Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by spiderwrangler » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:29 am

Is the six based on the number of players? That puts us at a disadvantage to get stuff done if some players aren't actively following and posting...
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by LAYF » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:40 am

It is indeed... 6/11 would be majority...
But I do hope that players follow a long, at least in votes, if that proves not to be the case, we must find another way...
But I see your concern... Maybe a vote for/against is better...
I have to consider it... Because there is for and against...
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by BadgeAddict » Fri Mar 31, 2017 11:56 am

Another suggestion: Allow If/And votes.

Which means, I vote to use the drifting soul for fertility, if that doesn't get majority, I vote against using anything.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by LAYF » Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:22 pm

SOUL BANK VOTES (minimum 2 votes needed for anything to be used)
Voting for/against. Each player may maximum suggest 1 use, but may vote for or against as many as they like.

Use a Willing soul to make the land ever fertile - 2/2 (Twisted, Theis)/(Badge, m0rt) (Needs IP for the original miricale)
Use a Drifting soul to boost the effect of the fertility miracle 1/2 (Theis)/(Badge, m0rt) (Would not need IP as its an addition to another miracle)
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by NotStickFigures » Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:34 pm

I"m in with the second effect, using a drifting soul to boost the effect of the fertility miracle.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by LAYF » Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:45 pm

What about making the miracle in the first place? Are you for that?
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:00 pm

I'd be up for making the berry orchard fertile by use of the soul bank, sure.

Other than that, "The Presence" isn't doing anything for the next turn, instead waiting to see which scout finds the cave and the berries.
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:22 pm

I am fine with making all the things fertile

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by GathersIngredients » Sat Apr 01, 2017 12:39 am

don't use any willing souls yet.

Also, IMHO, we shouldn't waste an "making all things fertile" action in the winter, we should do that in spring.

Speaking of which, is there any wheat/rice planted atm, or did they harvest it all at some point (most people plant grains in spring and harvest in fall, iirc)?
If there's no wheat/rice plants around, I will use the influence point instead to try and do something similar (ensuring growth/prospering with the humans, like protecting the people of *cold, *illness *other harm) this month. If that amount (1 IP) will not do enough for all our citizens, do it JUST for the baby. (Because babies tended to not make it through the winter in e.g. medieval times)
If there's rice/wheat plants, I will stick with my original plan.

Since the forced souls expire after this update, I am okay with using them instead for a "fertility blessing". But I would like to exclude parasites, pests, germs and anything else that is generally "bad" for humans, animals and crops from the blessing.
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by askstoomuch » Sat Apr 01, 2017 1:15 pm

(99 % sure i have no way of doing this or no way possible of succeeding )

vraag tries to claim any and all ip for himself and only himself
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 1st day

Post by LAYF » Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:28 am

Okay, Locked game, update will be in as soon as i have the time to write it....
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by LAYF » Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:57 am

Our town
Year 0.

It is early winter

Gather: Do same to wheat/rice Babies as Apple trees (1 IP)
Pan/Badge: Blesses the smith apprentice (5 IP)
Burns/Vult: Blass Ms. Clucky with dominat genes. (How much?)
Spider: Look for anything power related in the old orc town (Free version)
NotStick: Try to contact farmer again (for free)
Aegis/The Presence: make nourishing, cold and weather resistant plants (barries) with one/two good harvests and a trail leading to it, and a "auto call" from the presence (6 IP)
m0rt/Elore: Curses the river monster to be always "noted" especailly by pray. (2 IP)
Theis: Assist with the creation of symbol (1 IP IF she is willing) (Opposed by Badge)
Tea: Improve knowledge on Balista (1 IP)
Tea: Improve knowledge on irrigation system (2 IP)

ASk/Vraag will: Spend the first few days looking for the hunter, if no good news (hunter or from Tuhu) move south looking for a settelment.

Willing soul to increase fertile lands ÔÇô 4/2 (Burns, Aegis, Theis, Twisted/m0rt, Badge) Accepted ÔÇô needs IP
Drifting soul to boost fertile lands ÔÇô 2/2 (, NotStick, Theis, Twisted/m0rt, Badge) NOT DONE!


