The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu May 26, 2016 1:14 pm

(The kobolds and goats are both probably better climbers than the humans, even then, it would probably take a 1-2 days to return from the farmhouse. It would take an additional day for the kobolds to walk there, unless you are planning on giving them a ride. You could also potentially get the humans to fix the cart and then use it to haul them, but there is more risk in the goats death and it would probably take about as long in the end.)

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu May 26, 2016 1:22 pm

Tha'kzrel looks about at the kobolds, and if Klod is not present, sends one of the ones on his shit list to go find Klod and have him attend his master.

When Klod is before him, Tha'kzrel informs him of the humans' herd of goats that must be brought from their old homestead. He suggests detailing a few kobolds to lead them back, and for some others to ensure that a suitable area for the herd to be maintained be fashioned. If the kobold seems unclear on goat keeping, Tha'kzrel will serve as translator between the head farmer/herdsman and the humans.

((If there are kobolds ready to go bring the goats back, Tha'k will fly them there today, so they have an aerial view of the route back.))
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by Runsaround » Fri May 27, 2016 8:48 am

(Is my bit just waiting until Az's convesation has gone on?)
I have no idea what I'm doing, and IT IS GLORIOUS!

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by Quarg » Fri May 27, 2016 6:14 pm

Cyrano ponders this for a second,
"But not all villages have sources of iron do they? I know how limiting living in an isolated community can be. It can be quite frustrating to know the thing you need but have no way to get it when you need to make something. "
Really...why are you reading this?

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by Patdragon » Fri May 27, 2016 11:31 pm

"Ha! A very human thought for a dragon for what need do we truly have but food but true. Not all villages have a true forge or blacksmith, many if not all have tinkers who can mend or fix things to nearly as good as new, or if not use the scrap in trade. As such the villages here are fairly simple and each have adapted to there particular area. The ones with ores do mine and forge, while others farm and feed, their houses vary with the materials available from straw to brick and clay. The pace of life here is slow and things here are planned well out ahead of time, but when things change this is where we see them adapt so quickly, coming up with new and inventive ideas, or the determination to travel a far for the things they need or the courage to speak to dragon for assistance. They are amazing."

The descender clicks into gear as he says amazing to prove his point and starts heading downwards to the city.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:55 am

I'm sorry folks yet again. Due to my schedule at the moment. I'll be taking a small break of about 2 weeks. This is not the end, I just have a lot of work at the moment and some sleep to catch up on.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:53 am

*A Journey Northward*
Having been given the information that he needed, Azabik bursts into the air and flaps his wings mightily flying northward. He has only to fly a few hours north until he comes to the northern shore of the large island that he is on. Several small fishing villages dot the shoreline. Even from the height that he is, he is unable to spot the far shore.

*Demon Hunter*
Malerack follows the direction that Sapphire had given him and flies NW until he finds himself near a small clearing in an otherwise wild growth of forest. He lands in this clearing.

*I Herd a Goat*
Tha'kzrel looks around the small cadre of Kobolds until he spots Klod who is overseeing some of the diggers. Catching his attention, Klod comes over to the dragon lord and bows low before asking "What does the master wish for me to do?" Tha'kzrel informs him of a sizable herd of goats which need to be led from the blacksmiths homestead to this, their new home. The light of hope appears in the kobolds eyes, as he had never actually herded anything in his life. The kobold bowed once again. "It will be taken care of my Lord." Tha'kzrel tells him the route and when he finishes Klod runs into the cave and quickly returns with a group of 4 kobolds. Together with the group of 4, small packs upon their backs they approach Tha'kzrel and bow low. "We are ready my lord."

*City of Wonder*
Winter and Cyrano are given a pleasant ride to the bottom, the only sound being a soft clicking of gears as they ride along in a specially made geared groove set into the side of the mountain. The ride is relatively short and they quickly find themselves at a platform near the bottom of the mountain. The descender clicks neatly into place and the platform shakes briefly until coming to a complete stop.

The queen answers Krazks questions to the best of her ability, even elaborating with more information that the question asked. (will elaborate more when I have some time)

*Tree Herder*
Sapphire, satisfied that Malerack is out of sight, returns to the tree, lands and then makes her way to the center where she had originally met the Dryad. Once there, she finds the dryad, laying upon a slightly raised wooden bed which had formed from the center-most branch. She still looked pale, but her breathing was no longer as labored as it once had been. As Sapphire came into view, the Dryad opened her eyes and looked up at her and smiled weakly. "You saved my life Dragon, for this I am indebted to you and in my hour of need you have connected to the tree. This is my gift to you, plant the seeds that I gave you and you can weave the wood to serve your need as you have already done and as you have seen me do."

