Hunters of Letrua

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Mon Sep 23, 2019 8:37 am

"Sorry I was messing with you. I don't think you will look like me for long, seeing that your hand is returning back to normal. Come on let's go back to civilization."

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by GathersIngredients » Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:28 pm

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Loki smiles. "Oh, so someone seems to want to be able to brag to her friends that she's dating a model. I see how it is..." He grins and winks at her.
"However, I don't know if I would be able to make time for that, in addition to the arena fights and training, the tavern odd jobs and the investigation of a certain disappearance of a family heirloom. Not to mention the most important thing: downtime with the most desirable girl of the area.
But I'm up for going there to browse, maybe try something on, so you will for once have the opportunity to grope the model to your heart's content - provided you don't cause me to soil the merchandise with your behaviour..." Loki
flashes his teeth in a very charming, dashing smile at her, clearly enjoying to tease her a bit.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:31 pm

Olly gives back the mirror and looks a little troubled.

"Ok. Guess we'd better get going then."

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:11 pm

"Sure, if you think so Juli--- Olly.", Korga gives him a wink to show she's just teasing him, but she can't help but look a bit worried.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:19 pm

Olly looks rather down about this whole turn of events, and will spend the day surreptitiously checking his eyes in the mirror whenever he thinks the others aren't looking.

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Thu Oct 24, 2019 10:30 pm

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Olly, Korga, Julius
Olly is very down about this entire situation, seeming uncertain as to what the worse fate would be; death or being Julius. The enchanter, on the other hand, brings up the topic of Olly's arm, and how it had returned to normal after a while. Maybe this would be a similar situation? Not as though that improved the large man's mood, though.

Finally continuing on the travels after recovering from the ambush, the trio press on eastward, with Olly regularly checking his appearance in the small mirror. Unlike his arm which gradually returned to normal over the course of a day, his hair and eyes seem to be returning to normal rapidly, with notable difference each time he checks. He'll probably be back to normal before they make camp for the night.

Continuing their arc, the group finds the grasslands continue extensively, with no sign of anything to the east or west. Southward, back toward Letrua, the mountains that seclude the nation from the rest of the continent are clearly visible on the horizon, and northward the more observant among the three can just barely make out shapes in the far distance, indistinct due to how far they are, but evidently immense to be visible.

Malis chuckles a little at Loki's suggestions, "I wouldn't be so proud of dating a model; It's not like they're all bad people, but it's hard to find one who isn't taken or self-absorbed. Absolutely can't have that, there's only room for one self-centred egoist in a relationship." The young woman grins at her own joke, then reaches out to pat Loki on the shoulder, "I'm sure you wouldn't let the praise go to your head, though."
The grin changes to a smirk with the talk of trying something on, "It would be hard to control myself, I think. It would quickly become a very different sort of demonstration."
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Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Oct 25, 2019 4:03 am

((Yay! I'm well familiar with the semester ebb and flow of work, though more from the other side, recently.))

Korga keeps an eye on Olly, and wonders if the fading of magical effects placed on him is due to the nature of the magical effect, or if there is something about her companion himself that is gradually able to revert to his initial state.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Fri Oct 25, 2019 5:57 am

Korga sets to pondering possibilities, and comes to the conclusion that there are four facts she has access to:
First, she's never heard of any changes like these happening before.
Second, she knows very little about enchantments and magic, but does know that it's chaotic if handled poorly, and can theoretically achieve anything if handled correctly.
Third, only Olly's arm changed when he touched the crystal; Julius was unaffected when he touched it. She was sensible and didn't touch the giant crystal that crystalised her friend's arm.
Fourth, Julius is the only one among them that can control magic to some extent.

All in all, she knows very little, and none of it gives any clear answers.
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:45 am

"Julius... Do you remember exactly how you healed Olly? Like what exactly you did? Could you do it again?"
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:16 pm

”As expected, it wore off. It would take more magic for it to last longer.” Julius looks at Korga. ”Of course but I would rather not drain my magic so friviously when we are still on the outside. We will find out what this is once we go in the walls and there is no worry about the abominations.

