Home of all attempts to translate Goblins into another language.
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- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:08 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04022008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: Whoa!
SFX: Crunk
Elite guard: Naa!
SFX: Snap
Complains of Names: Aah!
SFX: Thwump Thwack
SFX: Thud
Peasant: Goblin attack!
Peasant: Aaah!
Peasant: Eee!
Peasant: Help us!
Complains of Names: Graaaaa!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04032008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: Captain! Captain, it's an attack!
Elite guard: Gahah!
Elite guard: Get it out! Get it out!
Sergeant Morris: This is it, men!
Sergeant Morris: Take aim!
Badge: Gobl.. Slaye.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Wait.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: No.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I only see one Goblin so far. If our crossbows kill two dozen peasants to stop an army, we'll be heroes, but if we do it to kill a lone Goblin, we'll be arrested. Wait until the actual army attacks or until this crowd thins out.
Badge: Gobl.. Slay..
Thaco: Stupid. Stupid youngling. Why?
Big Ears: Now there are two Goblins facing death! Now can we do something?
Thaco: Why did he do that? So stupid.
Big Ears: How many Goblins have to die before it's acceptable for us to risk our lives?!
Big Ears: What's the minimum?! You tell me!
Thaco: ...I...
Big Ears: Never tell me to quiet my heart again.
SFX: Fawoommm
Chief: Ears, what are you doing?
Big Ears: My job.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04152008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Hey!
Big Ears: What is wrong with you!? How can you just let your son die!?
Thaco: We are not jumping off this roof to our deaths!
Thaco: We're jumping off that roof to our deaths.
Thaco: It's got a tree.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05022008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Thaco: Chief, you stay up here and cover us with your spear.
Chief: No.
Thaco: What?
Chief: I'll hit a lot of those other Humans, the ones who are just scared.
Big Ears: He's right! Most of the Humans down there aren't evil.
Chief: Thaco, I know I should go down there with you, but... I just can't... I...
Thaco: Okay listen, do you know how to open a city gate?
Chief: Open a...
Chief: Of course not.
Thaco: Well when you get there, learn. That's going to be our exit.
Big Ears: C'mon, we have to go!
Thaco: Stay on these rooftops and go around the courtyard.
Chief: But why can't we just escape through the sewers?
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:15 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05142008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: Get this sword outta me!
Elite guard: I'm trying!
SFX: Thwack
Complains of Names: Aah!
SFX: Thump
Big Ears: We'll never make it through this panicked crowd!
Thaco: There's only one thing we can do.
Thaco: We have to cut our way though them.
SFX: Shiinng
Big Ears: No! Those are innocent Humans!
Thaco: That's my son over there!
Thaco: On the count of three, we start hacking our way over to Complains.
Thaco: One...
Thaco: ...two...
Big Ears: Hear me Humans!
Big Ears: I am Flesh Ripper the Goblin! I have come to devour your souls and bathe in your blood!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05152008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: What is going on over there?
Sergeant Morris: I can't tell, sir.
Badge: Gob... Slay..
Big Ears: I will drag you screaming, into the deepest pits of hell where you will roast in the hottest fires until the newest Gods have grown ancient!
Big Ears: There shall be no escape, only your molten gasps of agony!
Big Ears: Raaaaah!
Peasant: Aaah!
Peasant: Run!
Peasant: Oh no!
Peasant: Run from Flesh Ripper!
Peasant: Help us!
Peasant: We must run away!
SFX: Clunk
Big Ears: Our path is clear. Let's go.
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Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:36 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05232008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: It's stuck in your breast plate!
Elite guard: Gaah! You're killing me!
Lifepoints elite guard: -5
SFX: Crank
Elite guard: Yes!
SFX: Ca-Click
Complains of Names: Graaaaaa
Complains of Names: aaaaaaaaaaa!
SFX: Thonk
Complains of Names: Graaa!
Eltie guard: Aah!
Complains of Names: Grrrrrrrr..
Complains of Names: ...
Complains of Names: Ow.
Complains of Names: My...
Complains of Names: Aaarrrm!
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:41 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/06032008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Slish
Cart left side: ..shall... ...nslayer
Cart left side: he shall .s safe ____ ...inslay..
SFX: Cla-Chunk
Cart left side: ..r he shall ...p us safe _____ .oblinslayer
Thaco: Fumbles.
Thaco: Ears, get over here. And hurry, this crowd of Humans...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: ...is thinning. Wipe out that small group of Goblins.
Badge: Gobli. Slay..
Sergeant Morris: Prepare to fire!
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:17 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06122008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Vorpal!
SFX: Ca-Clanga
Big Ears (magic): Lay on hands!
SFX: sssssssss
SFX: sssssss
SFX: Rruumble
Big Ears: It's me, Vorpal! It's Big Ears! I'm...