Badge/Pan: plunder orc village (to mayor)
Badge/Pan: Talk, copy from posts (to apprentice)
Badge/Pan: Warn about other gods (to apprentice)
Burns/Vult: Warn about the healer, mention wound (to mayor)
Spider: Informs Elore about everything Healer related.
NotStick: Informs the mayor about his attempt to contact the farmer and what he would like to do.
Theis: Talk to the smith apprentice (opposed by Badge/Pan)
Theis: Talk to mayor about getting the smith apprentice to make the symbol (To mayor)
Burns/Vukt: Informs that Ms Clucky should be breed with the best rooster (To mayor and smith apprentice)
Tea: Explore the tunnel monsters tunnels, make a map, see if they have potential, good or bad. (To mayor)

This time, the Mayor does respond, not with words, but with his actions, he goes to Elore to listen to what is told about the healer, he goes to the scouts, suggesting they go to the orc town, taking back what they can of useful recourses and lastly he also ask them to start mapping the tunnel burrowers former home.

He then, after all this goes into his small shrine room and says ÔÇ£To all gods, if this is truly your will, then it is also your responsibility.
Should these actions prove bountiful, should your good will be visible to the town, so that many or all may see it, I will hold a feast in your honor, I will gladly name you out loud, even if people will think me mad for doing so!
But know this, if your will turns us towards catastrophe, I will abandon you and never listen to your words again!ÔÇØ
with those words

The month starts on a much better stage than the last few months.
Kayala agrees to try and teach the gods and even other humans how she does her healing, but she does say that whoever becomes able to do it would need the gods energy, unless someone in town is gifted.

And when it comes to gifted, one of the gods decides to gift the town, at first, the god wanted to make the rice fields fertile, but since the town does not have them yet, she decides to help the children instead.. knowing how hard the winter can be on babies.
She extends her will and blesses the townÔÇÖs only baby, she is successful, but more than that! The child proved to indeed be gifted, as the god works her will, the childÔÇÖs eyes starts to glow with a golden light, as she withdraws the glow dims, but the eye color stays the same!
The god does not know how she knows this, but the baby, having felt the gods blessing, decided to use its own power to increase the miracle all babies born in this town from now on will be much more resistant to infant death of any sort, in addition, any humanoid born here will be born with golden eyes, regardless of race and linage.!
The baby, having used nearly all its power, still has one trick up its sleeveless arms. As long as the baby is in the town, everyone, kids, young adults and adults, will feel a stronger confidence, more self-worth and trust in each other.
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Seeing the booming success of his fellow god, Pan decides it is time to work his apprentice to new heights, gathering all knowledge he can from all smiths he can find, he takes the knowledge and skill, forms it and shapes it to fit the Apprentice, then gifts her with it!
As he does he speaks to her:

ÔÇØ you have become a child of pan... All I ask, when others question you on your sudden increase in ability, tell them that I, Pan, empowered you and that he is willing and able to empower others as well. But you will always be my most cherished.

Young one, you should know that there are other entities in the heavens besides myself. They may ask strange things of you or make weird demands. Pay no mind to their whispers and requests; I will protect you from them. You may call upon me at any time and I will be there, ready to respond to any questions you might have or provide comfort in your trying times. Know this above all else, your life is your own, I care deeply for you and I wish to bless you, all you need do is accept the blessings; I offer them to you freely.ÔÇØ

To this the apprentice responds ÔÇØI am grateful for your gifts Pan, and I will make your mark on all my creations, I will spread the word about you, but I will also decide for myself what tasks to take. If I am truly free, then my work is mine to decide!ÔÇØ
Another god, Vult decides to keep on blessing the chicken, this time, she makes it so the chickens genes will be dominant over those of its male counterparts! She does feel that this is a success!

Inspired by all the success, the god who tried to contact the farmer, tries so again.. but still, the mans mind seems to guarded or closed, something is needed to push through to him!

Elore, ignorant of all that has happened with the apprentice and the child blessing goes out to do a bit of influence herself. Climbing the tower to the south, she starts to look over the river! Looking for a ripple, a small wave, any sign of the river monster. For hours she looks, scans, and suddenly, there she sees it, hiding behind the huge rock in the river, she wills their eyes to meet, and locks them, then speaks in a voice that booms over the land and the river, loud enough than all can hear it, but somehow not heard by anyone but her and the beast ÔÇØ "Beast of the hunt- It is true you are a mighty foe, but your might has granted you arrogance and greed- It shall be these that will be your downfall, now you have chosen to mess with powers you do not understand.

