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Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 27: See You Next "Fall")

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:43 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
Vengeful will pull Gorak away from the edge, then investigate the corridor for traps. If he doesn't see any he'll head towards the strongboxes and investigate them for traps.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 27: See You Next "Fall")

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:23 pm
by Aegis J Hyena
Alright, writin' the post now, should be an hour or two.

NY social security is now raising a stink over paperwork; my former caseworker is looking into it but they have her cut off at the pass politically. So if I seem like I am off my game the next few days, that would be why.

EDIT: And hoo boy is it a stink. Someone mid-level was running interference and they've been "dealt with". I might lose all my social security benefits.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 27: See You Next "Fall")

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:41 pm
by Aegis J Hyena
Turn 28: Who Knew Blobs Could Crit

Without A Past: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Tells Bad Jokes: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Vengeful One: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
William The Red: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Forges for Food: The Pit's Graveyard Layer (250 Feet Down)
Forges is out of sight of the rest of the party.
Walks With The Wind: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Gorak, Wrestler of the River: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)

► Show Spoiler

William (97) does not act.
Tells' Ring of Sanctuary (50+): 22 (Nope)
The Vampiric Pudding (12/18 HP) (95) ranges a hookshot at Tells (and takes 2 damage from lingering flames from the gasbag)! 6+5 = 11 (Critical!); d8: 8 (Positive Crit); Damage (1-4): 1 +2 Critical +2 Acid +1 Negative Energy = 6
Tells' Resolve is Tested...
Resolve Roll (22+): 82 (Holds!)
If Tells is hit again, there is a 75% chance he shrugs off the damage (and Resolve will be also tested again).
Item Saving Throw (Harpoon, 10+): 11 (Safe)
Item Saving Throw (Cloak, 14+): 3 (Damaged by Acid)
Tells (67) flings an Alchemist Fire at the Vampiric Pudding! 6+6 +4 Atk = 16 (Doubles); d8: 2; Damage: 1 +2 Doubles +4 Fire = 7
Forges (58) works on getting the centerpiece loose. (9+): 1+4 -1 (Bad Quality) = 4 (nope); d8: 8 (Positive Crit)
Walks (14) attempts to splint up Gorak's injury.
Gorak (13) takes the round to recover.
Gorak gets a new saving throw from the splint (13+): 4 (Well, it's better than another damned 1...)
Vengeful (13) investigates the archway corridor. 6+4 = 10 (Success); d8: 8 (Positive Crit)
Without (3) doublemoves to the 350' ledge and to Gorak.

The Vampiric Pudding has 5 HP left. The fires currently on it will finish it off in two turns, if not next turn.

Light Source(s): Tells's Torch (21 Turns), William's Torch (34 turns), Vengeful's Gnomish Spotlight (indefinite, 60')

Can see down to: 410'


While various goblins run to Gorak's aid after his little fall, the Vampiric Pudding ranged a shot. This one was flung straight up and "around" by letting gravity take over, as if the overgrown slimeball were trying to hook its shots. It's no laughing matter when the shot hooks over the lip, and splatters Tells full in the front as he leans over to drop an Alchemist Fire. He's at death's door right now, but his Resolve has held and if he's hit again, there's a high likelihood of him shrugging off the damage (the Vampiric Pudding only hits on doubles or a critical). Unfortunately the shot was dead on, and has eaten away at the Druid's Cloak he wears; it is damaged but not destroyed. The defensive bonuses hold, but if it takes damage again it will be destroyed.

Tells answers the damage in kind by dropping an Alchemist Fire and striking it dead center. The fire spreads out and the Vampiric Pudding seems to almost recoil in what you might call pain; it'd flee if it had anywhere to go besides flowing down the center of the hole at the bottom of the 400' mark. However, it's too big to flow properly, and will burn to death from the lingering flames of the gasbag (1 damage next round) and the alchemist fire (2 or 3 damage) over a couple more turns. It will likely still range shots unless you climb out of range or dart down the archway corridor and away from the ledge itself.

Meanwhile, Gorak grumbles something as he kneels on the ground, muttering something about how "The Great Horned One certainly frowned on that little move..." Then the pain hits him and he bellows loudly; he may be a mini-minotaur, but his lungs sure work right! Walks rushes to his aid and attempts to splint the injury; while there's surprisingly little blood you can clearly see that there are shattered fragments of bone where his shoulder used to be and a splint is going to be a makeshift help at best. Using about half the branches and two bandages (healing 4 HP in the process), Walks rigs up a splint that gives him mobility and the ability to climb, but not enough to be effective in two handed combat without taking more damage. Without finally reaches him after Walks does her best.