Big Ears: ...here.
Thaco: Let me see your arm.
Complains of Names: Don't touch it. Don't...
Complains of Names: ...touAaah!
Thaco: The bone is broken in many places.
Cart side: shall ...p us s... ____ .ob..nslay..
Complains of Names: Ya think?!
Cart side: __ .oblin...
Thaco: Ears and Chief can't heal this. Their magics can give you back your hit points, but they won't be able to mend this shattered bone.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06132008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Thaco: Unless you know a high level cleric with more powerful healing spells, your arm will never be the same again.
Cart: ..nsl...
Thaco: Are you even listening to me?
Cart: ..nsl...
Complains of Names: Where's Chief?
Thaco: He's gone to open the main city gate. It's one of the key elements of my big escape plan.
Cart: ..shall... keep __ Gob...
Thaco: How is Fumbles doing?
Cart: And keep us ___ Goblin....
Thaco: Any serious wounds?
Complains of Names (thinking): Key elements of...
Cart: ...nsl...
Complains of Names: What?!
Cart: ...nsla...
Big Ears: I don't understand, Thaco. I've healed his hit points, but...
Big Ears: ...his mind is broken. He won't say anything.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Thaco: Gods.
Thaco: I'll taste his screams for this.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:01 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06232008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: ..wup Thwup Thwup Thwup Thw..
Big Ears, Complains of Names, or Thaco: Look out!
SFX: Tak Tak Tak Tak Tek .ek Tek
Thaco: Move it, youngling!
SFX: Tok Tek
Complains of Names: Aah!
SFX: Tak Tok Thuk Thu. Tek
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06272008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: Complains!
SFX: Tak Tak Te. tek Te. .ek Tak
SFX: Tok Tok Tek Tek Tak Tek Thuk Tek Tek Tek Tok
Cart: And keep ___ Gob...
Complains of Names: Uh!
Cart: And keep ___ Gob...
SFX: Tok Tek Tok Tek Tok Tek Tek Tek Tek
Thaco: Ears!
Cart: ___ ...ayer
SFX: Tok Tek
SFX: Tak Tak Thork
Big Ears: Raaaaah!
SFX: Thuk Cri-Thuk Tek Tek Tek Tek .ek Tek Tek Tek Te.
SFX: .ek .ek Tok
Complains of Names: Nnnnn! We're screwed.
Cart: And he s... keep us saf. ____ Goblinslay..
Big Ears: I agree.
SFX: ..k Tek
Big Ears (magic): Lay on hands!
SFX: SsssssssRruumble
Cart: .inslayer
SFX: .ek Te.
Big Ears: I'm out of healing magic. I'm sorry Complains, but I could only give you back some of your hit points.
Cart: ...slay..
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:46 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07112008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: So what's this big plan of yours?
Cart: ..yer
Thaco: I have to go back into the city.
Cart: .e shall us safe___ ...nslayer
Big Ears: What?! Why?
SFX: Te. Te.
Forehead Fumbles: Monste.
Forehead Fumbles: Monste.
Cart: .e shall us safe ___ ...nslayer
Thaco: Shhh, I'm thinking.
SFX: Tek
Complains of Names: So what, you're just going to make a run for it? As soon as you leave this cover, you'll die before...
Cart: saf. ___ ...aye.
SFX: Tek
Cart: ..fe __ ...er
SFX: Tek
Complains of Names (thinking): The hell?
Cart: .afe ___ ...ayer
Thaco: Okay, listen up. Since we've taken cover, the crossbows are slowing down, but in a moment, the Goblin Slayer should order his men to completely hold their fire. As soon as he does, you two take Fumbles and head for a sewer grate.
Cart: ___ ...nslaye.
Cart: ..r he s... _____ ...nslayer
Big Ears: I don't understand. Why would the Goblin Slayer order...
Thaco: The grates here in the courtyard are bolted shut, so to find one that'll open, you'll have to dart down one of these back streets. Once in the sewers, you should be able to exit the city.
Big Ears: No way, Thaco! We are not splitting up anymore than we already have!
Cart: saf. ___ ...nsla...
Thaco: Don't worry, Ears. If my plan works, we're all getting out of here alive.
SFX: Tek
Cart: ...p u. ___ ...nsl...
Cart: And he shall keep us safe_______ Goblins.ay.r
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07122008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Hey.
Cart: And he s... keep us sa.. ___Go...ye.
Cart: .afe ____ ...er
Complains of Names: Is your plan going to work?
Cart: ...e ___ ..er
Big Ears: Nnn!
Cart: .e shall us safe ____ ...blinslay..
Thaco: No.
SFX: Tek
Cart: ke.. __ Go...
SFX: Tok Tek
Cart: And he sh... keep us sa.. ______ Goblinsl...
