The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by Runsaround » Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:41 pm

Malerack looks on Zaks aloofly.

When the queen opens the feast, Malerack hangs back until decorum has been worked out, then approaches the food and attacks it.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by Theis2 » Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:04 am

With the promise of the queens protection, Shrak'ralæ feels a bit couragous and decides to make the food a minor priority only taking a bite here and there when he's near it. He'll walk amongst the dragons greeting them and asking if they are one of the dragons that are going to teach us anything later. If he finds any he'll ask if they can show it to him and give him some hints regarding how they are doing it.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:12 am

Azabik attacks his parents with questions causing Kora to tell Druger "Don't blame me for this, he's totally your son". Distracted by the food, Azabik forgets his questions and moves toward the food.

As some of his nest-mates are caught up in food-lust and others are caught up in indecision, Shrak'ralæ ignores the call for food and tries to walk away from his parents toward any other random dragon he can find in order to question them. He sees Katia the corner of his eye who gives him a stern look, and pushes him toward the food "There will be plenty of time to talk, first you eat."

Even as Cyrano, Krazk and Shrak'ralæ hold back from attacking the food, Malerack, Azabik & Sapphire begin to approach it. Tha'kzrel runs forward, pushing both all of them out of his way as he dives, headfirst into the food. Sensing the hesitancy from their children, Corazon, Pantera & Katia use their fore-paws to push their little ones forward, while mentally encouraging them to eat, as this feast was for them.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by thinkslogically » Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:12 am

The little encouragement is all that it takes for Krazk to remember her grumbling belly and she springs over to the food pile, trying to tell the different meats apart by their smells. She stays to the edges of the pile, so as not to ruin her extra-shiny scales, and searches carefully for the tastiest-smelling pieces from each carcass.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:52 am

Azabik eats his fill and starts looking around at the other dragons. He for the white dragon whom talked about humans and bows to her, his head low and his butt high in the air, "Excuse me, queen? Is something wrong?" he remembers when she looks disgusted at something, and he wants to know why.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Jan 11, 2016 10:59 am

Tha'kzrel gobbles bite after bite, moving from one creature to the next to sample all that has been provided. While not directly aggressive to any of his nest mates, he pays no heed to their position, pushing past them to the food as needed.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by Quarg » Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:44 pm

Cyrano looks over to Sapphire.
"I believe we should eat together sister to prevent that black menace from pushing us around. I will let you lead..."
Cyrano follows his sister in deciding what to dine on, but if Tha'kzrel attempts to push them off their food he will push back encouraging his sister to join him in putting the bully in his place.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by Runsaround » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:28 pm

Malerack follows behind Tha'kzrel as he carves through the feast, picking off the tasty-looking bits that his brother misses.

"Brother, perhaps a bit of decorum is in order? The queen is watching."
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:38 pm

Tha'kzrel pauses, turns his head to his brother and sends a flurry of thought images... "<strength><hunt><devour><grow>", conveying the sense that the Queen should WANT them to eat to grow strong. Gulping down his mouthful, he blasts a gout of flame to char some more flesh before ripping into it with his teeth and tossing it back.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by Runsaround » Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:39 am

"That's not what I meant. The other's gotta eat too, you know. Whatever, do as you like."
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:33 am


The thought images convey the sentiment that there is plenty of food provided, and if the others are being dainty or don't want to eat, they don't deserve to be dragons.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by GathersIngredients » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:58 am

Sapphire nods and is more than happy to team up with her brother to show the hanrgy nestmate that they won't put up with his behavior. She's not going to pick a fight, but she won't let herself or Cyrano be pushed around.
If Tha'kzrel tries to shove her, she'll shove right back, making herself as heavy as she can and resisting his efforts at every turn, only to dash to the desired piece of meat and rip a mouthful of it out when he's off balance.
If the siblings are not bothered by Tha'kzrel, Sapphire will continue to enjoy the feast, trying to get a taste of every different kind of beast, if she has room for it.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by Theis2 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:29 am

Shrak'laræ sulks for a moment before finally going into the fray, and trying to taste as many different things as he can find before gorging upon his favourite item.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1000)

