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Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 5:44 am
by spiderwrangler
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Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:23 am
by GathersIngredients
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Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:00 am
by spiderwrangler
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Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:07 am
by nikohl
(Sorry for the delay in the mini-update folks, I felt rough the last half of the week. Still not 100% but it's the weekend so I don't have to worry about planning to be okay tomorrow :lol:)

In the Tavern:

Lance pays for his new purchases and retreats to the corner of the room out of the way to do a little packing. He finds the bedroll rather large to put inside the backpack, but the whole thing is tied together with two big leather straps, like belt buckles, and those loop nicely onto the bottom of the pack - so he puts it there instead. The rest of his packing goes to plan! Then he heads off upstairs to pack the rest of his belongings [which will take the remainder of the turn] - the old mutt follows him, unless he's told to stay behind. For reference, the tavern floor's well dried by now, so he won't be traipsing muddy paws all over nice fresh mopping.


Remy does a little non-conventional bartering; Ethan seems slightly surprised that he wasn't offered a counter-price, but nods along with Remy's reasoning for wanting a better deal.
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He seems to buy the idea that Remy will be back at any time in the future to be able to provide a free remedy, when in fact everyone else in the room is planning to hightail it out of this podunk town at the soonest opportunity and never look back. Poor old man.

"Well, aye, you've helped me plenty... and I tell you what, if you can rustle up another batch of that cream for my *ahem* problem with me chair bein' uncomfortable before you go, I'd much appreciate it..." he thumbs his chin in thought and nods again. "Twenty even, with the ointment?"


When B.J. takes her turn in the queue, Ethan takes the retractable knife from her with a smile. "Ah, my dear. Of course we can work out some kind of a deal - I wouldn't see you travel without so much as a tot of water. But if you're thinking that this thing'll be good for defense, I'm afraid you've found no more than another cruel trick... A curiosity, this is, one that I've kept out of interest rather than any real expectation o'profit... look!"

He stabs himself in the stomach.
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Despite the warning, the three people still in the room all flinch and start forward as it genuinely looks like the short dagger's blade sinks entirely to the hilt into the old man's abdomen - but then he pulls it out again, with a faint shing sound, and there is no blood on his belly or the blade, nor puncture wound in his tunic or his skin. The initial surprise soon wears off when he continues talking, but it was quite a shock for a second, and had he not pulled the knife straight back out, you're all sure you would have been fooled had he keeled over and played dead.

"It's a silly thing. Some kind of an actor or charlatan's item. See here, a tiny clasp locks the blade out so that if it's tested by some poor fool in an audience it feels sharp and true, but the whole thing's on a spring inside the handle. It feels no worse than being poked by a finger, and does no more harm. Ridiculous, to me, that someone'd spend such time making a quality item like this that has no real use. Look at the craftsmanship! The edge on it's as sharp now as the day I took the damn thing in, and it's near impossible to see that it's fake. It'd be ten gold... guess it's funny the first time, but I'd call it a waste of money."

"The canteen and that little bag there, though - they're a gold a piece. Being as how you did such a good job in my tavern... if you can do the same in here, tidy up a bit and put everything straight like you said, then you may have them both."


Meanwhile, Rene is appraising his little pile of potential purchases. He's interrupted briefly by what seemed for a moment like an attempted suicide by a crazy old man, but once the shock wears off, he gets back to it. He picks up each item, has a brief look-over it for obvious holes, missing parts, sub-standard materials, wear and tear, or unusual components.
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He finds the following:
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[His appraisals took several minutes, but there's still time this turn to make a purchase, pick up some other stuff, appraise something else, leave etc. No time for a proper 'full' action.]
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Timothy tries to convey to the bird that he wants her to fly up to the window and wait for him.
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Finding no luck in telepathically communicating with her, nor discovering that she speaks Common, he gestures up to the window with his arm a few times, hoping she gets the idea. She flaps about when the perch she was resting on is moved - after a few tries of almost launching her with his arm-movements, she flies up to the window and back down again, looking at him with that blank birdy stare.

(Not trying to be unnecessarily awkward, but there isn't a sill - that's why he couldn't climb up. Hint: she will probably stick around if he leaves her outside with something to occupy her and runs up to open the window, given that it'll take him less than a minute to rush up there; the initial critical success means she won't just fly off as soon as he's not looking.)


[As some people are actually buying stuff and/or picking up their stored belongings now, I'm going to edit sheets with the next main update. I am keeping track of who has what in the background, but if you think I've missed something, PM me and I'll check or update.]

