Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 09, 2017 6:36 am

Artisan: Continue on Castle, check.
Magister: Border Scrying, check. (Ask him: You've not had any time lately to work on any of your own pet projects, are there any projects that you would be interested in working on?)
DragonKnight: Go forth, check.
Marshall: Send a few soldiers with the emissary on his mission to keep him safe.
Regent: Mining, check.
Emissary: The marshall will send some of his best soldiers with you to act as protection. As for payment for the dwarves, let them know that other than the payment that they should require, I'm working on getting a beer operation started and the dwarf can be assured of a never-ending supply of free beer plus a good supply of gold for his services.

Minerva: I wish for us to be the best of allies, as such, supplying you with food for your human servants is more than understandable. (Set up a weekly wagon supply for them). For the supply of food, if you would be willing to expand out upon our southern border (map showing location) which is currently an unmarked no-mans-land, that would be a fair exchange. We don't ask you to fight our battles, but I think that you're being there would act as a barrier of sorts against foreign enemies and perhaps act as a warning system should any enemy be so bold as to attempt to march into our lands.
As for the matter of seeing orb, first I would like the listening one returned as I have uses for it within my kingdom and the one I am sending you acts as both verbal and visual communication. Verbal two ways, Visual only one way, with yours being the only one which can be seen from. (At least that's what I thought we asked for?)
I can understand your concern for our use of the magical metal which you have granted us, and to avoid from seeming overly greedy for it, I suggest a payment in some other form.

I ask for a payment in two parts, the first in gems and the second in helping in our new mines. If your ant could help my men by burrowing in the direction that I indicate, which is a sizable vein of gold, the miners can do the rest themselves, job security and all. But I am more interesting in the mining toward a chasm that I noted during my mental searching. There seems to be a chasm located deep within the mountain and I seek to create a second smaller shaft directly to it, such that I can seal and reopen should there be monsters in its depths. If you could create a shaft down to this chasms location, that would be wonderful. (I'm imagining a straight shaft down to the chasm, we can create an elevator shaft or something in order to get down it, but I imagine it would be easier to seal (If needed) this way.)

*Personally I don't want the marshall, nor the dragonknight missing for two seasons.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by M0rtimer » Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:00 am

Yes another two coffer for the castle.
Continue on Castle, check.

>The doppleganger Artisan will take two coffers of gold for the castle project.
Trade the stone for more magical ore and have her expand for border control at cost of us providing human food.
Also i'll have you return the old orb system once the new one is delivered as I believe I can use it else where.
I wish for us to be the best of allies, as such, supplying you with food for your human servants is more than understandable. (Set up a weekly wagon supply for them). For the supply of food, if you would be willing to expand out upon our southern border (map showing location) which is currently an unmarked no-mans-land, that would be a fair exchange. We don't ask you to fight our battles, but I think that you're being there would act as a barrier of sorts against foreign enemies and perhaps act as a warning system should any enemy be so bold as to attempt to march into our lands.
As for the matter of seeing orb, first I would like the listening one returned as I have uses for it within my kingdom and the one I am sending you acts as both verbal and visual communication. Verbal two ways, Visual only one way, with yours being the only one which can be seen from. (At least that's what I thought we asked for?)

"Done, and agreed... You will have more of the ore, and the orb I am currently using in return for the improved one..."

"As for the patrols... We'll do our best, if in return you provide food... How would you want my children to react should someone try to cross it, however..? Barring we agree on a simple method to distinguish friend from foe, they can not really do that... And their default response to intrusion on 'our' land is... Not friendly."

>The improved orb will be traded for more ore, and the old orb.
>Minerva will set up "patrols" in trade for a supply of food...

AS for what we could offer a dwarven artificer... Well as it sounds like a common practice what would be a normal offer?
I think if dwarves are the way a I remember them they like riches and drink. Mention we have just acquired hopps from Rhenovia and will be beginning our own
brew soon. We can offer similar benefits as we did the spymaster, a decent home and such. Perhaps as an artificer he'd be willing to join for one season a month working on his own project that we fund, as long as we could benefit from it at one point as well of course.
The marshall will send some of his best soldiers with you to act as protection. As for payment for the dwarves, let them know that other than the payment that they should require, I'm working on getting a beer operation started and the dwarf can be assured of a never-ending supply of free beer plus a good supply of gold for his services.

