Children of Ash

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Children of Ash

Post by Synch » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:42 am


June 2015.

A world reminiscent of an ungodly hybrid between The Stand and Mad Max. It is estimated that less than 1% of the world's population remains, and civilised society as we know it is barely non-existant. No-one knows how they obtained it, but in July 2014 smallpox bioterrorist attacks were unleashed simultaneously in Times Square, Frankfurt Airport, the London Tube, Shibuya in Tokyo, Kowloon in Hong Kong and at a World cup football match in Rio De Janiero. Middle Eastern terrorist cells were suspected as no Muslim countries were targetted, but no-one claimed responsibility. First suspected to be an outbreak of chickenpox, the world was slow to react once telltale rashes were soon identified to be the virus all thought to be eradicated. The human species was ripe for the picking - vaccinations for smallpox were a thing of the past, and most vaccinated before the 70s had long since lost their immunity. Many were quarantined and treatment began, but the spread of the disease was at this stage rampant, and soon undermanned hospitals and emergency triage stations could no longer cope with the influx of patients. In third world countries, the virus was left unchecked due to almost nonexistant quarantine infrastructure, poor hygiene and bodies began piling up in the streets. As the body toll grew worldwide, law enforcement, goverments, emergency services and soon even communication crumbled. It took less than a year for the human race to face extinction.
However the human race is a resilient species, and not everyone succumbed to the infection. Some were treated in time, and a proportion of the global population seemed to contain a natural immunity to the disease. Unfortunately though it appeared to be random rather than genetically inherited, so almost no family units survived intact and immune survivors were scattered across the planet rather than located in a certain area.

What few remained approached their survival with different outlooks, and different outcomes. Many were unprepared for life without civilisation, and died in accidents or due to exposure to the elements, while others couldn't bear this existence and took their own life. Some viewed their predicament as a blessing, content to rape, loot and pillage and occasional groups of like-minded individuals joined together to better prey on the helpless. Pockets of society were established in fortifiable areas with ample resources, but such establishments usually contain less than 50 individuals due to limited and scattered survivors. And there are those who wander a lonely nomadic path, not sure what to do with themselves but not willing to die.

You are one of a handful of 'patients' at one of the last remaining research centres in the country, this particular clinic being on the outskirts of Rolla, Kansas. Although not under arrest and treated very well with many luxuries, you are essentially a prisoner, kept in small rooms separately and not allowed to leave the compound. Brought under guard by what remained of the army, you were told that research on your immunity/successful vaccination/successful treatment was 'non-negotiable' and 'your civic duty to your country, and to the fate of the human race.' However, while you wanted out, others wanted in...
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by Synch » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:42 am

Ring-a-ring of rosies, a pocket full of posies. Ashes, ashes, we all fall down...

Center 32. That's what they call it. Supposedly a center for disease research, but it seems more like some covert biowarfare laboratory that was quickly repurposed when USA lost the war, just like the rest of the world. When you arrived it was running with clockwork precision. Everyone vaccinated. Guards with automatic rifles and ironed pleats, scientists in spotless lab coats. Everyone essentially dismissed you. Sure, they were courteous and polite, but it was pretty clear you were more of a charge than a guest. Bloods taken every second day, tablets every other day. The exception was Dr Wilcott. The scientist who dealt with you daily and was essentially your caregiver, a lovely woman in her 50s short of stature with a strawberry blonde bob and a warm smile, was the ray of sunshine in this sterile place. She made sure any of your requests were met, explained ongoing events, filled you in with any news, and generally did her best to make you feel less of a prisoner.

Apparently this facility was on the outskirts of Rolla, Kansas, bordering on the Cimmeron National Grassland. Some little backwater town that had seen better days, with more shops and homes boarded up than not. A post office, gas station, grocers, elementary school. Not much else but corn. It was only a 15 minute walk to Rolla, but Elkhart, Kansas was where it was. The staff all headed there on their days off; 16 miles away and only 20,000 people, but all your main amenities. Hell, even a movie theater, a bowling alley and a quaint little bar named The White Buffalo that had an old wurtlizer with a copy of Dr Wilcott's favourite Stevie Nicks album. What more could you want?