I am Elore, goddess of the hunt, and so I decree- Let them know of your might. Let those around you know of your presence, and know you are to be feared. Let whatever prey you put in your sight know you have seen them, let them know where you are.

May all your prey henceforth know of you- May they know to avoid you- And may you never have a good hunt again.ÔÇØ

She feels the influence seep from her words, feel them surround the river monster, and while the beast does not seem to understand the words, the effect is clear. With her eyes Elore can spot how fish in the river swims far around the beast, how the deer of the forest keeps clear of it and how even the birds flies around it!
The monster does not know it yet, but it seems it is doomed to starve slowly to death!

A week has passed, and the river monster has not taken any lives or even been close to get anyone.
The smiths apprentice is working her skills to full use, and one of the gods sees a chance here, extending his powers towards the mayors wife, he fuels her mind, giving her plans and knowledge suddenly a loud AHA! Is heard from Mirimi, and she jolts down to the apprentice! Explaining her idea, she and the apprentice quickly gets to work, building all night and all day, they soon proudly presents their work, a Ballista, made to stand in one of the towers! The mayor is thrilled, and soon gets the Ballista installed in one of the towers.
Mirimi, quickly gets back to work, now, she want to figure that irrigation system!!!

One god decides to follow the scouts as the ride to the old orc town, here he finds them, looking over every hut and stone, not finding much.
The god on the other hand, wished he could lend them his eyes, because he does find something , a source of energy in the middle of the town it is untamed and not used for anything, but he is sure it could be used to power a small local miracle

Back at town, with the help of the sick house and Kayala, the sick orc finally recovers. Sadly, the sickness seems to have destroyed his vocal cord, but even if he could talk, you are not sure if he can speak the human language.
But that aside, the orc seems polite, and friendly even.
Still in the second week, the god calling himself the presence, sees that the scouts are returning from the orc town, at this he decides to look into what route they may take, finding a small spring between them and Our town he extends his will out to the grass and small bushes, making them grow with rapid speed, as they spread they soon forms a small orchard within a protecting thicket of thorns all around it.
And just in time as the scouts comes closer they suddenly feel a calling towards the small area.

As week 3 starts another gods approaches the apprentice, this time, the god feels that Pans will is against him, yet he still continue, and so he speaks to the apprentice, while slowly releasing his influence into her mind and muscles. He shows her his symbol and instructs her how to make it. Not sure if she understands he speaks ÔÇ£ Greetings young one, I am Teotl, a god just like Pan so worry not. I have a task for you and your new awakened abilities granted to you. Craft at least five copies of my symbol, one for the graveyard shrine, two for the sickhouse, one for Elore and finally one for the mayor. He will recognize the symbol and prove to you that neither of you are crazy. Now go forth and grab your tools and the copper for this task and I shall bring you a vision of the symbol once your are ready.ÔÇØ

The apprentice stops, then answers Ah I was wondering where the urge to create symbols came from, Pan did mention that there would be others he even warned me about you all but, I like your idea, and small details should prove a challenge. I will do it!

AS the apprentice starts to work the copper, it quickly takes the general form that the god wishes for, but then something weird happens.. He feels how the influence he was using to show her the symbol suddenly starts to flow out of his control, instead, it begins to be molded by the apprentice instead, molded into the symbol! And as she works the metal into the form of feathers, they start to lighten, becoming no more heavy than had they been real feathers, yet still possessing all other features of the metal they are made from!
The symbols are distributed and hung around town

As the third week starts, Elore and the gods notes how Jacob, having seen his apprentice grow and learn faster than he has ever been able to, seems to lose interest in his own work instead he forges himself a mighty, if crude, two-handed sword. He starts to practice with this weapon day and night, having given his apprentice his hammer with the words The town, my father town, Our Town will be better served with you as its black smith, but I am still strong, and I will train to guard the lives within the town

The orc, who does not know if he is welcome to stay or not decides it is time to work for it. He goes out to the gate of the town, and there he stands.
At first, no one knows what he is doing, but after a few days it becomes apparent. He stands guard! For 18 hours each day he stands, then he walks out into the forest and sleeps there, only to return the day after.
The two kids in town has taken to calling him names and taunting him, but he does not seem to mind them.. maybe because they also bring him food and company from time to time. But even if he seems to be content with the taunting, Elore still tells the kids not to call him names, while he may not understand, it still seems impolite.