"Make no mistakes, sire, the services of a dwarven master would likely be expensive... They will firstly, yes, demand at least a certain level of lifestyle to be provided- The beer we're making would probably be a part of it, even if it's probably a bit light for a dwarf... But we'd have to be providing a VERY high level of life quality to get one to work for us permanently with no "real" costs... We can expect to be paying at least one coffer each season for one. Something we can perhaps work towards, but would be a long while..."

"That may not be a bad deal considering, however... We'd be getting a man on the same skill level as our Artisan- And given with how often it seems we're having hands short for all the construction processes that need be done... It may not be a bad deal."

>The Emissary will take an unit of elite soldiers with him as protection.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Dlover » Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:22 pm

I think Minerva's scouts should probably alert her, so we can be told of trespassers? That way we can be prepared, but if they're not actually hostile they aren't being attacked.
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Patdragon » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:11 am

I'm fine with offering a dwarven master 1 coffer a season if he can produce the thing we need. However I assume other people will disagree as in game terms he will be like a permanent contractor which people have leaned against before so... how about we try and bargain for 3 coffers every year.

Minerva :"As for basic commands for Minerva guard...If their base instinct is "not friendly" we should have something that identifies us as friends.
Off the top of my head I think we should have two identifiers other than the obvious of if people attack you they are not friendly.
I want to say the common folk. Those not wearing military garb, can just have some form of hand single or phrase. However those that are arm need something extra. Minerva how good is your children's sense of smell? Could they detect a certain spice or herb if our patrols carried it?"

Side note please don't do things like cross out doppleganger - a super big shiver went down my spine with that.
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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:22 am

I think having a doplleganger is awesome and we should use it to infiltrate snemies :3

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Dlover » Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:44 am

Patdragon wrote:Side note please don't do things like cross out doppleganger - a super big shiver went down my spine with that.
That one's my fault.

Also, I've opposed contractors because they cost money for inferior products. A dwarven master would produce products at least on par with the artisan. I won't oppose that so long as our economy's stable.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:43 am

If we improve our forges, to be able to make 2x as much stuff a season as we do now, plus the dwarf might be able to upgrade our forges to create steel, which would increase the power of our military, etc etc...

I'm more than willing to hire a dwarf master and I think that we are moving in the direction (economy-wise), where we are becoming fairly self-sufficient.

Hops becomes beer becomes money, and we should start seeing profit from this in about 1 year. The mines should hit that gold vein in about 1 year (or sooner), which will probably produce about 1 gold coffer per season, at the least.

In fact...we're becoming such a money maker, than I am quite sure that Mort will be throwing something horrible at us soon to knock us down a peg.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Jun 12, 2017 6:47 am



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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Dlover » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:21 am

Maybe we should put a coffer toward expanding our standing army? If a band of bandits has the numbers to match our force we have problems.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Jun 12, 2017 7:54 am

well...Personally...I think what M0rt doesn't like is our huge cash reserves. because of how visible our spending power is. I think that if we "hide" some of our money by spending it as an ongoing expense, he'll soon forget about how well off we are.

speaking of which. Mort, did Minerva ignore the part about her ants helping the miners?

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Patdragon » Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:00 am

Dlover wrote:Maybe we should put a coffer toward expanding our standing army? If a band of bandits has the numbers to match our force we have problems.
Yes, we need the barracks and a seasonal spend for the military to keep up up and ready for a new attack. It's been nearly two years since the first one and we only did a little army rebuild.
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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Jun 12, 2017 9:08 am

So, depending on how much gold the mine makes per season, we could easily use that gold for an on-going expense.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:16 am

Are you waiting on us M0rt, or are we waiting on you?

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Jun 19, 2017 7:20 am

You're waiting on me- I've just been busy with some other stuff the past week. I should probably have the time to do the update soonish, though.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Jun 19, 2017 6:15 pm


>It is the 313th year after slumber.
>It is Summer.

it seems the storm from Morgue is finally beginning to die down in intensity, or at least that's the impression you're getting... It seems that perhaps their forces are finally beginning to wear down..? They have been going for a year with little chance of rest against a much more powerful foe, after all, and even witchcraft has limits against raw force... And good news comes too in the form of a familiar ship on the horizon- It does appear the Mercenary is trying to be 'nice' in that he is returning your Spymaster as soon as the contract has expired. You must admit you are curious about your Dragonknight's squire, too...