Vengeful investigates the archway corridor. As it turns out, the visible pressure plates in the corridor are what turn the feet off; the real trap triggers are concealed in the tiles of the hallway away from the visible plates. If the goblins jump from one visible plate to another they can avoid triggering the stomping feet, or someone can climb the wall to the gears in the ceiling and attempt to disable things. At the end of the corridor are the two strongboxes; both of them are locked with a lock in the shape of a snarling yeti head. It looks like there's space for a faceted key in the forehead of each lock, however you've seen nothing in your travels that would fit. You also recognize the pressure plates the strongboxes sit on -- it's a weighted trap; if the balance is shifted, the trap triggers. Whatever is inside the boxes is equal in weight.

Back at the centerpiece, Forges has almost got it removed. It will be free at the end of the next round, and he thinks he can save its value rather than rip it from its housings.

Onward to Turn 29!


If it seems like I'm off my game the next couple of days, I got an email from NY social security raising a stink (mostly due to new people in power, new policies, "We no longer like you because you're not in the state, so FUCK OFF", etc). My (former) caseworker is looking into it but they've cut her off at the pass politically.

The keys to the strongboxes have been lost, so they'll have to be bruteforced... and Gorak is injured...

Turn 29 Turn Order:

Tells (95), Forges (66), Walks (46), William (38), Gorak (37), Vengeful (23), The Vampiric Pudding (19), Without (1)

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 12:34 am
by GathersIngredients
Erm, can't we try to lockpick the strongboxes instead? The trap disarming kit might have similar tools as a thieves kit...

"How's that, can you move your arm now? Can you stand and climb? How bad is the pain?" Walks fusses over Gorak a little more, checking the bandages, adjusting their tightness as needed and helping Gorak to his feet (hooves?) if he lets her. "Would you prefer coming with us the remainder of the pit, or do you want to go up and wait in the cart? I can accompany you there, and we can tie ourselves together to make sure you don't fall again." Walks offers, holding up her length of rope.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:39 am
by Quarg
William goes over to Tells and puts on a medicated bandage to heal him...

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:04 am
by Patdragon
Feeling a little guilty from Walks's shouting, Forages regrets his decision to stay up top and work on the statue but as there were plenty of goblin next to Gorak already and all able to help, he knew he'd be in good hands until he got down to that level. It was purely a matter of saving time not going up down up down.

Forges gives one last go of the statue before he can launch it over the edge, maybe even at the glob... no not at the glob it might melt the thing.

If additional time Forages then heads down.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 10:11 am
by Aegis J Hyena
Yes, the trap removal tools can double as lockpicks. Not very effective ones (not their intended purpose, but it is better than nothing) but they can.

Gold doesn't corrode. If you threw the centerpiece at the Vampiric Pudding (it dies this turn so the point is moot) it'd take impact damage.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 7:11 pm
by Aegis J Hyena
Going to wait to see if anyone else acts; I'll post a rather boring turn tomorrow if no one does before then.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:22 am
by GathersIngredients
► Show Spoiler

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:33 am
by Braineel
Oh, I thought I'd acted this turn already. Whoops.

Without also investigates the corridor (after seeing that someone has already done all they can for Gorak), looking for something worthwhile maybe not on the other side of all those deathtraps.

"Are you gonna be fine, Gorak? I don't think I could have survived that fall..."

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:05 pm
by Nolandking
"Am really hating this quest right now" said Tells as he try not to stand up to avoid being hit again.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 28: The RNG Hates You)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:28 pm
by Aegis J Hyena
Turn 29: Resting and Exploring

Without A Past: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Tells Bad Jokes: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Vengeful One: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
William The Red: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Forges for Food: The Pit's Graveyard Layer (250 Feet Down)
Forges is out of sight of the rest of the party.
Walks With The Wind: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Gorak, Wrestler of the River: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)

► Show Spoiler

Tells (95) does not act.
Forges (66) attempts to save the value of the solid gold centerpiece. (8+): 2+6 -1 (Bad Quality) = 7 (Nope); d8: 5
Walks (46) chats up Gorak, keeping his mind a little off the pain.
William (38) uses his medicated bandage on Tells, who recovers 4 HP.
Gorak (37) holds action.
Vengeful (23) does not act.
The Vampiric Pudding (19) burns to death.
Without (1) explores the archway corridor. 2+5 = 7 (Nothing to find)