SFX: Tek
Cart: And he sh... keep us sa.. _________ Goblinsl...
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07222008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I don't believe it.
Sergeant Morris: Is that...?
Dellyn Goblinslayer: It can't be.
Badge: Gob... Sla...
Elite guard: Hey.
Elite guard: There!
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Hold your fire!
Badge: Go... Sl...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: The Gods are smiling at me today.
Badge: Go... Sl...
Complains of Names: Go! Go!
Cart: And he shall keep us safe _____ .obl.....
Chief: Nya!
Chief: Huff
Chief: Huff
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:12 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07312008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Chief: Nruh!
Chief: Huff
Chief: Huff
Chief: Huff
Chief: Wheeze!
Chief: Oops!
Chief: Oh no!
Chief: Wait.
SFX: Foom
Chief: Oh yeah.
Chief: Huff
Chief: Huff
Chief (thinking): Almost there.
Chief (thinking): Please let there be no guards between here and the gate.
Chief (praying): Maglubiyet, God of all Goblins and greatest of all Gods. All my life I've only ever done what you've asked. What those who represent you have commanded.
Chief (praying): I know that I am not like my father. I have no courage or battle prowess, I know that. Were it not for the civil war that would rip our clan apart, you would have had Thaco as our chief and he would have kept our clan proud and feared, instead of throwing us into a state of shame as I have done.
Chief (praying): I have tried to follow all the traditions that the great chiefs of the past have created, but I have failed so greatly, that to even call out our clan name is a crime.
Chief (praying): But my one strength lies in my dedication to the clan. I have sacrificed my life to become something that I have no talent for and I have done so without complaint.
Chief (praying): I know that I will be forever remembered as the worst chief that our clan has ever had and I understand that I must take this bitter place in history so that we may avoid the civil war and one day return to greatness.
Chief (praying): So now Maglubiyet, for the first time in my life, I ask you for something. Please. If this clan and its humble chief hold any worth for you, please. Please let there be no guards around this corner.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/08012008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Sergeant Greyless: Look there! Two Goblins are escaping with the prisoner! We have to act now!
Elite guard: You heard the captain, he ordered a cease fire.
Sergeant Greyless: Why, because he sees a one-eared Goblin that might be Thaco?
Sergeant Greyless: The captain's obsession with Thaco the Goblin is getting out of hand and it's going to cost us.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:42 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/08232008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Sergeant Morris, you're in charge while I'm down there.
Sergeant Morris: Sir, surely you must see how odd it is for Thaco the Goblin to approach us alone like this.
Badge: Gobl.. Sla...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: There's nothing unusual about the leaders of two armies meeting before battle.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: You three bowmen will accompany me.
Badge: Gob... Sl...
Sergeant Morris: Yes, but it's also possible that this is some kind of trap to lure you out there.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: That's impossib...
Badge: Gob... Slay..
Badge: Gobl.. Slay..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: You six bowmen will accompany me.
Badge: Gob... Sl...
Sergeant Morris: It might be a good idea to send someone else down there to negotiate.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I'm not going down there to negotiate with him, I'm going down there to kill him.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: And it's going to be me who kills him, no one else.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I'm not going to have Brassmoon history remembering him as the one Goblin that I couldn't kill.
Badge: Gob... Sla...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: You men will come with me as well.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Here, you stay on the wall with Kin.
Guard Tayshun: Me sir?
Badge: G... S...
Guard Tayshun: But wouldn't someone else be better? I mean, your monster slave has always really creeped me out...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Someone needs to hold onto Kin's leash and you're the least likely to be useful if there's a trap down there, so stop whining.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: As long as someone is holding the magical leash, she can't commit a violent act.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:31 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09022008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Badge: Goblin Slaye.
Flashback (Dellyn Goblinslayer, in Thaco's mind): Thaco...
Flashback (Dellyn Goblinslayer, in Thaco's mind): ...bleed for me.
Flashback (Thaco, in Thaco's mind): Aaaahhhh!
Thaco: Huff
Badge: Bob... Sla...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: You got old.
Badge: Gob... S...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Your race has a lifespan of only thirty winters and so you age faster.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09032008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Thaco, you've been an annoying sliver in my career, but now that you...
Thaco: I'm here to challenge you to a one on one fight to the death. Just you and me.
Badge: Gob... Slay..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I'm a high level ranger. There is no way that you can defeat me on your own.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: You know that.
Badge: Gob... Slay..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: So I think it's far more likely that this is not a real challenge and is instead, some sort of trap.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: What's the matter, Thaco? You didn't think that I'd spot your trap? Didn't think I'd see it coming?
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Thaco: Sigh.
Thaco: Of course it's a trap, you moron! Stop congratulating yourself for noticing the obvious!
Thaco: It doesn't matter what you know at this point, because all you can do is walk into the trap. You see, you only have two choices right now. You either accept my challenge, knowing that it's a trap...