I suspect that anyone with magic can replicate this by using a lot pf magic on Olly.”

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:53 pm

"Yes, yes, but you've healed before, haven't you? Has this imprinting phenomenon happened before?"
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:18 pm

"That has not occured before, but I also used less magic when it came to heal Olly. This time he was hurt quite badly."

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Oct 27, 2019 4:43 am

Loki shrugs. "Though your vote of confidence in me is very nice to hear and also welcome, one never knows about these things until they actually come to pass. Who knows, with the right amount of praise, I might just turn into an arrogant snob-ball. ^^"

He grins when she talks about not being able to control herself. "Well I guess you have no choice than getting me such a sweet little nothing made of fabric one day and have me model it for you in a more private setting, then..."
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by thinkslogically » Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:20 am

Olly is definitely considerably more cheerful now that he's starting to look more like himself again.

"You should try it on Korga. Or one of the pups. That'd be weird if one of them got your face Jules!" Olly laughs.

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Oct 29, 2019 8:04 am

"That's sort of what I'm suggesting... when Julius is rested enough for the attempt. Is it something that he is doing, or is it something that YOU are doing, Olly? There are some lizards that can change their color to fit in with their background, it might be there is something about you that lets you change to fit in with the magical background... absorb a bit of it and change yourself to match... If Julius does the same to me that he did to you, and I look unchanged, that may be an indication that is the case...", Korga muses.
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Wed Oct 30, 2019 8:02 am

Olly, Korga, Julius
Clearly returning to normal, Olly is much happier, even chiming in on Korga and Julius' discussion of what happened and what to do about it - though he does so to suggest they try their experiments on someone other than himself, despite the laughter. There's much discussion about what happened and why, as the party move forward, but overall it seems that they've managed to relax to some degree.

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Malis shows a grin at Loki's suggestion that he could become a snob, and there are hints of a sadistic twist buried beneath it, "Well, don't worry, if you ever take a turn for the worse I'll set you straight and remind you who's boss. It's part of my duty as an Instructor to make sure all of our employees have the proper attitude for it - or at least not the wrong one - after all."

Both eyebrows raise at the suggestion of private modelling, though the young woman's eyes remain half-lidded, and she speaks teasingly, "Well then, I'm sure that will have to happen. I look forward to it."
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Nov 14, 2019 12:23 am

Loki just grins, at both of Malis statements.

After they have both finished and paid for their consummations (I don't remember if they did it when they ordered, but I don't want to have Loki bilk) he speaks up again: "Talking about instructions and all that, should we head back to the arena again so I can get some more training in today or did you have something else planned? I'm sure you'll let me know when that gardening expert is available for checking out that pipe story..."

(I'm in favour of wrapping up the scene. It's lovely to enjoy some romantic/naughty banter between Malis and Loki and see how they act during their time off, but it would also be nice to get the game moving again. ;) If you have other plans for them, Malis can always say so.)
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:09 am

Korga tries to get a sense at what rate the "Julius" fades from Olly, and see if it matches up with the rate at which his hand de-crystalized.

((Otherwise good to keep walking until we run into more trouble. :D ))
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Thu Nov 14, 2019 5:53 am

((Yeah, tomorrow I'll be assuming the exploration group is just working on their travel. Finished off my last exam yesterday, spent today unwinding, tomorrow will be update. That said, I absolutely left off on a terrible update for the trio, with nothing of interest or importance happening. Should really try not to do that.))
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:57 am

((No worries, hope exams went well! Just figured I'd clarify Korga's intent in case you were leaving space for us to do anything further.))
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:48 pm

Olly, Korga, Julius
The trio continue on their trail while Korga tries to judge how quickly the effects on Olly are fading, deciding that it seems this change is being undone much more quickly than the crystalisation; while the large man's hand was crystalised relatively early in the day, it took until well after the group had made camp for it to be completely erased. This case, on the other hand, appeared around midday and may well have no signs of ever happening soon after they make camp, if not before.

