Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to Most

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by spiderwrangler » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:38 am

.[tabs: Food and Water]
2655 clean units - 85 units + 6 units + 10 units = 2586 clean units
55 irradiated units + 10 irradiated units + 23 irradiated units = 88 irradiated units

2683 clean units - 85 units + 2 units = 2600 clean units
36 irradiated units + 10 units = 46 irradiated units
2 Nuka Cola

[tabs: Armory]
Ranged Weapons:
  • 10mm pistol (x3)
  • .308 rife (x3)
  • crude pistol (x1)
  • Sawed-off Shotgun (x2)
  • Rifle (x1)

Melee Weapons:
  • baseball bat (x3)
  • rusty knife (x1)
  • Battered Sword (x1)
  • Crumpled Fedora
  • Threadbare Suit

  • "Vault 50" vault suit (374-12=362)
  • Armored vault suit (x7)
  • Rad-suit (x7)
  • Battered leather armor (x1)
  • Worn Leather Boots (x4)
  • Light Leather Armor (x2)
  • Reinforced Leather Armor (x1)
  • Leather Duster (x1)

[tabs: Building Supplies]
Building Scrap:
84 units - 53 units + 52 units + 32 units = 115 units

Building Materials:
0 units + 15 units + 17 units ÔÇô 18 units = 14 units

Bottlecaps (187)
Faded Letter
Wheeled cart (x9)
Broken cart (x2)

[tabs: Characters]
Quarg - Alexis "Kis" Carson (Female, 23 years old)
(S: 5, P: 4, E: 5, C: 5, I: 7, A: 6, L: 4)[/tabs]

<2278.25 to 2278.5>

Though the summer brought warmth as was common, this particular summer was much warmer than the last and this in its own way aided the dwellers more than it hurt them. The Computer quickly doled out tasks that it felt were their best chance to retake the wasteland and work on making a permanent home for the dwellers here in this new world. It first tasked a group of 13 dwellers to build a manual pump even though there were no materials with which to build it. To make up for this complete lack in the building resources, it assigned 13 dwellers to reclaim the surplus of building scrap and recycle it into usable resources. It assigned another 13 dwellers to the task of going out and scrounging the wasteland for additional building materials. It determined that since dwellers were being sent out scrounging anyways and a good source of Food and Water still hadn't been found, it would send 4 dwellers out for Food/Water collection. Finally the Computer assigned 7 dwellers to the task of guard duty, knowing that with so many dwellers scrounging around, there was sure to be trouble. On the Research Front, especially with some of the research computers up and running again, the Computer assigned a total of 15 dwellers to work on several research projects.

The 13 dwellers assigned to manually reclaiming and recycling scrap really hated their jobs. This was partially due to them being outside in the hot sun and forced to work with substandard tools in order to complete their task. It was also because the 13 dwellers who had been assigned to build the pump were standing around doing nothing except for yelling at them to hurry up. This caused tensions to rise and come to blows all of about 3 times. While two of these times, tensions were eased, mainly by the guards waving about their weapons threatening to maim anyone who was fighting, the third time actually caused some injuries which ended in a broken hand and a sprained ankle. The broken hand belonged to one of the Vault's pregnant females, who was knocked backwards in the scuffle and landed on her hand awkwardly (10 damage).
For a few dwellers who had previously worked in the library, perhaps the most denigrating part of their jobs though was the understanding that they were peasants, as written about in the holy book: Kings, Knights and the little people. The knowledge that they, unlike the guards who deemed themselves as knights and the Computer which they thought of as the King, were just peons tasked with such a basic job which had no regard for their individual talent no matter how smart nor how strong some of them might be. This caused, unpleasant thoughts to happen and the some of the people began to grumble about the "way things were". In total they were able to create a total of 15 building materials.