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:05 am
by Dlover
No need to tell the dog to stay. It means I won't have to go back to pick him up from the shop.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:10 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
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Tim looks for a perch to place her. Without any more crumbs, and nothing else but money on him, Tim tries a sliver coin, hoping its good enough to occupy her. He'll then head up to his room, open the window and call for the bird.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:26 pm
by nikohl
The bird flies off with his money ahaha

Tim finds, much to his pleasure, that the magpie was particularly content to look at herself in the shiny silver coin for the short while it took him to sprint up the tavern stairs and into his room. When he opens up the sash window and sticks his head out, he sees her right where he left her, pecking at the metal in an attempt to pick it up.

He whistles to get her attention and taps on the windowframe...
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She crawks in recognition and picks the coin up in her beak, apparently unwilling to forget her new shiny just because her friend came back, and flies up to the window. She lands on the frame and adjusts her feathers importantly while peering around the room.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:49 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
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Tim brings her inside and sets her on the bed post/bed frame/bed itself/whatever and closes the window. He then sits down next to her and concentrates intensely on trying to join minds with her. He also decides on a name for her: Feather.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:41 am
by Synch
"Twenty even, with the ointment?"

"You drive a hard, but fair bargain, Ethan. I'll have a pot of cream for you shortly, I haven't got one ready but I will see what I can do. If for whatever reason I don't have the ingredients at hand, you can be assured I will return with supplies to make you a decent batch upon my return."

With that, Remy pays the man and transports his new supplies back to his hut, where he quickly begins loading up. Items of clothing, his press, book and pencil etc he places in the pack as well as any preserved food he finds, and his jar of coins. He straps the bedroll, woven basket and waterskin (which he fills) to the outside of the pack. Depending on how much room he has, he fills the rest of the backpacks with vials, tinctures, and any consumables he can use to make products, taking care to nestle the more fragile items in clothing. He searches for a wick in his hut and if he finds any he will place it in the hurricane lantern which he too straps to the backpack. His belt and apron he will load up with herbs and ingredients he has, harvesting any extras he needs from his garden. His pruning shears go into a pocket in close reach.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:32 am
by GathersIngredients
"Done" B.J. smiles and nods quickly, shaking Ethan's hand to seal the deal. She immediately inspects the provisions bag and both canteens, setting the one of better quality aside for herself, then starts to sort the remaining inventory (all the stuff the present customers are NOT currently holding and/or bargaining for, and nothing that was already sold) of the shop according to categories (e.g. finished products like the tent - I know this one item is probably gonna be bought, but just as an example - raw materials like the leather patches; and within those categories according to what the items intended use is. Like tent, backpack etc. for "camping" as one intended use, the boots and dress etc. as another intended use "clothes").
While she busies herself with rearranging the shop's contents carrying stuff from here to there, brushing the dust off items, placing them in a more presentable way, etc., she "absentmindedly" pockets the retractable knife.

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Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 8:45 am
by Alaen
Quite pleased with my selection I brought it all over to the counter. The damage to the tarot deck was a shame, but hopefully it could be restored.

Dropping my little pile of things on the counter, I turned to face Ethan.

"This should be all I need for now. But before we discuss the price, there is something else I need your help with. I don't plan to return here from this journey, and was wondering if you could think of someone who would maybe buy my house."

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:05 am
by nikohl

While his bread bakes, Ryush takes some time to himself. He sits on his sleeping mat and clears his mind of all thoughts, focusing on his breathing until he is centred. When he reaches a state of calm collection and no longer needs to concentrate only on his breath, he expands his awareness to listen to the sounds around him. Loudest, he can hear the dull and almost distant-sounding roar of the flames echoing around the stone oven and the air moving up the chimney, interspersed with the occasional pop and crackle of the well-seasoned logs. Behind that, he can hear the gentle afternoon breeze rattling the wooden shutters on his windows and the old mule breathing noisily. He takes a deep breath of his own, pushing out the air and then breathing in fresh and new, feeling his awareness expand at the same time as his lungs and belly. He feels as though his consciousness fills the hut, and becomes suddenly aware of a feeling of constriction, almost claustrophobia. His mind is too big for this place: he can feel it pressing insistently but not impatiently at the walls and roof, as if he were a batch of dough risen in a closed pot.

[I will let you choose what Ryush does here and post a reply appropriately; you're about halfway through your turn.]



Remy pays for his purchases (Ethan thanks him kindly and puts the money in his pouch, like he did Lance's) and takes them home, packing up everything he can. He doesn't find a wick, although he's got some twine. It might work in a pinch, but it's not designed to be slow-burning like wick cord, and so it could burn unevenly and will run out faster. Better than nothing though.

Once he's done packing, he heads outside into his garden to take a look around at what he has left to harvest. There's a fair bit, although not everything is in season.

[You could just run round grabbing a bit of everything, at which point I'll roll and give you a turn's worth of assorted supplies rolled off a table. Or you can suggest things you're aiming for (if not necessarily specific plants, then the effects he wants, or "only stuff that's in season" or "only stuff that will transport well" etc etc.) and I'll roll and you'll get some things based on your success, but more targeted to what you said you wanted.]



