Home of all attempts to translate Goblins into another language.
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- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:39 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12102010-3/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Complains of Names: Huff
Lifepoints Chief: -8
Complains of Names: Just hang on, Chief! Just hang on, okay!?
Lifepoints Chief: -8
Complains of Names: Everything's gonna be okay, just hang on!
Chief: Nnnn!
Lifepoints Chief: -8
Lifepoints Chief: -8
Lifepoints Chief: -8
Lifepoints Chief: -9
Complains of Names: Help me!
Lifepoints Chief: -9
Complains of Names: Somebody help me!
Lifepoints Chief: -9
Complains of Names: Please!
Big Ears: You want this axe, Kore?
Big Ears: Then...
Big Ears: ...go get it!
SFX: Thunk
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12172010/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Lifepoints Chief: -9
Complains of Names: Chief...
Complains of Names: Chief, you have to hang on!
Lifepoints Chief: -9
Complains of Names: You have to find a way to hang on!
Complains of Names: Please!
Complains of Names: My arm...
Complains of Names: I can't...
Lifepoints Chief: -9
Complains of Names: Please! This has to be enough, okay? I need you to stabilize!
Chief: Ah!
Lifepoints Chief: -9
Chief: Gasp!
Lifepoints Chief: -10
Lifepoints Chief: -10
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Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:53 am, edited 9 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:47 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12312010/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Shunk
SFX: Ca-Click
SFX: Fwoom
SFX: Fwoom Fwoom
SFX: Fwoom Fwoom Fwoom Fwoom Fwoom
Complains of Names: Rraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Complains of Names: aaaaaaaaa!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01042011-6/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kore: A demon?
Complains of Names: Raaaaa!
Kore (magic): Holy Sword.
SFX: Clang Clang Clang Clang
SFX: Clang Clang Clang Clang
Thaco: Complains is going to get killed! We have to figure out how to get past Kore's armour!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01072011-3/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX (Complains of Names yelling): aaa..aaa
SFX: Clang
Big Ears: I'm useless in this fight! The axe just goes right through him!
Thaco: Well we have to do someth...
Thaco: Wait.
Thaco: Throw the axe at him!
Big Ears: What?! But...
Thaco: Do it!
Big Ears: I can't attack someone from behind!
Thaco: You have to!
Big Ears: I...
Thaco: Ears! Now!
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:55 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01142011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kore (magic): Lay...
Kore: ...k...k...
Kore (magic): Lay on...
Kore. ...kl...
Kore: ...k...
Kore: ...k...kl...
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Huff
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Huff
Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Huff
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Complains of Names: Yer dead now, Dwarf! I'm gonna rip you...
Thaco: Stop being a moron, and run, youngling.
Complains of Names: Run?! You just fused a rope to his throat! You pretty much killed him! Let's finish the job!
Thaco: i didn't kill him, I pissed him off.
Kore: k...kk..
Kore (magic): Lay on... La...
Thaco: Plus, I messed with his beard. I think that's bad with Dwarves.
Thaco: Now let's grab Chief while we can and get out of...
Big Ears: Nnnooooooooooooooooo!
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Forehead Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Monster
Thaco: Aw, no.
Thaco: Chief.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01182011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kore (magic): L... Lay on...
Kore: Ha... kk...k...
Kore (magic): Haa...
Thaco: Let's go.
Big Ears: But Chief...
Thaco: Run now, cry later.
Kore: K... ...kl...
SFX: Kathunk Kathunk Kathunk
SFX: Kathunk Kathunk Kathunk Kathunk Kathunk
Big Ears: Come on!
Kore: k...kl... ...k...
Kore: ...kk...k...
Kore: kl...k...
SFX: Klunk
Kore (magic): Lay on...
Kore (magic): Ha...
Kore (magic): Han...
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01212011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kore (magic): Lay...
Kore (magic): ...on...
Kore (magic): ...
Kore (magic): ...Hands.
SFX: Rruuummmbbllle
Forehead Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Monster
SFX: Shlik
SFX: Splut
Goblins: Huff
Goblins: Huff
Goblins: Huff
Goblins: Huff
Big Ears: We're not going to make it!
Forehead Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Monster
SFX: Kwu-Foooom
Forehead Fumbles: Monster
Minmax: Hi Names, remember me?
Forehead Fumbles (Senor Vorpal Kickass'o): Monster
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:05 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01252011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minma, or Forgath: Seriously? A treasure plant?
Forgath: Is Herbert even trying anymore?
Kin: They were first created long ago by a wizard who hated trespassers. Now they grow wild in some areas. They're only a danger to the dumbest of individuals.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KE.
Kin and Forgath: Minmax!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Mm!
Minmax: Mmhmm!
Minmax: Mmm!
Forgath: Grab his legs!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Mmm!
Helmet: This is a helmet
SFX: Splork
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: You okay?
Minmax: I will be.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
Minmax: As soon as I get my treasure!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Thwump
Helmet: This is a helmet
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:13 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01282011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: We've been walking uphill for hours. This place is the same.
Forgath: The same as what?
Minmax: No, the same is my new mega-dis. I combined "stupid" and "lame" to make same.
Forgath: That's moronic.
Forgath: And you're annoying.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: You mean mnnoying.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am
Forgath: So Kin, what's the lore behind this dungeon we'll be entering?
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: Pfft! Lore is a waste of time.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am
Minmax: I like my dungeon crawls like I like my sex. Get in there, find the treasure room and get out.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Forgath: Sometimes I can't keep up with you, Minmax.
Minmax: That's because I'm quick.
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: And you're adorable.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: That's right!
Minmax: I'm adick!
Badge: MM
Minmax: Wait.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am
Forgath: Oooo, very nice.
Kin: Thank you.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:14 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02012011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: We've made it. This is the entrance to the Maze of Many.
Forgath: The entrance is a giant sword?
Kin: Long before mortal minds were recording time, there was a battle in this realm between two young Gods.
Minmax: That's the sword of a God?!
Beltbuckle: .m .reat
Necklace: KEN
Kin: No, that's the sword of a God's underling. To look at the weapon of an actual God would probably kill us. The Silkscale clan did some research on this sword a long time ago.
Kin: Going through the energy in the center of the sword will safely take us to the Maze of Many, but we have to remember that this device's purpose is destruction. Its power comes from energies that we can't begin to understand.
Kin: Whatever you do, don't touch the blade.
Minmax: Why? What happens if you touch the blade?
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
Minmax: Oh.
Minmax: Oh!
Minmax: Backing away from the terrible, terrible blade.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02042011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath: I guarantee you, that if we were to leave him alone with this thing for two minutes, he'd be dead.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: I think you give him too little credit. We shouldn't think less of Minmax due to his lower intelligence anymore than we should think less of me for my lack of upper body strength. Intelligence is just another attribute.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: And look. See? He's seen the evidence presented to him concerning the danger, realised what he shouldn't do and now he's contemplating what he's learned.
Beltbuckle: I am great
Kin: It may take him longer to reach the conclusions that you and I can come to with greater ease, but in his own way, he's trying and that's constructive.
Forgath: Mhmm.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: See how he's concentrating so intently on the blade? His mind may not be the quickest, but he is commited to the task of understanding the current situation. There are scholars who have trouble reaching that kind of concentration.
Forgath: Ah.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: So I don't think that we should be concerned with his ability to learn about his environment, because as long as his intellect is propelling him forward like it is now, that's always positive.
Forgath: I see.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Hey Minmax, what are you thinking right now?
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: I'm totally gonna pee on this thing.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: Minmax, no!
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Panel 5: committed?
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02082011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: What's the problem? Peeing isn't touching.
Kin: A statistically relevant amount of destructive magics share some qualities with the kind of energy found in lightning! If your stream of urine is constant enough, the water content in that urine could act as a conductor and...
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Kin: ...well...
Badge: MM
Kin: What I'm trying to say, is that the magics within the sword could transfer to you using properties found...
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Kin: Sigh
Necklace: KE.
Kin: Penis go boom.
Minmax: What?! Seriously?! Why didn't anyone tell me?! I could've been killed!
Necklace: KEN
Beltbuckle: I am
Forgath: So Kin, you're sure that walking through this light is safe?
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: Yes
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: Of course there are always long term risks such as fatal mutations caused by exposure to radiation that could be inherent in the unstudied aspect of this kind of magic.
Forgath: What?!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: Just go, mop face.
Forgath: Mmfffh!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: C'mon Kin, let's go.
Badge: MM
Kin: I don't...
Kin: ...I can't...