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jan 13, 2016 11:17 am

Training Day

That evening went by quickly, the newly imprinted younglings ate to their hearts content, and though some of their minds were awhirl with questions that demanded answers, the parents always just smiled and shook their heads, guiding the children back to the food. The evening ended quickly for them, falling asleep at the foot of the dais that the white Queen lay upon. The parents, Queen and the rest of the small community of dragonÔÇÖs spoke with one another long into the night as they ate their fill of the large pile of food. In the early light of morning, the dragonÔÇÖs began to make their way from the chamber, the Queen caught the eyes of the parents and bid them stay for a bit longer. When the others dragons had left, she spoke to them at length about the coming years and her hopes and dreams for these children, as well as changing the way that DragonKind typically taught children. (Which was each parent teaching their own child.) She asked if not demanded that the parents be willing and able to teach not only their own children but the other children as well, that these young dragons would have have a better chance than most to survive in the world of Men. Though Pantera and her Mate disagreed strongly with this request, they eventually caved, promising to teach all of the children as best they could, but knowing that they would focus most of their energies on their own children. (There is a bonus when you learn what your parents are able to teach you. You are able to learn faster under the tutelage of your parents: Typically it takes 2 years to earn 1 point in an ability, under your parents it takes 1.5 years rounded up. Meaning that in 3 years you can earn 2 points. *Note: This ÔÇ£round-upÔÇØ can be split by different parents. Ex: Jebediah learns 1 point from mom for 1.5 years and then 1 point from dad for 1.5 years for 3 years total.)

Having said her piece, the Queen nodded her dismissal of the parents who then left, carrying their children back to their own caves. The following day, the parents began teaching their children the basics of what it meant to be a dragon and for the next ten months the children saw very little of their nestmates outside of their own siblings. Spring, Summer and Fall came quickly and left just as fast and the little dragonÔÇÖs grew ever larger. Each parent had their own method in which to teach their little ones, some possibly more brutal than others, but in the end, each child developed abilities that every dragon under the sun needed in order to be a dragon. After the ten months had passed, the children were sent to the Queen so that their learning could be completed. For the entire last month prior to their first hatching day celebration they sat and lay on the large stone floor in front of the dais that was the QueenÔÇÖs throne and listened to her stories of days long past and about the Seven. She told them of traditions that had existed in the past and why some of them didnÔÇÖt exist anymore as well as the many cultural changes that happened over the years. She taught them of the rise of humanity and of the great wars that the elder races fought because of them. Though her words were laced with bias toward her own beliefs about humans, she didnÔÇÖt refrain from telling them the entire truth, no matter how horrible it was.

The QueenÔÇÖs class that covered the intricacies of DragonKind finally came to an end and not a moment too soon for some of the more...distracted youth. The day of celebrating their hatching day was at hand and today they were to meet the ones responsible for teaching them advanced methods of flying, fighting and many other things. (At this point, I am assuming and expecting you to know the Lore that has been created, this is what the Queen will have taught you, any additional questions that you need clarified can be asked in the OOC, and retroactively be learned by your dragon during this past time period) (Your dragon's relative size is about ~10' from snout to end of tail.)
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Known Classes Available:
Combat/Fighting: (Taught by Xin)
Baseline: Dragons are already a flying death machine and they can easily kill animals that donÔÇÖt flee when sense tells them they should, like Sheep & Cows. Humans are also readily killable, as long as they arenÔÇÖt resisting too much.
(X/20) Ability: This enhances your fighting to be able to handle the animals that arenÔÇÖt standing still, like horses. It also makes Humans with weapons easier to deal with.

History/Culture/Languages: (Taught by Pantera)
Baseline: Dragons are raised to understand Drakken, the language of Dragons. Throughout their lives they meet various races and upon spending some time with them are able to pick up their languages. Some of the elder dragons will teach you the basics of other languages as grow.
(X/20) Ability: This enhances your ability to learn/understand new languages, as well as being able to read/understand ancient languages. This also helps when it comes to Intimidation, Bluffing and Smooth Talking.

Mental Communication: (Taught by Tytan)
Baseline: Dragons are able to speak to one another through an inborn method of magical communication. This is selective in that they can talk to only a specific person, or openly talk to many.
(X/20) Ability: This ability not only enhances the range in which mental communication can be made, but also allows you to listen in on conversations that are not meant for your ears.

Defensive Maneuvers: (Taught by Kora)
Baseline: Dragons are so well armored that humans use dragon scales to make their own armor. But having armor and knowing how to use it are two sides of the same coin. A dragon is as much of a formidable foe in the air as it is on the ground. However, the soldier with pokey sticks are also able to attack you more easily.
(X/20) Ability: This enables you to better ÔÇ£defendÔÇØ the weaker areas of your body, especially during ground combat.

Fire Control: (Taught by Zaks)
Baseline: Dragons are naturally able to breathe fire, though there is a small delay between blasts of molten air.
(X/20) Ability: This enhances your control over the fire you produce. This might include lighting a candle, or producing a hot gust of wind. This may mean the difference between frightening a human and making him a crispy, crunchy snack.

Flight: (Taught by Corazon)
Baseline: Dragons use their wings for a variety of things from Flying to Gliding.
(X/20) Ability: This enables you to make increasingly difficult maneuvers in the air, such as hovering, making sharp turns, evading missiles and picking up things on the ground while remaining airborne.