But that is neither here nor there- For now, you turn to your court, as you arrange business...


First... Well, "first" comes your Emissary- Who as expected, did not return this season, his trip into dwarven lands taking more than a single season would allot... You hope his journey fares safely- And to hear from his results in the coming season...

Prior to his departure he did, however, send letter to the Rhenovians their trade seems acceptable- Near the later half of the season it appears your message was received, and returned proper, as several carts carrying sweethop seeds as they share some explanations as to what you'd be needing to properly plant these... Some of your farmers already take small samples, setting them up in preparation for harvest to make sure there is no risk of them becoming spoiled- Although installations at this point are still rather poor, and could likely use some proper attention to be improved...

>The Emissary is out on a diplomatic mission...
>The Rhenovian trade deal was accepted.


Up next, you make sure the trade you've arranged with Minerva goes smoothly- As it appears she's very grateful for the deal, the amount of ore she offered above modest... And her "children" taking to near the borders as you start supplying food, stretching your own capacity... You've yet to set up a proper "signal" of sorts, or establish what is to be done if someone intrudes on this ground, however- Although for now it does not matter, as none of your own people have to cross this no man's land... And far as you know, nobody but potential hostiles would.

>Minerva has delivered more of the magic metal.
>An "ant patrol" has been set up.
>The ants will attack anyone crossing no man's land...


Next your visage turns to the Artisan, checking on his progress on the castle... And seeing things fare well- He's used part of the gold to purchase exotic tiling and some ornaments for the halls, as walls steadily rise over the process of the season... You even get to do an entrance walk by the end of the season through the main entrance! It is plenty big enough, although yet unfinished and unfurbished... Some towers, too, are still under construction- But it's looking like things may, with some luck, finish next season- Failing that, two will certainly suffice...

>The Artisan is continuing process on the castle, with decent progress.


The regent, meanwhile, continues efforts at the mines, hoping to boost their progress- Final results that, indeed, things are heavily accelerated, in part thanks to the effort of the forges... A whole season won in time- Expectations now being that you will strike gold next season!

>The Regent assisted the mining efforts.


Next on the agenda you turn to your Marshall, hoping that he managed to figure out the ballista's you had him research... His response... Sadly lackluster, but not completely negative.

"Ah, sire... I do apologize that we've not really managed to repair any of them, but for what it's worth we think we got a basic grasp on how things work... They're actually remarkably simple once you've got things figured out- Just a bunch of simple processes combined in a specific way to, well... You know."

"When it comes to repairing them to achieve that, though, it's an entirely different matter... We believe that for a coffer of gold we could likely get some parts made that we think we need to repair it- But someone more skilled at these things than us might be able to simply salvage different broken pieces together..."

>The Marshall attempted to investigate/repair the siege machines...


Your Dragonknight meanwhile, scours the land, investigating for any potential banditry among them... This ends up mostly uninteresting- While she does catch some petty thieves, it seems that, overall, your own lands are largely clear from any large criminal organizations... There are smaller bands of thieves, yes, but they're too unorganized and sparse to form any real threat- Or to be properly detected, barring they mess up... But the petty thievery they perform is simply a common day thing that one can have little hope to prevent unless they were to apply rather... "Draconic" methods.

There is one thing of interest she found, however... An Umicilien spy- You suppose you're not surprised as those bastards would likely want some eyes upon you at all times. You doubt there's really that much you could do against one of them slipping in on a trade ship every now and then... But whenever you do manage to capture one, well, that just gives you some possibilities...

>The Dragonknight scoured the land for bandits.
>The Dragonknight captured an Umicilien spy!


The Magister meanwhile, spends his season putting up the requested "scrying" spells... It seems he's done so with no issue, as nothing else needs be added to this month's report... Especially with Minerva patrolling those very borders, too.

>The Magister has set up scrying spells.


And as the season ends, the familiar ship manages to dock on your shores once more... The Mercenary strutting out as if you've never had a "falling out"- Greeting you as if you were an old friend.

"Ah, Frey! It's always a pleasure to be back on these soils... I do hope you appreciate my timely return for your spymaster- I figured he's an useful fellow to your cause, so I figured I could arrange for his return as soon as possible... It's the least I could do, really."