Minmax:Oh, I forgot, no touching. The whole tactile interjunction thing. S'cool.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02112011-4/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Whoa.
Forgath: What in the nine layers of hell is going on here?
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: Is that us?
Kin: They're alternate versions of us from other realities. In a little while, the race for the treasure room will begin. They'll be our competition.
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am grea.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Explanation (Kin): Anytime you traverse a dungeon in search for treasure, there are countless alternate versions of you in their own alternate realities, attemting to survive their version of that same dungeon crawl.
Cape clasps and ends: M in M ax
Beltbuckle: For I am great
Helmet: tis a helm
Explanation (Kin): But this place exists outside of time and the multiverse. Unlike other dungeon crawls, there are not countless versions of the Maze of Many, there is only this one.
Explanation (Kin): There are two hundred eighteen "copies" of our group in here now. The group that reaches the treasure room first, will claim all of the treasure, including the Jade Teapot and gain the ability to return to their native reality.
Necklace: This is a helmet
Beltbuckle: I grea.
Question (Forgath): So what happens to those who don't make it to the treasure room in time?
Explanation (Kin): As I've said, the Maze of Many exists outside of time. After the winning group returns home, all of the time that the failing groups have spent in here is erased from existence.
Beltbuckle: 01001001 00100000 01000001 01001101 00100000 01000111 01010010 010000101 01000001 01010100
Explanation (Kin): All losers are returned to the exact moment that they entered the maze. With the winners of the previous race gone, they are replaced by another version of us and the race begins anew.
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Explanation (Kin): With all previous attempts to win the race removed from time for everyone except the winners, no one has any memory of ever failing. Only the success exists for us and so technically we will have never failed, no matter how many attempts it will have taken us to win.
Necklace: ..N
Badge: .M
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Explanation (Kin): The process repeats until infinity is satisfied and every alternate reality in which we've entered the Maze of Many has ended with our success.
Minmax: You wean I gotta go uk againsht a hoe gunch og Winwaxshesh? Dat'sh da one guy who'sh ash I'n not shure is I can kick!
Badge: MM
a compilation of known information about the other alternative realities (thanks SpeaksManyLanguages!)
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 5:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:59 pm
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02152011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath: Well all we can do is our best. We'll work and fight harder than the others and hopefully we'll actually succeed on our first attempt.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: Hey, what's this thing?
Counter: 1 982 771
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Kin: That's uh... Well that's our counter. It keeps track how many times we've failed so far.
Forgath: What?! Are you telling me that we're so slow, we've been beaten to the treasure room almost two million times?!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: Not necessarily, it's probable that we've been killed in battle or by various traps as well. So speed may not be our most prominent inadequacy.
Forgath: But two million times?! That's just embarrassing! And with the exception of feeling more humiliated each time, I've probably gone through this exact rant hundreds of times and I'll probably say it millions of times more! nothing we're doing at this moment holds any substance because we're going to fail again! I could throw myself on Minmax's sword! Shave my beard! Nothing matters right now! Nothing will exist so there are no repercussions or consequences to anything we do!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Mmm!
Forgath: Mmmmmm!
Forgath: Mm!
Minmax: Blech! It's like kissing an old tavern broom.
Forgath: coff
Forgath: coff
Beltbuckle: .m great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath? Why... What... Why the hell did you do that?!
Minmax: I dunno. It was funny? You said that nothing we do really exists, right?
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: After all the times you've picked on me by jokingly claim that I was gay, you kissed me?! Well Minmax, that was the gayest thing you've ever...
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: Oh relax, it's not gay, you're played by a girl.
Badge: .M
Beltbuckle: am
Helmet: This is a helmet
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02182011-3/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: So when does this race start?
Kin: From what I understand, the wall behind us should open up at any moment.
Minmax: A lot of them look really evil.
Kin: The multiverse is predominantly evil.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Necklace: KEN
Forgath: What? I was always taught that good and evil are balanced.
Kin: Nope. Evil is winning.
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: Really? That's awful. Is there nothing we can do to...
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: Hey look! There's a version of me with a cool hat!
Forgath: I'm surprised there isn't a zombie version of us. That seems like the most obvious, clich├®d...
Necklace: KEN
Badge: .M
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: There they are.
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Oh yeah, I see them.
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Kuurrrrrr
Minmax: Well, this is it. Let's go.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Thu Apr 11, 2013 1:33 pm
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02222011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
PsiMax: I've killed you and Forgath eight hundred seventeen times now. Because I destroyed the counter, the three of us remember everything. I'm sure it's been very painful for both of you. Dying over and over like that. I doubt you'll believe me, but I really am sorry for that necessity.
PsiMax: The good news, is that you won't be feeling anymore pain. This is the last time that I'll be killing you. While the others have been repeatedly rushing to find the treasure room like mice looking for cheese, I've become intricately familiar with every inch of this place.
PsiMax: I finally have all the information I need to turn the power of the maze in on itself, removing everyone on it from existence forever. None of us will ever have existed. We'll have achieved pure oblivion. The only true escape from pain. That is something that even death cannot provide.
SFX: Splishk
PsiKin: Aaah!
PsiMax: Shhh. You see how much pain existence brings? You only fear oblivion because it is not yet here and you are burned with a disgusting sense of survival. As a psion, that's something I have been able to overcome. Soon we will all have never been
PsiMax: You're welcome.
SFX: Splishk
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Fri Apr 12, 2013 2:52 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/02252011-3/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: This room is a total death trap. We should go another way.
Forgath: There is no other way. So far, the Maze of Many consists of a hallway and this room, so let's just keep moving.
Helmet: This is a helmet
AltMinmax: Hey, this wall is covered in holes!
AltForgath: Shut up, Minmax!
Minmax: I didn't say anything.
AltMinmax: Yes I did.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: No I didn't!
AltForgath: I said shut up, Minmax!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
AltMinmax: I didn't say anything!
Minmax: Yes I did!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Forgath: I'm starting to piece together how we've been able to lose this thing two million times.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: .EN
AltMinmax: You wanna piece of me?! Roll for initiative, bitch!
Beltbuckle: .IE
AltMinmax: Yee-Ah! Wah! Gettin' scared now?! Kee-Yah!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: This guy's an idiot.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03012011-4/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Shunk
SFX: Clackclick Clackclick Clackclick
AltForgath: The bladed wall is sliding forward!
Kin: You've got to open this door now! It's unlikely that I possess the ability to utilise a sufficient amount of mechanical energy to...
Minmax: I'm on it!
Minmax: Hrnnn!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
AltMinmax: It's no use, the damn thing won't budge!
AltKin: Can't you do anything right?!
Beltbuckle: DIE
AltMinmax: Well don't just stand there like a moron, go check the door we came in!
AltForgath: Kiss my ass!
Forgath: I'll check the door we came in!
Minmax: Good idea!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
AltKin: There'll obviously be a method of bypassing this obstruction, but I don't see mechanisms designed for manual interaction. It's possible that the door is triggered not by...
AltMinmax: Well do something, bitch!
Beltbuckle: DIE
AltKin: Don't yell at me, you brainless hunk of carbon! I'm concentrating!
Kin: ...possible that the door is not triggered by interaction, but by action. Yet, what would that action entail? I see no relevant fixtures indicating possible clues as to what action would be the intended necessity required for success.
Necklace: KEN
Kin: This room seems to have no way out. I don't understand.
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03042011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: kkkkkkk
Kin: What?
Kin: Hey! The door opened a little!
Kin: Minmax! The door opened a little!
AltMinmax: "The same" is my saying! I invented it!
Minmax: Nu-uh, I invented it, dork-butt!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Kin (thinking): But why would the door partly open? It doesn't make any sense.
Necklace: KEN
SFX: kkkkkkk
Kin (thinking): ...
Kin (thinking): Confusion. The door is opened by a prominent amount of confusion.
Necklace: KEN
SFX: kkkkkkk
Kin (thinking): And it's closed by an equal amount of comprehension.
Necklace: KE.
SFX: kkkkkkShunk
Kin: Forgath!
Forgath: Did you find anything, Kin?
SFX: Clackclick Clackclick
Kin: When I say "start", I need you to go upwards red-ways! But only when I say the word "start"! And make sure that when you back up. you go more than fifteen, but less than four! Ready? Go!
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: What?!
SFX: kkkkkkk
Kin: That's perfect, thanks!
Helmet: This is a helmet
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03082011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: I just need it to open a bit more.