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:03 pm

Tha'kzrel nods to Klod and his helpers (are any of them the human fetishists?). He instructs them to use the rope to fashion something that they can all ride within as he flies. (Essentially want them to make a net... though not sure if Tha'k would be familiar with net technology... perhaps Scarlet could help?)

Once they've done so, he gathers up the ends with them safely in the center and takes flight. As they soar above, he impresses into their minds an outline of a route that would take them from the homestead the caves with minimal obstacles.

(If one of the cultists is aboard, I want to do more, otherwise we'll just land at the homestead.)
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:08 pm

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*High Fliers*
Though unwarry at the prospect of flying, the cadre of kobolds begin to collect bits of rope and with Scarlets help, they tie the pieces into a large square net. Once complete, the kobolds intent on leaving, sit down in the center of the netting. Tha'kzrel carefully grabs the corners of the netting, such that his talons will not cut into the rope and lifts upward toward his chest slowly. As he does so, the legs of the kobolds slips between the holes in the net and they move about until they are comfortable. Once they are in position, Tha'kzrel launches himself toward the sky with several mighty flaps of his wings. It isn't long before a few of the kobolds are vomiting through the holes in the netting, Klod included as they hang on for dear life.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:27 pm

As they fly towards the homestead, and he scribes in their mind a path back, Tha'kzrel angles his flight to catch a turbulent bit of updraft to mask an 'accidental' slip of the net. As it 'lurches' in his grip, he 'catches' it... in the process attempting to sink his claws into the magically sensitive betrayer kobold.

(Intending to remain in control the whole time, but make it look like an accident.)

If the kobold attempts to retaliate (especially in a magical capacity), Tha'kzrel will pull on his dark magics to ablate its mind as quickly and subtly possible.

(Not clear on if all magic attempts have a visual effect, but I'm hoping that as a dark, stealthy practitioner, he can mind spike someone on the sly.)
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by GathersIngredients » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:42 pm

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Sapphire smiles back at Willow. "You're welcome. I'm just glad that you are alright - or will again be, and soon I hope.

I'm so sorry about what happened to you. Verdin seems to have misjudged the amount of energy he pulled off you, or maybe he couldn't control it, either,"
shuffling her front paw on the ground a little, the blue dragon can't help but feel a tiny bit responsible for what the legendary ancestor of the olden days did, and in any case, even if she can't influence their actions, Sapphire played her role in finding the sword and getting it into the golem's hands. "...leaving you in no condition to deal with my nest mate." She quickly recounts how Malerack was approaching the tree so recently, and also that Sapphire gave him the information he was looking for quickly, to avoid him running into Willow at this moment. "He's one of the two who ate a frogman. I told him that he - and his brother, too - shouldn't do that again, because it will draw the anger of a very powerful being." she finishes her explanation.

"But enough of that, is there anything that I can do for you, to help you get stronger again? Anything you need?"

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Thu Jun 16, 2016 2:56 pm

Az tries to seek out Eden, or the northren kingdom. He flies above the village to see if there are any landing spots and detects evil before he lands.

"Ah hello! I seek out the place you call...Eden? Or perhaps the northren kingdom?"

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:51 pm

*A Near Miss*
As they fly toward the blacksmiths original home, Tha'kzrel hatches an evil plan within his mind to take out the magically gifted traitor. Having taken this trip several times by now, he knows where the air currents bend and twist. He turns into one of these air drafts which break over his body allowing him to "accidentally" lose his grip on one of the corners of the netting. He grabs quickly at the net in order to take a hold of it once more and as he does this he drives a talon toward the heart of the traitor. A flash of light bursts quickly in and out of view and Tha'kzrel finds that not only has he not killed the traitor but she has somehow magically severed the end of his claw. The female kobold looked at his talon and then at her own two hands in wonder, marveling about how such a thing could have happened. Luckily for Tha'kzrel, everything happened so quickly that the young female knew nothing of his devious plans.

Not long after, Tha'kzrel settles down near the small homestead against the mountain and points out the goat locations to the kobolds who quickly scamper off his back and over to them, taking the netting with them. With great speed, the untangle the net until they have nearly as many leads as goats and the 5 kobolds slip into the goats pen and begin to tie each lead around the goats necks. Tha'kzrel watches, impressed at the skills of his minions. Before long, the group had leads on all 18 goats and began coaxing them out of their pens and down a trail that led to the lower sections of forest which they would be following back to the mountain home. Klod came over to Tha'kzrel and bowed low to him before departing with goats in tow.