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Thaco: ...or you can order your men to shoot me down right now. And if you thought that I was causing your career problems before, just wait until the rumours fly about how the mighty Goblin Slayer was afraid to fight one elderly Goblin who openly challenged him to a duel.
Badge: Go... Sl...
Badge: Go... S...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Alright Thaco, you keep playing your little game of chess or whatever it is that you think you're doing. I'll just keep cutting pieces of you and adding them to my trophy collection.
Thaco: And I'll keep burning that collection down.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:22 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09122008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Sergeant Greyless: Those two Goblins took the prisoner down that way, so the Goblin army must be hidden at the end of Red Street.
Elite guard: Should we send a messenger down to tell the captain?
Sergeant Greyless: No, he's only concerned about his orange boyfriend.
Sergeant Greyless: Alright men, we're going to battle!
Elite guard: But sergeant Greyless, the captain will have you executed!
Sergeant Greyless: Not if I save this city, he won't.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I'll fight you Thaco, but not here. Somewhere where this trap of yours can't touch me.
Badge: Gobli. Slayer
Thaco: And somewhere where everyone can see the fight, I suppose.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Yes, when everyone sees me behead you, I'll have proven that no monster can ever escape my dungeons!
Badge: Gobli. Slay..
Badge: Gob... Sla...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: There.
Badge: G... Sl...
Elite guard: Up there sir?
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Half the city can see the top of my statue form their homes. Its perfect.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Alright, Thaco will climb the statue's stairs behind me and you men will climb behind him. If he does anything other than carefully and politely climb those stairs, it means that he's trying to escape, so kill him.
Badge: G... Sl...
Elite guard: Y'know, we could just shoot Thaco the Goblin in the back and say that he was trying to run.
Elite guard: Are you kidding? I want to see this fight.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09132008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Big Ears: How's your broken arm doing?
Street sign: Red Street
Street sign: Red Street
Complains of Names: Better, thanks to your healing, but it still has very little strength. Kinda feels like it's been healed into a messed up shape or something.
Complains of Names: No sewer grates? I hope Chief is doing better than we are.
Big Ears: He's our chief. He knows how to keep it together.
Chief (praying): One thing! I asked you one thing in my whole life of being a pebble for you to kick around! Do you find this funny?! As a God, does this make you laugh?!
Chief (praying): And another thing! What was the point of having me poke out my freakin eye?! Did you think that depth perception was getting in my way of being chief?!
Chief (praying): I'm talkin' to you!
Complains of Names: Yeah, I guess so.
Complains of Names: Dammit, this is a dead end. Who built this place?
Big Ears: Is there a sewer grate?
Complains of Names: Just one.
Big Ears: This wound in my side is killing me. I just need to rest for a moment, then we can backtrack out of here.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names: No.
Complains of Names: No we can't.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:56 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09242008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Sergeant Greyless: Alright men, we don't know how many Goblins are in there! Could be twenty, could be two hundred...
Sergeant Greyless: ...but when we're in the midst of this battle, fighting to protect the citizens of this city, you remember one thing above all else! You remember what they are!
Sergeant Greyless: These creatures are a disease, incapable of moral traits like bravery, self sacrifice or honour!
Sergeant Greyless: They understand only rage and selfishness!
Sergeant Greyless: But underneath all of that filth, underneath everything that they are, is a mere 1/3 challenge rating! And I'll be damned if I'm going to hand over my city to something as weak and pathetic as 1/3 challenge rating!
Sergeant Greyless: Are you with me men!
SFX (men shouting): Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yea.. ..ah!
Big Ears: We're going to die, aren't we?
Complains of Names: Yeah.
Complains of Names: We're gonna die.
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Big Ears: What are you doing?
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09252008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Redefining 1/3 challenge rating.
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Badge: Gobl.. Slaye.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Perfect.
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Thaco the Goblin! You have terrorized this city and its good people for too long!
Badge: Gob...
Elite guard: Sarge, look!
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:26 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10102008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I am Dellyn Goblinslayer! Captain of the elite guard of Brassmoon!
SFX: Crick
Dellyn Goblinslayer: There is no way that you can defeat me!
SFX: Shiinng
Thaco: I know that.
SFX: Chup
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10112008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Scrae-Scra-Scrape-Scrape-Scra..
Complains of Names: Tu
Complains of Names: dae
SFX: Ca-Click
SFX: Sh-Clukk
Complains of Names: Fadda!
Street Sign: .ed Street
Street Sign: Red Street
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10172008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Thup
Sergeant Morris: What did it do that for? I mean, what was the point of coming up here if it didn't plan on fighting?
Badge: Gob... Sla...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Gasp
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Sergeant Morris: Sir, what's wrong?