Lucky for some. Sure you had access to clean clothes, but they were all plain white, white shirt and white slacks. You had a DVD player with DVDs and music CDs, novels, even Peter had a Gameboy. You were allowed time out in an exercise yard individually each day. But they were always there, the guards and the scientists. Watching, studying. They escorted you down the long corridor containing all the rooms (Honey in her straightjacket when in transit), where you got fleeting glances at the other 'patients' each day as you passed. You were never given an opportunity to socialise with one another, and apart from daily exercise you were confined to your room. Like a bird in a cage. Well fed and cared for, but never able to spread your wings.

As time passed, the atmosphere of the center changed. Dr Willcott always had a smile, but when she let her guard down you could see she was bothered by something. Normally unflappable guards and scientists seemed tired, antsy, unsettled. Each passing week seemed to result in another staff member gone. Some took the time to give a goodbye, heading off to look for their family. Others just vanished. You even overheard guards mention a recent suicide.
Dr Wilcott dutifully gave you the bad news each day that only ever escalated. Airports closed. Hoover Dam stopped. The death of the President and First Lady. Law Enforcement non-existant. Rioting in Mexico City. Mass suicide in Osaka. Contact lost with Australia. San Antonio in flames. United Kingdom gone.
Your bloods and tablets stopped. Arguments broke out between the remaining staff, less than 10 in total. What was the point anymore? Why bother trying? Of course we have to try, we can't just give up on our existance!

No-one was prepared for the gunfire. The noise echoed from outside as you assumed the remaining three guards were being picked off. Dr Wilcott shoved bottles of water and cans of food through the slots in your doors with a panicked look on her face. "I'm so sorry, but you're our only hope!" She ran off, yelling into a walkie talkie for Richards to answer her.
Gunfire grew louder, whooping, hollering, revving engines. Gunfire in the building. Dr Wilcott screaming. Faces appeared in your windows; warpaints, horrific Halloween masks, tattoos. Lewd remarks at the women. They tried to break in, but the reinforced bullet-proof glass withstood their attempts. Hours passed as they tried in vain, and all the while Dr Wilcott screaming. Eventually the screaming stopped, and all grew quiet. You heard a voice cry "We'll be back, birdies!" then revving engines receding into the distance. As night fell, you could only assume that whoever they were had grown bored and left.

Another two days passed with nothing but silence. The lights eventually shut down, and as the backup generator slowly grinds down and shudders to a halt, the automatic electronic locks on your doors click as the power fails. It seems Dr Willcott had hurriedly programmed them to disengage when power failed. You open the door slowly and peer out into the corridor. You are free.

(Have fun :) )
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:56 am

Unwilling to stay put any longer with the knowledge of danger "out there"...wherever there was, Green quickly took the sheets from his bed and tied them into a crude rucksack. Having done so, he heads out into the hallway, intent on leaving the compound and finding a safe place to lay low and take stock of the world. His eyes moved restlessly across the other "patients" his eyes resting on the one he was sent here to keep an eye on, but not allowing his eyes to rest on them, unwilling to give away his interest. He spoke only what words were necessary to anyone willing to listen "Take what you need and come." Short...just the way it always was for Mr. Green, short and to the point. Other than where he had already been taken in the facility, he hadn't any idea as to where the security room was, but he was intent on reaching it and finding a weapon.

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:02 am

Do we have much in our rooms?

Jacob will pack whatever food, water, and useful things into some sort of useful carrying item. If he has to he will form a bed sheet into an over the shoulder carrying sling. Presumably he's already done this as he thought the attack was a chance to escape. If he has something that he can use as a weapon (perhaps something he can bludgeon someone with, like a lamp with the shade and bulb removed or the leg off a table) he will take that. He'll creep out into the hall, and look for a better weapon. Perhaps from one from the dead guards? Overjoyed at the fact he can now stretch his legs more than walking from one end of his room to the other. As the others exit their rooms he'll cautiously look them over, weary of strangers after his imprisonment, though somewhat sympathetic of those having gone through the same ordeal. "I'm Jacob, who are you?"
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by nikohl » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:02 am

The day began like any other had at this place - she woke at five exactly, as clear as if someone had shaken her. She stood, dressed, stretched up tall and then folded herself effortlessly in half to touch the floor with flat palms, breathing easy in the dim light. Calm.