*Searching for Eden*

Azabik was unsure about where this Eden place was, but as there were villages full of people who he could ask, he found himself quite lucky. Picking a village at random, he buzzed low over the roofs, causing several heads to snap up and as he sailed past he thought he heard a few screams, but he was sure that they were screams of delight. He tries to send his senses out to detect evil in the hearts and minds of the villagers below him and while he gets a sense that these men and woman and children are both evil and not evil, he does not feel any overwhelming sense of evil. He lands with practiced ease at the outskirts of the village and then moves forward until he finally finds someone who will stand still and answer a question of his.

"Ah hello! I seek out the place you call...Eden? Or perhaps the northren kingdom?"

The small boy stared up, mouth agape at the large dragon before him. On sudden impulse, the child stuck one of his fingers as far up his nose as he could and pulled out a small piece of gold which he wiped liberally across the front of his shirt. No one else seems brave enough to approach the dragon. Finally the little boy speaks up in a squeaky voice. "Are you a real dragon?"

*A Weeping Willow*

The dryad lay back upon her wooden bed and sapphire explained what had just happened and about the near intrusion of her nest-mate and finally asked if there was anything further that she could do.

Willow murmured softly. "The Tree and I are one. Not only does it takes its sustenance from the sun and the water, but it absorbs magic from the surrounding world. If you truly want to help, then go and plant the seeds I gave you in other areas, preferably ones with high concentrations of natural magic. I should be much better in a month or so, but with only this tree and the one you recently planted, it will takes many years before I am as powerful as I once was."

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:03 pm

"yes, are you a real non witch human?. Azabik lowers his head to be more eye level to the boy. His curiosity unquenched looks at the boy. "I heard humans could do many interesting things. What do you do young human?

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by Patdragon » Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:10 pm

"Well that's the descender, lets head off to the smithy"

Stepping off the Mechanical device Winter leads the way to the forge.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Jun 19, 2016 5:42 pm

"Can you teach me how to tell which places contain big amounts of magic? Or if that magic might be dangerous? The last one was a coincidence more than anything - as you didn't tell me that magical places would be beneficial to the planted trees and you - and on top of that didn't work out too well in the end, after all."Sapphire ask and awaits the reply (if any).
When Willow is done giving her advice/lessons, she will check what time it is, whether or not she's hungry or tired and then act accordingly. (if hungry -> try to have the tree make a food/meat fruit grow and if successful, eat it, else hunt and hopefully eat the prey; if tired, curl up in the tree and sleep in its safety; if it's evening, try to contact all her nest mates; if neither of the above, just fly out at random, employing the lessons/advice she got on how to find magical - and harmless! - places)
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Jun 21, 2016 8:59 am

As the kobolds and goats head back towards the cave, Tha'kzrel takes to the air and begins circling in the opposite direction, looking for prey. Should he find anything, he'll not attack immediately, but observe from above.

He'll seek to use his Death Magic to kill any prey he sees without leaving visible marks... he'll gather his dark essence and send a spear of it into the creature's skull, passing harmlessly through flesh and bone, but disabling the brain within and overriding the creature with his own magic, animating them to obey his will.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Jun 21, 2016 1:10 pm

*Dark Hunter*
Having seen his kobolds off on their journey home, Tha'kzrel takes to the air and flies in the opposite direction of home, looking for prey to satisfy his ever-empty stomach. As he flies he spots a deer at the edge of a thicket grove of trees, as he is about to draw upon his magic, he notices that he is not the only one stalking for food. In the long grass of the plains that bordered this particular grove lay a direwolf, hunting the deer. A dangerous grin came upon Tha'kzrel face and he drew upon his magic, sending a dagger of magical energy into the wolf's skull. Before it's body dropped to the ground, he animated the wolves body, pouring his magical energy into its brain creating a nexus of dark power that would sustain the creature. When this was done, he dropped from the air on top of the deer, mangling its body beneath his claws. Using so much energy in one fell swoop, he couldn't help gush his flames at the deer and devouring it in 2 great snaps of his jaws, barely pausing to chew as he choked down its body.

He turned and admired his creation, which had padded over to his side, looking up at him like an obedient dog would wait for its master.

Note: There are 5 stages of animation, this creature is currently at stage 2.

*Tree Hugger*

Willow smiles weakly at the young dragon, forgetting that she was still just a child in the ways of the world. She explained how there are actually two worlds, the physical one and the magical one. These worlds are aligned over one another and some creatures and persons are able to connect to the magical world. These are those who are gifted in using magic. She explains further how there are locations in the physical world which are soft spots allowing the worlds to bleed into one another. These are places where magic exists more freely in the world. She goes on to explain that many temples and capital buildings are built upon these soft spots but there are many undiscovered as well. "Finding these places has been accidental at best as there is no good way to find them, but planting them near existing temples would be a good start".

