, he's not full health but he's got 4/5 atm and I could give him the breast plate and go back to my leathers. But then we would certainly fail our stealth check. And I'm not entirely sure having the numbers in our favor is a great idea considering that aside from Ozt and the gifted, no one is combat trained, but the gnomes seem to be. And atm we only have 2 pieces of armor.

doing the math: he's got 4 con and 1 def. That means with just 2 of us, we'd have to both hit and deal at least 3 damage to kill him out right before the alarm is raised. Maybe if we tackled him and stopped him from shouting. Grappling him? If we don't kill him or silence him in 1 round is it guaranteed the others wake up?

I'd say maybe just the gifted all doing a surprise attack. (all of us have some combat skill and that would only be 3 or 4 stealth checks) But I want to hear what others have to say on the matter first.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:45 pm
by GathersIngredients
@ GM: Can we get reinforcements AND still strike them while two of them are sleeping? And since Krat wants to be healed first, will he make it in time for the in-sleep sneak attack?

Also, can we please get ALL the stats of ALL the equipment that is being used (by us, I don't think we'd know the stats of THEIR weapons, but OTOH, one might know how much damage a GENERIC axe does and how much soak a GENERIC shield offers)?
As in: Spear (brought with us from the mother colony) (I only found partial info on this), Bow & arrows (likewise) - (I found the stats on those in the meantime) and the javelin for weapons and the copper breastplate and the leather armor (Ozt is currently using) (found that, too) for defensive items.

Because I would really like to do the math on this, and make sure I understand the mechanism sufficiently enough to make an educated guess whether or not we should be risking it.

@ Chuck: you didn't answer whether or not Nockit would lend KnickKnack the copper breastplate, if KnickKnack goes into melee mode and Nockit (and Krat) snipe(s). Forget it, with his stats/skills and 2 encumbrance of the armor, it would not make any sense for KnickKnack to wear it.
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So with Dex 3 the common gnomes would be rather easy to hit (Defense =3 against our rolls 2d4/2d5, 3d5 and 3d6), but they have armor (most likely Soak =1) and Con 4, so it might take a while to kill them (bows do 1d3 damage, the spear or javelin does 1d4) on the other hand, we're 2/3 kobolds against ONE guard (as least in the first round). Also, unless we roll abysmally bad on the initiative (max=36, 25, 20), all of us get to act before they (max=9) do.
The gnomes with Str 2 or 3 (likely for fighting gnomes to improve that stat) and spears with 'to hit' 2 would have an ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE time to hit us (depending on str value 3d1 or 3d2 against our Defense of 6+boni and 5, IF they have skill of 2 or less, unless their weapons give them a to hit bonus, unless they swarm.
The big question is:are those common gnomes and if not, what stats do they have and/or what about the one that had perception 2 (most likely a 'better' gnome) and his stats & skills?
The vice captain is another story. Just as easy to hit (Defense =3 against our rolls 2d4/2d5, 3d5 and 3d6), he has armor (most likely Soak =1) and a shield (probably another +1 soak) and Con 4, so it might take even longer to kill him (bows do 1d3 damage, the spear or javelin does 1d4). Also, with axes doing 1d7 damage, getting hit by him would REALLY HURT. Alas, I honestly got no idea what to assume as his roll. With skills and encumbrance unknown, it could be pretty much anything.
If he has axe 2, str 3, encumbrance 2 he'd have [2(skill)+1(to hit)]d[3(str)-2] 3d1 to 3d2 (if armor roll is 5+)

WARNING: I am not sure how encumbrance works. Therefore I haven't taken it into accord with my calculations AT ALL. (It would only affect Nockit and the gnomes, mind you.)
In the combat description it says:
Encumbrance - lowers all physical Stats while using skills
So if a gnome has melee 2 (str), str 2 and encumbrance 1, does that mean he rolls 2(skill)d2(stat)-1 or does that mean he rolls 2(skill)d1(stat-encumbrance)?
Taken encumbrance into account now, after the explanation

NewOneAround wrote:@gathers: KnickKnack is sure Traknesh was in the same room as he said he wanted to stash the wood. Perhaps he did not hear him? Perhaps he does not give a ****? Or he has other plans you do not know. Speaking with him would perhaps help. o:)
THAT'S IT! KnickKnack is going to have to give him... well at least a stern talking to. :rant:

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:19 am
by GathersIngredients
Action post (sorry for double posting, but the length was getting a little out of hand).
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KnickKnack's actions:
Free: go back home and fetch Krat and Ludo; lend 1 spear to Ludo
Active: gnome fight [ranged combat, see below], in their 3 watch, when the vice-captain is asleep!
after returning from the battle, hopefully with lots of spoils
Passive: help the kobold that is trying to make plates from chitin (I think it's his last turn and unless he rolls lucky, he is going to FAIL, I don't want that). [craft: bone]
Training: Spell: Dragonfire (Con)
Free: Tell Pskal to butcher the snakes, too for another stew (if he even needs telling.)
Free: sort out the mess between Trixxa and Zi'it [RP]
Free: Give Traknesh a piece of his mind [RP]
Free: take the last wood into his inventory to keep it from being used up before Lossa returns

Combat - gnome fight:
WAIT until everyone but the guard is asleep
Round 1: Sneak to a good throwing position
Round 2: hurl javelin into enemy gnome (the one how keeps watch) aiming for the throat so no alarm is raised, if others are woken: run
Round 3: If its still alive and the other are still asleep: finish off the gnome standing watch (throwing a spear), if others are woken: run, if watch gnome is dead and others are asleep: draw spear (melee) and slit the throats of the sleeping and start looting!
(also: all running away won't be directly towards the mine)

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Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:35 am
by NewOneAround
from my notes: weapon [head / shaft] or [shaft / string]. numbers are To Hit . break . Dmg . Durability

knive [metal (copper) / leather (cave lizard)] -1 20 1d4 6
axe [hard stone (flint) / wood (ash)] 1 40 1d7 7
club [hard wood (oak) / hard wood (oak), fire hardend] 0 20 1d6 5
spear [hard wood (oak) / hard wood (oak), fire hardend] 2 30 1d4 5
pickaxe [metal (copper) / wood (ash)] -1 15 1d6 7
Shortbow [wood (ash) / bow string [entrails (cave lizard)])] 1 30 1d3 3

In theory the math behind it is simple and I wish you good luck to sort it out ;)

If you strike now you would hit 1st watch. If you get reinforcements you would hit 3rd watch.

If the gnomes have armor and weapon skill its most likely possible that if they are not 'gifted' (aka heroes) they are at least NPC lvl3 (Expert).

Did I forget something?

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 2:57 am
by GathersIngredients
erm what's the stats of the javelin? Is is the same a normal spear?

Also, the 'to hit' means that we'll get a bonus on the attack roll, that gets compared to the defense, is that correct?

So KnickKnack with str 3 melee 1 and a spear that gives 2 on 'to hit' would roll
1 d 3 + 2 when fighting with the spear and make 1d4 damage, IF he hits?

and (assuming stats spear= stats javelin) with dex 5 and ranged 1 and a javelin that gives 2 on 'to hit'
1 d 5 + 2 when throwing the javelin at an enemy and make 1d4 damage, IF he hits?

NPC level 3 means
Common Standard creature
Craftsman +1 Skill-LVL
Expert +1 Skill-LVL, +1 Skill-LVL, +1 Stat-Point
-> 3 skill levels and one stat point

So the 2 'more reguar' gnomes might have:
1 skill perception (we have seen that in action) 1 skill melee (spear) 1 skill armor + 1 stat
therefore we can safely assume, that they will roll 3d2 when trying to hit us with def 5 or 6+?, which makes it unlikely that they can even hurt us, unless they took str as their stat, which would give them 3d3 to roll when trying to hit us. :paranoia:

BUT I would assume the vice captain is better, so
Specialist +2 Skill-LVL, +1 Skill-LVL, +1 Skill-LVL, +1 Skill-LVL
Master +2 Skill-LVL, +2 Skill-LVL, +1 Skill-LVL, +1 Skill-LVL, +1 Stat-Point
either 8 skill levels and 1 stat point or
14 skill levels and 2 stat points

Even with perception 2 (we already saw that in action, too) I really think we DON'T want to fight him.

Also 1st or 3rd watch doesn't make a difference from a combat view, as the vice captain has the 2n watch. BUT from risk of discovery from the gnome village, the earlier we do this, the better.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:07 am
by NewOneAround
same as spear but no mali while throwing it.