She unfurled like a flag, striding across to the corner of the room where she had piled and organised the few things that Wilcott had stuffed into her room those few days ago. Water, pop-top cans, one lonely shrivelled apple, a box of cereal. All neatly piled as far away from the door as possible, behind the waste paper basket, underneath a pillow. She thought, briefly, that she recognised the faded old labels on the cans. Not much left, but enough for a while. She unscrewed the lid on one of the half-empty bottles of water, poured a capful and tipped it into her mouth, then brushed her teeth while half-humming, half-singing to herself.

"Oh, I like to brush my teeth, in the mornin' an at night, to keep 'em clean an' keep 'em white, I like to brush my teeth all right..."

Then the doors opened with an unexpected clonk. She flinched, but only barely, and spat into the sink. No-one came in, no-one with a straitjacket or a meal. It was time. She didn't go out there, not yet, just dragged her bed over in front of the door to block it from being opened til she was ready.

Honey yanked her pillow out of its case and then ripped the pillow itself in half, stuffing the padding back to the bottom of her new sack before tipping her meagre supplies inside and tying the top in two knots so she was ready to bug out. She lifted up the waste paper bin and took out from under it the items she'd secretly stashed, ever since Wilcott thrust tin cans into her room the day the raiders came. She touched the sharp edges with a fingertip. Not great, but better than nothing. Thank you, kind lady, for the gifts you gave me in your thoughtless hurry.

(A flash of memory to two days ago: Honey sat on her floor, working carefully but briskly to the accompanying sound of gunfire and screams, she folded each can lid in half, unfolded it, and folded it in half the other way to make a + scoremark, then pinched the edges in on themselves. She carefully positioned the folded metal on the floor, then stamped on it with her booted heel to flatten it into a T, then went back to folding, pressing and twisting with callused and determined fingers until she had sharp edges and a crude handle from each lid. If those bastards wanted any more of her blood, or if those masked freaks wanted anything else, they'd have to fight her for it. They'd be sore as hell to use until she found some tape, but in a pinch they'd give her an edge, and they were small enough to hide.)

(OOC: Synch kindly suggested I have Honey make her little pigstickers during the previous days, so that I could roleplay with you guys rather than watch :oops: hence the small edit)
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by Alaen » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:49 am

Joshua was on edge. The entire staff was probably dead, there was a band of pychopathic raiders out there, and he was still trapped in his room. He tried rereading one of the books they had given him to calm his nerves, but stopped when he realized he had read the same paragraph for the tenth time now.

The sudden darkness of the lights shutting down startled him a bit, but the click of his door lock drew his attention. Looks like it was time to leave.

He quickly grabs what little possesion he has and puts them in the cover of his pillow, using it as a bag.

Walking out of his door runs into two men, bags in hand like him. It seemed the other patients were still alive and also leaving.

He got a kind of shady impression from the first man, but the second one seemed friendly enough. Maybe he should stick with them, if there were raiders out there it was dangerous to go alone. But socialization was not his strong suit.
Trying to muster up the courage to speak with the two strangers, he is instead adressed by the second man.
ChuckDaRighteous wrote:"I'm Jacob, who are you?"
"Huh? Oh, uhm my name is Joshua. Nice to meet you." he said nervously. God he sounded like an idiot.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:00 am

When it had become clear that shit was going down, Jimmy had sacrificed his ability to listen to music by taking the cord from the DVD player to serve as a makeshift garotte if needed. He snapped a few discs in half and patiently scraped then on the rough block until the edges were sharp.... Fragile, but they'd open a jugular easily enough.
He'd eaten sparingly of the food the doc had shoved into his room, making it last. He strips the pillowcase off and dumps the food and water inside, tucking the end into his waist band (through a belt if he had one).
He takes a last look around his cell for anything useful, then steps out into the hallway. He avoids the others for now, scanning his surroundings and looking out for any dead guards or staff.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Mar 12, 2015 7:54 am

Jani was scared.

She had piled her supplies up by the foot of her bed and had spent the past 2 days rationing them as best she could. She'd been trained about wilderness survival after all and she knew exactly how much food and water her body needed to survive. Hell, most of her fieldwork training when she had joined the Company had been about staying alive in the wilderness if their jeeps broke down or the guides got sick. Not that she'd ever had to use her training, but she knew the theory at least. Doing it for real was a lot harder than she'd thought though and now she was tired and hungry and scared. Very scared.