Necklace: KEN
Kin: Forgath, I already told you that I need you to find the ones counter clockwise! Now repeat back to me the third thing that wasn't said!
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Oh, I see what you're doing. The door opens when someone gets confused.
Helmet: This is a helmet
SFX: kkkkkkkShunk
Kin: No!
Necklace: KEN
Kin: Minmax is our last chance.
Forgath: It's okay, confusing him will be a cakewalk.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Hey, Minmax!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: What?
Forgath: Come here!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: What? Did you figure out how to open the door?
Forgath: Quick! What do you think of complex math?
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: It's stupid. Everyone knows that math has never done anything good, ever.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: That's not going to perpetrate success.
Forgath: S'okay, I got this.
Forgath: Minmax, look up.
Minmax: Okay.
Forgath: No, no, the other up.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am
Minmax: Sorry.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: K..
Forgath: We're going to die because he's too dumb to outsmart!
Helmet: This is a helmet
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03112011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Clackclick Clackclick Clackclick
Forgath: This is going to hurt.
SFX: Clackclick Clackclick
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Clackclick
Nacklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I a. grea.
Badge: M.
Badge: M.
SFX: kkkkkkk
Forgath: The door's open!
Forgath: Go! Go! Go!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Go! Go! Go!
AltKin: What? They've gotten their door open? They're escaping?! I don't understand! How did they...
SFX: kkkkkkk
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03152011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
AltMinmax: The door is open!
AltMinmax: Me first!
Beltbuckle: DIE
AltKin (thinking): Confusion.
AltKin (thinking): The door is opened by a prominent amount of confusion.
SFX: kkkkkkk
AltMinmax: Aahh! My back! Kin, help!
AltKin (thinking): And it's closed by an equal amount of comprehension!
SFX: kkkkkkk Shunk
SFX: Splork
AltKin: Forgath! You have to get confused now!
AltForgath: Don't tell me what to do! I'm the one bustin' my ass to get us out of here!
AltKin: When I say "start", I need you to go upwards red-ways!
AltForgath: What?!
AltKin: I said go up...
AltKin: Eeeeeah!
AltForgath: Gaaah!
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:29 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03222011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Grem: Okay, I'm going to try this one, this time.
Grem: Hang on, everyone.
Grem (blowing out a candle): Whhh
SFX: Thwup
Dies Horribly: Gah!
SFX: Thwup
Grem: Okay, so what was that, blue? So yellow is connected to blue?
Saves a Fox: Yes, but there are two shades of blue, what could that mean?
Grem: What are you talking about, Fox? There's only one blue. That one over there is green.
Saves a Fox: No, that one is sky blue, that one is sea blue!
K'seliss: Both of you shut up and focus!
Dies Horribly: I need a red one!
SFX: Klik
Grem: Let's see, red was connected to grey. Let me just get to a grey one, Dies.
Saves a Fox: There is no grey.
Grem: Are you crazy?! There's a grey right there!
Saves a Fox: That's off white.
K'seliss: Okay, that's it! I'm eating both of ya!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03252011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Grem (blowing a candle): Whhhh
SFX: Thwup
Saves a fox: Okay, now try a skin coloured one.
Grem: You mean a white one?
K'seliss: She means a green one.
Saves a Fox: I man an orange one!
Grem (blowing out a candle): Whhhh
SFX: Thwup
Dies Horribly: Aaaah!
SFX: Sh-Ching
SFX: Sh-Ching
Dies Horribly: Oof!
Saves a Fox: Dies!
Saves a Fox: Dies, are you alright?!
Dies Horribly: Yeah. Yeah I think so.
K'seliss: Why are you Goblins having so much trouble with this?! You all got off of the block hanging from chains without a problem!
Grem, or Saves a Fox: Well once you got it swinging again, jumping across to the exit platform was easy.
Dies Horribly: Huff
K'seliss: Exactly! I'm carrying all of you through this whole dungeon!
Dies Horribly: I'm so glad that's over.
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:38 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/03292011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: Huh?
SFX: Thump
Dies Horribly: Aaaaaaeeeee!
SFX: Sh-Ching
Dies Horribly: Aahh!
Dies Horribly: Aaah!
Dies Horribly: Aaaaa!
SFX: Thump
Dies Horribly: Huff
Dies Horribly: Huff
Saves a Fox, or Grem: Dies!
Saves a Fox, or Grem: Dies, what's wrong?!
Saves a Fox, or Grem: Just hang tight, we'll be there in a moment!
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04052011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Grem (?): Okay, swing to that other pole.
Saves a Fox (?): I am!
Grem (?): K'seliss, watch your tail!
Grem: Fox, look out!
Saves a Fox: It's okay, Klik is helping me.
Grem (?): Can you reach the ledge?
K'seliss: Stop pulling on my tail!
Grem (?): Well move your damn tail!
Saves a Fox: Dies, are you okay?
Dies Horribly: Off the floor! Get off the clear floor!
Grem: What?
SFX: Klik
Saves a Fox: Holy ...!
Grem: Whoa!
SFX: Thump Thump thump
SFX: Thump
Saves a Fox: Can it break through?
Dies Horribly: I don't know.
SFX: Thump
SFX: Thump Thump
Dies Horriby (?): What is it? Why is it even down there?
Grem, Dies Horribly, or Saves a Fox: K'seliss, what are you doing?!
SFX: Scrick
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04082011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Grem, or Saves a Fox: K'seliss, what the hell was that? Did you just rip off its finger?!
Grem: Don't eat that! You don't even know what it is.
K'seliss: Hey, Lizardfolk have twenty seven ways to say "hello"! Eleven of those ways involve eating a part of who we're greeting, so stop messing up my diplomacy check, ya pee sack!
K'seliss: Eh?
K'seliss: Aaaah!
Grem: What's wrong?
K'seliss: My hands! They feel like they're on fire!
SFX: Thump Crack
Grem: We have to leave this area. Fast.
Saves a Fox: Can we open this door?
Dies Horribly: I think it needs a key.
Saves a Fox: Then we might have to go down that hallway.
SFX: Thump Thump
Saves a Fox: Which means walking on that clear floor.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04122011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Grem: Well the longer we think about it, the closer that thing comes to killing us.
SFX: Thump
K'seliss: The floor's all cracked up! There's no way it'll hold my weight!
Grem: Then stay here.
SFX: Thump
Dies Horribly: I can't! I can't go back out there!
Saves a Fox: If we stay here, we'll all die horribly. It'll be okay, c'mon.
Saves a Fox: It stopped banging. What does that mean?
Grem: I don't care, let's just keep moving.
SFX: Thump
K'seliss: I can't take this anymore! My hands are burning up!
Grem: You heal a lot faster than the rest of us. Whatever is wrong, I'm sure it'll clear up soon.
Saves a Fox: Look, there's a turn-off!
Dies Horribly: But what is that?
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04152011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Saves a Fox: Whatever this big thing is, don't touch it.
Grem: Hey, is that a key down there?
Dies Horribly, K'seliss, or Saves a Fox: Where?
Grem: There, at the base of that pole. It could be for that door we couldn't open.
Dies Horribly, K'seliss, or Saves a Fox: Well if it is, it's got to be heavily trapped.
Grem: We should send Klik to go get it.
SFX: Klik
Dies Horribly: Hey, Klik isn't just some trap springer that you can throw into a room. He's a member of this party.
SFX: Klik
Dies Horribly: Plus, he'd most likely eat the key.
SFX: Klik
Grem: Is he still hungry?! I've been watching you feed him most of your armour!
Dies Horribly: Grem, you try flying around and shapeshifting and we'll see how much energy you use up!
Grem: Alright, fine. You don't want the invulnerable, flying orb to go into the trapped area, then you go.
Saves a Fox: No.
Saves a Fox: Dies Horribly isn't walking into any dangerous areas. We're trying to postpone his gruesome destiny for as long as we can.
Grem: When did you start following the rules of destiny? I thought you didn't believe in that stuff.
Saves a Fox: When I was a youngling, I thought I'd broken free of my fate. I see now that we're all puppets to destiny. My whole life has been...
K'seliss: For the love of meat, shut up! No one wants to hear your emo character background! My hands are literally melting away and I'm complaining less than you are! Just grab the damn key and let's go!
Panel 7: forgot to switch of italics?
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04192011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Thump
SFX: Thump Thump
Grem: It's still working on that crack. We don't have any time to argue.
Grem: Dies, you and I will go get the key.
Saves a Fox: I said no.
Grem: If the end of this hallway is trapped, Dies' hand might be useful. Don't worry, I'll stay with him. You wait here with K'seliss.