Light Source(s): Tells's Torch (20 Turns), William's Torch (33 turns), Vengeful's Gnomish Spotlight

(indefinite, 60')

Can see down to: 410'


The party takes another moment to rest while Gorak shakes off the pain from his lesson on gravity. William helps Tells to heal by way of a medicated bandage, while Without explores the archway corridor and takes careful time to stay on the pressure plates so as not to trigger the stomping feet. As he looks up at them, he notices that the chain that drives them seems to be loose; if someone could get -up- there, the whole mechanism might be able to be deactivated. Meanwhile below, the Vampiric Pudding burns to death, the fires evaporating its nucleus or brain or whatever the center part of it is. It flows off of where it was half-laying, exposing some kind of control panel with several large stone levers that would likely take two hands to move. There used to be brass plates under the levers, but the Vampiric Pudding dissolved those a long time ago.

Gorak just nods his head as he steels his resolve. "I'll be fine." he says. "If I take another big hit or fall like that though, I fear I may have to retreat. I would rather injure my pride than kill my body." He peers down into the darkness, where now that the Vampiric Pudding has drained away down the center of the floor, and you can see a small hole in the floor and a ladder leads deeper into the Pit. "As long as we have healing supplies, I can manage. Do you want me to take point?" He looks below again. "That hole is only wide enough for one person at a time to climb down, we'll be going in single file either before or after those levers are examined. Speaking of which, what should we do about the two strongboxes here? I can't force them with my shoulder shattered, and they're weighted to react to changes in weight, although with some work we could pick the locks with the trap tool kits." He turns down Walks' offer, suggesting that if he were to fall, he'd pull her right along with him and then you'd have two in trouble instead of one.

Finally, Forges finishes ripping out the centerpiece. If he throws it below him and down into the pit, it will likely bounce and dent at the 400' mark unless he hits the hole dead on. He can carry it in his pack, but it will slow him down immensely (and slow down Gorak to a lesser extent).

Onward to Turn 30!


Turn 30 Turn Order:

Tells (98), Gorak (91), Vengeful (75), Walks (67), William (52), Without (47), Forges (20)

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:10 am
by GathersIngredients
Walks shrugs "If you feel comfortable taking point, you do that. Would you like the crossbow now, since you can't handle the two-hander properly anymore? I can taut and load it for you as long as you stay close-by." she offers.
If Gorak wants the crossbow Walks hands it over to him taking the melee weapon in return if it would be too heavy for injured Gorak to carry both.
In any case Walks goes to the strongboxes and inspects the lock(s) very carefully, trying to figure them out, lighting her torch to see better, if necessary. She also checks if there are any traps that might trigger, when the lock are picked. If she still can do something afterwards, she'll try to pick the lock(s) with the trap disarming tool, mindful not to break neither the lock nor the tools.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:20 pm
by Aegis J Hyena
*peeks in* I knew weekends were quiet, but not this quiet. If not enough people post by tuesday or so, I'll advance the turn.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:44 pm
by Patdragon
(been sick with migraines and other symptoms recently and looking at computer...or any light for that matter was not going to happen)

Anyways. Forges heads down to the other after shoving the centerpiece off the ledge, making sure it won't hit anybody.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:38 am
by Braineel
Could Without simply climb the chain to get up there, or would it require a bit more acrobatics? If it's that simple, he climbs climbs away. He has a trap tool kit, so he's good to disarm.

If it's more difficult, I guess... no, actually, you know what? Our luck has been awful. It's not going to get any better playing it safe. He's going to try climb up there to disable that thing. And look for something to wedge underneath those weighted pressure plates while he's doing so.

"I'm gonna find out what's inside those boxes! Maybe something useful, like a magic healing splint!" Without excitedly states as he looks for a way to get to the strongboxes in the first place.

(Although if whatever force of nature keeps putting me at the bottom of initiative can keep doing that, that'd be great. It really is quite comfortable here.)

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:32 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
its not so much the weekend as I was waiting to see what others are doing.

Vengeful uses his grappling hook to help Without to get to the mechanism and then help him disarm the trap.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:00 am
by Quarg
William goes over to the two chests to assist in attempting to disarm the weight trap...

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:37 am
by Aegis J Hyena
Alright, workin' on the post now. Should be up in a bit. Hope you feel better, PatDragon...