Nature/Survival: (Taught by Druger)
Baseline: An adult dragon is able to discern a variety of scents from up a 10 miles radius whilst airborne.
(X/20) Ability: With enhanced training in scent discernment, a dragon is able to extend their range of by several miles as well being able to discern the type and amount of creatures.

1. Some dragons may teach more than what IÔÇÖve listed above, but youÔÇÖll have to discover that on your own.
2. As thinks had asked about learning something that doesnÔÇÖt necessarily fit into an above category. I donÔÇÖt mind making up new characters and having enable them to teach things, just let me know.

.[tabs: Gathers]
Name: Sapphire
Sex: Female
Color/description: blue with underside slightly brighter
Personality: curious, playful, temperamental
Mother: Corazon (Teaches Flight)
Father: Tytan (Teaches Mental Communication)
[tabs: Spider]
Name: Tha'zkrel
Sex: Male
Color/Description: Charcoal grey, with faintly bluish iridescence in the right light, powerfully built.
Personality: Hangry
Mother: Katia (Secretly Teaches Stealth)
Father: Zaks (Teaches Fire Control) Step-dad, Real Father Dagon (Teaches Death Magic)
[tabs: Thinks]
Name: Krazk
Sex: Female
Colour: "Copper / Orange", although describing her as one colour doesn't really do her justice. Every scale is a different shade, ranging from near-gold to a deep, burnt red, much like the feathers on a bird's wing.
Personality: Curious, vain
Mother: Pantera (Teaches History/Culture/Languages)
Father: Xin (Teaches Combat/Fighting)
[tabs: Burns]
Name: Azabik
Sex: male
Color: black with a green/blue sheeen
Personality: curious, competitive
Mother: Kora (Teaches Defense)
Father: Druger (Teaches Tracking/Survival)
[tabs: Runsaround]
Name: Malerack
Sex: ??? (Doesn't want to talk about it.)
Color: Matte Red, with a black birthmark on his head going from eye to snout. Thinly shaped, but long and tall.
Personality: Grumpy and Conniving.
Mother: Katia (Secretly Teaches Stealth)
Father: Zaks (Teaches Fire Control) Step-dad, Real Father Dagon (Teaches Death Magic)
[tabs: Theis2]
Name: Shrak'laræ
Sex: Male
Colour: A bright purple that darkens with time.
Personality: Friendly, greedy, happy
Mother: Katia (Secretly Teaches Stealth)
Father: Zaks (Teaches Fire Control)
[tabs: Quarg]
Name: Cyrano "The Younger"
Sex: Male
Colour: 'Rain Cloud' Grey with dark red edges to his scales only visible closely and blue eyes.
Personality: curious, courageous, poetic, witty, and eloquent but suffers with a serious temper
Mother: Corazon (Teaches Flight)
Father: Tytan (Teaches Mental Communication)

Last edited by BadgeAddict on Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:21 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:15 pm

Azabik asks all the questions about humans. He was more attentive, trying to learn as much as he can. "who teaches human interaction? Speed? Endurance?"

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by Quarg » Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:43 pm

Cyrano asks his father, "Father, if the Queen wishes us to work with humans should we not learn something about them? Has anyone made a study of them?"
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:22 am

Not sure how much time I'll have over the next couple of weeks to post, but if we do all our learning at once:

Krazk is keen to learn more about these "humans", so will spend a good deal of her time learning as much about them as possible from her mother: (SPEECH: 15 points / 22.5 years).
She also decides to learn how to spit fire in case she needs to defend herself (10 points / 20 years).

Her curiosity drives her to spend the remaining 7.5 years exploring the world around the island (not all at once though - this would be spread out over the 50 years), venturing out to play and fly and hunt with the other dragons and learning what she can along the way. Hopefully she'll learn how to fly a bit better at least, but it would be cool if she could learn how to use her dazzling appearance and speech together to inspire / intimidate mortal folk while she's out on her explorations, a bit like some sort of dragon-bard. Ultimately, Krazk would happily be worshipped by humans, and will offer "blessings" or tales of distant lands or forgotten heroes in exchange for gifts of gold or meat. She will seek out and learn new stories from people she encounters during her travels.