Dies Horribly: I'm scared.
Grem: Y'know, maybe the key isn't trapped. Maybe this is just an uneventful hallway.
Dies Horribly: I said I'm scared, not stupid.
Grem: It's okay, I know how to bypass traps.
Dies Horribly: You do?
SFX: Tink
Grem: Run!
SFX: Craaaash
SFX: Creeeeeeeeeeeeee
SFX: Creeeaaaaaooooooooo
Grem: Fox! Things are happening! Run!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04222011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
K'seliss: Aw crap.
Saves a Fox: Go! Go! Go!
Grem: Get down!
SFX: Klaang
SFX: Click
Dies Horribly: huff
Dies Horribly: huff
Dies Horribly: What was the point of bringing me along if all you were going to do was...
Grem: Trap's not done yet.
SFX: Cruuummmble
Dies Horribly: What?!
SFX: Cruuunch
SFX: Crash
SFX: Fwump
SFX: Crack-Splash
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:49 am, edited 4 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
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by Krulle » Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:42 pm
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04262011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: huff
Dies Horribly: huff
Grem: huff
Grem: C'mon, let's get this key to the door.
Saves a Fox: Oh no.
Dies Horribly: Grem...
SFX: Crick Cri-Crick
Dies Horribly: Grem...
Dies Horribly: Grem, I think we should leave here.
SFX: Cri-Crick Crick Crack
SFX: Crick ..rick Crack
SFX: Crack Cri-Crick Crick
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/04292011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: Grem, let's go!
Grem: I am a Goblin prince.
SFX: Shing
Grem: I know when to fight.
SFX: Thump
Dies Horribly: I am a coward!
Dies Horribly: I know when to run!
SFX: Crick Crick Crick
SFX: Crick Crack Crack
Dies Horribly: Come on!
SFX: Crick Crick Crick
Grem: Fox! Get that door open!
K'seliss: Aah!
K'seliss: My... arm!
K'seliss: No!
Grem: Open the door!
Saves a Fox: I'm trying! It's not working!
Grem: Well make it work!
SFX: Crick Crack
Saves a Fox: I'm trying! It won't open!
SFX: Cri-Crack Crick Crack
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05062011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Crick Crick
SFX: Crick
SFX: Crunch Crick Crunch
K'seliss: It's... It's eating me?
SFX: Ca-Click
Saves a Fox: I got it! It's open!
K'seliss: It's eating me?!
Grem: C'mon K'seliss, let's go!
SFX: Slam
K'seliss: Nobody eats me! I do the eating!
Saves a Fox, or Grem: Some species have to cook their food before they eat it. Maybe that thing has to do... that to its food.
Grem: We should lock this door. Where's the key?
SFX: Thump
SFX: Crick Cri-Crick
SFX: Klik
Saves a Fox: I think I left it on the other side!
SFX: Sh-Ching
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05102011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Grem: K'seliss!
Grem: Get over here and help us!
K'seliss: Screw this, I'm outta here.
Saves a Fox: It's too strong!
Dies Horribly: Don't let it touch you!
Grem: Forgive me, mother.
SFX: Thwump
K'seliss: Get away from the door, food! You're just in my way!
Grem: You came back.
K'seliss: Shut up! If anyone asks, I'm saying that I ate your legs and left you all here to die!
K'seliss: Listen, Grem's strength barely makes a difference in holding the door shut! The rest of you are just pissing me off, so get out of here!
Grem: He's right. If we make a run for those tubes, it's not like we'll have time to line up in front of one. You and Dies go down first.
Saves a Fox: Alright, but you better be right behind us!
Grem: We will.
SFX: Klik
SFX: Klik Klik Klik Klik Klik Klik
K'seliss: You know that once we start running, this... Finger Horror will easily catch us both.
Grem: Just don't eat my legs, alright?
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:24 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05132011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
K'seliss: Nnnnrrrr!
K'seliss: huff
K'seliss: huff
Grem: Your... Your kind grows its limbs back, right?
K'seliss: Nope.
K'seliss: I hate Goblins, Grem. But I hate that thing even more.
Grem: Listen, it stopped to eat your other arm, so it might stop to eat this one while we...
K'seliss: Yeah, yeah, I know.
K'seliss: You hear that, ya bastard?! This is the last piece o' me yer gonna get!
Grem: Alright, let's go!
Grem: K'seliss, come on!
SFX: Crick Crick Crick
SFX: Thump
K'seliss: Rraaaaa!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05172011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Crick Crick Crick
SFX: Clunk
Grem: K'seliss!
SFX: Ssssssss
K'seliss: Aahhh!
SFX: Crunch
SFX: Thunk
SFX (Lesser Finger Horror screaming): Screeeeeeee
SFX (Lesser Finger Horror screaming): eeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeee eeee eee eee eee eeee eee eeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee
Grem: Auh!
SFX: Crick Crick
K'seliss: Aaaaah!
Grem: K'seliss!
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/05272011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Crick Crick Crick
SFX: Splaashhhhh
SFX: Splashunk
K'seliss: Uh!
K'seliss: huff
K'seliss: huff
SFX: Crick Cri-Crick
K'seliss: Well?! What are you waiting for?! Come at me! Come at me and let's see which one of us is doing the eating!
SFX: Crack
K'seliss: You're just gonna wait for me to die, aren't ya. You're nothing but a damn meal, you just ain't been chewed up yet.
SFX: Spluurk
SFX: Crick Crack Crack
SFX: Crick Cri-Crick Splash Splash Splash
SFX: Crick Cri-Crick Crick
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06032011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Crick Cra-Crick
SFX: Crick Crick Crick
SFX: Ssskik
K'seliss: Raaaaa!
SFX: Circk Cri-Crick Cri-Crick Crack
SFX: Crick Cri-Cri.. Crick Crick
K'seliss: Rrrruhrrr!
K'seliss: Rraawww!
SFX: Cri-Crick Crick Crack
SFX: Ca-Splassh
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06072011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX. Spla-Lish Splish
Grem: K'seliss!
SFX: Splish
K'seliss: coff
K'seliss: I...
K'seliss: ...told ya.
K'seliss: I...
K'seliss: ...do...
K'seliss: ...the eating.
Lifepoints K'seliss: -10
Last edited by
Krulle on Fri Aug 02, 2019 6:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:58 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06102011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Caption: reality #88: some time ago
Minmax #88: huff
Minmax #88: huff
Minmax #88: Do you think we lost them?
Forgath #88: I don't know. They might be toying with us.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge. .M
Minmax #88: We should never have left the main road. Goblins are always in the woods.
Forgath #88: And Goblins are always on the main road. They're everywhere.
Minmax #88: Hey! Hey Forgath, check this out! I think that's one of these Poorly Locked Chests!
Forgath #88: So?
Forgath #88: Most people die just trying to escape from the Goblins and you want to steal from them?
Minmax #88: If there are magic items in there, it'll increase our chances.
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath #88: Minmax! You're going to be spotted! Get back here!
SFX: Carakk
Minmax #88: Names!
Badge: .M
Beltbuckle: I am
Complains of Names #88: I want you to run, Minmax.
Complains of Names #88: I like when adventurers try to run.
Complains of Names #88: Rhaaaaa!
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:07 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06142011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath #88: Minmax!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Caption: Reality #88: now
Forgath #88: Minmax! The blue leaf! Go for the blue leaf!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax #88: Right!
SFX: Thwak
SFX: Click
Necklace: KEN
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06242011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Caption: Reality #117
Forgath #117: Minmax, the other Kin just pulled one of her chains! Watch your..
SFX: Crick
SFX: Thrunch
Minmax #54: Kin!
Caption: Reality #54 and reality #12
Minmax #54: Kin, I dropped my sword! I need one of those torches!
Kin #54: No problem.
SFX: Thwack
Beltbuckle: I am great
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/06282011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Fwack
SFX: Bwuzzzzzzz
Forgath #156: Will you hurry up?!
Minmax #156: I can't go with you two staring at me.
Forgath: No one's staring at you! Just go pee so we can move on!
Necklace: KE.
Caption: Reality #156: "our" reality
Minmax: Are you guys looking?
Forgath: No!
Minmax: Well somebody's looking, cause I can't go!
Minmax: Go work on a way to open the giant door.
Forgath: There is no way to open the giant door, it's too big.
Minmax: Then go look for secret doors or something. Geez!
Kin #156: Does he usually have this problem?
Forgath: Nope. It's cause of you. You make him nervous.
