Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.12 FULL UPDATE

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:33 pm

(Aegis, have you been missing what's been going on in the spoilers and further? The cause of the disease has already been found and dealt with. It should no longer be an issue. It was taking the points that caused people to die when the disease curse was lifted.)

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by M0rtimer » Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:09 pm

I think raising the dead is, quite literally, trying to open a can of worms nothing good will come from. I suppose it might be possible, with enough power, to bring back someone virtually unscathed- And it'd (probably) take significantly less to just reanimate a mindless zombie, and a "midway" solution is perhaps possible... But I'd like you to consider the results of each of those options:

Raise dead as (sentient) zombie: People panic, and will almost definitely put them down barring intense preparation for it.
Bring back someone fully from the dead: Some will be happy... But why them and no one else? Are we gonna work towards resurrecting them all over time? Or will people just look at them with an off eye, because how can you trust someone that has seen "the other side"..?

Anyways that is mostly OOC as Elore is not aware of most of your conversations... Anyways, on to actions for this month.

---Following returning to the village---

She had stayed mostly silent on the road back. She knew things were likely not going to be pretty, but she didn't know the extent of the damage- When she heard the numbers her face turned to a brief moment of disgust to hear how much had died... And shock when she heard what happened to poor Magnus' parents.

She couldn't help but feel partly responsible, even though there was nothing she could have done. Still her obligation had her kneeling down herself, offering a shoulder for Magnus to cry on. She lets him calm down for a while, until the sadness is replaced by a certain hollowness that one would not wish upon any person. With this she eventually guides Magnus not towards his own home, but her own temporary abode- To be faced with memories right now would likely just trigger another breakdown. She drops him off at her bed, allowing him to rest for a while. An omelette appears by his bed at some point, although probably left uneaten- For one part he probably wasn't hungry, for the other, it turns out Elore is a terrible cook.

Eventually, when he seems to have gone through the worst of it, she'll appear again- Be it that same day, the next, or longer.

"...You deserve answers."

"...Back at that cursed village... That urn was the source of the sickness that plagued the travelers we were taking care for... But not just the travelers. It appears almost everyone in the village, too, had become infected... You too- But we just weren't seeing the symptoms yet."

"Within that urn were the last remnants of a dying god. The disease was his curse- He was using it to claim lives, spread his influence... And in due time, I dread think what he would have done with that power, if he was willing to take things to such level of destruction to get it."

"I couldn't allow that to happen. It had to be destroyed- Not doing so would have lead to most everyone dying anyways... And he was not gonna let you go. I knew that most should be alright, but..."

"...I'm sorry. I had no control over it- I did what I could. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." she says- Tears welling up in her eyes as she couldn't help but think that just maybe there could have been something she could have done... Even though she knew none of the blame really laid with her- But it was little use pointing fingers to something he could not even touch or comprehend, either.

"...I suppose the one question you still have is the 'how', then... You've probably already noticed that I'm... Special. Speed above that a regular man should be able to reach, and sight of a hawk..."

"This is probably going to sound strange Magnus, but... I'm a god."

"Several of us have taken interest in your village, trying to help with advice and occasional blessings... It's some of the others fault that so many perished- They made an error in judgement. We've spoken mostly through the mayor... And I was sent down to help deal with the orcs when it became apparent they would be a major threat."

"...I'm so sorry Magnus. Even if I did what I could, it wasn't enough, and I can't begin to comprehend how you must be feeling... It wasn't enough to save them."

"And while I couldn't have done anything to protect them... I can at least make sure you will be safe. Take you under my protection."

"...If that is what you want."

---Later that month, at the mayor---

Once again, the meeting between the mayor an the gods begins, although on a somber tone. She briefly chimes in that she thinks the whole raising the dead is a stupid idea from which nothing good can come... Apologizing for some reason a bit later. Eventually, she shares her own ideas for this month.

"Everyone's hearts is weary with what happened. As much as we wish, and some of the gods are scrawling at solutions, we can't turn back time. We sadly need to accept what happened, and try to move on."

"I propose we hold a feast of passing. A commemorative event. We'll share drinks and food, stories about the passed ones, and in one night we'll honor them and allow them to pass peacefully. We can open that bottle of wine you've been eyeing for a while now-" she says, offering a faint smile. "And I'll help with the preparations."

"As for the sick... We should not be angry with them. It is not their fault of what happened- They had been affected by a great evil that has now been dealt with. Offer them the chance to stay if they wish- Sad as it is to say, we can use the manpower."

"And then... Once all is said and done, we do need to get back in the swing of things. I propose we use the rice we found and use it to build a farm for it- We need to expand our food production... We'll eventually need to build those two pastures if we want to keep our deal with the goldfurs, but as we have no source of cows or goats just yet, it can wait for now."

"We should also think about what we'll do about the river monster..." she mutters, mostly thinking to herself rather than proposing something.