To Hit adds to the skill so you would roll 3d3

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:12 am
by GathersIngredients
NewOneAround wrote:same as spear but no mali while throwing it.

To Hit adds to the skill so you would roll 3d3
3d3 for melee and *calculates* 3d5 for thrown?

:shock: :paranoia: >:D

Oh, three more things:
*)Traknesh has 10 skills at least since turn 13 (when he learned healing), but only one stat gain (+cha in turn 3)
Edit: I just noticed that he has 11 skills, so he got his 10th skill in turn 8 (appraise).

*)When would Krat be arriving? 3 watch?

*)I am not sure how encumbrance works.
In the combat description it says:
Encumbrance - lowers all physical Stats while using skills
So if a gnome has melee 2 (str), str 2 and encumbrance 1, does that mean he rolls 2(skill)d2(stat)-1 or does that mean he rolls 2(skill)d1(stat-encumbrance)? Or does it even get subtracted from the amount of dice?

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 3:59 am
by NewOneAround
Traknesh has Cha 6

If he realy just goes to the forest and hopes he get near... 20% chance and he'll be there 2nd watch.

(skill)d([stat-enc]) so for the common gnome (or kobold) with leather 1d1 -2 (noskill) and with a wooden spear 2d1 (because they have +2 To hit)
for you with the breastplate and a wooden spear... 3d1.

If they cant hit you they still can 'swarm' you like the spiders did. Sum the ToHit rolls but just one Dmg roll

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:52 am
by GathersIngredients
NewOneAround wrote:Traknesh has Cha 6

If he really just goes to the forest and hopes he get near... 20% chance and he'll be there 2nd watch.

(skill)d([stat-enc]) so for the common gnome (or kobold) with leather 1d1 -2 (noskill) and with a wooden spear 2d1 (because they have +2 To hit)
for you with the breastplate and a wooden spear... 3d1.

If they cant hit you they still can 'swarm' you like the spiders did. Sum the ToHit rolls but just one Dmg roll
Thanks on the update on Thraknesh.

But... *scratches head* Why 2d1 with wooden spear (melee, str) for a common gnome/kobold (str=2)? If the spear gives 2 'to hit' shouldn't it be 3d1?
(skill) = 0 -> 1d2-2
d([stat-enc]) = 2 (str) - 1 (enc) = 1

To Hit adds to the skill so instead of 1d2-2 (no skill) we get 2 more dice, that would make 3. ...but the -2 stays? hrm. Or... :idea: NOW I get it. you add 2 to the skill, so instead of 0 times whatever, you get 2 times whatever. and the whatever in this case is 1 because 2 str minus 1 encumbrance.

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Also, please check a FULL Example (these may not be the stats that the encountered gnomes have) - whether or not I did it right:
gnome[expert] Dex 3, Con 4, Str 3, Int 3. (I am going to assume that he took +1 str as stat, and that his 3 skills are: spear 1, armor 1, perception 1)
has a armor, [leather] Durability 6 Soak 1 Encumbrance 1
and a Spear (generic): To Hit: 2 Break: 30 Damage: 1d4 Durability: 5

Pre combat:
Skill Armor he rolls 1d 4 - can't achieve 5 -> full encumbrance of 1
Skill Shield no shield
Skill Dodge 1d3-2(no skill) - no bonus for defense
Initiative 3(Dexterity)d3(Intelligence). max 9 possible

To try and hit us he would roll: 3d2 (1skillpoint spear + 2 to hit from the spear =3 ) times (str - encumbrance =2) if str =3 [OR 3d1 (1skillpoint spear + 2 to hit=3) times (str - encumbrance=1) if str =2]
If he hits, he makes 1d4 damage (spear)
To hit him, one would need to roll better than 3 (defense = dex = 3 plus - in this case - no boni)
from whatever damage he takes, 1 soak would get subtracted (until his armor is broken); E.g. 1 damage -> 1 soak, con stays the same, durability of armor sinks by 1; 3 damage -> 1 soak, con sinks by 2, durability of armor sinks by 1
He has con 4 -> takes 4 damage (after soak) until dead

Is that about right?
I'm sorry about this, but I really want to understand how fighting works, so I can make better informed decisions. :thumbsup:

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:39 am
by Theis2
Edited Krats action to join the others in the attack

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 5:43 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
Damn you guys got chatty the moment I went to bed.