Kin: Me? Why would I make him nervous?
Necklace: KEN
Forgath: Well, last time he tried to pee near you, you did use the phrase "penis go boom".
Kin: Right
Necklace: KEN
No indication of a text in the helmet?
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Mon Apr 15, 2013 5:09 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07012011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: you think there are any secret doors in here?
Forgath: Probably. I mean, all we have to work with in this room is the giant door and the door we came in.
Forgath: I think this lip in the wall is a good place to start looking. Then we can...
Minmax: This doesn't make me gay, y'know! Just cause I'm having some trouble peeing, doesn't mean I'm not all man!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: How you pee has nothing to do with your sexual orientation.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Then we can work our way toward...
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: You'd know!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: ...toward that corner and...
Minmax: Cause you're so gay! Get it?
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Minmax. You're the only adventurer who has to make a concentration check to pee!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Sigh.
Forgath: I should be adventuring with a Dwarf. A mute one.
SFX: Click Krrrrrrr
Kin: Hey! You did it, Forgath!
Forgath: Heh.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
SFX: Krrrrr-Click
Kin: Why'd you close it?
Forgath: Therapeutic reasons. Watch this.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Awriiiiight! Minmax: 1 Pee :0
Minmax: Did you find any secret doors?
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07082011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath: No secret doors at all. Sorry, Minmax.
Minmax: Damn, this room is hard.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Forgath: It looks like our only chance is...
Forgath: ...spliying!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: Aw, come on! I hate spliying!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am
Kin: Spliying?
Forgath: The ancient art of spliying uses the rarest Dwarfen magics to find anything. The biggest drawback is that the powerful incantation must be recited by a bald Human. We've done it before.
Kin: Indeed.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Forgath: Minmax... begin the ancient, Dwarven incantation!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: am
Forgath: Well?
Minmax: Alright!
Badge: .M
Minmax: Sigh.
Minmax: I'm a little teapot. Short and fat.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: Here is my handle, here is my spout
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: When I get all steamed up, hear me whine. Tip me over and pour me everywhere.
Forgath: snicker
Forgath: snicker
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Well? Are you picking anything up?
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Forgath: hee
Forgath: hee
Forgath: Ha!
Forgath: Yeah, my innate, Dwarf powers are picking up a secret door right there.
Forgath: Ha hah!
Minmax: Really? Cool!
SFX: Click Krrrrrrr
Minmax: Hey, this secret door is just a hole in the wall. It's too small.
Forgath, or Kin: It is?
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am gre
Forgath: Hmmm. Maybe you need to say the incantation again. This time try it louder and like a drunk, Brassmoonian whore.
Kin: No more spliying!
Necklace: KEN
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07122011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Maybe there's a key or something in there.
Forgath: So reach in and find out.
Minmax: Are you nuts?! Something might chop my hand off or eat it! You reach in there!
Forgath: No way.
Kin: You could stick your sword inside, to test it.
Minmax: Good idea.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I gr...
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
Forgath, or Kin: Anything?
Minmax: Nothing. It just feels like there's empty air in there.
Kin: Gargantuan facsimile!
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: What?
Minmax: Whoa!
Minmax: It's the size of a mountain!
SFX: Ka-Booooom
SFX: Boooom
Forgath: Will you cut it out?! You're going to get us all killed!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07152011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Well soe-ree! Why don't you crucify a guy for not taking 'mountain' as a Weapon Proficiency!
Kin: Du you think you can reach through the hole and open that giant door?
Badge: MM
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: I don't know, let me see.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am ...t
Necklace: KEN
SFX: Ka-Booooooo
SFX: ommm
Badge: MM
Necklace: KEN
Forgath: Holy Herbert! Will you be more careful?!
Minmax: Don't yell at me, it's not like I can see or feel what I'm doing!
Badge: MM
Kin, or Forgath: A little to the left, Minmax...
Kin, or Forgath: Higher...
Kin, or Forgath: A bit higher...
Kin, or Forgath: You got it!
SFX: Kkkkkkkkkk
Forgath: It worked!
Forgath: Okay, if we don't screw around anymore, we just might have a chance at this.
Necklace: KEN
Kin: Right. We just have to take this seriously.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07192011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath: Eh?
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Sigh.
Forgath: Minmax, stop playing with the magic hole in the wall.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: What? I'm totally not!
Forgath: I can see your giant, ugly face! C'mon, we have to go!
Kin: You got your head stuck in the hole, didn't you?
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Dammit!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07222011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath: This dungeon crawl is a race, y'know.
Minmax: Just pull me out, okay?
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: .EN
Minmax: What are you doing back there?
Forgath: I'm taking my gauntlets off. Keep still.
Minmax: Ow! Oooww! Your fat fingers won't fit in here, you neckless Dwarf!
Forgath: I'm trying to get a good grip on your head. Stop squirming.
Minmax: You're twisting up my spine! Ow!
Forgath: No I'm not. Try to tuck your chin in.
Minmax: Yes you are! It's twisted to the side! Ah! Stop!
SFX: Click
Kin #42: See any alt verions of us in here?
Minmax #42: Nope.
Badge: MM
Minmax: Stop! Stop now!
Badge: MM
Minmax: Twisted! The twisted pain will never end!
Minmax: Eeeeeaaaaee!
Badge: MM
Necklace. .EN
Minmax #42: Run!
SFX: Slam
Kin: Did you hear something?
Minmax: Just my neck snapping in half.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KEN
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07262011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: So let me get this straight.
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: Behind the giant door is five regular sized doors?
Forgath: Yup.
Minmax: That's just lazy dungeon crafting.
SFX: Click
Minmax: Hey! How do you know if that's the right door?
Forgath: I don't, but if we want to win this thing, we have to move fast.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: C'mon!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: Forgath, we should stay together.
Minmax: She's right!
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Forgath: Let's go!
Minmax: Fine, but if you fall into some trap that shoots acid up your butt or something, I'm just going to laugh!
Kin: "Acid up your butt"?
Minmax: Heh. Oh yeah, butt acid is very common in these parts.
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Minmax: The trap was first invented by the great wizard, Grindork Ouchbottom.
Kin: snicker
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Minmax: From beyond the Sizzlecheek Mountains.
Kin: Pffffhah ha! Ha!
Necklace: KEN
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:38 am, edited 4 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:58 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/07292011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: So...
Minmax: ...um...
Minmax: Is that tactile interjuntion rule still on?
Kin: What?
Necklace: .EN
Badge: MM
Kin: Oh, tactile interaction. Yes. Yes, that still applies.
Kin: No touching Humans.
Kin: Humans are capable of gross malignance.
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: But I'm a Human.
Necklace: KE.
Badge: MM
Minmax: You think I'm gross?
Necklace: KEN
Kin: I don't think you're gross.
Necklace: KEN
Kin: It's just... well, Dellyn. He...
Minmax: Dellyn wasn't Human.
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Kin: Yes he was. I know he was partly made up of animated wood, but he was...
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: No he wasn't. Humans aren't capable of doing what he did to you. Dellyn was a monster.
Kin: But I'm a monster.
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Oh. Well... i don't mean...
Badge: MM
Forgath: Yeah, you guys were right.
Necklace: KEN
Forgath: We should have stayed together.
Forgath: Sorry.
Beltbuckle: I am great
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/08052011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Hey!
Minmax: That's my Dwarf!
Necklace: ..N
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
UndeadForgath (magic): Hold Person!
SFX: Shwonk
Kin: Minmax!
Necklace: KE.
SFX: Fwim
SFX: Clank
Minmax: Mmmf!
Necklace: KEN
UndeadForgath: Oh chill out, Minmax. If we wanted to, we could've killed your Forgath before you even saw us. No, what we want is a temporary truce. A deal that ends with our group going our way and your group going yours.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Shwonk
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
UndeadForgath: Or you could attack us, and we could just kill all three of you right now.
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: What do you want?
Badge: MM
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/08092011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
UndeadForgath: That wall is designed to hold four keys. Each key was placed behind a different attribute shield.
Attribute shields: Intelligence Strength Dext.rity Charisma
UndeadForgath: An attribute shield is a magical field that stops all from passing through it, unless your score in the targeted attribute is 9 or less. For instance, I could not reach through the 'strength' shield, but I had no trouble pushing though the 'charisma' shield and obtaining that key, because my charisma score is so low.
Attribute shields: Intelligence Strength Dexterity Charisma
UndeadForgath: Which I can blame on my Ring of Undeath. It makes me pretty unappealing, but grants most of the bonuses of being undead. You know.... immune to critical hits, etc.
