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Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:05 pm
by MaleficPresence
Whispers softly... hmmmm...... I will hopefully someday advance to a new level. Somethin fun perhaps. Somethin like Screams like Jason Vorhees just showed up.

Thatd get peoples attention.

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:46 am
by wutzibu
Maybe rename the thread to "maleficpresence whispers softly to himself" or something^^

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:43 am
by MaleficPresence
wutzibu wrote:Maybe rename the thread to "maleficpresence whispers softly to himself" or something^^

Nah, Screams like Jason Vorhees just showed up sounds like far more fun at parties.

The kinda parties I get invited to, anyways.

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:57 am
by lingrem
Seeing as "I'm just sayin'" is already in your signature, does it really need to be repeated in each of your posts?

I'm just sayin'.... ;)

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:17 am
by MaleficPresence
lingrem wrote:Seeing as "I'm just sayin'" is already in your signature, does it really need to be repeated in each of your posts?

I'm just sayin'.... ;)
In a word........... Yep.

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:30 am
by MaleficPresence
Thats odd..... Perhaps one of the most feared sentences in gamin history.

As in, once my group had been hired to track down a rogue white dragon. We found it deep in the mountains, its lair surrounded by hot springs. Thats odd, we thought.

Its lair was defended by well trained orcs and goblins led by rather militant kobold spellcasters with holy symbols of tiamat. Thats odd, we thought.

A githyanki showed up. Thats odd, we thought.

The dragon, when we found it, took one look at our flamin weapons and wands of fireballs and smiled. Thats odd, we thought.

Turns out it was an albino red. You do the math.

So fast forward to this mornin. My sister just showed up. Shes bein nice. Thats odd......

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:38 pm
by MaleficPresence
When is an elf not an elf?

When hes eatin p#@@y, cause then hes a goblin!

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:58 pm
by MaleficPresence
I am an agent of Chaos in an otherwise orderly realm.

If I could that put that on my business cards Id be so much cooler than Blond, James Blond.

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:39 am
by MaleficPresence
Some free advice gentlemen.....

If a woman ever accuses you of scopin out her naughtier parts. Man up and admit it.

Do not ever....... ever..... never say "Yes, I was lookin. But then I got distracted."

You just dont go anywhere good after that.

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:45 am
by MaleficPresence
Give me problems I can solve with sex. Is that so much to ask, really?

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:50 am
by MaleficPresence
Of Few Words??

Great. Now Im gonna be accused of panderin hamsters AND false advertisin.

This is gonna be one of THOSE kinda weeks. I can tell all ready.

Im just sayin.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:57 am
by MaleficPresence
Hobgoblin wrote:When a daddy hobo and a mommy goblin love each other very much, they cuddle and hold very tight, until it's born a little Hobgoblin child!
Apparently another vote for evolutionism. Though I doubt Darwin would volunteer to argue this particular point.

Sometimes its better to just let them have one.

Im just sayin.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:33 am
by RocketScientist
Malefic, contrversial topics are restricted to the controversy forum. Please do not being up religion or politics again outside that forum.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:01 am
by LooksAndSmiles
off topic:

malefic's signature: "Im just sayin"
RS's signature: "Just don't"


/off topic

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:16 am
by MaleficPresence
You need to switch to decaf rs, the evolotionism thing was referring to the implied hobo an goblin interspecies interaction and nothin else. Perhaps it might be better to do a bit more gatherin of fact before climbing on a soap box and seein what kind of conclusion can be jumped to.

Where im from its called humor, whether someone can understand it or not.

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:17 am
by MaleficPresence
I have found, that when dealing with those with thin skins, celebrities, liberals, board moderators with delusions of grandure, certain lawyers, etc., it is best to remain calm an let them have their moment. Let the wookie win, so to speak.

Do not ever suggest to them that if they wore panties the right size, they wouldnt get into a bunch so often.

Im just sayin.

I just realized that someone will probably start cryin about me callin someone other than them a wookie. Its just not fair or nice to call some people wookies an not everyone, right?

I am never gonna get off probation at this rate. Sigh.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:24 am
by RocketScientist
You need to learn to read the rules. Where I come from, we enforce them whether you read them or not. And I don't want to hear your explanations.

I'm. Just. Saying.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:20 am
by MaleficPresence
For the love of that is unholy....... This is where I learn from previous mistakes, dont mention ANY clothing sizes, an say "You win."


PS That extra dot this kinda fun. Im just sayin.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:34 am
by gamecreator
MaleficPresence wrote:You need to switch to decaf rs, the evolotionism thing was referring to the implied hobo an goblin interspecies interaction and nothin else. Perhaps it might be better to do a bit more gatherin of fact before climbing on a soap box and seein what kind of conclusion can be jumped to.
You see, people are generally prone to jumping to conclusions. Regardless of your intent.
If you want to discuss this, you are welcome to do so in Controversy or in PM.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:57 am
by MaleficPresence
Had I intended to discuss somethin I would have. I simply do not see a reason to get all worked up because some folks seem to NEED somethin to cry about and so become oversensative about everythin.

Their drama need not be mine.

There was no intent to prostletyze, nor do I think a rational individual would see one unless they were lookin for somethin to go about. Again, I understand the low T PC mindset and its not a big deal when you get right down to it.

Just let them get it out of their system, offer a kleenex if required an move on. No need for additional drama.

But then again, thats on them. They wanna get all dramatic, Ill let them.

Im just sayin.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:10 am
by RocketScientist
Enough. It is very important to your future in this forum that you do not continue this behavior. And be assured, that although I am the one typing these responses to you, the entire mod team is in agreement about your behavior. Stop trying to deflect this onto me.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:48 am
by MaleficPresence
RocketScientist wrote:Enough. It is very important to your future in this forum that you do not continue this behavior. And be assured, that although I am the one typing these responses to you, the entire mod team is in agreement about your behavior. Stop trying to deflect this onto me.
Thank you for pointing this out to me, and proving my point in the process. Youre very efficient that way. I like that.

Just for the record, and to eliminate any further confusion. I admit wrongdoing, in whatever it is im bein acussed of, known or unknown at this time, and, in the future, will factor this into my actions. Further, it was wrong of me to act in a manner others might not understand and therefore get emotional over unneccesarily.

Again, all my fault. I should have provided a clearer illustration of my meaning before, something in crayon perhaps, which would have removed any doubts.

Again, again, all my fault.

Im just sayin, three times actually.

Username Explanations 2

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:09 pm
by willpell
Amazing. Someone who's better at provoking the mods than I am. My hat is off to you, oh short-to-be-lived-here one.

Re: Username Explanations

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:19 pm
by MaleficPresence
willpell wrote:Amazing. Someone who's better at provoking the mods than I am. My hat is off to you, oh short-to-be-lived-here one.
What? I said it was all my fault, that I was wrong, and accepted chastisement accordingly. Nothin provocational there. No need for extra drama.

Or is there some kinda attonement ritual Im missin?

Im just sayin.

Re: This is not the blog either........

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:39 pm
by MaleficPresence
Small people should not wield power. It makes them tedious.

Im just sayin.