She'd jumped when the doors unlocked and had had to stifle a scream. She KNEW it was probably just the generators failing. ...But what if had been the raiders? What if... what if....


One step at a time.

Jani sat with her back to her door for a few minutes listening. She heard voices talking. She did not hear gunfire.

After a little while, she opened the door and peeked out. Seeing nothing immediately dangerous, she calls out from her doorway:

"Hello? Is anyone there? Does anyone know what's going on?"

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by Patdragon » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:08 am

For two days Peter has been sobbing on and off, The screaming of Dr Wilcott and the demonic faces that appeared at his window have been haunting his dreams and he's not been sleeping well.
Dr Wilcott had been the closest thing to family he had recently especially since his parents succumbed to the disease and his being sent here nearly 9 months ago. She was the only one who got him things he wanted, which admittedly had gotten downgraded the one time he managed to create a small emp device out of a camera and other parts and then escape for 5 minutes. During that time he had looked in a few other the other peoples doors and even waved at the one red headed girl, but soon after that the guards had arrived and took him back to his room and removed most of his "tools" he had made or acquired, by being inquisitive and still cute looking (as he still hadn't properly entered his inevitable puberty stage).
Still that familiar click of the magnets releasing for the door open made him look up from his current sobs.
His thought briefly drift to ..perhaps Dr Wilcott had come back...but change to reason the lights flickering ment back up power and its might be an auto release trigger, in case of fires...maybe fires...or the demons.... either way he gets up and goes to poke his head cautious out of the door, to see what's happening.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:14 am

Alaen wrote:"Huh? Oh, uhm my name is Joshua. Nice to meet you." he said nervously. God he sounded like an idiot.
Jacob gives Joshua a nod to acknowledge him. "Likewise"
thinkslogically wrote:"Hello? Is anyone there? Does anyone know what's going on?"
"Looks like the power failed. I think its just us left." The prospect of seeing an actual woman (aside from the one with the needles who he didn't like or the ones in that magazine that he hopes he remembered to pack) after so long actually gives Jacob some hope. First he gets freedom and now he actually gets to interact with a woman again. If he wasn't motivated before, he sure is now. Addressing them all, "I'm going to explore a bit. See what I can find out. You're welcome to join."
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:30 am

ChuckDaRighteous wrote:"Looks like the power failed. I think its just us left. I'm going to explore a bit. See what I can find out. You're welcome to join."
"Who's us? And... Wait a moment would you? Let me grab my things..."

If the others will wait for her, Jani will stuff her things into her pillowcase (like she's just seen them do), taking her food, water, and jamming the bedsheet in as well.

"So, seriously - who are you? My name is Jani, and I'm a botanist. Do you work for the Company too?"

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:57 am

thinkslogically wrote:"Who's us? And... Wait a moment would you? Let me grab my things..."
"Sure, but make it quick I'd rather not stay her too long"Jacob waits at the end of the hall/room/area/whatever and looks into the next area. He is eager to get outside for the first time in a long time. But not so eager that he'd leave behind the first woman he's seen in a long time behind.
"So, seriously - who are you? My name is Jani, and I'm a botanist. Do you work for the Company too?"
"I'm Jacob. That's Joshua. Not sure about those two [indicating Big Jimmy and Mr Green]. What Company?" Jacob is suddenly very suspicious of Jani. Perhaps a company tied to those who imprisoned them here? Was she really a prisoner here? Or perhaps just a lab tech who ran into a cell to escape the maruaders? His mind is likely getting away from him, she dressed like the rest of them after all. So he's willing to give her the benefit of the doubt... for the moment. Ya know just when you think you've met a nice girl it turns out she's a puppet for the evil corporations.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:32 am

Overhearing himself being referred to, Mr. Green turns on his heel and stares at the man who had just introduced himself as Jacob. The man looked like he had just crawled out from under a rock somewhere, similar to those horrible "Caveman" commercials that he could faintly recall, all he really remembered was how annoying they were. He looked the woman who had called herself Jani over quickly and felt a smile flicker over his lips as he admired her thin athletic build. Forcing the images of the past and thoughts of the present from his mind he addressed those that were standing in the hallway. "You can call me Chad" Said Mr. Green, sticking out a hand in the common form of greeting, he fell so easily back on his old alias of Chad. "We should collect supplies and leave before the Bandits return." Looking down at his hands, which he reflexively curled into fists. "Keep your eyes out for any weapons too."