After a few days, the scouts return, they carry both weapons and furs from the orc camp, but in addition they carry a small harvest of barriers from the orchard, all barriers are well tasting and filling.

On the second last day, the orc gives the town a frightening as he come running into town, arms waving over his head, alarm painted in his face!
The mayor, Jacob and half the town follows the orc to the gate. Outside a weird sight awaits them.
Four riders, tall and slender, sitting a top a breed of horses just as slender as then self, with pearly white fur and manes of near silver color. The riders themselves wears full armor, with helmets and shields locked to the arms, all in a color scheme of blue, white and silver, three of the riders caries brown fur capes on their shoulders, with the tallest of them having a gray longer cape.
The gray caped one, who appears to be the leader jumps from his horse, throws the mayor a silk purse, the sound of metal clinging as it hits the ground. The rider then points to the purse, to the mayor, to his stomac and his men behind him.
As the mayor opens the purse he sees a bundle of gold. Counting them he concludes that there must be at least 200, and 5 jewels of unknown type. As he counts he is interrupted by the sound of metal hitting the ground, one of the riders has fallen of his horse, passed out!

The mayor, with the help of other towns folk helps the four riders over to the sick house, here they take care of them and brings them food. That is they take care of them as well as they can, as the riders will not allow for anyone to see them eat or remove their armor or helmets they do not even talk when anyone is near them.

AS the fourth weeks comes and goes, Mirimi can finally announce that she has figured out how to make the irrigation system. But she also says that it will need many hands to be done! More hands that n can be sparred at this time.

In addition, the scouts are in full discovery mode, walking though the many tunnels from the tunnel burrowers former home. They have mapped maybe 20% of the halls and hallways it has made.

With all the good things that has happened to the town, the mayor decides you have indeed shown your worth, and he promises to hold a feast in your names on the first week of the new month, and he also promises, that if you wish to speak to the people directly, he will be your voice during this feast!

Lastly, the Riders seems to have regained their strength, and prepare to set out. You will be able to react to them on the first day on next month, but no more than that day. As they set out to ride south!

Speaking of the south, here is what happens at Vraags place:
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As the month rings to an end, the gods can feel the universe align for another year, as it does, all the souls without a god or the will to stay where they are start to slowly lose form, as they do, energy is released out into the nature, some of this energy goes to the gods, along with the energy from all the prayers they have received over the last year.
*Each god gains 2 + 2 IP for forced souls and worshippers.

And with that info. You may all change your actions/suggestions if you wish.
**NOTE, a small change to use of souls:
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.[tabs:Our Town status]

The current population is: 1 Babies, 1 Kids, 0 Young adults and 18 Adults of working age.
There were No unlucky deaths and 0 Births this month

The Town currently houses a single orc, he is mute, sleeps in the forest and uses 18 hours a day to guard the front gate.
What are people doing?
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Under construction
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Info on Resources
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Money, Animals, Tools, Weapons and armor
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[tabs:Eastern tents]
9 Orcs (mostly unnamed):
NOTE: The orcs are not here, these are their last know numbers.
1- Big orc, the Chief warrior named Orkork with bow, two bone axes and a two-handed sword
4 2 Spying orcs
8 4 Adult orcs.
3 2 Riders
a spike wall.

[tabs:Goblins in the south forest]
12 Goblins (mostly unnamed):
1 goblin named Tuhu
1 Chief
10 unnamed and 1 baby

[tabs:Gold fur tribe]
**Only the riders has seen the Gold fur tribe:**
20+ Beastmen (mostly unnamed):
1- Sharman and Weather teller named Fahra.
19+ Adult orcs.