"If you believe you can make use of my services, do not hesitate to ask, as I'm sure you've found I deliver nothing but quality... Or now that your country seems to be faring better, I do carry with me some interesting artifacts that might interest you..? Pricey, of course, but I believe you may find many of them very much worthwhile..."

>The Mercenary has returned.


The Spymaster is also soon to disembark from the ship- Seeming a bit quiet, but otherwise gives you a friendly nod, and, while excusing himself for now to go check out the state of his mansion, seems ready for whatever you might have prepared for him...

>The Spymaster is available.

.[tabs: Buildings]
Key buildings:
The castle: Disrepair - Being rebuilt...
Docks: Decent shape
Housing: Good shape
Nobility housing: Decent shape
Town hall: Decent shape
Resting chamber: Excellent shape
Cemetery: Becoming too small...

Economy buildings
Market: Decent shape
Guilds: Decent shape
Glassworks: Decent shape (Missing own source - potash)

Resource buildings
Mines: decent shape (provides metal resources)
Mountain mines: decent shape (provides metal resources) - SURPLUS
Forestry: decent shape (provides wood resources)
Forges: Excellent shape (producing steel- Capable of wrought iron and cast iron)

Defensive buildings:
City moat: Decent shape
Walls: Good shape
Barracks: Good shape
Main gate: Good shape, with drawbridge.
Secondary gate: Decent shape, with drawbridge.

Luxury buildings
Inns: Good shape
Theater: Excellent shape
Temples: Excellent shape
Lobster pot addition: Decent shape (provides luxury food)
Mushroom grotto: Poor shape (provides a small amount of luxury food)
Sweethop farms: Poor shape (Provides a small amount of luxury food)

Developmental buildings
School: Excellent shape

Additional buildings:
Market statue: Good shape, embedded with a magic stone.
Magister's workshop: Good shape

Utility buildings
Raincatchers (source of water)
Farmland: Good shape (provides food)
Fisheries: Good shape (provides food)
Roof farms: Good shape (provides a small amount of food)

[tabs: The people]
The people are content.

Negative factors:
They lack many "luxuries"

Positive factors:
The townhouse was restored!
We got sweethops!

Primary needs:
Housing: above sufficient
Water: sufficient
Food: sufficient

Secondary needs:
Entertainment: sufficient
protection: sufficient
Structure: sufficient
Food quality: insufficient
Tools: sufficient
religion: sufficient


Education: mediocre
Craftiness: mediocre
Magic: low
Combat: above mediocre
Health: mediocre
Charisma: mediocre

[tabs: The nobility]
The nobility are content.

All families are not pleased with the appointment of the Libera family as nobility.
The nobility are happy with the theater.
effort has gone into contenting the nobles.

Dunwall family
+Happy from the positive praise.
+The regent has been fairly elected
-The Libera became nobility

Gilden family

Relia family
+The regent has been fairly elected
+The temple has been restored!
-The Libera became nobility

Etrange family
++A member of our family became Emissary.
+The Libera have been disowned!

Libera family
++Very pleased with their appointment as nobility

[tabs: Foreign relations]
Duchy of Morgue (Northwest)
Have no hostile intentions, seem willing to have arrangements for the right price.

Could establish trade if the pass was secured.

Issue with Gravenrogh?

Kingdom Gravenrogh (West, past mountains)
Very much willing to be friends
Have started sending trade ships

Possible alliance with Umilicien?
Do not seem to have any immediate hostile intent.
Are not interested in any form of arrangement.

No known military data - Suspected to be larger than own.

Strong allies.

Known information:
- Do not intend to wipe us out - Yet.
- Powerful army- Estimated to outnumber us 6 to 1.
- Powerful court mage, multiple lesser mages.
- Darilcoth has learned relatively strong magic.

-May attempt to sabotage or steal technology.
[tabs: War]

Current conflicts:

All troops have received basic to advanced training.
All troops have received basic archery training.
All troops have minor combat expertise.

Land lore is known.

Special troops
1 mage with healing specialization.

The army currently garrisons:

1 regular troops.
3 elite troops.
1 unit of spies - Located within Servicius territory.

Hardened equipment for: 6 troops.
Regular equipment for: 3 troops
Others: poor quality

Very high
[tabs: Trade]
Trade has resumed

Current average income from trade: 2

Surplus sales
The following resources are created in surplus by the kingdom, and are sold for a raw profit:
Iron from mountain mines: 0.25

Duchy of Morgue (Northwest)
No contact.