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by Alaen » Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:35 am

Joshua did not really feel comfortable talking with all these strangers and ignored Jacob and Jani for now, taking a look at the rest of the corridor.

He notices that one of the doors is slightly open and a little boy is peeking out. He comes a bit closer, trying his best to look and sound non-threatening.

"Hey there. Are you all right?"

((Just noticed that over half of our characters have a name that starts with J. :lol: ))
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:41 pm

Out of habit, Jimmy grasps and rubs at the torn section of his left earlobe, glancing over the group quickly before moving down the corridor, CD shivs tucked in his waist band, electrical cord held loosely between his hands. They weren't any of his concern...

When he gets to the end of the corridor, or to the first non-patient room, he'll peer in from cover of the corridor before moving forward.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:02 pm

ChuckDaRighteous wrote:"So, seriously - who are you? My name is Jani, and I'm a botanist. Do you work for the Company too?"
"I'm Jacob. That's Joshua. Not sure about those two [indicating Big Jimmy and Mr Green]. What Company?"[/quote]

"Oh. NutriCorp. I was conducting surveys for them in Central Africa when things started going to hell. ...I had assumed this was one of their quarantine facilities, but it would be strange for them to be doing civilian rehab. Unless they... no, surely not. I don't- is that a child?! Jesus..."

Seeing someone apparently even more helpless than her helps Jani to focus.

To Joshua:
"Hey. Is he ok?"

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:39 pm

Looting plan for Mr. Green:
(check size of clothing -> if same size, take clothing, check shoes/boots -> if same size, take and put on)
(If pants have belt, regardless of pant size, take belt)
(Check all pockets, take all contents and place in rucksack, will go through them later)

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:39 pm

thinkslogically wrote:"Oh. NutriCorp. I was conducting surveys for them in Central Africa when things started going to hell. ...I had assumed this was one of their quarantine facilities, but it would be strange for them to be doing civilian rehab. Unless they... no, surely not. I don't- is that a child?! Jesus..."
Wasn't that the company that added all that processed crap to all their energy bars? Jacob couldn't remember, but it wasn't a brand he usually ate. "Yes, I think it is. Man, I knew these people were fucked up but testing on a kid!" Jacob unconsciously tightens his grip on his [whatever improvised weaponry he chose] while contemplating the inhumanity.
Seeing someone apparently even more helpless than her helps Jani to focus.

To Joshua:
"Hey. Is he ok?"
Damn it another delay. Jacob normally isn't the gruff one, and he doesn't want to do the whole "hurry it up kid" particularly since it would probably make a bad impression with the lady. But after dreaming about freedom for months, he doesn't want to stick around to wipe some kid's nose. He is impatient. "Why don't you two take care of him, I'll see what I can find." Looking at Jimmy, his tats, scars, and his gruff looking demeanor, "You with me on this buddy?" It sure would be nice to have him as back up.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:53 pm

"You with me on this buddy?"

"Not your fucking buddy.

He relents somewhat with a small sigh. He doesn't like most people, and that includes hippie mountainmen or whatever this guy is trying for, but if those looters come back... or are still lurking about, at least this one seems like he might be able to handle himself.

"Jimmy." he says with a nod to indicate himself, and then nods up the hallway. If Jacob follows his lead, they'll move up opposite sides of the corridor, checking each other's blind spots as they search for anything useful.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by NotStickFigures » Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:58 pm

After being terrified when the feral looters raided the building, Roslyn sat for a long time in her room trying to calm herself and think about what she could possibly do to help herself.

Now that the staff was apparently all dead, the patients were all just stuck in their rooms. Were we all go to just die of lack of water? Her plans kept her rationing the food and water, so when the power finally did fail, she still had a bit left, which she quickly shoved into her pillow case. She did not rush out of her room, worried it might be the crazed raiders. She instead stayed right in her room and listened through the door.