Minmax: Why do you guys have so magic rings? I'm already level 2 and I haven't found any rings yet.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: am .reat
UndeadForgath: You must just come from a reality where magic rings are scarce. Where we come from, most adventurers carry a bunch of them. That's why this staff was such a good find. It allows me to simultaneously use as many rings as I like, instead of the usual maximum of two. Of course, I had to sacrifice a finger to it.
Minmax: Aw, luckeee! Can I have a ring?
UndeadForgath: No! Now focus!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
UndeadForgath: Our Kin was able to pass through the 'strength' shield and I handled the 'dexterity' and 'charisma' shields. However, all three of us are too intelligent to reach that last key. Since most of the Minmaxes we've encountered seem pretty dim, I'm guessing that you can help us.
Attribute shield: Intelligence
UndeadForgath: Once you get the fourth key for us, we'll take whatever's in that strange looking chest while you and your group go free.
Attribute shields: Intelligence Strength Dexterity Charisma
Minmax: Oooo, a treasure chest.
UndeadForgath: So what do you think?
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: am ..eat
Kin: He's lying.
Kin: Promptly after you attain that key, our alternates will eradicate us.
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:38 am, edited 5 times in total.
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:56 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/08162011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: I think Kin's Sense Motive score is better than your Bluff score.
Badge: MM
UndeadForgath: Sigh.
UndeadForgath: Fine, we'll go with plan B. Kill him and cut his arm off. We'll see if we can use it to retrieve the...
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Crack
UndeadForgath: Gaah!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
UndeadForgath: No! My staff! My rings!
Beltbuckle: I am great
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
ScorpiKin: Ooo, this is gonna be good.
Necklace: KEN
SFX: Ca-Click
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: Rrraaaw!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/08192011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Clack
Beltbuckle: I am great
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Beltbuckle: I am great
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Clakk
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Thwak
SFX: Shlik
Minmax: Yaahh!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: Raahhw!
Beltbuckle: I gr...
SFX: Crutsh
Minmax: huff
Minmax: huff
Badge: MM
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/08232011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Guess what, buddy.
Minmax: I...
Minmax: ...got...
Minmax: Nyaaw!
SFX: Skluck
Minmax: ...your sword!
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Crunch
UndeadForgath: Urrrrrr!
SFX: Fssshhhh...
SFX: ...hhhwum
UndeadForgath: Now you die!
SFX: Clak
Badge: M.
Minmax: Hah!
SFX: Sclunk
SFX: Thunk
Minmax: Ghaaaaww!
Minmax: Aaah!
Minmax: Haah!
Badge: M.
Beltbuckle: I am gr...
Minmax: gasp
Minmax: coff
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09022011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Fwruuush
SFX: Thump
Minmax: Ahh!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: huff
Minmax: huff
ScorpiKin: See? Yer Minmax can't win. Our Forgath has a ton of bonuses from all those rings, and our Minmax traded in his ability to talk for a +6 to hit. Yer screwed, greeny.
Necklace: KEN
Kin: Minmax, she's right!
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: What?
Kin: These adversaries utilise diverse points of superiority.
Kin: You'd have to be the size of a mountain to defeat them!
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: am
Minmax: huff
Minmax: huff
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09062011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
UndeadForgath: Well?
UndeadForgath: Go after him!
Beltbuckle: I am great
UndeadForgath: Now where the hell is my Ring of Epic Blinking?
ScorpiKin: It's over there.
UndeadForgath: Dammit.
Beltbuckle: I g...
Beltbuckle: I am great
Minmax: C'mon, you bastard. Just a little closer.
Badge: MM
SFX: Blink
SFX: Fwruuush
SFX: Thump
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: am
SFX: Fwim
Beltbuckle: I am great
SFX: Clank
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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- Krulle
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:31 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09092011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
ScorpiKin: You've lost, y'know. Your Minmax is being slaughtered right now and I'm about to kill the two of you.
Necklace: KE.
Kin: Minmax will aggressively achieve violent victory over those two opponents which will assuredly facilitate our success in both a generalised sense when considering this dungeon and the far more specific query concerning the chronological details as to how integral your own mortality is to your existence.
Necklace: KE.
Forgath: Yeah!
ScorpiKin: Um...
ScorpiKin: I'm just gonna assume you're threatening me.
ScorpiKin: Before I kill ya though, I gotta ask. What's up with the tail? Every version of myself that I've seen has that useless snake tail.
ScorpiKin: Am I the only one with a scorpion tail? Cause if so, I'm totally the most powerful Kin! I mean, just look at your tail. It's a soft hunk of victim!
ScorpiKin: My tail is armoured, lightning fast and has a poisonous stinger. What can yours do that mine can't?
Necklace: .EN
Kin: Well... lack of an exoskeleton means increased sensitivity through physical contact.
Necklace: KEN
ScorpiKin: What do you mean?
Kin: Can you feel this?
ScorpiKin: Nope. I can't feel a thing through my outer shell. It's what keeps me safe in battle.
Kin: Where as I can feel both of your hearts beating through the vibrations I'm sensing.
ScorpiKin: Heh. Seriously?
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09132011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Kin: Yes, but our upper bodies are likely to have similar levels of sensory perception.
Necklace: KEN
Kin: Can you feel this?
ScorpiKin: Mmm... definitely.
ScorpiKin: Okay, your tail is adorable and hawt, but useless in combat. I'm still gonna kill...
ScorpiKin: ...ack...
SFX: Thumk
ScorpiKin: ...ahg...
ScorpiKin: ...akk...
Necklace: KEN
SFX: Cra-Snap
Necklace: KEN
Kin: huff
Kin: huff
Lifepoints ScorpiKin: -10
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Okay...
Forgath: Never hug me.
Helmet: This is a helmet
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09202011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Undead Forgath: There.
Undead Forgath: Once again, I'm needed to finish the job.
Undead Forgath: You're welcome.
Beltbuckle: I am great
Undead Forgath: Now go over there and cut his arm off while he's still alive.
Undead Forgath: If he's not dead, maybe his arm can still pass through the attribute shield.
Undead Forgath: Hopefully, it can be used to fish out the key.
SFX: Rip
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Undead Forgath: Don't look at me like that.
Badge: MM
Beltbuckle: I am great
Undead Forgath: You can still kill him after we...
SFX: Rrrruuumble
UndeadForgath: Eh?
Gargantuan Beltbuckle Facsimile: am .rea.
Gargantuan Beltbuckle Facsimile: I am great
SFX: Ka-Boooooooommm
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09232011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
minmax: Yes! I am great, bitches! I am great!
Badge: MM
Minmax: I am great!
Necklace: .EN
Kin: Did you defeat them?
Minmax: I totally defeated their asses!
Necklace: KEN
Forgath: Yeah!
Kin: Yay!
Forgath: Woo hoo!
Necklace: KEN
Kin: Now grab the magic ring from that alternate Minmax! It's most likely the only thing that can free Forgath and me!
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
Minmax: Sonova crap.
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
SFX: Flup
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:14 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/09292011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: Maybe we should wait a bit longer.
Saves a Fox: We waited for half an hour. We need to accept that they're dead and move on.
Dies Horribly: I'm sorry.
Dies Horribly: I'm sorry they're gone. And I'm sorry I told you about the fox. About your destiny.
Dies Horribly: You look broken.
Dies Horribly: What can I do? What can I do to make you all better?
Saves a Fox: Please don't die.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10072011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Thump Thump Thump Thump
SFX: Thump Thump Thump
SFX: Sh-Ching
Dies Horribly: What is it?
Saves a Fox: I don't know, but it's coming this way.
SFX: Thump Thump Thump
SFX: Klik
SFX: Thump Thump Thump
SFX: Thump Thump Thump
SFX: Thump Thump Thump
Biscuit: Rhaaaa!
SFX: Shklork
Biscuit: Uh!
Biscuit: Aaaah!
Biscuit: Aaa...
SFX: Cruncht Crack
SFX: Rrip
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:01 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10112011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: What the hell was that?
Dies Horribly: What the hell was that?!
Saves a Fox: I don't know.
Dies Horribly: We have to get out of here! We should try to climb back up that tube.
Saves a Fox: And face Mr. Fingers again?
Saves a Fox: This is our only way. Come on.
SFX: Sh-Ching
Demoness: Welcome, souls.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10142011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Dies Horribly: We should run. We should go back up the stairs.
Saves a Fox: You might be right.
