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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 20

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:12 am

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Remedy desire to free the prisoners is strong, and she wacks the wavering shield (which is shocking) with her tapestry rod (which is metal) as hard as she can. There is an explosion of sparks and a loud boom from the electric shock. Both remedy and the tapestry pole are thrown across the room and the smell of electric fills the air. Remedy loses 1 Hp.
Voice: "Dammit, whats going on in there, I told you to be quiet"
The Male with the ladder legs gives Remedy an odd look as she is thrown back from the wall in a loud shock and boom. He sighs and then says "Great, with your skills, we'll all die together, yay"
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Laughs runs back to the right, grabs the beard, rushes back and puts it on. Other than being itchy, it changes his appearance quite drastically. His face feels warm from the long fake beard.
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To prove out what just happened, Forges throws the dirty lolipop at the shield and finds that indeed, the expected result. The lolipop hits the shielding and sends a few sparks out and promptly explodes, sending melted dirty lolipop bits across the room.
Costa places the glasses upon his face and the initial result is near blindness, after a bit his eyes adjust and he sees the folowing things light up with a strange glowing aura:
The sharp-looking manpurse, Blood-Song, The magical shield of shocking

Blood Song says "Holy shit"

Stats & Loot
.[tabs: Remedy(Nerre)]
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 4/5

.3 Gold, Tapestry Rod +1 Atk, a pair of wooden foot filled boots.

[tabs:Costa (askstoomuch)]
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 5/5

Blood Song +1 Atk + Q, where Q = number of quests wielder has completed.
Sharp Fork, Magical Glasses, Blue Key, "My first wand" wand, PlayWitch vol. 1
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 4/5

Pewter Cup, Pewter Plate, Tapestry Rod +1 Atk, PlayWitch vol. 2
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 5/5

A sharp looking Man-purse (backpack)
3 important looking letters, yellow key, 3 blank books, 12 gold[/tabs]

New Item information:
Glasses of See Magical Energy: These glasses allow the wearer to see objects that are magical, some of which may be otherwise invisible.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 20

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:37 am

Laughs strokes his beard wisely... "Hohaahahaaa! That didn't seem to work! Is it time to go confront the furniture maker yet??"

If the rest of the group seems inclined to move the next room, Laughs does as well... if they opt to keep dicking around in here, he'll try to style his beard into something even MORE majestic.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 20

Post by Nerre » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:40 am

"Ouch!" Remedy hisses while being flung around. Then, when she hears the voice in the next room, she quickly jumps beside the door, so whoever might enter the room will only spot the other three, but not her. She signals them to get ready. Maybe she can do a sneak attack or trip whoever is there. Maybe the wicked mage himself? She does not want to be furniture!

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 20

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:18 am

An additional note on the glasses. It only identifies magical auras of objects that the wearer can see. So, if an item is in your inventory, it doesn't know if it's magical in nature or not.

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 20

Post by Patdragon » Fri Feb 14, 2014 6:36 pm

"one last thing we should check then, I got these books from upstairs and they were all blank and the inkpot vanished when i tried to take it...perhaps it had magical writing/ink.....check your wand too that might give us an edge if we know what it does."

I would also like sneak a peek into the next room to see what there before rushing in.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 20

Post by askstoomuch » Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:23 am

costa tosses the wand at forges and takes a look at the papers
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:11 am

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Upon hearing the voice in the other room, Remedy quickly stands up and squeezes herself into the corner so as to possibly ambush the person.
Costa and Forges do a bit of trading as they swap the wand for the books.
Costa examines the books and finds that there is indeed writing on the pages. He is unable to read the words, but the books ooze out an evil aura.
Forges peaks into the next room but only manages to see that the wizard is still there before being forced to duck back out of the room
Wizard "Aghh, stupid little goblins, how dare you disturb my work. I will destroy you." He throws a vial filled with green stuff at Forges, barely missing his head, the bottle smashes into the floor. The smell of wood polish and lacquer quickly fills the room.
The Male with the ladder legs looks at forges and then at the green bubbly stuff. "Well, at least I'll get a show before I die." He then screams in pain as his left arm starts to turn into wood.
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Laughs ignores everyone and everything that is happening and starts playing with his new hairdo. He finds that although the beard isn't magical, it is very pliable. He easily bends it and tweaks it to give it a more majestic look upon his head. He finds that once he is done playing with the hair, it very easily holds its new shape.
Blood Song begins to pulse a deep angry red again and screams "We're coming for you, you evil bastard and you will pay for what you have done."
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Stats & Loot
.[tabs: Remedy(Nerre)]
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 4/5

.3 Gold, Tapestry Rod +1 Atk, a pair of wooden foot filled boots.