The sun has waned in the sky as evening approaches and Sapphire finds herself slightly hungry. Knowing that the Dryad is too weak to produce fruit from the tree, she tries herself, but it seems that the tree is also too weak to do this. She leaves the tree and looks for food, but even in a small distance around the tree she is unable to find any creatures to eat. She flies back to the tree, frustrated at her lack of food finding and finds a nice place in the tree to curl up. The tree moves and shapes until it fits perfectly to her body. As she lays there, She reaches out, trying to make contact with her nest-mates.

*The Forge*
Winter leads Cyrano on a path set against the side of the mountain to a small building build partially within the mountain. Several metal pieces hang in full display coming in a variety of sizes and shapes, most of them tools. Within the building a large, well built man is swinging a large hammer down upon a glowing red hot hoop of metal. The man pauses in his work long enough to smile at winter and brush a lock of hair from his face before returning to his task.

*Witch Hunt*
Unfazed by the young child's questions, Azabik leans down until he is looking directly into the child's eyes. "yes, are you a real non witch human?." The boy looks confused and just as he is about to ask what a witch is, Azabik asks another question. "I heard humans could do many interesting things. What do you do young human?"
The boys eyes go large and his face crunches up as he tries to understands the dragons words. A thought deep in his brain murmurs. You should show your mighty strength to this child with your powerful magic.

The boy squeaks "I can't think of anything." and then shrugs and starts to walk away from the dragon.
The voice grumbles louder "Who does that child think he is, to ignore you, reach out to him with your magic and crush him with you might.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by spiderwrangler » Tue Jun 21, 2016 6:05 pm

Tha'kzrel is well pleased with his new creation, and sends it a mental command to stay and then takes flight. Not wanting to wear himself out after exerting his magical self in its creation, he will slowly wing his way upward and away, trying to see if he can sense the presence of his wolf, and what the range is.

((Looking to find out how far away I can sense raised creatures, and whether I can sense a difference between their presence and the ability to command them.))
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by GathersIngredients » Wed Jun 22, 2016 2:28 am

Can I do anything other than wait for my nest-mates to catch up (timeline wise) and listen for them to reply (or not)?
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:26 am

You may find something if you concentrate on your newfound connection with the tree.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:28 am

Azabik tries to ignore the voice as he streches. He takes off and flies north. He may find it later.

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by BadgeAddict » Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:16 pm

Quarg, thinks and Pat - Afternoon
Spider - Evening
Male - Evening
Burns - Evening
Gathers - Evening

*Night Flier*
Azabik ignores the angry grumbles of the voice and stretches his wings and legs before jumping skyward and flying north toward the next great island. He flies for many hours. (You will arrive in the early hours of the following day. Let me close everyone else out and we'll find you have arrived)

Pleased with his new creation, Tha'kzrel decides to test the limits of his connection with his newly created creature by commanding it to stay and then launching up into the evening sky. He focuses on the magical connection that the two of them now share and can feel the general distance that he is from the wolf. He flies until this finally goes away entirely. By his estimate, he is roughly 25 miles from the wolf. He turns and flies back toward his creation and lands beside the wolf who is waiting patiently, sitting on its haunches. (Your command range is ~5 miles, Sense range is 25 miles)

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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by spiderwrangler » Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:54 pm

Tha'kzrel will head back towards the Saberhagen's old homestead and test out his wolf's ability to follow commands. *cue montage*

Have the wolf wait while Tha'k moves ahead, placing multiple sticks on the ground, impressing in its mind one particular stick that he is thinking off, and sending a thought image of the wolf stalking and attacking that stick.

Have it demonstrate its ability for stealth (Tha'k would be a good judge of this, as a stealthy type himself).

If he comes across recent signs of game, have the wolf track and kill it if possible.

Other things to generally test the ability of the wolf to be able to way in ambush to leap out and kill one specific target.

Once he gets back to the old homestead, Tha'k will settle in (is there a nearby cave where he mined for ore?) for the evening, and instruct the wolf (can I tell if it's male or female?) to stand watch and wake him if anything stirs in the night.
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Re: The Age of Dragons (Year 1051)

Post by thinkslogically » Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:00 pm

I guess krazk will keep chatting in the hopes of learning something from the queen and about being a human. If there's nothing else to do, she'll explore the palace (but not the city).

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