Demoness: You probably saw the large Orc running up the stairs, moments ago. He made it as far as he did because my minions and I found it funny. Now that the joke has been exhausted, I doubt you'd make it quite so far.
Demoness: Come closer.
Demoness: Mind the pillars. The Blade Beetles don't like to be disturbed.
Dies Horribly: Where is the Orc? I don't see a body or blood or anything.
Demoness: I am a demon from the second layer of hell. I was captured and trapped here over six hundred years ago when this place was built. I was put here to guard the Blue orb of Bloodlight.
Saves a Fox (thinking): The orb!
Saves a Fox: Six hundred winters ago? How have you survived down here all this time?
Demoness: Demons don't eat food the same way mortals do. The suffering of the immortal soul nourishes us. The level of suffering and quality of the soul dictates which types of nutrients we obtain.
Demoness: When a demon owns a being's soul, she has the luxury of killing that being, devouring its pain, then preventing that soul from transcending to the next stage of existence. I own the Orc's soul and so I have spent the last six hundred years summoning and killing him every few hours. This is how I have stayed alive.
Dies Horribly: That poor Orc has been repeatedly dying for six hundred winters?
Saves a Fox: You're not taking our souls, demon!
Demoness: Most demons can't take souls by force. They must be given freely. This is why even your kind is familiar with the phrase, "Deal with the Devil".
Saves a Fox: We're not trading our souls! Not even the orb is worth that!
Demoness: Ask for all the souls before you and the mortals will scream loud, their defiance. Ask for one soul, allowing all others to go free, and suddenly the mortals will fight each other for the right to be the self sacrificing hero. One soul for one orb. This is the deal I offer.
..."scream loud, their defiance." Should the comma be really there?
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10182011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Saves a Fox: Forget it demon. We...
Dies Horribly: Fox... this is my destiny.
Saves a Fox: What?!
Dies Horribly: Think about it. This demon is demanding that one of is die horribly, over and over for eternity. This has to be what my teller and the Viper teller predicted about me.
Saves a Fox: Have you turned stupid?! This is exactly the sort of things you fight! You don't spout a bunch of suicidal whining and roll over!
Dies Horribly: Fox, we both know that if we don't get the orb to Duv, she'll kill all the slaves!
Saves a Fox: We don't even know if this demon will keep her word! She might just take your soul and keep the orb!
Demoness: No being is capable of defying a hellbound contract. If either party does not give what's promised or takes more than what was agreed upon, they are cast into a layer of hell so fierce, that even demons fear its torture.
Dies Horribly: Demon, I agree to your deal. My soul, for the orb.
Saves a Fox: No!
Demoness: The deal is done and cannot be undone.
Demoness: Take the orb. As per our deal, it is now yours.
SFX: Thump
Saves a Fox: Is this... Is this the Orb of Bloodlight?
Demoness: No. That is an orb of ordinary, blue stone.
Saves a Fox: What?!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10212011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Saves a Fox: You said we'd get the Bloodlight Orb!
Demoness: No. I said I was the guardian of the Orb of Bloodlight, which I am. My offer was for the Orb displayed behind me.
Demoness: You didn't specify which orb was being referred to.
Saves a Fox: Well you're not taking Dies! I'll rip you apart first!
Demoness: Please try. It would be amusing to see you dragged screaming into nightmarish agony for breaking the contract. And I, as the one who adhered to the rules, would still get his soul.
Saves a Fox: But that's...
Saves a Fox: that's not fair.
SFX: Klik
Demoness: I find it astounding, how often creatures mistake their own stupidity for a lack of fairness.
Dies Horribly: Fox, listen to me.
Saves a Fox: Nonono!
Dies Horribly: I need you to take care of Klik, okay?
Saves a Fox: Just... Just hang onto me or something.
SFX: Shklork
Dies Horribly: Gasp!
Saves a Fox: No!
SFX: Thump
SFX (Dies Horribly screaming): ...aaaaaa...
SFX (Dies Horribly screaming): ...aaaaaa...
Hitpoints Dies Horribly: -10
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
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by Krulle » Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:04 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10242011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Cruncht
Demon: The soul is now in the possession of the demoness.
Demoness: Mmm... yes.
Demoness: His soul is very strong, almost as if...
Demoness: Wait...
Demoness: This can't...
Demoness: No!
Demoness: Two souls?! You've somehow hid a second soul in him?! You've tricked me into taking more than our contract allows!
Demoness: No! I didn't know! I meant to only take one soul!
SFX: Rruummble
Demoness: Please! I was tricked! The mortals tricked me! Take them! I didn't know! The deal wasn't fair!
Saves a Fox: I find it astounding, how often creatures mistake their own stupidity for a lack of fairness.
Demoness: Nooooooooooooooooo
SX: Clink Clink
Saves a Fox: Dies?!
SFX: Klik Klik
SFX: Thump
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/10282011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Saves a Fox: Dies, are you okay?
Dies Horribly: What happened? Where's the demon?
Saves a Fox: She was banished for breaking the contract. She said you had two souls!
Dies Horribly: Two souls?
SFX: Klik
Dies Horribly: That shouldn't be.
SFX: Klik
Saves a Fox: What happened to your ears? I can see through them like pools of water.
Demon: He's marked. Branded to warn other hell creatures that he belongs to a demon. The placement on his body is random, but the meaning is the same. Of course, now that the demoness has been banished, you're free to do as you please. But so are we, so we'll be ripping you to shreds now.
SFX: Skriick
SFX: Shchunk
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http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11082011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Thwunch
SFX: Ssshhhhh
SFX: hwuuum
SFX: Shwuum
SFX: Shwuum Shw
SFX: uum Shwu
SFX: um Shwuum
SFX: Shwuum Shwuu
SFX: Klik
SFX: m Shwuum Sh
SFX: Klik
SFX: wuum Shwuum
SFX: Shw-Tanh Shw-Tang Tang
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11112011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: klik
SFX: Clunk
Demon: Graaahhh!
Saves a Fox: Aaaaaaaaah!
SFX: Thlack
Dies Horribly: huff
Dies Horribly: huff
Dies Horribly (thinking): This room just goes on forever! It just gets bigger, the deeper I go!
Dies Horribly: Saves a Fox! Where are you?! Run back this way! Follow my...
SFX: Thwump
Dies Horribly: ...voice.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11152011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Shklork
Dies Horribly: Aah!
SFX: Clunk
SFX: Sh-Ching
SFX: Sh-Ching
SFX: Shklork
Demon: Rrraaah!
SFX: Shklork
SFX: Sh-Ching
SFX: Sh-Ching
Demon: Ghaaaah!
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11182011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Demon: Graaah!
SFX: Crunch
SFX: Crunch Crunch
SFX: Cwooom
Demon: That rotting mortal. It'll be days before I can use this tendril again.
Demon: Huh?
SFX: Clank
SFX: Sh-Ching
SFX: Sh-Ching Sh-Ching Sh-Ching
Demon: I'm going to rip you apart.
SFX: Sh-Ching Sh-Ching Sh-Ching Sh-Ching
Dies Horribly: You've already done that.
SFX: Crack
Dies Horribly: It didn't work.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11222011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Sh-Ching
SFX: Sh-Ching
Dies Horribly: Rraah!
Demon: Sorry mortal. Not impressed.
SFX: Sh-Ching
Demon: Guaaw!
SFX: Thup
SFX: Sh-Ching
Demon: ...kk...k...
SFX (Demon screaming): ...aaaaaaaaaaaa...
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/11292011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Cruunnch
Saves a Fox: huff
Saves a Fox: huff
SFX: Sh-Ching
SFX: Thwoomp
Saves a Fox: Dies?
Dies Horribly: Father is mine, bitch. He doesn't need you.
SFX: Sh-Ching
Saves a Fox: What?
Saves a Fox: Dies!
SFX: Sh-Ching
Dies Horribly: Huh?
Dies Horribly: What? What's going on? Where am I?
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:39 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:56 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12062011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Narration by PsiMax: Oblivion cannot be obtained, created or summoned. That would be a contradiction.
Narration by PsiMax: What I am doing is not destruction. Destroying reality does not bring oblivion, only a destroyed reality.
Narration by PsiMax: No one can conceive of what true oblivion is. To do so would create an imagined representation of oblivion.
Narration by PsiMax: If oblivion is something to be conceptualized, then it is something. By definition, true oblivion must be nothing.
Narration by PsiMax: Everything can be reduced to mathematics. Understanding the equation grants power over everything. There is no equation to explain oblivion. Oblivion is the absence of an equation.