The scavengers were in somewhat of the same boat, except they were quite joyous in the fact that they were able to at least leave the perimeter that marked the edges of the vault compound. The building material group and the Food/Water group teamed up in their quests, partially for safety's sake and partially for more hands to carry whatever it was that they found. That they did this made the computer pauses briefly, its circuits firing as it ran the numbers over and over again and finally acknowledged that teamwork could make things happen more efficiently. It wasn't sure what this teamwork should or would look like, but it decided that it would be best to send some dwellers to research this idea at a later time. The search party, large as it was, decided that now was the best time to explore deeper into the town known as Millersport. This idea was possibly the best and worst idea that they could have come up with. Only a short distance further than any of them had traveled before lay the partial ruins of something that had been known as a "Family Dollar". The dwellers had no concept of what this was, but what they found among the ruins would change their lives... forever. Wheeled carts with "Family Dollar" printed on the plastic handle. Of the 11 carts they found, 9 were in good repair, the remaining pair were missing some parts however. The group were ecstatic at the notion that finally they had found something that would allow them to carry more stuff. The Food/Water team were able to find a few cans of food among the ruins and the resource team loaded heaps and piles of what they hoped would be satisfactory building materials into the carts. The trip back from that foray was perilous though, the teams ran into a group of slaves-traders heading south with 3 prisoners. If not for the carts, the dwellers might have been able to move past them without being seen, but the carts, wheeled as they were, were forced to stay on the road in order to continue. While the dwellers won the encounter, it came at a terrible cost. The showdown left 2 dwellers with minor injuries of 2 and 5 damage each, a pair who sustained 8 damage, and 2 that were critically wounded for 10 damage. One of the women that had taken 8 damage was another of the pregnant dwellers, upon their return, the Computer noted that perhaps sending pregnant vault dwellers into dangerous situations may not be advisable. As best as could be determined without operational Health Services, the developing fetus was unharmed. They were able to free all of the prisoners, sadly 1 died during the ensuing conflict. The scavengers were also able to loot the bodies of the 4 dead slavers of their things: Worn Leather Boots (4), Light Leather Armor (2), Reinforced Leather Armor (1), Leather Duster (1), Battered Sword (1), Sawed-off Shotgun (2), Rifle (1). Between them, for some reason they were carrying a total of 159 bottlecaps. Unsure of what to do with the 2 slaves, they brought them back to the vault to decide what to do with them. In total the Food/Water team found: 6 clean and 10 irradiated units of food, and 2 clean and 10 irradiated units of water and the BM team found: 17 building materials and 52 building scrap.

It was a fairly boring summer for the guards and they mostly focused their efforts killing any remaining disfigured monsters that they found on the island. Other than the Mirelurks who kept mainly to the marina to the south, the guards made short work of the beasts and thought best to bring the carcasses back to the vault in an effort to see if any of it could be used. In total, they ended up with 10 units of clean meat and 23 units of irradiated meat, all of which was dried to a jerky for preservation purposes. Impressed as the Computer was at their efforts, it made a note in its memory banks to send out a hunting party in an effort to find additional sources of Food. One of the guard patrol duties was down near the main road and the party met a ghoul which they thought to be just like any of the others they had come across. Even as it begged for them to stop, they riddled its body with bullets and took its things: Crumpled Fedora, Threadbare Suit, Faded Letter, 14 Bottlecaps. The Computer found their report interesting and cautioned that the guards try to speak to the ghouls in the future, as it didn't seem normal for them to talk, as most of them seemed more interested in trying to eat the dwellers faces.

On the research front, the 15 dwellers who were sent to the library split off to their individual tasks and began their research projects. Of the 5 computers that were available to use for research, 1 was used to research how to upgrade health services, 1 was used to research scrap organization, 1 was used to research BM hauling and 2 were used to research water removal from the lower levels. With the additional resources that the computer terminals offered, research progressed much faster on all fronts and each of the four research groups found success in what they were doing. The dwellers who were given access to the computer terminals, though initially faced with a steep learning curve, quickly became experts in their own right and greatly aided the efforts in research. The final tallies of the research accomplished this season: Water Removal 185/200, Construction Methods 1/100, Scrap Organization 58/100, Material Transport 51/100, Upgrade Health Services 50/100.