NB: She in no way wants to ignore her father through all this, it's just that she is somewhat disgusted by the idea of melee combat and would far rather leave other people do the fighting. If it does become necessary she won't be defenceless, but she won't dirty her claws with it either.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:45 am

Azabik runs around the chamber, stopping every dragon he can find and asking them questions, most of them chuckled, as over the year they had all learned how inquisitive Kora & Druger's child was. In fact, he was so inquisitive, he was borderline annoying, and thus many of the other dragons kept their distance. It was the Queen though, who had taken a shine to the young dragon, impressed that a mind so young would be eager to learn so much. This interest in Azabik grew to the point that he had become her star pupil, always willing to ask a question, regardless of the life he had born into. She grew to love the youngling, moreso even than perhaps some of the other children, and while older dragons kept their distance to avoid being peppered with questions, she embraced his questions and always answered them the best she could. (Burns has gained the status: Friend of the Queen)

It was now, that the Queen smiled, and turned her attention to the young dragon and answered each of his questions. "who teaches human interaction? Speed? Endurance?" young Azabik asked excitedly. The Queen listened carefully to his words before responding "Pantera can teach you everything you need to know when it comes to humans, she was worshipped by them long ago after all." There was a mysterious twinkle in her eye as she spoke, as if she were laughing about some inside joke. "As for Speed, I suppose that depends on whether you want to be fast in the sky or on the ground. For the ground speed, your own mother Kora or Xin can help you, for Air speed it is best to speak to Corazon, as she is the best flyer we've had in centuries."
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Cyrano asks his father, "Father, if the Queen wishes us to work with humans should we not learn something about them? Has anyone made a study of them?" The past year had done a lot to melt the otherwise stony emotions of Tytan, it was now that he looked down at his young son with a warm smile. "Son, the queen desires that we dragons live in harmony with humans, but it pains me as humans are unable to live in harmony with the land. Perhaps with gentle persuasion, the humans will learn to love the land, like the elves who respect the land as much as they respect their own parents. If you would like to learn more of the humans, ask Pantera, as she was once the object of worship in a sex cult." Overhearing the words of her otherwise quiet husband, Corazon interrupted him "Husband, you should not spread such rumors." Tytan stared at her and responded "But they are true." Corazon let out a huff of smoke, showing her irritation with her husband, so committed to be truthful that it at times irritated her to great lengths. "Regardless of the validity of your words, they are not words to be told to our children." Tytan rolled his eyes at his Mate and turned his attention back on his son. "Pantera has studied them..." He paused, looked at Corazon before continuing " great length, ask her any question you have." (Quarg, your mother was beside herself, and while maybe she should have rebuked her husband personally..well, lets just say you overheard everything.)

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:44 am

"Is there a human village nearby, and how do they feel about dragons? When can we see a human up close?" azabik is getting more and more curious about these humans and what they can do. He wants to see one up close.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by Runsaround » Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:16 pm

Malerack speaks to his father, Zaks.

"So father, you teach the ways of breathing fire, do you not? I would like to know what feats of fire control we dragons can reach, so that I may decide what to learn."
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:18 am

Tha'kzrel joins his brother is visiting their father. As a follow up to Malerack's questioning, he projects a thought image to both in which a goat is being roasted. He runs his tongue over his teeth.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by GathersIngredients » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:30 am

In the first year of being taught the basics, Sapphire makes it a goal of hers to learn every dragon's name, their color, their talents and/or hobbies or even just food preferences etc. and their family ties as well as all animosities between dragons, if any, sneaking off after lessons or before bed time to have small talk or even bond with anyone who is willing (trying NOT to annoy anyone). Just be kind and gentle and friendly and chatty and helpful (if there's anything she can already do to help, actually).

(This is mostly RP, no need to come up with all that info nor write it all down, it's just that the community is important - as far as Sapphire is concerned - and she'll love to socialize with everyone and is also eager to learn these things, as she's very curious AND friendly.)

She also plays with her brother whenever there's a chance to do so, since she's spending so much time with him, anyways.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Jan 15, 2016 6:42 am

If Sapphire brings him his preferred food (ie, any food), that would certainly have elevated her in Tha'kzrel's eyes.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by Theis2 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:31 am

Shrak'ralæ walks over to Pantera. He was formulating a strategy to make sure she would be willing to teach him, maybe even enjoy it. He does a small bow/nod in front of her to show his respect, which he assumed would go straight to her heart since she previously had enjoyed being worshipped.

"Greetings Pantera, I've heard you are the expert around here regarding the humans, languages and their ways and I would be honored if you will teach.

He then looks up in anticipation of her answer.

When not caught up in Pantera's teaching, Shrak'ralæ will spend his time getting to know the other dragons. He'll treat any older dragon with much respect, while his nest mates will be treated as equal but he'll stay friendly. He's going to try to learn everyones quircks, abilities, status, likes and dislikes

I would like to spend 10 years learning from Pantera (if you do it in batches of 12 due to the quickened learning from parent teaching, he'll spend two years learning mental communications also.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1001)

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jan 15, 2016 7:55 am

Due to the confusion that I've caused, I think it would be easier to approach this similar to a D&D game and choosing skills. If you don't know what you want, I am more than willing to work with you so that you get what you want.
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Last edited by BadgeAddict on Fri Jan 15, 2016 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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