Sapphire after the MoM reset?

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Sapphire after the MoM reset?

Post by onigame » Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:58 am

Not sure if this has been discussed already, but...

Suppose Sapphire, Onyx, and Ruby go ahead with their plan, keeping their memories when the MoM reset. Won't Sapphire suddenly find herself with a MinMax and a Forgath that she has no memory of? Furthermore, that MinMax and Forgath will treat her as if they've just stepped into the MoM together. The results could be very... awkward.

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Re: Sapphire after the MoM reset?

Post by SamWiser » Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:52 pm

I would think that since they are now alive, she would remember them.
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Re: Sapphire after the MoM reset?

Post by RocketScientist » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:54 pm

I've been wondering this, too. And whether she understands that her since tattoos make her forget the dead, she's probably lost people she doesn't remember. She's a Kin. She should be able to figure that out, shouldn't she?

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Re: Sapphire after the MoM reset?

Post by miados » Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:14 am

RocketScientist wrote:I've been wondering this, too. And whether she understands that her since tattoos make her forget the dead, she's probably lost people she doesn't remember. She's a Kin. She should be able to figure that out, shouldn't she?
To be fair all kins aren't equal. Just because kin A is able to figure out something doesn't mean kin b will. I know it is a bit of an extreme example since these kins seemed happy about saving the day with math but kin 051 is pretty dumb. Plus everyones life alters how they think. perfect example is when the two parties were trapped in the closing sword wall room. mfk were basically the same people in a sense but the way they acted in the same situation was extremely different.

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Re: Sapphire after the MoM reset?

Post by lingrem » Thu Oct 03, 2013 3:04 pm

I think that the 3 Kins, to get themselves into one group, will have to somehow remove their original realities from the maze. Or those rooms just won't reset anymore. They could be deciding on where to reset themselves too (Ruby's reality as she's the only one who came in alone) and Saphire might suggest hers because she'll think she came alone - which would then address her scars.

I think it'll be something sorta like that.
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