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Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:20 am
by Rodgeir
Joe gets it all!:
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Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:42 am
by The Lost
”Do ye have charcoal n incense? Ah maybe make a famil’r n send it down ta scope tha area. .....Ah know what un ta get...donnae like it thou’”

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 8:46 pm
by Dlover
"Up. I'm guessing we're on the lowest level we'll reach. Put that aside until we fix your hands, though, Joe."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:00 pm
by The Lost
"Let meh see if Ah can cast find famil'ar first then Ah will wait."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:15 pm
by Rodgeir
"I have neither charcoal nor incense. As you pointed out, I've not been out in a while."

((So what is the plan now?))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:19 pm
by NotStickFigures
"Well," states Jaq, "we are all still in pretty bad shape physically."
"Can we all sleep for a good long time and refresh ourselves? Then we will have fresh minds and take a look at the map and make a plan for making these books safe."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:22 pm
by Dlover
"I would agree on that. We're all in need of a good long rest and recovery."

I wanna fix Joe's hands before the long rest, much as she keeps protesting that it can wait.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:03 am
by The Lost
Joe frowns when the naga says there is no charcoal. "...Well thar goes me idea....*sigh* Fine ye can heal me now. ...Rather not be knocked out..."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:58 pm
by Dlover
"Unfortunately, I will have to knock you out. My magics are far stronger in that case. It won't hurt for a moment, though."
Lurn starts by bopping Joe over the head, then sets about putting her fingers back into their proper places before he casts a level 2 Cure Wounds on her, healing her for 21.

"That is as much as I can do for you, I've expended my abilities. If Kroshav cannot manage the rest, I will have to work on it slowly while we rest."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:39 am
by Rodgeir
((The Librarian would let you rest there but would like a plan for after the rest from you at some point.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:17 am
by NotStickFigures
Jaq's ideas that he will bring up for the DEET initiative (Dark Elf Eradication Tactics)

Check out the blueprints carefully and see different ways up to the drow areas.
Make sure everyone in our group studies the maps and knows their way around, then study again. Jaq makes sure people knows it as well as they can by memory! He will be a pain about this!

He will plan on using stealth to check out how well they are watching the stairwells and areas up to the drow area. Scout ahead.

Figure out how (and the best way) to use Joe's magic and other tactics (dwarf's intel help and books) on how to do a really good cave in. To really make it hard on the drow, we'd travel down the tunnel they use and start cave ins farther from the library, and then work our way back to the library and continue to do more cave ins. Make it not worth their while to dig it ALL out.

Jaq wants his bow back. Probably even more that Joe wants her spell book. And secondarily the cloak.

Ask the librarian to see a book on Driders so we can learn how to deal with it effectively.

Ask the librarian what weapons and supplies might be available to be used, as the drow took all of his.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:46 pm
by Dlover
Lurn and Kroshav found an armoury near where we were imprisoned, so if we can find our way back to that it can supply weapons and basic armour. They put our non-magical stuff there.

If stealth gets tough, we could probably only worry about it until getting properly equipped, but we should try to keep it up as long as possible. We'll have to off all the drow that are already in the facility regardless, but it would be much better to take on a couple at a time. The drider and the unknown number of enemies are the real threats. There were at least a dozen drow plus the drider from Mikram's last knowledge, and Lurn and Kroshav managed to kill... Four? Five? I forget whether we killed two or three on the stairs. So there are at least eight drow left.

We'll have to be careful, we won't be able to do hit and runs using this floor as a safe zone. They'll just decide that the naga is definitely against them, which would cause problems for her, and they'd send for reinforcements from their city, which we absolutely have to avoid.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:00 pm
by The Lost
Joe will study the map and uses presigigitation for markers as to where the drow are currently (lasts an hour at most).

Amoung the new spells she memorized fog cloud, flaming sphere, and blink replacing spider climb, dragon's breath and misty step.

Joe wants her spell book back along with her hat. "Ah can use eith'r obscurin' magic ta prevent em from seein' us except maybe tha eight legged freak o use a flamin sphere o destructi'n.

