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Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:08 am
by Arch Lich Burns
"Ye know this town bett'r than Ah, do ye think we should look fer em? Ye said they might be at a guild o sorts?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 2:08 pm
by Rodgeir
((Perception from Ves))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 6:47 pm
by Dlover
"No, friend, only staying here as thanks for helping with some matters, though I'll be offering my aid should anyone be injured."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 7:45 pm
by thinkslogically

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:16 am
by Rodgeir
The half orc nods slowly.

"Lots got hurt yesterday but we hauled them to the priests. Any one else hurt?"

The question seems to be directed at the gnome who is very intent on his breakfast and ignores Grenk.

"Ah, Cutter's hurt! But not sure he wants help."


Ves makes it to the window and scans the road below. There are a few people walking but none looking like either a little girl or a large bluish woman. A few birds seem to have been startled off the nearby roofs by something and there are pigeons and crows fluttering around.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:28 am
by thinkslogically
She looks over at the pigeons and birds and ponders the distance to jump to the nearest rooftop. If that's the blue woman's preferred mode of travel too, then maybe she isn't so different to Ves after all. Then again, she is a shape shifting, magical blue woman, so maybe it's a little too early to make those sorts of assumptions.

Ves ponders the view and the visitor for a minute or so and then heads back to her room to get dressed.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 10:38 am
by Rodgeir
It is a pretty sizeable jump, over 35 feet if she is any judge. She could MAYBE make it with a running start which shouldn't get here.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:10 pm
by thinkslogically
Ves gives a short laugh and wonders if the woman made the jump or just changed into someone in the crowd. With a shrug, she goes back to her room, gets dressed, grabs her gear and heads down to find Lurn. She doesn't fancy eating the food here, so just chews on some pocket-jerky instea while she looks around for the firbolg.

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 6:25 pm
by Dlover
"I don't imagine he would. Even if I did help him, I would have to hurt him again for trying to attack my companion, so it's best if he's left to be."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:15 pm
by Rodgeir
Ves comes down the stairs chewing on some lint covered pocket jerky and spots Lurn chatting with the half orc doorman from the night before and the gnome from the roofs and the Mistress's room.

She over hears Lurn's last comment and hears Grenk's reply,

"He wouldn't like that. Cutter likes hurting people but not getting hurt himself!"

A few seconds behind Ves the woman Conna also descends the stairs, smiles at Ves and heads over to where Lurn is sitting. She gives Grenk a quick peck on his forehead before looking back at Ves and waiting for her to come over as well before beginning in a somewhat quiet voice,

"The Mistress 'as asked me to again convey our appreciation an' hopes you 'ad a good night." She takes out a heavy looking wax sealed envelope and slides it across the table to be in front of Lurn/Ves. "She would like you to bring this ta Master Jaq, if you wouldn't mind."

The gnome seems a bit surprised by this but remains silent. Grenk takes a long drink from his mug and seems to have lost interest in the conversation.

((Whatever rolls you'd like to make here))
Jaq's dad scratches his chin while he considers something,

"You know...that thing probably came from the odds and ends chest. Jaq would you mind helping me grab it? Maybe your friend can help us identify some of the things in it while you wait."

Together Jaq and his father go into a storeroom under the kitchen and pack a large dusty chest and set it in the back of the shop. Jaq's father opens the chest, which is unlocked and reveals its be an assortment of random things, metal statuettes, stone lumps, cloth the could have been from a tapestry or a rug, a hilt of what was probably an enormous sword and so on.

((Investigation+history from Jaq and Joe. Going to be a harder roll for Jaq.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:19 am
by Dlover
Lurn looks at the envelope for a moment, then glaces at Ves to see if she want to take it, "I don't see why we couldn't do such a thing?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:10 am
by thinkslogically
"What is it?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:44 am
by Arch Lich Burns
Joe looks at the odds and ins in wonder. She starts pulling them out and looking st them. "'Ave ye got anyun ta see if they'd be magic? If nay, Ah can see if they are fer ye."

Invest, history: 1D20+4 = [18]+4 = 22
1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 7:37 am
by NotStickFigures

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:20 pm
by Rodgeir
Conna looks to Lurn and then to Ves and looks down at the envelope.