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Sergeant Morris: Sir, Thaco the Goblin is running back into the city! Should we go after it?
Sergeant Morris: Sir?
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:41 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10242008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Clank
SFX: Snap
SFX: Crunch
Scream: Aahhhh!
SFX: Ca-Clang
Scream: Gah!
SFX: Clanka
Scream: What's happening to me?!
SFX: Crackoom
SFX: Clunk
SFX: Clank
Scream: Raah!
SFX: Fwooosh
SFX: Slish
SFX. Fawoom
SFX: Fwoosh
Scream: Ah!
SFX: Ca-Lunk
Elite guard: Hnaaaa!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11102008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: What's happening... ...to...
Elite guard: meeee!?
Sergeant Greyless: Aah!
SFX: Chuk Chuk Chuk
SFX: Thwump
SFX: Thup
Sergeant Greyless: Nyaaaah!
Sergeant Greyless: Huff
Sergeant Greyless: Huff
Sergeant Greyless: What in the nine hells is going on here?
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11152008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: Wha?
Elite guard: What magic is this?!
Elite guard: Is this some sort of protective ward, Goblin?
SFX: Buzawunk
SFX: Shlump
SFX: Squshunk
SFX: Thump
Sergeant Greyless: You!
Sergeant Greyless: Orange one!
Sergeant Greyless: You're causing all of this somehow!
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:54 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11222008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Sergeant Greyless: Raaah!
Elite guard: Sergeant! Help me!
Elite guard: Oh Gods! Please no!
Elite guard: Aaaah!
Soul: Nooo! Aah!
Sould: It hurts!
Sergeant Greyless: Haah!
SFX: Clang
SFX: Calic Calic
SFX: Calic Calic Calic
Sergeant Greyless: What's happening?
SFX: Calic Calic Calic Calic Calic Cal.. Calic C... ..lic Cal..
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11232008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Sergeant Greyless: What's this? Magic armour?
SFX: Calic
Complains of Names: More blue walls? When does this effect stop?
SFX: Buzawunk
Complains of Names: Uhn!
Sergeant Greyless: You men take down that giant, undead thing! You and you go after the orange Goblin!
SFX: Calic
Elite guard: The giant is coming this way!
Big Ears: Nnn!
SFX: Calic
Sergeant Greyless: Yellow Goblin!
Sergeant Greyless: Let's see whose magic armour is more powerful.
Complains of Names: Huff
Complains of Names: Ah!
Complains of Names: Huff
Complains of Names: Again?
Complains of Names: Aw, come on!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11292008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Buzawunk
Complains of Names: Aah!
Complains of Names: Huff
Complains of Names (thinking): They're getting harder to dodge. The reflex saves are getting more difficult.
Sergeant Greyless: The orange one is using some kind of random magic, isn't he?
SFX: Calic
Sergeant Greyless: Well guess what.
Sergeant Greyless: It randomly worked in my favour.
SFX: Calic
SFX: Calic
SFX: Calic
Sergeant Greyless: What's the matter, Goblin?
Sergeant Greyless: Getting scared?
SFX: Calic
SFX (Sergeant Greyless laughing): Ha Ha Ha
SFX: Calic
SFX (Sergeant Greyless laughing): Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
SFX: Calic
Sergeant Greyless: Heh
Sergeant Greyless: Heh...
Sergeant Greyless: Uh...
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:02 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12072008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Calic
Sergeant Greyless: Okay... okay, that's enough.
SFX: Calic
Sergeant Greyless: Armour, stop! It's getting too heavy! Stop!
SFX: Calic
Sergeant Greyless: Aaah! It's crushing me!
Sergeant Greyless: Help me! Get me out of this armour!
Big Ears: I... I don't know what to...
SFX: Calic Calic
Sergeant Greyless: Naaah!
SFX: Calic Calic Calic Calic
SFX: Squnch
Elite guard: It hurts!
Elite guard: I feel sick... oh Gods, it hurts!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12082008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Buzawunk
Complains of Names: Coff
Complains of Names (thinking): With this wound, I can't take much more of this wall dodging.
Elite guard: Now! Get it before it summons more of that blue protective stuff!
Elite guard: The shield glows when someone strikes it! It has to be what's causing all of these strange magics!
Elite guard: Get around and we'll flank it!
Elite guard: Give up and lower the magic shield, Goblin. You can't win. The bigger creatures always kill the smaller creatures, it's just the nature of the world!
SFX: Thwump
Elite guard and Complains of Names: Sonova crap!
Elite guard and Complains of Names: Sonova crap!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12132008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: You hit the shield, didn't you!
Elite guard: I didn't touch the shield!
Elite guard: We're not gonna make...
SFX: Buzawunk
Soul collector: Huuuuuu!
SFX: Shluk
Soul collector: Hruuuuu!
SFX: Shluk Shluk Shluk
Soul collector: Howuuuuul!