If ye sneak out can ye see if ye can find materials fer find famili'r along tha way? it be charcoal n insence Ah have n idea on how ta spy on em."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:22 am
by NotStickFigures
"I can keep an eye out for that, but you think the drow will have incense? If I find something fragrant to burn, will that suffice?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:48 am
by The Lost
“Ah had some fer one more castin’. Hmm probably nay, just get loads o charcoal instead.”

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:45 pm
by spiderwrangler
((Didn't have all our armor and weapons. Only got shield and sword back, I think.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:16 pm
by Dlover
((Ah, true, it was only simple items in the armoury, or what they thought were simple.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:57 am
by Rodgeir
Jaq's inspection of the map shows there is a single other path up to the drow on the otherside from where he came down.

((We can wait on the stealth checks for a moment on finding how well the two paths up are being watched.))

Mikram offers some advice on how he'd do a cave in but adds,

"Aye'm a soldier...was a soldier. A scout. Aye know a a fair bit about mining but aye'm not an expert on collasping tunnels."

The Librarian sends for books containing information on drider but there isn't a single book on drider. The books range from religious reviews to beastariums. There are too many to really read but what Jaq can make out that they are some sort of holy punishment and not a gift, despite the male drow becoming more powerful. Something of the original drow is lost, sometimes a great deal. The new drider is invariably truly devoted to Loth but without a priestess of Loth nearby are prone to acting like Loth, which is to say unpredicably and violently. They have sunlight sensitivity and gain many spider abilities and spells as part of their transformation, which spells doesn't seem to be set and several people suspect it is likely due to Loth's whims. They are never placed in charge of anything.

The Libarian offers you all stone clubs and swords saying,

"This is what the golems have been armed with. They are, unfortunately, rather brittle against a hardened target such as dwarven plate. Softer targets such as the drow tend to be have proven to be more...malleable."

To Lurn/Dlover:
((You killed three in the stairs. There was also talk of a female drow returning, but the timeline on that was not clear.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:00 am
by Rodgeir
((Jaq can give me two stealth and preception rolls if he is just checking the stairs up. How far would he be going in? If he goes beyond the stairs I would like another preception and stealth roll along with a destination and how is moving. Poking his head into every room? Heading to a specific place? All the way to where the weapons were stored? At this point he'd have determined his cloak was on one of the drow that Kroshav and Lurn got, which was right near where the weapons were. Mikram wouldn't have a clue as to where things were.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 7:35 pm
by Dlover
((Oh, I was assuming the "she" they were referring to was the drider, since I guessed that would be the one in charge. These books have made that a clear misunderstanding, though.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:50 am
by Rodgeir
((i would say that you could put two and two together. One drider, zero priestesses. Probably not a normal situation. Not that it means there is only one she, but one she in particular hasn't been encountered.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:31 am
by spiderwrangler
Kroshav's at a bit of a loss as far as how to proceed. All this politicking is above him. He's kind of missing having The Order to point him where to go and what to do.

His immediate wants are to get his stuff back and make sure the others get out of here safe.

He'll check in with Ealu, just to let her know that they have everyone and that they've made friends with a snake-lady that Jaq found.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 7:29 pm
by The Lost
Can the club be used as a quarterstaff? if so she'll take one.

Joe asks the libary about posions that drow use, to hopefully better prepare against it.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:01 am
by Rodgeir
Ealu sends a message back to Kroshav,

<Hi! We're out, glad the snake person didn't eat you! It's snowing again and windy here so we decided to stay in the stairs. Charlie is hungry, me too. Probably going to try and get food before it gets dark again, that okay?>

To Joe the Librarian offers a selection of books on poisons the Drow use. Seems like it's an art form for them. There doesn't seem any easy way to defend against it and the antitoxins recommended require ingredients that aren't available.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:35 am
by NotStickFigures
(Before any scouting...Did we all get a rest in yet? are we healed up or not)