"It's an envelope for Master Jaq? I don't know what's in it if that's what your asking? If it was something...sensitive... 'e'd be taking it." She gestures with her chin to the gnome.
Jaq looks into the chest and sees the same assorted junk that was in there last time he looked but to Joe it is a treasure trove of...well mostly assorted junk. She recognizes that the majority of the items seem to have been gathered at or near the same spot based on their design. She would put most of it at around 800-900 years old, pre-Elven invasion. The design would suggest somewhere on the north side of the Thalmiir range and shows both human and dwarven influence. It all predates Balyon (which was founded after the elves were forced back) and she isn't aware of any large cities along the range except for Bargnis. Just looking at the items she would say they are likely from a human settlement that had significant trade with dwarves.

There isn't anything of great value that she can see as she goes through the items but as she picks up a heavy, silvery metal statuette of what appears to be a bird of prey the size of her hand she spots an odd detail under its wing. Fiddling with it the wing falls of with a clank to the the bottom of the chest. Inside a small, narrow cavity a thin rolled piece of metal is visible.

Jaq's father looks up from working on a ledger at the sound of the wing clanking down. "Did it break?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:45 pm
by thinkslogically
Ves shrugs.

"Can we open it and see? No offence, but with things being as weird as they are round here, I don't want to get caught with something illegal."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:27 pm
by Arch Lich Burns
"Most o this stuff was made befer tha Invas'n. Sadly most o this ain't worth much, if anythin'"

(Is the thing broken or part of mechanism? Is the metal roll part of the mechanism or something else?)

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:26 am
by Rodgeir
Conna gives a non-committal shrug back. "If the Mistress wanted everyone to see it she won't 'ave sealed it. What you do outside the door though... well that's between you and your friend."

The gnome is overly intent on his breakfast and Grenk picks up Conna's discomfort and looks mildly confused.
((Joe isn't sure if it is broken or not. The roll is not part of the statuette, it is a thin plate that has been rolled into a tight tub and placed inside a specially made compartment.))

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 3:31 am
by Dlover
"A message to a specific person should be seen first by that person. Though I must wonder why we are being asked to deliver this letter, unless perhaps you do not know where to find Jaq?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 5:33 am
by Rodgeir
Conna nods,

"We don't know where 'e lives exactly. I met 'im yesterday. We can find 'im," She glances at the gnome, "but you are probably faster."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 6:06 am
by thinkslogically
Ves raises her eyebrows at Lurn and sighs, but lets it go. She scoops the packet into her pack and shoves it into a bundle of unpleasantly moist socks. The damp, musty, muddy smell from inside the pack reminds her that she very much needed to do a laundry while in town. Oh well. At least it might put off anyone too keen to rummage through her things...

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 7:00 am
by Dlover
"It's a letter, Ves, what are you expecting? Explosive Runes?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 7:12 am
by NotStickFigures
Jaq looks at the bird and the item inside, without grabbing it from Joe's hands. "Hmm, to me it looks like it was a hidden compartment. With a scroll or something hidden in it. But it looks like metal?"

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:31 am
by Arch Lich Burns
"Ah dinnae know if it'd be brok'n or nay, but yer corr'ct." Joe carefully tries to get the metal tube out of the compartment. "Ah dinnae know why they'd use metal as a scroll, thou."

Re: Tests and Trials

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:02 am
by Rodgeir
The envelope is a bit heavier than expected and seems to have something other than just paper. By the feel of it is probably a key or something near to one in shape.

Conna looks to both Lurn and Ves,

"Is there anything else you need before today before you go?"
The metal scroll slides easily from the compartment in the now one winged bird statute. It is about 10 inch long and is surprisingly heavy. Looking at it more closely it appears to be copper that has been pounded into a thin sheet and then rolled up. It is difficult to judge how long it will be once rolled out.

Just looking at the outside of the roll there seem to be at least some markings, but on the inside.

((Jaq and Joe can give me another history roll, Joe with prof.))

Jaq's dad has made his way over to look at the roll as well,

"What do you know, I guess there are still things to find! Probably should have you check the other boxes too..."

((The metal has been pounded thin but not tinfoil thin. It doesn't seem like it would just rip.))