Upstairs in the tavern, Lance packs all his belongings away. The dog drinks a little water out of his bowl and then flops down onto his mat for a snooze. It doesn't take long for Lance to pack, as he doesn't own too many things. On the plus side, everything he does own fits really nicely into or onto his new set of gear and is not too heavy to carry. The only things he has not yet packed are the dog's bowl and mat and the dirty clothes from his washbasket, and the things that aren't his.



In the next room over, Timothy is insistent on attempting to meld his mind with the magpie.
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He is not having much luck...The bird seems content to sit with him, although occasionally she flits around the room to look at stuff or peck at a spider in the corner and so on. She doesn't attempt to fly away, but she doesn't have the same focus on the task at hand that Timothy does. The lengthy focus is quite draining; Timothy finds himself strangely tired, but mentally rather than physically.



In the tavern's shop, Ren├® takes his planned purchases to Ethan's little desk and then asks the man about house sales.

"Your house? Oh... Well, it's a shame you'll not be coming back, but between you and me, many of us round here often wondered when you'd gather enough courage to leave! I guess this was the push you needed! As for house sales... I don't really know. It's such an undertaking. There's no family here with a child needing somewhere to live. Nobody lodging in the tavern who'd look to stay - LanceLoup, maybe, but he's going with you. You could ask over at the farm. I'm sure there'd be takers enough for the things you won't carry along, like your bees, maybe your furniture even, but the building itself... Doubt it, really. No-one'll have enough coin to make it fair."

Ethan looks over the items that Ren├® has brought him and does some mental maths. "Nineteen and two... The bag those little pictures are in is nice velvet. Not sure what you'd want that toy for, but it's all working."



While the others talk, B.J. has a quick look over the provisions bag and then compares the two canteens to decide which is best:
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The provisions bag's waterproof coating is sound, but the leather strap is perished and in need of repair or replacement. It will hold the weight of the empty bag, but adding any additional weight will probably make the strap split entirely. The two canteens are both well-made, of similar construction and size, and of equal quality as far as she can tell. She sniffs both and picks the least-musty one.

That done, she sets about pulling apart the shop and re-making it in a more organised fashion. She takes the larger bulkier items out of the room entirely to give her some space, planning to then re-arrange the shelves and clean the floor before bringing the big stuff back in.
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The knife is currently on the shelf where she picked it up. She keeps an eye on it, with a view to snagging it while moving around the rest of the things on that shelf...possibly hoping Ethan might even go off to do something else while she works.



[I am going to assume that Amanda takes her stolen wares back to her chest to hide them, in the absence of a post.]

Amanda takes her stolen wares back to her chest to hide them! There's plenty of room at the bottom under her other things, and nobody was around to see her. It's getting late in the afternoon, and she thinks people might start heading back in before too long - although it will stay light for several more hours at this time of year, she has a vague recollection that people round here tended to get up at the crack of dawn to get all the jobs done that needed doing, so that they could socialise, cook and clean and do their own personal tasks in the evenings while there was still light and warmth enough to do it comfortably, to save on firewood and lamp oil and such.

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Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:24 am
by spiderwrangler
Feeling trapped like rising dough, Ryush's mind expands in a similar manner, pushing beyond its confines through whatever opening it can squeeze through... the gap of the door, the open window.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:40 am
by nikohl
Ryush continues breathing deeply and evenly, not letting the initial claustrophobia distract him. He visualises escaping the bounds of the house through the windows and doors just like expanding dough would, and for a moment he remains 'stuck' - but after two or three breaths, whatever mental pressure he was exerting bursts out of the house and he feels incredibly free.

The sound of his oven merrily cooking bread fades to be nothing but a mere background whisper compared to the sussurus of the wind across the shingles of his roof, the chorus of afternoon crickets chirping in the grass in his garden, and the almost whipcrack-flap of the wings of a bird that flies overhead. He continues to breathe and 'observes' the scene he pictures in his mind based on what he can hear so clearly from inside.
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[I'll reply again if you want to guide Ryush a bit more, otherwise he'll meditate with his new outside-awareness til the end of the round]

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:09 pm
by spiderwrangler
Ryush continues observing the world around him in his meditative state until the loaves are done.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:29 pm
by Alaen
nikohl wrote:"Your house? Oh... Well, it's a shame you'll not be coming back, but between you and me, many of us round here often wondered when you'd gather enough courage to leave! I guess this was the push you needed! As for house sales... I don't really know. It's such an undertaking. There's no family here with a child needing somewhere to live. Nobody lodging in the tavern who'd look to stay - Lance, maybe, but he's going with you. You could ask over at the farm. I'm sure there'd be takers enough for the things you won't carry along, like your bees, maybe your furniture even, but the building itself... Doubt it, really. No-one'll have enough coin to make it fair."
"I expected as much, but thanks anyway. I hope I can still get some money out of the things I'll leave behind. If you want anything just ask."
nikohl wrote: "Nineteen and two... The bag those little pictures are in is nice velvet. Not sure what you'd want that toy for, but it's all working."
I counted out the money and handed it over to him, packing my purchases into the rucksack.