Kingdom Gravenrogh (West, past mountains)
Contact made: occasional trade ships add +0.5 major purchases each month usually
Resource connected: Glass (minor reduced efficiency) +0.75 major purchases each month usually
Ongoing war: -0.5 major purchases each month

Hold potential trade goods.
Cancelled trade!

Holds potential trade goods
Has good interest in trading: Provides +1.0 major purchases each month usually.

Marital contacts
Docks are in decent state.

[tabs: Court]
The Marshall
Patience: High
The Marshall is neutral towards the Magister.
The Marshall is very friendly towards the Dragonknight.
The Marshall is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Marshall is neutral towards the Regent.
The Marshall is very friendly towards the Mercenary.
The Marshall is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Marshall is friendly towards the squire.
The Marshall is friendly towards the spymaster.

The Magister
Patience: Very high
The Magister is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Magister detests the Dragonknight.
The Magister is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Magister is neutral towards the Regent.
The Magister hates the Mercenary.
The Magister dislikes the Emissary.
The Magister dislikes the squire.
The Magister is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Dragonknight
Patience: Elevated
The Dragonknight dislikes the Marshall.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Magister.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Regent.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Mercenary.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Dragonknight is friendly towards the Squire.
The Dragonknight is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Artisan
Patience: Very high
The Artisan is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Artisan detests the Magister.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Artisan is friendly towards the Regent.
The Artisan is friendly towards the Mercenary.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Squire.
The Artisan is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Regent
Patience: High
The Regent is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Regent is friendly towards the Magister.
The Regent is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Regent is friendly towards the Artisan.
The Regent is neutral towards the Mercenary.
The Regent is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Regent is neutral towards the Squire.
The Regent dislikes the Spymaster.

The Emissary
Patience: High
The Emissary is neutral towards the Marshall.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Magister.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Emissary has not met the Mercenary.
The Emissary dislikes the Regent.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Squire.
The Emissary is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The squire
Patience: High
The Squire is friendly towards the Marshall.
The Squire is neutral towards the Magister.
The Squire is very friendly towards the Dragonknight.
The Squire is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Squire is neutral towards the Mercenary.
The Squire is friendly towards the Regent.
The Squire is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Squire is neutral towards the Spymaster.

The Spymaster
Patience: Ordinary
The Spymaster is friendly towards the Marshall.
The Spymaster is friendly towards the Magister.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Dragonknight.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Artisan.
The Spymaster is friendly towards the Mercenary.
The Spymaster dislikes the Regent.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Emissary.
The Spymaster is neutral towards the Squire.

[tabs: Items]
Special items:
One bottle of "plague" poison
Three healing potions
12 barrels of black powder
"magic" ore: 200kg worth.

Lure snake "petals"
Lure snake acid
Lure snake scales
Lure snake egg

Pair of communion orbs: Capable of speech, one-way sight.

[tabs: Magic]
Known magic:
Fire breath
Ice breath
Earth block
Earth control
Wind surge
313 Autumn: Gold is reached
314 Spring: Egg will hatch...
315 Summer: Squire's contract ends.
???: Gem mine reached (Not being actively dug towards...)[/tabs]

>The market has produced 2 major purchase.
>You obtained 1 major purchase from the docked Gravenrogh ships.
>The forge produced mining equipment.
>You have 9 major purchases available.
>The court awaits your orders.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Dlover » Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:56 pm

Magister: Interrogate the spy. Spymaster help?

Mercenary: "I'm glad you were timely with your return. I wouldn't want to have to charge late fees."
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:20 am

Artisan: Continue on the castle, but I have a task for your apprentice. The Marshall has been gathering and inspecting the siege weapons from the war against us, I wondered if you might task him with his first personal job. See if he is able to figure out how they work and whether or not some could be rebuilt to serve our own purposes.

Magister: I know how much you love a good torturing. I found this spy wandering through our lands, I wonder if you might be able to break his mind and send him back as you did the others, to act as spies for us. Thought now that you have done it before, perhaps this one might live a little longer. Find out what he knows and then make him ours.