SFX: Shluk Shluk Shluk Shluk
SFX: Shluk Shluk
SFX: Shluk Shluk Shluk
SFX: Thwump
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by Krulle » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:50 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12222008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Huff
Complains of Names: Huff
Complains of Names: Oh.
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -3
Complains of Names: ...damn.
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -3
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -3
SFX: Fwoom
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -4
Complains of Names: Gaahaa!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12232008/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Aaah!
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -4
Flashback (Elite guard in Big Ears mind): I feel sick...
Big Ears (magic) Remove Disease!
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -5
SFX: Rruumble
Lifepoints Complains of Names: I saw it.
Big Ears: Keep still. I need to bind your wounds before your hit points reach -10.
Complains of Names: I saw hell. That demon head from the Shield of Wonder was changing me into a demon and I saw hell!
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -5
Complains of Names: Ears, everyone knows that demons have no souls! The transformation was trying to destroy mine, I felt it!
Big Ears: Everything's going to be okay, Complains. I stopped the effect. Quit moving around.
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -6
Complains of Names: You stopped the magic, but you didn't...
Complains of Names: Ouch
Complains of Names: ..you couldn't reverse it.
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -6
Complains of Names: I felt hell tear off a piece of my soul like a dagger through a spider web. Big Ears...
Complains of Names: I'm not sure if I'm a Goblin anymore.
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -6
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Is everyone ready?
Elite guard: I left one squad at the courtyard's west gate in case the Goblins try to flank us, but other than that, every elite guard is here and ready to enter battle at your order, sir.
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Good
Badge: Go... S...
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: That's our battleground, men!
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Get over there and kill anything that isn't Human!
Badge: Goblin Slayer
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Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:37 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01032009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Chief (praying): ...and how about letting us have a little comfort at our warcamps?! I mean... no females?! Were you being serious with that commandment? I'm nine winters old, and I'm still a virgin! I'll be middle aged soon!
Chief (praying): I've had enough, Maglubiyet! Now you do me this one favour and move those guards or I'm getting my own pointy stick, poking your eye out and shoving it up your damn ass so you can see how full of crap you are!
Chief (praying): Okay then.
Chief (praying): Um...
Chief (praying): ...sorry about the whole "Shoving your own eye up your bum" thing. You're not angry, are you?
Chief (praying): Yeah...
Chief (praying): ...you're angry
Sign: To open the front gate, turn wheel
Sign: Wheel is locked, to unlock use security keys 11, 8, 19 and 1
Sign: Six people needed to turn wheel
Sign: Four individuals needed to turn security keys simultaneously
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:56 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01132009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: We will succeed for the glory of Brass...
Badge: Gobl.. Slay..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: ...moon.
Badge: Gob... Slaye.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I don't believe it.
Badge: Goblin Slayer
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Captain, is that Thaco the Goblin? What is he doing?
Badge: Gobl..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: How many guards were left at the dungeon?!
Elite guard captain: The dungeon? Well... Just two, sir.
Elite guard captain: You said that you wanted everyone here for the battle!
Badge: Gob... Slay..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Close the west gate! Close the west gate!
Badge: Gobl.. Slay..
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01142009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Key: Cell 7
Key: ..ll 4
Key: Cell 13
Key: Cell 1
SFX: Shtink
Key: Cell 13
Key: .3
SFX: Rummmmblw
SFX: Ting Tinka Ting Ting Tinka
Key: .3
SFX: Rummmmble Rumble Rummmmble
SFX: Rummmmmmmble
Forehead Ogre: Coward
Forehead Lizardfolk: Liar
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01252009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forehead Ogre: Coward
Forehead Kobold: Liar
SFX: Rummmmmmmble
Forehead Ogre: Coward
SFX: Shun Shung
SFX: Clunk Clunk
SFX: Shun Shung
SFX: Clunk Clunk
SFX: Shun Shung
SFX: Clunk Clunk
SFX: Shun
Minotaur: Raaaa!
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 02, 2013 2:43 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02082009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard captain: Fire!
SFX: Thup Thup Thup Thup Thup Thup Thup Thup
SFX: Tek Thup Th.. .hup Thup Thup Thup Thup Thup
SFX: ..up Tek Thup Thup
SFX: Scraaaak
Elite guard: Melee fighters! Get up front!
Elite guard: You put the guards trained for melee fighting behind the crossbows! Why did you...
Elite guard: I thought the gate would close and...
Elite guard: Lookout!
Doubleheaded Ogre: Graaaaah!
Elite guard: Naa!
SFX: Click Click Click Click Click Click Click Click
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02092009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Doubleheaded Ogre: Graaa!
Nail: Does the Goblin Slayer see ya yet or are ya gonna hafta keep posing up there?
Thaco: He sees me.