Bullet points:
>Mostly rp and talk to Magnus
>Propose a feast and offer to help with it
>Propose to start building a rice field

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by NotStickFigures » Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:55 pm

Sitting back and watching and listening to what the other gods are doing has made this god think long and hard about how he might be able to help the humans.
He knows he will need influence if he is going to get much done.
He is not willing to go to the same ends that some of the gods did, he will not sacrifice life to gain power.

So after a lot of thought he decides to find someone in the town who is a farmer who might have an open mind.
He will spend 2 points to find/contact this person if possible.

He hopes to find an open minded farmer whom he can speak back and forth with. One who knows what the plants might need for weather or sunlight or temperature.
This person will learn that by asking for the things in prayer to me, the weather/sun/rainfall, can indeed change on the whim of a god and benefit the city.

In the long run, this god, (who will NOT name himself, he will wait for the PEOPLE to rightly name him) hopes that the good that comes from the prayers and supplications of his farmer, and the others once they hear how good this works, might gain him influence after a while.

To the Mayor I only have one message to send:

It would be a good idea to reset the pit trap. But this time bait it with the wind chimes still (in case more of the same beast are lurking) and bait with meat and fruit, to catch other critters for meat or feeding the water monster.
Someone would need to check the trap daily though, so if we catch something it doesn't lay there and decompose.
Last edited by NotStickFigures on Tue Mar 21, 2017 10:13 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by twistedstraka » Mon Mar 20, 2017 11:02 pm

I would like to Advise the mayor about setting up the quarentine as a place to learn about how to treat sick and injured "if you put a blue cross on the entrance I straka can bless and help anyone there heal. However some of the other gods plan to absorb the lives from the people who are sick when we deal with this sickness so all my power is being directed at saving those lives. I am sorry that some of my kind treat yours as playthings and unimportant, thankfully mr Mayor we aren't all like that."

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by LAYF » Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:24 am

You have a point Mort. I've unspoiled it.

To everyone:
Please note, the plague thing has been resolved
, I spoilered it due to it being at the same time as other town actions. But I see that was an error on my part and has correctet it... Please, go back and look at the update again, so that your actions are not vested on doing something that has already happened...
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by twistedstraka » Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:42 am

Can i put my points into blessing the House for the sick, maybe helping with the cleanliness and lowered chance of infection, or maybe put a point into making sure the temperature in that room is always a consistently comfortable temperature. Otherwise Could I summon some bees to reside in the apple trees with a point?(if the answers to these is yes thats what I would like to do)

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by LAYF » Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:59 am

well, the answer is "maybe" you can attempt most things... for instance 3 points were used to call a rivermonster. 2 points were used to make half a forest pollinate a few months early... all in all, you can atempt anything... if you feel you dont want to waste say 5 points to do something that may fail, you can use 1 point to test/study how to do stuff...

so you could do it in three ways:
1) declare you attempt, and say how many points you are willing to use.
2) say you want to use a point to see if you can do it, and that if you can you will use x amount of points to do it.
3) lastly, you could use a point to see if you could do it and how. then wait to see what the answer is and then post the new action for the next update...
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by Aegis J Hyena » Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:41 am

Alright, if the plague has been resolved I'll edit my my comment by saying the orcs are still a prime concern, so we should have at least one scout keeping an eye on them.
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:05 am

In an effort to remedy the problems that he has caused. Pan shares what he has learned in his probings with the other gods. He begs their forgiveness for his actions, having felt deeply the consequences that they had on the village, knowing that he was part of what had happened.

He reveals to the others that, there are those of the village who are/may be open to being spoken to, much as they speak to the mayor.
He reveals to them that it is possible to bestow blessings to the villagers and perhaps others as well.
He reveals to them that it may be possible to create magical artifacts, but while they may be able to make themselves, it would come at a great cost. He reveals that he believes that it may be possible to guide a blacksmith in the forging of an artifact.

Lastly, he reveals his intentions, of contacting the apprentice to Jacob and blessing her with the skills to create masterful items and perhaps even artifacts. Pan believes that these items could prove to be a great boon to the people when faced against enemies, such as if the Orcs were to return.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9 FULL

Post by Theis2 » Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:47 pm

A new divine entity emerges, maybe from the broken urn or it was just attracted by its destruction, but it doesn't waste much time before he approaches the mayor himself

"Ooof, that's some unfortunate happenstance that has struck your town. A pantheon of gods squabbling while attempting to asser their dominion over your village after such a horrible and magical disease. While the gods are divided by their interest you have cause to be united. Bring the strangers into your fold, united by your mourning of the dead. Have a grand celebration of their memories and bring out the best food and drinks and share their stories and accomplishments with each other. Do this for them whether or not they intend to stay and rumors will spread of your benevolent rule of this city and people will seek it out and bring new life to it. This is what is worth worshipping now rather than us, who demands temples. A small shrine accompanying your graveyard to send your people off to a peaceful afterlife and to remember and honor them by lighting candles and incense. Send them off with four feathers each so their souls can soar towards the gods and join us in our sacred domain and not become lost and corrupted in your world. And remember to tighten the community so you are like one family."