On the interesting side of things, the Computer noted that, while the bovine creature was mutated by the radioactive elements of the wasteland, having gained a second head, it was still...more or less a cow and cows meant a source of food. Though the Computer did consider for some time just killing the creature in the hopes that its meat could be processed and could in turn provide meat to the dwellers, it decided instead of attempt to heal it. Though the dweller who was charged with using the first aid kit had little to no knowledge of how to work on creatures that were not human, he still had excellent results. The cow, now able to stand upon its own legs again seemed quite unthankful of its salvation and probably would have left the area if not for a nearby bucket of water, which it began drinking from. After this point, as long as the dwellers kept filling said bucket with water, and allowing it to roam about cropping the sparse vegetation, the cow-like creature was unwilling to stray to far away.

The most important task at hand was the Manual Pump and with 13 dwellers working on it, the Computer was hoping for the best results. Using the miniature model that had been created, the dwellers got to work on creating a full scale model. With so much help working on the project work went quickly, but they were still hampered by the lack of organization, even though they were using materials as fast as they were being found or recycled. A number of false starts and flawed prototype resulted in building materials being wasted on dead-end projects, but many of these were able to be converted to scrap. By the end of the season, even though the group had several failed attempts as well as materials breaking while they were being used, they ended up with the frame of a manual pump that allowed up to 4 dwellers to use it at one time. The pump consisted of something similar to a seesaw, with handles on each side that could be pushed up and down by the dwellers who would end up working on the contraption. The inner gears and workings that would drive the suction still needed to be fashioned or found and installed and the tubing that would be placed down to the lower levels still needed to be created as well.
Total work accomplished: 56/100
BM consumed: 18 units
BS generated: 32 units

A 23 year old female dweller who had until now thought of herself as Lola Carson woke up feeling that that had been in error. Her name was obviously Alexis Carson; but all of her friends that she didn't know she had could call her Kis. (Quarg's character)

Voting Options:
CP = Character Player
NCP = Non-Character Player

[Quarg is our only Character Player at the moment, so is the only one who can currently take independent action on the part of Kis Carson. Some more of you will be getting characters soon, but should vote as Non-Character Players for this turn. The distinction in voting is that for a CP, they can only do one thing in a given turn, but it need not be one of the options provided. If you have something you think would be a good idea, go ahead and try it (and it may show up as an option in future turns). If a CP does chose to join other dwellers in a voted upon task, there would be benefits to having a dweller with such a strong personality working alongside the other vault dwellers.]

(NCPs have 3 votes for this Section, CPs may use 1 vote in this section, or provide their own action)
  1. Task a group of dwellers to build a Manual Pump
  2. Manually reclaim and recycle building scrap into building materials
  3. Send a group of dwellers outside to scavenge for building materials
  4. Send a group of dwellers outside to scavenge for Food/Water
  5. Assign a group of dwellers to guard duty
  6. Send out a hunting party
  7. Send a group of dwellers out of the Vault to build above ground structures
    1. Construct Houses
    2. Construct Defensive Structures
    3. Construct a wall
  8. Research:
    1. Upgrade Health Services(Decrease time to heal, Increase amount of heal)
    2. Construction Methods(Decrease construction time, Increase success rate)
    3. Scrap Organization(Increase success amount produced)
    4. Building Material Hauling(Increase amount collected per person)
    5. Water removal from lower levels.
    6. Teamwork (Encourages increased amounts of efficiency, especially when materials run out or are non-existent)

Voting Options: (NCPs have 1 vote for this Section (CPs have 0), A New system needs at least 2 more votes than the currently powered system in order to be powered)
Power a different System (currently Research Labs)
  1. Health Services - (Decreases chance for Dwellers to die due to critical failures)
  2. Vault defenses - (Increased ability to successfully defend vault against enemies
  3. Bar & Lounge - (Allows dwellers to relieve some stress), (increased chance of baby making)
  4. Research Labs - (Increases effect of success and Crit Successes and decreases effect of crit fails)
  5. Barracks/Armory - (Allows for the creation of new or customized weapons using scavenged resources)
  6. School - (Gives a +1 INT increase to the stats of Children who attend at least 6 years)
  7. Material Reclamation and Recycling (Turn collected scrap into base materials)
  8. Workshop - (Decreases time needed to combine base materials into parts)
  9. Kitchen - (Remove radiation from food/water(1 unit of Food/Water per month))
  10. Water Filtration - (Needs to be repaired first)
  11. Hydroponic Farms - (Needs to be repaired first)
  12. Antenna Array - (Needs to be discovered/repaired first)