She heard conversation. Not screaming, not gunfire. Good. But she stayed quiet and listened for a while.
Yes, it was obviously the other patients, and they seemed...nonviolent. And seemed to at least have some sort of a plan. And she was SO tired of being alone.

She slowy opened the door to her room/cell.

"Hello, I am, er, was a patient, too." she states quietly. "Roslyn." She says simply, waiting to see how the others react.

She carefully looks over the others she sees in the hallway, trying to assess if they are healthy, or crazed, or a danger to her in any way.

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:03 pm

ChuckDaRighteous wrote:"Why don't you two take care of him, I'll see what I can find."
"What? Why? No, WAIT! Look, I have no fucking clue what's going on here, but I know that we shouldn't be splitting up. We have no idea why the power's gone off - yes, yes, I know - it COULD be a generator failure and that's fine, but what if it isn't. If it's [Jani glances at the kid and lowers her voice] ... if it's those people that have cut the power... or even if it wasn't, they said they'd be waiting. If they come back, we won't stand a chance on our own. I won't, and that kid won't. So I am asking you - all of you - to please, don't leave us here. Please. Let's look about, that's a good idea, and we should try and figure out what the fuck is going on and why. The guards had weapons, right? If we can find those, maybe we can use them? Or the communications system. A place like this must have radios, surely? But we should move in groups as much as we can. We have to find help. There must be other people out there still, like us. Fuck it, maybe there are still other people in here! But the only way we'll survive is by sticking together. ... Please."

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by ChuckDaRighteous » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:21 pm

spiderwrangler wrote:"Jimmy." he says with a nod to indicate himself, and then nods up the hallway. If Jacob follows his lead, they'll move up opposite sides of the corridor, checking each other's blind spots as they search for anything useful.
Jacob nods back to indicate his understanding when...
NotStickFigures wrote:"Hello, I am, er, was a patient, too." she states quietly. "Roslyn." She says simply, waiting to see how the others react.
Normally a red-head would take his majority attention but she is immediately overshadowed by...
thinkslogically wrote:"What? Why? No, WAIT! Look, I have no fucking clue what's going on here, but I know that we shouldn't be splitting up. We have no idea why the power's gone off - yes, yes, I know - it COULD be a generator failure and that's fine, but what if it isn't. If it's [Jani glances at the kid and lowers her voice] ... if it's those people that have cut the power... or even if it wasn't, they said they'd be waiting. If they come back, we won't stand a chance on our own. I won't, and that kid won't. So I am asking you - all of you - to please, don't leave us here. Please. Let's look about, that's a good idea, and we should try and figure out what the fuck is going on and why. The guards had weapons, right? If we can find those, maybe we can use them? Or the communications system. A place like this must have radios, surely? But we should move in groups as much as we can. We have to find help. There must be other people out there still, like us. Fuck it, maybe there are still other people in here! But the only way we'll survive is by sticking together. ... Please."
"Don't worry we won't go too far and we'll come back for you. And if it was those psychos I'm not gonna wait around for them to find us right where they left us. We'll either find us a way out or end up taking the fight to them." Man this woman is crazy! Turning to finally address the newcomer, "Nice to meet you, I'm Jacob, but we're off so we'll continue this introduction later" He then nods to Jimmy and heads off with him.
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:28 pm

Jani grits her teeth and glares at the two men as they leave [assuming they do actually both leave].

NotStickFigures wrote:"Hello, I am, er, was a patient, too." she states quietly. "Roslyn."
"Jani. I'm a botanist. A researcher. What about you?"
Last edited by thinkslogically on Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Children of Ash

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:36 pm

Perfectly content to let Jacob deal with the broad and her hysterics, Jimmy waits, then heads down the hallway. Heh... chicks.

((In character, but typing that still made me feel kind of icky. :ktongue: ))
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Re: Children of Ash

Post by Alaen » Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:45 pm

Giving the boy time to make the next move himself, Joshua sits down near his door and looks at the new arrival. She looks nice, but also kind of scared.

"Hello, I am, er, was a patient, too." she states quietly. "Roslyn."

"Jani. I'm a botanist. A researcher. What about you?"

"Joshua. I'm a... I guess you could call me a handyman. If you're a researcher, do you know anything about this facility? How did you get here?"
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