[tabs:Named NPC Characters]
Alton Farmhand - Founder and Mayor of Our town.
Jacob Farmhand - First blacksmith of Our town and second son to Alton Farmhand.
Susie Farmhand - Mayors wife
Tari Klinge ÔÇô Miller and mother of Magnus Klinge
Magnus Klinge ÔÇô Guard Captain
Mirimi the Rider
Orkork - Chief warrior of the orcs from the eastern tent.
Fahra ÔÇô Of the gold fur tribe, - Weather teller and Sharman
[tabs:World map]
*Red dots are the rute travlers take to get her from the "old world" and the rute you'd have to take to send a trade caravan.
*Green dots are the rute the two riders had taken to get her from the "old world" to their destination when attacked.
*Red cross is where the two riders were attacked
*Spotted greenskin camps (black eyes) has not been engaged, so hostility or friendliness is unknown, but a rule of thumb is that Orcs at least are hostile, mostly because they like to fight, goblins varies a lot from camp to camp.
*Hostile greenskins (red eyes) are greenskins that has activity attacked the towns folk or travelers.
*Anything drawn with white background is something you've only spotted in the distance, not something you've seen close up.
*Each square is roughly 800 by 800 meters (0,5 by 0,5 us mile)

[tabs:Player status]
Aegis: 10 Influence point. /No character yet.
Ask: 6 Influence point. /Vraag the high elf.
Badge: 6 Influence point. /No character yet.
Burns: 4 Innfluence point. /No character yet.
Gathers: 9 Influence point. /No character yet.
m0rt: 5 Influence point. / Elore the wood elf..
NotStickFigures: 8 Influence point. /No character yet.
Spider: 5 Influence point. /No character yet.
Tea: 6 Influence point. /No character yet.
Theis: 5 influence point. / No character yet.
twistedstraka: 4 Influence point. /No character yet.
[tabs:Soul bank and worshippers]
The ÔÇ£Soul bankÔÇØ currently has:
1 Willing souls (Power miracle or exchange for 3 IP to each god)
6 Drifting souls (Power miracle for some time or exchange for 1 IP to each god)
0 Forced souls (Will become IP at end of year)

The gods has 3 ÔÇ£True WorshippersÔÇØ
Giving them the following:

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-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by askstoomuch » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:07 pm

vraag enters the dome, spends a moment trying to make himself familiar with his surrounding
then tries to leave the dome immediatly to see if he can
being absolutly sure this is a cursed town he draws his mace and walks slowly to the town
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by spiderwrangler » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:22 pm

Spend one IP to probe the source of the power, seeking to understand it (may spend more if needed, based on info gained).
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by GathersIngredients » Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:36 pm

use 1 IP to examine the drifting souls. who they came from, which god they feel affiliated with, where they would like to "go" in order to become willing souls (to those other gods, I suppose, but still, the souls might like it better there).

I'm not trying to get them to those other gods, I'm just trying to get information, at this point.

Suggest to the major to build a playground, kindergarden, day care center, school or some such. If he wants our town to grow, they will need it sooner or later. And good infrastructure is more likely to draw immigrants. :thumbsup:
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:53 pm

4 ip to give Ms. Clucky super regeration, like that of a flat worm.

And because of the last blessing she would pass that down to her kids, and her kid's kids and ect. :D

Edit: and tell the mayor to have someone make sure Ms. Clucky's chicks are healthy.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by NotStickFigures » Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:56 pm

Hearing that the Mayor is willing to talk to the town folk for the gods at the beginning of the year, this god will ask him to speak to the farmer that he is trying to contact and have him tell him that one of the gods wishes to speak to him in his mind so that he can bestow training and gifts of godly power so that his farming work will be much more fruitful and easy. He wants the mayor to ask to have a more open mind about the gods.

I will wait a few days after that talk and try contacting the farmer again, still not using any point. I am intrigued to find out if I can open his mind without using points and am willing to waste a bit of time doing it if I have to. (and in the meantime I am stockpiling points, which is not bad either)

The other idea I bring to the mayor is the building of a fruit root cellar (of food cellar/cold storage). Basically it should not take too long, Basically digging a square/hole, in the ground. Maybe already inside a home/building, Use stones to make walls, a ladder down into it, and a good heavy wooden door to keep the temperature flat.
That will help with food storage and keeping vegies, fruit and meat cooler and last longer and without waste.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by twistedstraka » Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:46 pm

So I didnt talk to Kayala? I never got a response if I could or not...