Nail: I don't see him. Is he comin' this way?
Thaco: Yup. Are the others in position?
Nail: Yeah, but Thaco, even with this plan o'yers, ya ain't gonna beat him! Let me come with ya.
Thaco: No, you stick with the plan like everyone else, Nail! Make your way to the front gate and get out of here!
Nail: But the front gate ain't even open!
Thaco: It will be, we've got our best Goblin on it! And stay out of the Goblin Slayer's path! Let him follow me!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02152009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Scream: Gahah!
SFX: Slice
SFX: Clang
SFX: Clash
SFX: Swish
Scream: Arg!
SFX: Crack
SFX: Thump
Scream: Aaah!
SFX: Whack
SFX: Clang
SFX: Crack
Nail: It's payback time, bitch.
Nail: Nraaa!
SFX: Slish
Nail: Gahak!
SFX: Slash
SFX: Scrunch
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Thacooo!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02212009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Chief: Nnn!
Kin: You don't know a lot about leverage, do you?
Kin: ah, ah... This is an enchanted crossbow bolt, so let's leave the spear over there and keep things nice and polite, okay?
Chief: I know you. I mean, I saw you at the Goblin Slayer's hut. You're his prisoner, right?
Kin: Not anymore. My name is Kin, member of the Silkscale Yuan-ti clan and protector of the Sunset Fields to the south, and I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to find a way down the outside of this wall.
Chief: Um, okay... Why are you telling me so much about yourself?
Kin: Confidently stating your titles and accomplishments along with your name during an introduction can be an effective way of establishing dominance in encounters.
Kin: I'm sorry, Yuan-ti have a high intelligence when compared to many humanoids and in my case, it causes me to fall victim to an exponentially redundant vocabulary when I become nervous. Given the precariousness of my current situation I...
Elite guard captain: Monsters! Monsters in the front gate control room!
Me thinks this page would fit better in the next chapter. *shrug*
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:26 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03032009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Sign: ..dividuals to turn ...ty keys ...aneously
SFX: Thwup Thw..
SFX Tek Tek
SFX Thwup
SFX: Thuk
Elite Guard: Gaah!
SFX: Cilik
SFX: Shilik Cilik
Chief: You led Humans here?
Kin: I didn't lead them here, we're in a Human city! It is not unfathomable to expect to encounter Humans!
Sign: .nd... ...ed to ...rity keys ...taneously
Sign: ..eel is locked ...ock wheel ...ity keys .nd 1
Chief: Why don't you tell them your titles and accomplishments to establish dominance!?
Chief: Everything was going according to plan until you showed up!
Kin: Oh yeah, I saw!
Kin: Humping the gate mechanism was really working your you!
Kin: Maybe if you orally pleasure these keyholes, you can bypass the security lock!
Sign: keys ...eously
Chief: Stand back, Kin!
Kin: Don't throw the spear!
Chief: Why not?
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:03 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03102009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: I can't keep them back for long! They're going to rush in here in a moment and that's our only melee weapon!
Sign: .nd... ...ri.. ...taneou.ly
SFX: Thunk Tha-Thunk Thunk
SFX: Foom
Sign: individuals ...ded to turn ...urity keys ...ultaneous..
Kin: Throw the spear!
Sign: ..ividuals to turn ...ty keys ...neous..
Elite guard: They have magic items! We need back up!
SFX: Tooo Dooooooo
Complains of Names: What the hell is going on?
Big Ears: I don't know, but if we're escaping, we're going to need Vorpal.
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -6
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -6
Complains of Names: Go get him. I'll be fine.
Big Ears: Are you sure you...
Complains of Names: I'll be fine.
Lifepoints Complains of Names: -6
Complains of Names: Thaco, you better know what you're doing.
This page seems to belong in the previous chapter too. Yeah, yeah. The author decides!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03112009 wrote:► Show Spoiler
Elite guard: I know the Drider is around here.
Elite guard: It's got nowhere to hide, where the hell did it go?
Elite guard: Wait, can't Driders cast...
Elite guard: ...levitate!
SFX: Ca-Slish
Elite guard: Gaa!
SFX: Sli-Clang
Elite guard: Aarah!
SFX: Slish
Drider (magic): Suggestion.
Drider (magic): The Humans will most likely be able to kill me without your help, Dwarf. Go kill something else.
Dwarf: Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna go kill something else.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:10 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03152009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Ogre Pan: Yala, which way for going?
Ogre Pan: 'kay!
Ogre Pan: And for fighting for which much?
SFX: Tap Tap
Ogre Pan: 'kay!
SFX: Thrunch
Kobold Yala: -
SFX: Thnak
Kobold Yala: -
Ogre Pan: Graa!
SFX: Thrunk
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03222009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Ogre Pan: Aah!
SFX: Thrunk
Ogre Pan: 'kay!