Narration by PsiMax: Removing the equation does not grant oblivion, because the equation... was. To obtain true oblivion, the equation must never have existed. There are too many variables throughout the vastness of the universe to prove that the equation doesn't exist. But here in this tiny pocket dimension, where nothing exists except this dungeon crawl, it is possible to catalogue all key variables. Here, the equations that control the power of existence geographically, chronologically and conceptually are simplified.
Narration by PsiMax: And now that I understand the equation, I can at last...
Narration by PsiMax: ...prove that one equals zero.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12092011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Narration by PsiMax: And now, let is never have begun.
Caption: Reality # 180
Tattoo: MM
Beltbuckle: MM
SFX: Thwummmm
SFX: Thump
Minmax #180: Forgath!
Forgath #180: Minmax!
Forgath #180: Minmax, hang on!
Minmax #180: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Minmax #180: aaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Kin #180: What is it?
Forgath #180: I don't know. Some kind of magic hole just opened up!
Kin #180: We're lucky no one fell in.
Forgath #180: Yeah, that would've been bad.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:25 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12132011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Caption: Rality #156: "our" reality
Forgath: You mean you're pinned to the wall too?! Dammit, Minmax!
Minmax: Yeah, like it's my fault!
SFX: Thwummmm Thwummmm
Badge: MM
Kin, or Forgath: Um... Minmax, did you just have some glowing holes appear near you?
Minmax: Yeah. Two of them. What are they?
Kin, or Forgath: No idea. We've got three of them over here.
Narration by PsiMax: Something has gone wrong. Oblivion has not replaced existence. Some sort of miscalculation.
PsiMax: Hmmm. There's an unaccounted variable regarding reality #156.
Minmax: I'm gonna throw something into the hole and see what happens.
Kin, or Forgath: Okay.
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
Forgath: Have you thrown anything in, yet?
Minmax: No, not yet.
Forgath: Well don't throw in your boot. You've only got one.
Minmax: I know, I'm not an idiot!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: Wait. Minmax has always had one boot, hasn't he.
Forgath: Yup. Ever since we got him new clothes in Brassmoon. Why?
Necklace: KE.
Kin: It's strange that he would wear one boot. Wait. That's not right. Minmax has never worn any boots.
Forgath: Yeah. He's always been barefoot. That's what I just said.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: And pantsless. I remember that I've never seen him wearing pants before.
Necklace: .EN
Necklace: KEN
Kin: Minmax! Stop throwing your clothes into the hole!
Minmax: I haven't thrown anything into the hole yet!
Necklace: KEN
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12202011-2/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: You're the one throwing craziness into the hole cause you're craz...
Minmax: Wait. You're...
Minmax: You're throwing yourself... No. Wait. You're...
Minmax: Yeah! Yeah, you're throwing yourself into the crazy hole!
Minmax: Heh. Burn.
SFX: Thhhhhh
Badge: MM
SFX: Thhhuk
PsiMax: Minmax one hundred fifty six.
Minmax: Dude, you are the ugliest version of me that I've ever seen.
Minmax: And I saw zombie Minmax.
SFX: Rrrrrrrru...
SFX: Crack Ca-Crack
SFX: ...uuuuuuummm...
SFX: Crack Ca-...
SFX. ...mmmble
SFX: ...Crack
SFX: Crack
SFX: Cruuuuummmmm
PsiMax: We need to talk.
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/12302011/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath: The hell?!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
SFX: Crash
Necklace: KE.
SFX: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhk
Attribute shields: Intelligence Strength Dexterity Charisma
Narration by PsiMax: Reality one hundred fifty six. As far as I can tell, no real points of divergence from the most common multiversal attributes. A stupid Minmax, a tortured, intelligent Kin and a one horned Forgath.
SFX: Ssssssss
Badge: MM
Narration by PsiMax: What have I missed? I'm hoping that simple conversation with them will prove informative.
Minmax. What's your problem, fart breath dink face!
PsiMax: ...
Badge: MM
Minmax: Kkkkk!
Narration by PsiMax: A second consideration is to just torture them and see if that tells me anything.
Badge: MM
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01032012/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Forgath: Hey! Cut it out!
Kin: Desist your aggressive imposition!
Necklace: .EN
Helmet: .his a .elmet
Narration by PsiMax: Predictable responses from this Forgath and Kin. This is telling me nothing.
Minmax: Kkkkkk!
Kin: You're hurting him! Stop it!
Necklace: .EN
Kin: Please.
Necklace: .EN
PsiMax: Please?
Narration by PsiMax: Now that was unexpected.
Kin: Nnnggg!
Kin: Kkkkkk!
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Leave her alone.
Kin: Kkkkk!
Badge: MM
Neckalce: .E.
Minmax: Stop it!
Kin: Gasp!
Necklace: K..
Minmax: You get your god damn hands off her!
Badge: MM
PsiMax: Fascinating.
Last edited by
Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
- Transcribes Goblins
- Posts: 8232
- Krulle
- Joined: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:33 am
by Krulle » Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:27 am
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01062012/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: I'm gonna kill you for that.
Minmax: Touch her again and I'll kill you twice.
Badge: .M
PsiMax: Congratulations Minmax one hundred fifty six. I've run the Maze of Many eight hundred eighteen times and had one thousand nine hundred ninety one encounters with other multiversal variants. You're the first to surprise me.
PsiMax: I have the missing variable needed to complete my work. As childishly cliched as it is, the previously unnoticed detail is love. The two of you are genuinely in love. Something so mathematically improbable that I suspect you to be the only reality to suffer from this state.
Badge: MM
PsiMax: There are many realities in which the two of you are romantically involved, but none of them are able to demonstrate actual love on a relevantly deep level.
Badge: MM
PsiMax: Real love is indeed something very special. It's known universally as the most efficient way to inject nausea into simple mathematics to the point of permeation.
Minmax: Are you gonna fight me now, or give me homework?
Badge: MM
PsiMax: I can't leave you like this. In twelve minutes, reality thirty eight will enter this room. If they find you like this, they'll kill you. That death would necessitate the recalculation of forty four relevant variables. It's more efficient to set you free and let you die in the tower room again.
SFX: Splishk Splishk Splishk
Badge: MM
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Badge: MM
Minmax: Rwaaah!
Badge: MM
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01102012/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
SFX: Thhhuk
Badge: MM
Badge: MM
Kin: That was a psion, wasn't it?
Forgath: I think so. And was it just me, or did he seem to have an agenda beyond winning the race to the treasure room?
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Kin: Agreed.
Forgath: We have to figure out what it is.
Minmax: I think I killed him.
Necklace: KEN
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: I think I hit him so hard, he became more powerful than I can possibly imagine.
Kin: Well whatever he's trying to do, his calculations will be off.
Necklace: KEN
Helmet: This is a helmet
Minmax: Why do you say that?
Kin: Well because.
Kin: I don't love you.
Necklace: KEN
Minmax. Oh.
Forgath: And that, boys and girls, is how a lady with no legs can kick a guy in the gut.
Helmet: This is a helmet
http://www.goblinscomic.com/comic/01132012/ wrote:► Show Spoiler
Minmax: Hey, no one's kicking my butt!
Kin: He actually said gut, ut I'm not kicking anyone, methaphorically or otherwise.
Badge: MM
Kin: Yuan-ti society just doesn't adhere to what Humans call "love". Our young are fed and protected by the whole clan, so the role of parenthood created by permanent, emotional attachment isn't...
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: I think you're awesome.
Badge: MM
Minmax: Just sayin'.
Necklace: KEN
Necklace: .E.
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Dammit, the rings don't fit!
Necklace: .E.
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Magic rings are supposed to re-size to fit the wearer's fingers!
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath: Oh wait. Nevermind, there it goes.
Minmax: So Yuan-ti don't ever fall in love?
Forgath: Hey! +2 strength!
Kin: No, the closest thing we have is a very rare phenomenon called trueseeing. Two Yuan-ti end up "seeing" each other's souls. Once this happens, those two connect on a level that causes them to feel each other's pleasure and pain.
Necklace: KEN
Minmax: Do you... Do you think you could ever... "see" me?
Kin: Minmax... No, it only happens between Yuan-ti.
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
Necklace: KE.
Necklace: KE.
Helmet: This is a helmet
Forgath (magic): Cure Light Wounds.
SFX: Foom
Necklace: KE.
Badge: MM
Helmet: This is a helmet
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Krulle on Thu Apr 29, 2021 12:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
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