The sun sinks as the party continues, the forms to the north sinking over the horizon as their arc brings them ever so slightly southward. By midafternoon the grasslands give way to rolling hills, the grass here shorter; still wild and unkempt, but no longer brushing at their knees and threatening to hide dangers from view. The hills are gently sloped, not anything that would be considered tiring, even to the point at times where you could forget you're climbing a hill.

Cresting one such hill, the group hits a relatively flat space where two things become evident. One is that, to the east, there's a shimmer of blue over the other hills. With the hills between them, it's hard to tell how much farther the coastline is, but those subtle rises could have hidden the water from quite a ways without being obviously above the horizon.

The second thing is that the grass on this hill is even shorter than the rest that they've passed. It's not like it's neatly cut down, more as though it's been crushed down over time or torn up in patches.

Malis smiles, wiping at her lips with a napkin, "Good man, can't let yourself get slack. It was a nice date while we were out, but I can't hog your whole day." Looping an arm around Loki's own, Malis leads the way back to the Arena. "What are the plans, dear? Any sort of training you need help with?"
((You can consider yourself back at the arena already.))
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by thinkslogically » Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:32 pm

Olly breathes in deeply as he enjoys the view of the ocean, then turns his attention to the trampled ground beneath his feet.

Are there any footprints to give an idea of the size of the thing that caused this?

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by GathersIngredients » Wed Nov 27, 2019 4:21 am

Loki shrugs, not exactly sure what he wants to focus on next.
"Oh, I dunno, maybe I should hit the weights, my muscles feel like they could use a bit of attention. I don't suppose you'd volunteer to sit on a bench and let me press it?" he asks with a charming grin. "Because other than that, I don't have any clever ideas on how you might help me..."

((going for strength training here, in case it wasn't obvious.
Btw., has it been long enough since his last enchantment training for him to resume without getting sick? It's been a while since I had to worry about that, so I kinda forgot how long a cool-down is necessary...))
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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by Dlover » Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:47 pm

Olly, Korga, Julius
Taking a moment to enjoy his surroundings, Olly sets to examining the ground; the earth itself doesn't seem to be depressed at all, so it wasn't anything so large as the abschir he was climbing on days before. The spacing of damage to the grass suggests that the pressure applied wasn't in an area much different in size from a human foot, but the widespread crushing would suggest the area has been passed through many times, or a few times by many feet.
((It's rather difficult to describe the situation without being too obscure about it. Most of the grass in the area is crushed down, but not uniformly so, like it would be if a wide-spread pressure was applied to it.))

"I'm sure you can find a weight heavier than myself, dear. And you're right that I don't have much to offer for weight training, I've always been more moderate on that front. Call for me if you need me, then~"

((I don't really remember myself, honestly. It'd probably be a day's rest or two, and surely Loki's had that, so you could go for that instead of the strength training if you want.))
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My characters:
Tugs Tails, the goblin that was sort of a trapper and wears a bear's tail at his neck, for some reason - Lair of the Mountain King (Run by Thinks)
Alex Sparo, A city boy, poor of sight, who has learned to manipulate people and make the most of what he, and others, have - Trinity Isles (Run by Mort)
Mehriv Turajin, a Noble Dragonborn Sorcerer sent from his clan because he wasn't dragony enough. - The Wandering Archipelago (Run by Thinks)

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Re: Hunters of Letrua

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Dec 01, 2019 10:39 am

"Heavier for sure. More precious, more enjoyable to be around with and more motivating to push towards my limits... well, it's hard to imagine." Loki elaborates and winks at Malis. He squeezes her hand and kisses her cheek, before parting ways with her and hitting the gym.

((Nah, it's fine, iirc Loki is close to levelling up on strength, he can still practice enchantment at the next opportunity again.))
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