"I like looking at clockwork like this. The way all these little gears fit together to form a bigger mechanism fascinates me.
On a different topic: Do you remember where you got these cards? They're beatiful. It's a shame they are so crumpled."

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:55 pm
by nikohl
"Those things? No, I can't recall... Don't know why I ever hung onto them. The bag's good quality, but the little cards are so small that they're no use! They're no good for decorating anything, they're not the right shape for coasters... Still, I suppose if you like arty things, they're nice and portable. You can look at the pictures on your travels."

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:16 pm
by Alaen
"The deck is incomplete so you can't play, but originally these cards are used to play a card game. Some people also say you can use them for fortune telling. Each card is supposed to symbolize certain things, put into context by other cards and the situation you apply them to."

I drew the Fool card out of the bag.

"For example the Fool can mean a literal fool, but also someone about to begin a journey. Each card can have both positive or negative meaning, depending on the context."

Talking about the cards felt good. My past was muddled and confusing, but trivia always stayed the same. It was strangely comforting to have something I could still remember clearly.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:27 pm
by nikohl
"A game, you say? Hm. Maybe you could have drawn the missing ones and teach me, 'cept Rafe bought the only book of paper I had. See, this is why we always thought you'd leave us for some big city... you know more than a farmer oughta know!"

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:30 pm
by Alaen
nikohl wrote:"A game, you say? Hm. Maybe you could have drawn the missing ones and teach me, 'cept Rafe bought the only book of paper I had. "
"A shame, I'd have loved to teach you. Well, we still have some time before we leave, maybe I can get Rafe to give up a page. I can still just tell you the rules if you wish. They're not overly simple, but not that complicated either."
nikohl wrote:See, this is why we always thought you'd leave us for some big city... you know more than a farmer oughta know!"
"I believe everyone should strive to expand their knowledge. The world is vast, and there is so much to learn. One simply needs to take an interest in one's surroundings."

((What's the time right now? I believe we started somewhere around noon? ))

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:08 pm
by Dlover
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Lance eyes the dirty clothes, then puts them in the pack too. He doesn't have many clothes, and no time to wash the dirty ones at the moment, so he'll just have to deal with it. Having done that, he sits on the bed. The others will take a little while to get ready, so there's no need to disturb the old dog's sleep.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:22 am
by nikohl
(Derp. You know what he meant! Even I make mistakes sometimes. Also, it's around 5pm. We started at 2. I'll count a proper time when I get back to my computer.)

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:18 am
by ChuckDaRighteous
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Tim takes a moment to consider the mental exhaustion this is having on him. Perhaps he needs Feather to be more in sync with him and focused. Perhaps some food would help calm her. Tim considers dipping into his trail rations, but despite not wanting to leave her, decides to head down stairs to acquire some food. It might also help him regain some of his mental fortitude for the task at hand. He soothingly says, "Stay here, Feather. I'll be back in a moment." as he slips out the door. He heads down to look for Ethan, and noticing the commotion in the shop heads in.

@GM So a quick question, I'm presuming that in order to buy stuff from the shop, I'd have to search it as well, since I wasn't part of the original shopping group? Or is it one of those things where if we could all redo searches others have done it would be too much of an exploit of the SP system. I don't intend to shop now anyways since I it doesn't quite fit RP wise, but I figured I'd ask while the thought occurred to me.

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:20 pm
by nikohl
(Yeah, I'm gonna say in shop-scenarios, there's no re-searching required to be able to access the found inventory, you can see what's there because it has all been rooted out. You can try to search -more- (not worth it in this instance as everything's been found but I won't necessarily tell you that in future), but you can't do what's already been done again because of SP repetition.)

Re: Potential: Group Two Game Thread

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:09 pm
by ChuckDaRighteous
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Tim sees the shop and the various wares and makes a mental note of some various items he'd consider buying (or stealing). Noting that Ethan is managing the shop, and that Bobby seems to be busy perusing the wares, he decides now would be a good time to make an opportunity. Heading over to Bobby, he says in a low voice "I had been hoping to talk to you when you have the chance but at the moment you seem a bit distracted." At the word distracted he'll widen his eyes, raise his eyebrows, and tilt his head ever so slightly towards Ethan, putting further emphasis on the word hoping she'll take the hint. "I'll head out for the moment but I won't be long, just a couple minutes." He won't speak loud but he still speaks in code just in case he's overheard.