What shall be done with the slaves (Both CPs and NCPs have 1 vote for this section)
1. Turn them loose in the waste
2. Attempt to sell them to any humans encountered
3. Kill them
4. Keep them detained
5. Allow them to join the vault after passing a "physical exam" (Requires Health Services to be activated)
6. Put the slaves to work (after they get a physical exam)

Pregnant dweller assignments(Both CPs and NCPs have 1 vote for this section)
1. No changes to job assignments
2. Assign pregnant dwellers to less intensive tasks
3. Do not assign pregnant dwellers to any task
4. Kill them
Last edited by spiderwrangler on Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:08 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:57 am

Q1: A, c, h6

q2: 1

Q3: 5

Q4: 2

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Patdragon » Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:20 am

H1, H4, H5,

Power :1 (assuming power triggers at end of the three month like last time having health service ready for winter baby is a good idea too.) Otherwise keep on research.

Slaves: 5

Pregers: 2
Last edited by Patdragon on Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by spiderwrangler » Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:36 am

There is an additional voting section I just added.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Patdragon » Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:42 am

Math is off in building supply. Should we have zero or fourteen currently?
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Post by NotStickFigures » Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:56 am

Q1: A, B, H6

Q2: 4

Q3: 5 And if the slave ends up and causing havok, them I'm quickly changing my vote to SELL them to passing humans. You make me wonder...What DO you get in exchange for a human in the aftermath?

Q4: 2

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by spiderwrangler » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:08 am

Patdragon wrote:Math is off in building supply. Should we have zero or fourteen currently?
Equation is correct, I just hadn't totaled it yet.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Quarg » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:27 am

Kis looked at the small, green screen that was the face of Lord Computer in this section of Home.
"Bah...I've always been Kis...Lola was my mother..."
She turned and walked down the hall. The 'Battle of the Family Dollar' was a complete mess. The scavenging parties had been both caught unaware of the slavers as well as poorly armed comparatively. Only shear numbers, and that the slavers had been trying to keep track of their slaves, had prevented even worse casualties.

Scavengers tended to get focused on finding 'stuff' and searching ruins closely. But they needed people around them to focus outwards towards seeing threats or other possible sources of materials and food... and armed against those threats. Essentially scavenger guards...scavenger lookouts...there had to be a name for that kind of work...

But the first thing to do was to find out more about the outside world. And the only people living who knew about it were the slaves.

Kis moved up to where the guards were keeping the slaves and looked at them. "Hey you two? Do you speak? I've got some questions for you...and answering them might convince Lord Computer not to throw you in the waste pit or just turn you into food...."
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:39 pm

With red eyes and tear stained cheeks, a much older man and a younger man squint as a young perky female approaches asking questions and making open threats. The younger man looks at the older man, who is still squinting as if the sun were directly in his eyes, and then back at the female. "Who do you think you are, threatening to turn us into food. YOU MONSTER! YOU KILLED HER!" His voice raises in volume as does his anger and he tries to leap at Kis, only to fall to the ground due to his restraints that the dwellers had yet to remove. The guards raise their bats threateningly.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by GathersIngredients » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:58 pm

B, E, H1
Power: 1
slaves: 5 (unless they are overly sassy/agressive)
soon to be moms: 2
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Quarg » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:34 pm

Kis looks down at the man on the ground. She lowers herself to her knees and then looks at the young man, "So he can speak, can you? What are your ties to the female slave who died in the fight?" She keeps herself out of the range of the slaves but then asks, "Do you have trouble seeing me in this light?"
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by spiderwrangler » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:53 pm

Patdragon wrote:assuming power triggers at end of the three month like last time
Your understanding is correct, this upcoming turn (Autumn) will be Research Labs, regardless of this vote, if a vote succeeds in switching, it would switch at the end of the turn, and be on whatever for Winter.
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:54 pm

The young man looked up at the girl. "Of course I can speak, what do you think we are, ghouls?" He got up from the ground slowly, aided by the elder man. "You killed my mother." The young man hung his head, defeated.