DragonKnight: Wonderful job finding this detestable spy in our lands. (I have no idea what to ask of her)

Marshall: Thank you for your attempts, I will have the artisans apprentice work on what you've done to try to discover more. I would like to expand our military capabilities further, perhaps with cavalry and the like, but as you've said, you'd need better barracks to do this. I would like for you to find a location for a military academy north of the capital(Maybe NW or NE), between ourselves and the coast. I am not asking you to build it, only to find a good location and clear the land so that such a building could be built. Ensure that there is plenty of room for a stable and training yard. (I'm thinking maybe a days ride outside of the capital?)

Regent: Would any of the noble families be interested in being farming magnates? Now that we are helping to feed our allies, plus with the addition of sweethops, I believe there is a need to create more farming areas, and this would be a good chance for one of the families to come forward and take the lead in this. I am willing to create a land-lease of large tracts of land outside of the capital for such purposes as farming both edible crops, herds of animals and these sweethops. It might be a dirty job, but it could also be a very profitable one.

Emissary: He's gone.

Spymaster: There has been a war going on with the two countries to the west of us. Please go and see what information you can gather for me. I am interested in the necromancers and if it is possible to allow their people to escape into our lands and claim asylum and safety, we can use them for ourselves.

Minerva: ?

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Patdragon » Wed Jun 21, 2017 2:39 pm

Artisan: Continue the work on the castle and training the apprentice hopefully after this project together he may be able to try something on his own.

Magister: "Brief spy interrogation then I think more magical training for myself"

DragonKnight / Marshall: Acquire some good horses and begin training some troops to become cavalry. I''ll have the artisan build a barracks once he's finished the castle.

Regent: I want you to assist with the new grains and Hopps to see if it sticks., We could do with a boost in food and drink production. I'll have the Artisan assistant build a brewer as soon as they've completed the castle.

Mercenary: "Would you be interested in acquiring a Lure Wurm egg?"

"How is the squire doing?"

Spymaster: I hope your travels went went, When we have a chance I may ask you what you can tell me off them minus the parts you cannot of course. It might be interesting to see if you have learned or changed in anyway. Even so I have a new challenge for you you might find of interest. We had an indecent recently and i'd like you to find a Mortimer Character who seems to have contacts with Servicius. He may also go by the name rat king or Savant. He has caused me problems and i want him taught a lesson.

Emissary: Unavailable
Squire : Unavailable
Minerva: No update for now.
Forge: One more season mine parts.
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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 23, 2017 4:31 am

I second offering the lure worm to the mercenary. Though I think maybe it would be better to find out what he has before giving away that we have it...unless he somehow already knows we have it.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Patdragon » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:32 am

Last time he offered us a endless decanter of water for 10 coffers as a way to expose more people to magical energies. I still like the concept of acquiring it and building aqueducts to distribute fresh clean water to everyone but his artifacts were quite costly.
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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:46 am

An endless decanter of water (hopefully fresh) would make a nice addition to our would mean clean water for all, and sieges would have next to no effect on us. Other than needing food of course....which, we should have some granaries built in the city for such an occasion...I suppose..

I still don't like showing our "haggling" cards right out the door, I'd rather hear what he has to offer first.

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Dlover » Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:10 am

He probably already knows everything that's happened in the entire land. We can try seeing what's available before revealing our offer, but I don't know how much of a difference it would make.
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 23, 2017 6:39 am

Already knows....did someone leak it to the press? curses!

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by Dlover » Fri Jun 23, 2017 7:02 am

Well, he always seems to know everything. But also I'd be impressed if somebody did leak it to the press, considering there's no such thing yet. :p
My game:
Hunters of Letrua; Character list
Also Player / Monster stats, skill lists.

My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Ruined Kingdom: Post-boom. (Always open)

Post by M0rtimer » Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:11 pm

Interrogate the spy.
I know how much you love a good torturing. I found this spy wandering through our lands, I wonder if you might be able to break his mind and send him back as you did the others, to act as spies for us. Thought now that you have done it before, perhaps this one might live a little longer. Find out what he knows and then make him ours.
Brief spy interrogation

"Simple, but effective, sire... Just how I like it. Very well- I shall break our little puppet... And we'll decide what we'll do with the pieces afterwards."

>The Magister will interrogate the spy.
"I'm glad you were timely with your return. I wouldn't want to have to charge late fees."
"Would you be interested in acquiring a Lure Wurm egg?"

"How is the squire doing?"

"Oh my, such audacity... Don't make any mistakes though, your lordship- No kind of arrangements were made concerning your Spymasters 'timely' returnal... While I'm usually one to find the strictness of such words to be turned back against me... Amusing, this is no such occasion."

