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Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:59 am
by Theis2
Cade shoots the orc again.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:46 am
by Nerre
"So your head on the pike it is. We will see who will dines on who's heart, orc! But you will not dine on his heart if I have a say in the matter! Come out and show me if your sword is as strong as your words!" Kaliss hisses back in orcish and attacks the orc if he does not come out. If the orc comes out, Kaliss will leave enough space for him to exit and only attack after that. At least he will lead the orc away from his comrades inside that way. If the orc wants to finish off Tokryan or does not go out, Kaliss will charge in and attack (and not wait).
"Get behind me!" Kaliss says to Tokryn (if he can move and it was not just flavour rpg text).

1d20+3 = 16 for my attack.
If it is a hit, it is 8 damage:

OOC: I am unsure who is where, so I wrote some IFs in there.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:19 am
by SGTdude
[im pretty sure I cant get behind you. You are outside the window. The orc is by the window. I am inside the house near the doorway, cade is behind me closer to the doorway. Jacon please correct if I am wrong at all.]

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:42 am
by Nerre
OOC: Sorry, did not see that some where still inside, I thought we all were outside. Else I would not have started to demolish the shack. :/

Edited it slightly to fit better to the situation.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 7:20 pm
by Quarg
Waiting for the mage...then make a decision...

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 7:56 am
by I'mBob
"Die, Orc!" Gendalr says and cats magic missile on the Orc.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:14 pm
by Jacon
Tokryn feels his strength fade quickly with the blow. This orc was indeed strong. As his knees hit the floor, Tokryn considers giving up for just a moment. A release from the hardship of life into what waits beyond.

But then he remembers the others with him. And Shiro. "NO!"
As he silently urged himself on, he reached deep within and found...something. Grabbing hold of it tightly, he willed himself to stand, feeling some of his strength return. "I will not let you have them."
"So your head on the pike it is. We will see who will dines on who's heart, orc! But you will not dine on his heart if I have a say in the matter! Come out and show me if your sword is as strong as your words!
The orc spits out blood and prepares to take a powerful swing at Tokryn when a bolt flies from Cades crossbow into his throat. The orcs eyes widen and drops the blade and falls to his knees gagging on his own blood. A moment later he collapses and the group falls silent for a moment as the excitement passes.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:18 pm
by SGTdude
[In the same vein as Ender from Ender's game, I am not waiting for something else to happen here.]

Tokryn will pick up the large axe and strike the orc's neck. If it severs his head, great, if not I am sure the wound will be severe enough to make his death official. After striking that blow he will look around to make sure that everyone else is relatively unharmed from the place caving in. If everyone is ok, Tokryn will gather whatever weapons, armor, and other loot he can find and bring it out in front of the house for the group to divide up, including the great axe.

[Edit: maybe the decapitate is unnecessary, but he is doing it. There have been enough brushes with death lately that they dont need trouble from this one only being "mostly dead". Also, I am not taking the axe, its just the heaviest weapon...ergo best to use to decapitate. Edited end of post to reflect that]

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:45 pm
by Jacon
The loot Tokryn finds and shows is the following.

200 silver coins
10 gp.
A lantern
Three candles
A small glass flask containing oil
A bell
Flint and Steel
A stone dagger ( -1 to attack and damage when used.)
A rusty greataxe.
A wristband containing a bone rib with runes carved into it.
two metal helmets ( gives no normal ac bonus.)
two longswords. ( Cade has the swords?)
Rotting blankets
A necklace with a round ball of bone with runes. ( The charm Cade grabbed them.)

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:47 am
by Nerre
Kaliss helps to drag out the orc and his belongings after he healed Tokryan for 8 hp.
He grabs the orc head and holds it in his hands and looks at it, then he sais. "And some people called me barbaric and a monster for doing the same with my claws only..." he laughs. He looks for an empty pike, and if he finds none, he will remove one head and replace it with the orc's.
"Ah, weapon oil maybe." He sais when he spots the little glass flask and opens it to smell at it.

If it is weapon oil he will offer "I can try to grind and polish some of those rusty weapons back in shape."
If it is something else, he will say what it is if he finds out, else "Urgh, doesn't smell like weapon oil."

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Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:06 am
by I'mBob
"Oohh! Let me check if any of these things is magical. It will only take a minute..." Gendalr says and casts detect magic, checking the loot the just found.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 4:28 am
by SGTdude
I will go get shiro and tell him it is safe to come up and join the rest.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:07 am
by Nerre
"Oohh! Let me check if any of these things is magical. It will only take a minute..." Gendalr says and casts detect magic, checking the loot the just found.
"Yes, wanted to do it too, but I have to take care of his wounds first." Kaliss says and points at Tokryan. He also applies first aid on him.