The older man continued to squint at the peppy girl and then mumbled something about losing his glasses.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Quarg » Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:07 pm

"No, but your the first outsiders who we haven't had to kill to defend ourselves." Kris replied, "And I am sorry for the death of your mother...but we were only trying to defend ourselves against the slavers. Or do you think it wrong for us to defend ourselves?" Kis stands up with her hands behind her back.
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Runsaround » Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:02 am

H2, B, C.
I have no idea what I'm doing, and IT IS GLORIOUS!

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:58 am

The young man scratched the back of his head and was about to speak when the older man touched his arm and answered her probings. "Everyone in the waste is entitled to defend themselves young lady, but the boy lost his mother, have a little pity on him. Speaking of which, what do you intend to do with us, keeping us locked up like we were animals." He tugged at the manacle around his neck as if to make a point.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Quarg » Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:47 am

BadgeAddict wrote:The young man scratched the back of his head and was about to speak when the older man touched his arm and answered her probings. "Everyone in the waste is entitled to defend themselves young lady, but the boy lost his mother, have a little pity on him. Speaking of which, what do you intend to do with us, keeping us locked up like we were animals." He tugged at the manacle around his neck as if to make a point.
"That is the decision of Lord Computer." She turns and points to one of Lord's cameras looking down on them "Of course if you show yourselves to be useful, and peaceful," she says the last bit with some emphasis, "it will weigh in your favor and may lead to your being offered a place here or freedom back into the waste...But that isn't the only idea currently being evaluated by its Lordship." She pauses for a moment and then leans against a wall. "Which brings us back to why I came down here in the first place. I'd like to get some questions answered, and doing so will show Lord Computer that your cooperative and useful. Or you can continue to threaten me and the rest of the people here..."
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:01 am

The older man regarded her and then responded with a shrug. "Ask your questions."

*Please ask all of your questions at the same time, and they'll be answered in the next update.*

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:03 am

((And assuming you aren't going to be spending 3 months questioning these two, you'll still have an actual action for this turn too.))
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Feytala » Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:35 am

Option 1 :
I choose H1, H3 and H4.

Option 2 : 4

Option 3 : 5

Option 4 : 3

Therefore, the current vote is as follows :
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Patdragon » Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:41 am

When is the cut off this week (for those people who not voted yet).
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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:46 am

Well, we've been talking about this and I think what we've somewhat agreed to is that asap will be the new "end of voting", this is because of how long it takes us to get everything together for the next one.

Meaning, as soon as our regular voting crowd has voted (2 - 3 days), then we'll close it and work on another post.

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by Feytala » Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:33 pm

I wanted to ask if it might be possible to make a "Current Research Status"- and "Current Building Status"-Tab in the posts. It really would help in determining which Research and Building are already far enough to reasonably vote on and we wouldn't have to search for them in the whole post or look back to the start. :)

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:37 pm

Sure, here is the current tally and we'll try to include it in the future.

1. (97/200) Towers (4, at corners of wall)
2. (41/200) Walls
1. (185/200) Water Removal
2. (1/100) Construction Methods
3. (58/100) Scrap Organization
4. (51/100) Material Transport
5. (50/100) Upgrade Sick Bay

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Re: Fallout: Settlers (Year: 2277) - Open to All

Post by GathersIngredients » Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:24 pm

Clarification requested: When will the pregnant female dwellers become moms, the following turn (for which we would have to switch to health care for power NOW, if we wanted it to be active for the deliveries) or the turn thereafter?
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