"And a lure wurm egg you say..? What an interesting acquisition you've made... I do have a habit of collecting curio's as you might have already seen- Just as often I turn out to resell them to a proper bidder, of course, which does not mean you may consider myself interested... A trade against something of my own stock, perhaps? I believe I may have a couple curios that may interest you... Barring that, if you prefer pure coin, what would, hmm... Two coffers sound like..?"

"As for the squire... She is doing absolutely fine! So fine in fact, I have her performing a little task I needed done... No worries though- Unlike my spymaster, her task is on my orders, not her own... Time is still ticking down for her- Another two years for you, I believe..? Ha ha- I do promise given the opportunity, to return her as swiftly as I did my spymaster, too."

>The Mercenary might be interested in a trade.
Continue on the castle, but I have a task for your apprentice. The Marshall has been gathering and inspecting the siege weapons from the war against us, I wondered if you might task him with his first personal job. See if he is able to figure out how they work and whether or not some could be rebuilt to serve our own purposes.
Continue the work on the castle

"Off course, sire- The standard two gold coffers, again? I do like how things have been coming along... I have no intent to rush things with what this building is supposed to stand for, but none the less it's looking like we might finish this season, with some luck..."

"As for a task for my student... I think he'd be able to handle a simple task like that. Let's have him test his mettle, shall we?"

>The Artisan will continue on the castle.


"Hah! About time I got a chance to actually pull some stunts in this here house... Dontcha worry boss- I got things covered! Siege weapons? No problem! How hard can it be! End result is gonna be right out cool!"

... The student is most definitely... Enthusiastic. Hopefully that actually shows in his work...

>The Student will try to repair the siege weapons.
Thank you for your attempts, I will have the artisans apprentice work on what you've done to try to discover more. I would like to expand our military capabilities further, perhaps with cavalry and the like, but as you've said, you'd need better barracks to do this. I would like for you to find a location for a military academy north of the capital(Maybe NW or NE), between ourselves and the coast. I am not asking you to build it, only to find a good location and clear the land so that such a building could be built. Ensure that there is plenty of room for a stable and training yard. (I'm thinking maybe a days ride outside of the capital?)
Acquire some good horses and begin training some troops to become cavalry. I''ll have the artisan build a barracks once he's finished the castle.

"You are right in that we need to upgrade our facilities if we are to have any proper hope of upgrading our troops in such a manner, sire... But I suppose we can try what we can to prepare for such a matter- Find a proper site, find proper horses... Matters like this. We shall attend to that this season, then."

>The Marshall and Dragonknight will make preparations for a military academy...
I want you to assist with the new grains and Hopps to see if it sticks., We could do with a boost in food and drink production.

"Very well, sire- I shall see what can be done to improve the process and get things really going..."

>The Regent will attempt to improve the sweethop farms.
There has been a war going on with the two countries to the west of us. Please go and see what information you can gather for me. I am interested in the necromancers and if it is possible to allow their people to escape into our lands and claim asylum and safety, we can use them for ourselves.
I hope your travels went went, When we have a chance I may ask you what you can tell me off them minus the parts you cannot of course. It might be interesting to see if you have learned or changed in anyway. Even so I have a new challenge for you you might find of interest. We had an indecent recently and i'd like you to find a Mortimer Character who seems to have contacts with Servicius. He may also go by the name rat king or Savant. He has caused me problems and i want him taught a lesson.

"Figures I've naught returned, and I am given nary a chance to enjoy a peaceful moment before being sent out on a mission most would consider suicide..."

"Allow me to consider- The first option you propose is for me to head into a war zone to find out... What exactly..? War is usually messy business... I can try and find out how things are going, find out the general means of things, and see if I can incite people to try and flee towards your kingdom if they are so inclined... If you really think that is something wise to do."

"The other option... Well, firstly, allow me to just say I can't, and rather would not talk about my travels with the Mercenary. Needless to say, my price to him has been paid in full- I serve no further obligation to him, other than that I can not call him an enemy... Regardless, for the second option, the guy you're talking about sounds like a bandit king of sorts, yes..? That's a tricky task even for my kin- While teaching him a lesson might be a bit out of reach given he's likely known to expect my kind... I can most certainly delve deeper and see what I can uncover about him."

>The Spymaster can investigate one of two possibilities...

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