Didn't see sword stats among those stats.

Also while he told us their base stats, he didn't tell us their base skills. Kobolds start with stealth/mine. Kroga with bludgeon/armor. Gnomes could start with a combat skill or could be naturally perceptive. So they likely have 5 skills (of varying usefulness) at expert level. And I'm assuming all races have 2 starters in that calculation, but that could be wrong. And hopefully they're not more than experts, though I'm guessing the vice-captain is more so hopefully we don't wake him.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:23 am
by GathersIngredients
ChuckDaRighteous wrote:Also while he told us their base stats, he didn't tell us their base skills. Kobolds start with stealth/mine. Kroga with bludgeon/armor. Gnomes could start with a combat skill or could be naturally perceptive. So they likely have 5 skills (of varying usefulness) at expert level. And I'm assuming all races have 2 starters in that calculation, but that could be wrong. And hopefully they're not more than experts, though I'm guessing the vice-captain is more so hopefully we don't wake him.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
I know I didn't write it down explicitly, but I considered those options. But they just make hazarding a guess what values we might have to deal with even more complicated and unpredictable. (e.g. take a look at the vice-captain, so much to consider, skill wise, shield, armor, weapon, stats-> >:-P ) So I went for the simplest assumption (that the 2 starting skills are nothing combat-useful, e.g. picking flowers and braiding beards :lol: ), and still get a somewhat educated guess.

If you want to do other calculations based on your idea that gnomes might have other starting skills, be my guest. In fact, I would appreciate someone else to take a look at all this very much, both to deepen the analyzes as well as to double check whether I have made any errors. :thumbsup: But, I have been trying to assess the situation for the better part of this day, and while it was very interesting and even somewhat fun to do (I usually enjoy learning new stuff and theorize and whatnot), I'm all spent now.

My result for assessing the situation btw., for all people who TL;DR my previous posts was that: under the assumption of
2*gnome[expert] Dex 3, Con 4, Str 3, Int 3. (I am going to assume that he took +1 str as stat, and that his 3 skills are: spear 1, armor 1, perception 1)
they almost can't even hit us individually -> have to score at least 6 with 2d3, while possible it's a bit unlikely, but have to team up (like the spiders did, meaning added/joint rolls to hit, but only one damage roll)
The vice captain under the assumption of
1*gnome[vice captain] Dex 3, Con 4, Str 3, Int 3. (I am going to assume that he took +1 str as stat, and that his 8 skills are: axe 2, armor 2, shield 2, perception 2)
is most likely more dangerous (more soak, thus harder to kill and potentially more damage from his weapon - 1d7 instead of 1d4) but will most likely also have a hard time hitting us (more encumbrance, lower to hit bonus from weapon) individually -has to score at least 6 with 3d1 up to 3d3 (depending on encumbrance, armor & shield rolls)

Disclaimer: these are still just GUESSES. I'm not taking responsibility for any injuries, mutilations, deaths, or damaged/broken equipment mind you!

@ theis: would you like us to wait for Krat to join? Then we would have to attack in the 3 watch (I really don't want to mess with the vice captain in his - the second - watch).

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:37 am
by Theis2
I think waiting could be a good idea as we would have a higher chance at taking out the gnomes together.

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:50 am
by GathersIngredients
NewOneAround wrote:If he realy just goes to the forest and hopes he get near... 20% chance and he'll be there 2nd watch.
Wait, so he may not even show up in the right place at all (and at an 80% chance, too)?

In that case, since we don't want to be attacking in the 2nd watch in any case, it might be the better option to just go back, fetch Krat (and who ever else wants to join) and attack in the 3rd watch. I can have KnickKnack go back while Nockit keeps an eye on them. Chuck, what's your take on this?

Re: Kobold Mine [one slot open]

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:30 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
GathersIngredients wrote:In that case, since we don't want to be attacking in the 2nd watch in any case, it might be the better option to just go back, fetch Krat (and who ever else wants to join) and attack in the 3rd watch. I can have KnickKnack go back while Nockit keeps an eye on them. Chuck, what's your take on this?
Yeah, lets go fetch him. 3v3 is at least even if shit hits the fan and we wake the other 2. And speaking of anyone else wanting to join... Where's eirikdaude? He hasn't posted anything since the last update.