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:24 pm

Oh good, someone noticed the new orchard. Let's see what the scouts do with it. I'm going to hold action for now, but if the scouts begin harvesting or exploring (especially the cave I generated) I'll reach out a bit more, though not spending any IP. Mostly just suggesting "there is a presence in the orchard, it is friendly, harvest from the cave and orchard with respect and respect will be given further..."
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by LAYF » Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:19 pm

twistedstraka wrote:So I didnt talk to Kayala? I never got a response if I could or not...
Oh, I'm sorry, I missed that one :/
That said, no, you don't have a link to her. As the call was to wide... (not specifically aimed at her) but she is one where you could make such a link open easily (unless she herself blocks it)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by twistedstraka » Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:51 pm

Ill create a link 1ip and say what I said in the last post:p and ill sponsor ip to those she teaches ( up to 2 ip depending on takers) and I will spend 1 point blessing the area on top of the hill with a slight minty smell that boosts the chance for animals to have births. (is that better LAYF?)
Last edited by twistedstraka on Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:24 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by twistedstraka » Sun Apr 02, 2017 11:52 pm

And np at all there is alot that goes on in this game :D

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by BadgeAddict » Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:30 am

Having blessed the apprentice with abilities, Pan seeks others who he can bless with increased abilities, he speaks to the Mayor on this matter.

Mayor, I have reached out and blessed Jacobs young apprentice (Amber - If I can name her) and have increased her abilities beyond what normal training can do. I wish to bless others but in order to do so, they must be willing to accept this blessing. At the feast you hold for us, I ask that you show off Amber as an example, please make this offer to the others in your town - I, Pan, Will bless them, all they must do is pray to me and ask it.

*Speaking to Amber*: I merely wanted to warn you of these others, not keep you from working with them. If it pleases you to do their bidding, then do it. Know though, that if it does not please you to do what they ask, I will protect you from their anger. That is all. You have made me proud with your work and the symbols you have created are works of art. When you feel you are ready, I would like for you to forge a sword, like none you have ever forged before. *(And if she is willing to forge a sword, Pan will watch her carefully as she forges it and he will pour his essence into it (3IP) blessing the sword with magic with an underlying effect that enemies killed by it gain IP for Pan)
Last edited by BadgeAddict on Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by Theis2 » Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:18 am

Teotl will try to contact Elore while she's carrying his holy symbol, hoping that it enables them to stay in contact with each other, even when she's normally out of range. He's willing to use 1 IP to prod the potential to make a permanent contact to each other through the symbol.

Teotl contacts the apprentice girl once more, but this time Pan can be calm as it is only to praise her for her work and fulfilling her duty.

At the feast, Teotle will speak through the mayor as he tries to give off an aura of pleasance.

"Greetings, I am Teotl! I am one of the divine entities that have decided to to embrace your town. While travesty have hit you in the past and will be unavoidable in the future, as that is the nature of the world, it will seem minor to the blessings and good fortune the future will bring! By now you should already have noticed the blessings this town have brought you. From the minor easily credited to luck to the more amazing and miraculous events as the serene sickhouse to the blessed baby. But those will not be the end to you good fortune! In honor of this feast I have decided to bless your town and the land surrounding it! This land will be blessed with superior fertility for every living being that I judge beneficial to the town!"

1 IP spent on prodding for potential contact to Elore through the holy symbol (If the symbol alone isn't enough to stay in contact when she's out of range).
1 IP spent during the feast to elavate the mood/make everyone more positive and openminded about the gods.
Spend the rest of IP on boosting the miracle of fertility causing it to focus on medicinal herbs, edible plants, plants with other uses, common game in the area (like deer), domestic animals and humanoids within the town boarders. Would also like to keep it possible to change it for those who have made a contribution to the miracle.

VOTE: I suggest that we use up to 3 drifting souls on boosting the miracle of fertility. The willing soul is already in place and we might as well take full advantage of that by powering it up right away.
Last edited by Theis2 on Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Switched around drifting and willing souls
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:23 am

I second that notionthesis

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