Quiet there!

This is a secret assignment. Just for you!
Do it before the real teacher awakes and sees the mess I made!

If you don't know how to start animating, you may start with the lesson.
If you already know how to do things, here are your tasks:
1. Make a small emoted smiley, or an animated avatar which resembles "you", the "forum you", or your aspirant god in this game, whichever you are inclined to do.
2. Search for a fancy sprite sequence, and chunk it to pieces! Make a simple animation out of it, of course.
3. Create a free-style animation! By this I mean you may not use sprites of other people, only your own!
(OPTIONAL)[HARDCORE VERSION] Do not use sprites at all! Draw every single frame by hand!
4.(OPTIONAL)EPIC BATTLE! Do a battle scene which includes at least one, but preferably two "heroes", and also at least three, but preferably more enemies! There is no length limit, all I'm asking is that please do not make it a "one simple spell kills them all" kind of animation, because that is boring.
Ask in the lesson thread for more tips or tricks!