OOC about first aid: Back in 2nd edition first aid (if it did not fail) increase the hp regeneration over night by 1 per day.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 5:15 am
by Quarg
Adrena leans against the wall for a moment before walking over to the pile of items and also scanning things with detect magic. "Unfortunately Kaliss, I am no help with wounds. But at least I can help get this sorted quickly."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:01 am
by Nerre
"It is fine, I can do it on my own. Most are unharmed, so I don't have too patch up two people at once. He will be fine again. Can somebody get the human? Just in case that more orcs are around. And for the same reason, somebody should check the hut, maybe we find traces of more orcs than just him."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:39 am
by SGTdude
"As much as I do not wish to linger here, I agree we should take out time to check the are before leaving. I would also suggest removing traces. Perhaps by setting the cabin on fire and letting it burn away any sign of who was here.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 2:32 pm
by Nerre
"Yes, as if burning something down would not draw any attention. They will see the smoke pilar from miles away. And you please rest a bit until you are fully restored. My healing closes wounds, but does not restore all the blood. You still might feel weaker for a while. If we don't find meat soon for you, you should consider eating orc heart. I know you might find it disgusting, but you helped kill him and it helps to build new blood very good. Or just drink his blood if that is less disgusting. Do not know your culture."
After a moment, he adds.
"Why you don#t want to linger here? We came here to rest and linger, as you call it? Human Shiro, isn't this the safehouse you talked about?"

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:12 pm
by Theis2
Nerre wrote:OOC about first aid: Back in 2nd edition first aid (if it did not fail) increase the hp regeneration over night by 1 per day.
You would have to forfeit your own rest then, if I remember correctly.

"Ah, weapon oil maybe." remarks Kaliss as he takes the oil.
"I would guess that would be oil used to light up the lantern over there." Cade points at the lantern as he speaks. He then hands out a longsword to however wants it and attempts to retrieve the bolts he used.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:21 pm
by Nerre
Hm. In 2nd edition it was a one turn action. Or one round? The shorter of them. Not a full-night-job. I already healed him for 8 hp, so he should be close to full health and not close to death. :)

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:29 pm
by SGTdude
"first the safehouse isn't safe. Its in shambles offering little protection from the weather or outside attack. Second, I dont care who sees the pillar of smoke and comes running. So long is there is no indication of who specifically was here before they show up. No matter what we do, someone will come and know that this place was attacked. I would just prefer if that attack cant be linked to us in any way.

Or I suppose we could wait here and see if we can get ourselves into even more trouble."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:52 pm
by Jacon
The group discusses what they should do next. Kaliss does some divine healing on Tokryn and tries to patch him up but fails to do so. ( 14 rolled.)
A quick look at the oil reveals that it is oil for the lantern.
Cade retrieves his bolts. One is broken and useless but the other is in fine condition.
Both Glandalr and Adrena scan for magic and find that both charms are magical in nature. Adrena manages to figure out that one charm is a charm of minor health. The other charm remains a mystery to both Glandalr and Adrena.

Tokyrn grabs Shiro. Both return without note.
Human Shiro, isn't this the safehouse you talked about?" Kaliss asks.
" Yea. A bit more run down than the last time I was here though... Oh lovely a dead orc..."

Kaliss puts the orcs head on a nearby pike. Shiro rolls his eyes but bites his tongue. " So, what loot did we find? Anything useful?"

Charm of health ( 1+ to hp.)

About charms:
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Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 5:37 am
by Nerre
Kaliss also casts detect magic, trying to find out what the second charm does. If he does not, he still will wear it (necklace?), not expecting it to have a negative effect.

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:33 am
by Quarg
Adrena takes the first charm and puts it in a pocket. "It looks like just some cash and a few weapons. As for burning this place goblin, I see no value in doing that. Our tracks reveals our numbers and our nature..." She points the the tracks they created around the building. "Far more that anything within this failing structure does. No although we should burn the body of this Orc we were forced to kill."

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:35 am
by SGTdude
[im just wondering if I can use any of these cuz of my size: great axe, long sword, (dont care about the helmet since it doesnt give bonus). Also is there two charms, one a healing item and one identified, the former with Cade and the latter with Quarg? is that right?]

Re: DND: Ashren.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:19 pm
by Nerre
"You are right about the tracks. The smoke would just be a huge sign, attracting people to our other tracks which are mostly outside the hut. This is why I did not want to do it. But why you want to burn the orc, Adrena?"