[tabs:Costa (askstoomuch)]
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 5/5

Blood Song +1 Atk + Q, where Q = number of quests wielder has completed.
Sharp Fork, Magical Glasses, Blue Key,PlayWitch vol. 1, 3 blank books
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 4/5

Fake Hair
Pewter Cup, Pewter Plate, Tapestry Rod +1 Atk, PlayWitch vol. 2
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 5/5

A sharp looking Man-purse (backpack)
3 important looking letters, yellow key, 12 gold, "My first wand" wand[/tabs]

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:23 am

Laughs is pleased with his new beard stylings, but disappointed that it doesn't seem that he'll be able to trick the wizard into thinking he is just another wizard here on a social call. Laughs will move away from the shocking wall so that he isn't in a direct line from the doorway (doesn't need to get hit by mysterious vials!), and move towards Forges, tapestry rod at the ready.

As he moves past the puddle from the broken vial, he tries to assess whether there is enough left for him to scoop up some in his pewter mug.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21

Post by Patdragon » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:32 am

Deciding to go with an outright lie to see if they get the wizard into this room and maybe trip him up and into the puddle he just made, forges responds.

"Oh course we had to disturb you, how else are we going to save you from the fire we accidentally started upstairs."

He studies his wand a little to see if there might be some writing on it to see what it does or how to activate it.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21

Post by Nerre » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:01 am

Remedy just waits, ready to ambush. If she can trip the wizard, the others made can pull him into the puddle!
She tries to hold her breath and not breath the furniture polish fumes. Maybe this is what turns people into furniture. Or does it only work on humans? Hmm.

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:36 am

Wizardly Interruption -

The wizard shouts at you "WHATT!, you released that annoying bitch, you don't know what you've done, I will be back and when i do, i will destroy you, I will destroy all of you and all of your friends and your family and especially your stupid adventuring league."

You hear a deep methodical chant coming from the room where the wizard was. The chanting accelerates and deepens until it becomes a thunderous sound and then...silence. Suddenly a loud Whoosh followed by a zap and the sound of breaking glass comes from the doorway. The magical shielding that was separating you from the prisoners wavers and then disappears with a loud popping sound.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by spiderwrangler » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:55 am

Laughs, bolstered by the confidence the majestic beard gave him, saunters into the next room. "Haaha! Afraid to face the might of our combined force, eh?"
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by askstoomuch » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:10 am

costa runs inside and attacks the wizard, trying to disarm him as fast as possible

holding his new book in his off hand as a make shift shield
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by Patdragon » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:09 pm

Forges asks the man that can still talk, How did the wizard change them and if they saw/ know of a way to change them back.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by askstoomuch » Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:01 pm

attack first think later
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by Nerre » Tue Feb 18, 2014 12:17 am

"We should grab all information and things of value we can and get out of here. And please help me to get those two poor souls out of here. Maybe Mr. Ladderlegs can become a bartender or server at our inn? What you say? Maybe some day somebody can remove the curse or transformation he did to you. Same for Mr. Tablehead, although he looks like he cannot do much except talking. Poor souls, really."
Remedy checks the other room for any small items she can put in her pockets. Especially gold and one of the flasks he through at them, so somebody could investigate it later. She really seems to feel with the humans that got transformed, especially those that got partially transformed. Maybe the should get all furniture from inside her and move it into the inn. Better be used as furniture by somebody who knows what you really are and who might some day cure you, than being sold. That way you might end up in a fireplace in a hard winter.

Remedy starts to push Mr. Tablehead out of the prison cell as he cannot do it on his own, then she does the same with Mr. Ladderlegs. If the mage returns, he might activate the magical shielding again. "I will try to get you out, can you tell us all you know about him in the meantime? And what are your real names?"