Ogre Pan: Yala, which way for going?
Ogre Pan: Yala?
Ogre Pan: Yala!
Ogre Pan: Oh!
Ogre Pan: Ohnobadno!
Ogre Pan: Yala!
Ogre Pan: Yalaaa!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03302009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Tha-Thump Thump
SFX: Thump Thump
Elite guard: Get around it!
Elite guard: Spears! Use your spears!
SFX: Thump Tha-Thump Thump
SFX: Thump
SFX: Tha-Thump
SFX: ...mp Thum.
Elite guard: Get around and flank it!
SFX: Tha-Thump
SFX: ..ump Thump Thum.
SFX: Thump Thump Tha-Thump Thump
Drider: Nyaaaa!
Elite guard: Yeah! We got it now!
Drider: Nyaaaaa!
SFX: Ca-Thuk
Dwarf: Raaah!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03312009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dwarf: Now you got no Ogres or Driders to hide behind, you legless piece of...
SFX: Crackle
Ogre Pan: Mraaa!
Ogre Pan: Huff
Ogre Pan: Huff
Dwarf and Ogre Pan: aaaaaaaaaa
SFX: Criaaash
Ogre Pan: Yala!
Ogre Pan: Yalaaaaa!
Kobold Yala: -
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04062009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Ogre Pan: Ohnobadno.
Ogre Pan: Ohnobadno.
SFX: Ting Ting Ting Tin.
SFX: Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting Ting ..ng
Ogre Pan: Yala?!
Ogre Pan: Yala! You 'kay?
Ogre Pan: You 'kay?
Ogre Pan: You hang on...
Ogre Pan: ...a lot much...
Ogre Pan: ...and a lot and a lot...
Ogre Pan: ..hang on tight and...
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04142009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Ca-Clang Clang
Ogre Pan: Uh?
Ogre Pan: Ah ha!
Ogre Pan: Ha ha!
Ogre Pan: 'kay now!
Ogre Pan: 'kay!
Ogre Pan: Ha ha!
Ogre Pan: Yeah.
Ogre Pan: Ha ha.
Ogre Pan: 'kay!
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Huff
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Huff
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Huff
Dellyn, the Goblinslayer: Thaco!
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Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:09 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04282009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kobold: Is that it? Is that all the old Goblin wanted from us?
Hobgoblin (?): That was it. Let's get to the front gate.
SFX: Slish
SFX: Slish
Thaco: I've got bad news for you, Human.
Thaco: You forgot to bring a torch.
SFX: Slish
SFX: Ca-Splish
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Aah!
SFX: Sloosh
SFX: Spish Spish Spish Spish Spish Spish
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04292009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Luring me down here to take advantage of your darkvision.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I'm actually really impressed Thaco, that's very clever.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: But I have some bad news for you Goblin.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: High level rangers can cast spells.
Dellyn Goblinslayer (magic): Magic Fang!
SFX: Fwoom
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I don't really need the +1 bonus, but...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: ...the glow is handy.
Badge: Gob... Slay..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I really wanted to kill you infront of everyone, Thaco. I guess I'll have to settle for parading your head around on a pike.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: This time there's nowhere to run. No statue to jump off of and no ropes to slide down. Just a straight fight between you and I, and there's no way that you can defeat me.
Thaco. I know that.
Panel 7: "infront"?
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Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:22 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05182009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Ca-Clak Clak
SFX: Clak
SFX: Cluk
Dellyn Goblinslayer: You're good.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Not nearly good enough to beat me, but still...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: ...better than a Goblin should be.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Why is that?
Thaco: Huff
Thaco: Huff
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05262009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Sloosh
SFX: Slosh
SFX: Cluk
SFX: Splish
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Ah!
SFX: Caclanng
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Why are you fighting this well, Thaco? Where is this courage coming from?!
SFX: Spulash
Badge: Go... Slayer
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Why aren't you more afraid of...
Thaco: Huff
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Wait.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Oh...
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Oh, I know what the problem is. This is actually my fault.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: I've been treating you like a rival.
SFX: Splunk
Dellyn Goblinslayer: When I should be treating you like a prisoner.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05272009/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Just like the old days.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: When we used to play.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Do you remember the sound that your flesh made when I tore into it? It sounded like ripping wet canvas.
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Would you like to play again?
Thaco: Mmm!
Thaco: Aaah!
SFX: Spassh
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Yes! Ha ha!
Dellyn Goblinslayer: That's the Thaco I remember! Now you're acting like a Goblin!
SFX: Splash Splash
Dellyn Goblinslayer: Now Thaco..
Dellyn Goblinslayer: ...bleed for me.
SFX: Thwup
SFX: Thunk
Thaco: Unnn!
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Aug 01, 2019 6:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story!
it's fully funded, and all realistic stretch goals reached!