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 29: Regrouping)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:32 am
by Aegis J Hyena
Turn 30: Disarming your Troubles Away

Without A Past: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Tells Bad Jokes: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Vengeful One: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
William The Red: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Forges for Food: The Pit's Graveyard Layer (280 Feet Down)
Walks With The Wind: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)
Gorak, Wrestler of the River: The Pit's Blue Metal Layer (350 Feet Down)

► Show Spoiler

Tells (98) does not act. (x2)
Gorak (91) helps Without up to the ceiling to disarm the trap.
Vengeful (75) assists Gorak with his grappling hook.
Walks (67) attempts to pick the strongbox locks (8+): 6+4 = 10 (Success); d8: 8 (Positive Crit)
William (52) attempts to work on disarming the weighted trap. (9+): 1+6 = 7 (Nope); d8: 8 (Positive Crit)
Without (47) attempts to disarm the stomping feet trap. (10+): 2+2 = 4 (Doubles); d8: 2
Forges (20) hurls the centerpiece from its perch and moves down 30'.
Centerpiece might hit the control panel and levers... (80+): 39 (Nope)

Light Source(s): Tells's Torch (19 Turns), William's Torch (32 turns), Vengeful's Gnomish Spotlight (indefinite, 60')

Can see down to: 410'


Gorak declines Walks' help. "I prefer one handed weapons right now. It'd still take too long to string a crossbow and fire it in my state, even if you were to help, though I really do appreciate the assistance." He helps Without to the ceiling, assisted by Vengeful's grappling hook. After a long enough wait he helps Without back down, the goblin having simply wrenched and clipped the chain from its housing using the trap tool kit after several minutes of failed attempts at disabling it. The chain is very sturdy, and some 8' in length. He also pockets several brass gears that can be used as trade trinkets (each worth one gold coin). Gorak also gives Without the mattock he was carrying, saying it will be of more use in his hands at the moment.

Walks uses the trap tool kit to pick the locks on the strongboxes, and when jiggling the tools around in the locks doesn't do much, she goes all in and simply shanks the damn locks with a blunt part of the tools, breaking the locks instead. When she broke the locks she also broke the wired mechanism that linked the chests to the weighted plates, so she ended up disarming the trap at the same time. Meanwhile William works on disarming the weighted plates under the chests (and is saved the work when Walks breaks everything), and instead finds a hidden shifting panel in the ground next to one of the chests.

This panel was weighted so that if the exact amount of weight in the chests reached a certain amount, it'd pop open as a reward. He rips it open to find a carved ebony box about as long as his arm, locked with a sturdy silver lock that Gorak simply rips off to save William the trouble. Inside the box (itself worth 10 gold) there is a cold to the touch iron-and-ivory wand, inset with four bloodstones and set with a bulbous spherical clear amber stone in one end that gives off a good amount of light as bright as a torch (some 20' worth). The wand is unusually heavy.

Opening the strongboxes now that the traps are disarmed reveals that they are filled with unremarkable rocks and boulders, meant as dead weight or a red herring to what's buried at the bottom of them. The party takes a few minutes shifting the rocks around, and inside the pile inside the left chest you discover a cloth sack filled with valuables. There's a quartz, sapphire, ruby and emerald (The first being worth 3 gold, the others 8 each), and three large nuggets of pure refined metal, one gold (9 gold worth), one silver (6 gold) and one copper (3 gold).

Finally, Forges throws the centerpiece from its perch and it picks up almost terminal velocity as it falls to the 400' mark. There's a loud crash as it hits the ground and bounces to the side, vibrating loudly as it nearly hits the levers / control panel that the Vampiric Pudding was half covering. It does not land in the hole leading further down into the dungeon, instead coming to a rest off to the side. Then he begins climbing down to join the others.

Onward to Turn 31!


Turn 31 Turn Order:

Vengeful (84), Gorak (74), Forges (38), William (37), Walks (20), Without (15), Tells (14)

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 30: Disarming the Chests)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:42 am
by GathersIngredients
Walks grabs the loot, stuffing the cloth sack into her backpack and carefully descends to the next point of interest (probably the control panel). If she reaches it and still can do something, examine it careful not to step into remaining vampiric pudding acid etc.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 30: Disarming the Chests)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:54 am
by Quarg
William takes the wand and puts it in his backpack...He then does down to the controls that were covered by the acid blob...

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 30: Disarming the Chests)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:09 pm
by Patdragon
Forges keeps heading downwards to catch up with the others.
double move down I guess.

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 30: Disarming the Chests)

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:33 pm
by Nolandking
Tells head down with the other in descending into the pit

Re: GAL 9: TPo1KS (Turn 30: Disarming the Chests)

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 5:48 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
Vengeful continues downward.