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by askstoomuch » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:35 am

woudn't it be better if we all attacked instead of splitting up ?
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by Nerre » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:52 am

He is not there anymore. He teleported away. So let's grab what we can and get out while we can. Also Badge made it clear that this is no fight we are supposed to take right now. ;)

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by askstoomuch » Tue Feb 18, 2014 3:05 am

ahhhhhh that post never did make sense to me
costa assist remedy
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 22

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:37 am

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Remedy, Costa and Forges all join up in helping the furniture people in any way they can and they start to move them out of the prison where they had been.

Robert "My name Robert and I..." He stopped and looked at the girl that was also a table. Her face twisted in agony and then morphed into the remainder of the table. "Gill...Noooooo" He screamed as he ran wheeled towards her. Robert tried to drop to his knees, found that he couldn't and instead just stood there and sobbed. After a few moments he composed himself and said "You asked me how we got this way, we were just in the house for about." Robert starts counting with his one hand. "about 25 rounds, and then we just started turning into the last thing that we had touched. This...This house is cursed, we have to get out of here."

As Robert finishes talking, the air around the other furniture pieces begin and fizzle and then, one by one, they pop out of existence to somewhere else.
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Laughs saunters into the next room and finds a pool of the green stuff.

Blood Song "The coward ran, but we will find him and then we will kill him and drink his blood." (she goes into more detailed and gruesome things on what she will do to his body when you find him)

Stats & Loot
.[tabs: Remedy(Nerre)]
ATT: 1 (+1 Rod)
DEF: 1
HP: 4/5

.3 Gold, Tapestry Rod +1 Atk, a pair of wooden foot filled boots.

[tabs:Costa (askstoomuch)]
ATT: 1 (+1 Blood Song)
DEF: 1
HP: 5/5

Blood Song +1 Atk + Q, where Q = number of quests wielder has completed.
Magical Glasses - Allows you to see magical Auras
Sharp Fork, PlayWitch vol. 1, 3 blank books

ATT: 1 (+1 Rod)
DEF: 1
HP: 4/5

Fake Hair
Pewter Cup, Pewter Plate, Tapestry Rod +1 Atk, PlayWitch vol. 2
ATT: 1
DEF: 1
HP: 5/5

A sharp looking Man-purse (backpack)
3 important looking letters, 12 gold, "My first wand" wand[/tabs]
Last edited by BadgeAddict on Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 21.5

Post by Nerre » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:41 am

"Yes Robert, let's go. Do you know if the green stuff is the reason for the transformation?" Remedy asks while she hats to the latch to climb up and as far to the front door as she can.
"Laughs, come with us, we have to get out quick!" She shouts while she (and hopefully the others) will help Robert to get up the ladder and out before he fully transforms. They got 3 turns left, if Remedy counted time correctly. If she has too, she will drop the tapestry rod.

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 22

Post by askstoomuch » Tue Feb 18, 2014 6:58 am

costa puts his sword in his backpack, and touches forges face (we turn into the last thing we touch I touch a goblin, I will become a goblin)
and starts running towards the exit
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 22

Post by Patdragon » Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:14 am

Wondering why Costa touched his face, maybe after his shouting of bloodlust he finally was back to normal...maybe that sword was cursed too....

"We'd best be outa here even if we get right to the door upstairs we're still touching the floor and I don't want to be a carpet. If we ever want to get after him at least I think I know where he went."

If laugh needs help catching a potion (he might knock off the shelf with his pole) i'll help with that if not i'll start running out of here.
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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 22

Post by Nerre » Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:27 am

"Roger, I don't understand the logic behind, can you explain it some more?" Remedy says while running out.
As an answer to Costa, she continues to talk about it "We touch the floor all the time, but also out clothes. Roger for example still got his weapon and shield, why did he turn in neither of them? Somehow there must be a rule in the spell, or he marked several items in here so they work together with the spell. Else you could just touch your own face and hope you stay yourself."

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Re: GAL: Quest 3 - Turn 22

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:07 am

Slight change of plan, If you would/could post your next 2-3 actions (Based on how long you think it will take you to reach the front door). You may assume that all furniture has also disappeared as you can hear loud popping sounds coming from upstairs. Please use the following example to post you actions:
Turn 22 -
Turn 23 -
Turn 24 -

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