And with this advice and lackluster introduction, the new entity observes the mayor and his actions.
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by BadgeAddict » Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:09 pm

I just realized that I didn't give the mayor a suggestion other than my actions.


Mayor, the sickness that swept through the village has greatly weakened the manpower that is available. I suggest that you send a pair of riders north, back to the old city with reports of what you have found. An untamed land with room to grow, perhaps in going, they might persuade others to come and join your village in the coming months and years.

In addition, something needs to be done about the water in town that is used for drinking, vs that which is used for bathing.
To make your water safe to drink, there are two methods that you can use. The first, is to boil the water over a fire. This will help kill any sickness that is in the water.
Secondly, you could do the following. Create a clay tube, like a pot, but without a bottom. Place a piece of cotton cloth at the bottom of the tube and tie it with string. Next take some charcoal and grind it up into a powder, place this in the bottom of the tube, on top of the cloth, next place a layer of dried sand (collected from the river) on top of the charcoal. Next place some river rocks on top of this. (Create a filter). If you pour water into the open end of the tube, the ingredients within will filter the water of illness and clean water will come from the other end.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by twistedstraka » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:16 am

I would like to spend one point to try and summon some bees to the apple trees, and i would like to spend another point to Bless the Sickness hut with comfortable temperatures(if possible Can this take on a really slight light blue hue to the air in the sick hut?) I would then like to advise the mayor to take in the sick people outside of town as strength in numbers, also to keep training the guard as the orcs might still be lurking around.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:16 am

^You may need to "probe" whether or not you can "add a blessing to a person". Otherwise you may waste your point.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by M0rtimer » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:32 am

Speaking of which... I suppose I should use 1 influence to find out whether or not Elore can "bless" people. One idea I have is to grant the "special abilities" she already has to someone (such as her sight or speed), or potentially completely different ones- One idea I had was a sort of "spiritual link" similar as we otherwise have to the mayor, but I understand if all those questions should probably be seperate "probing sessions"

...Using the word probing is starting to get weird. We should think of a better one... :P

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:35 am

^So, I don't know how "share knowledge" works. But Pan is more than willing to share the fact that he "knows" that bless people is possible with the rest of you, including you M0rt...though..I'm not sure how exactly we go about contacting you.

Probe Synonym's: Study, inquiry, research, inquest, exploration, examination, delving, detection

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by M0rtimer » Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:42 am

(You can probably share that info through the mayor- In each case, even assuming she's aware, I think it'd be worth it to spend one point to get more details about the specific "blessing" wanting to provide, so I don't waste the points later on by for example only providing one points when I'd need at least two to make it work or something along those lines.)

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by LAYF » Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:53 am

Okay... Actions locked... working on update... will take a bit this time...

Also, this is my action list, I compiled suggestions that looked a lot a like (such as party for the dead stuff). please mention if i forgot anyone/anything:

- Preserve dead for later reanimation
- Vultroxes of the restless apologizes
- Be aware of other gods!
- a hello from Vraag
- Check out the tunnel monsters tunnels. destroy or use as defense.
- join side with the former sick if they wish.
- hold a feast for the dead.
- Send a rider to look for other settlements, invite but warn about the river.
- Remember the orcs, they are still a threat
- keep people together
- Avoid anger towards the former sick.
- build rice farm
- Reset the pit trap, set for both tunnel monsters and others to feed to the river monster
- Put a blue cross over the sick house, make sure to use it if anyone gets sick.
- Theis appears
- Use the best food and drinks in the feast
- Make a small shrine at the grave yard (with instructions of burial rites)
- Send riders back to the "old world" to invite more to join us
- filter water or boil it.
- keep training the guards

- Burns uses one point to see if she cansomeone the mayor asks for (1 point)
- 2 points to do it if she can (2 points)
- Tea adds 2 points to help. (2 points)

- Elore talks to Magnus and suggest he could be her champion (no points yet)
- Elore will see if she can bless people wiht special abilities, her own maybe (1 point)

- Pan wish to make contact and a packt with the female smith apprentice. (1 point)

- Gathers uses a point to improve the appel trees growth ( 1 point)

- twistedstraka uses a point to summon bees to the trees. (1 point)

- twistedstraka uses one point to try and make the sick house blessed (1 point)

- NotStick will use points to find and talk to a mortal farmer (2 points)
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by twistedstraka » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:39 am

Looks good to me

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.9

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:51 am

Er my part is a bit messed up, but to see which person the mayor wishes to see ressed and probe to try to res then res if possible

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.10

Post by LAYF » Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:03 am

Our town
Year 0.

It is fall

► Show Spoiler
- Preserve dead for later reanimation
- Vultroxes of the restless apologizes
- Be aware of other gods!
- a hello from Vraag
- Check out the tunnel monsters tunnels. destroy or use as defense.
- join side with the former sick if they wish.
- hold a feast for the dead.
- Send a rider to look for other settlements, invite but warn about the river.
- Remember the orcs, they are still a threat
- keep people together
- Avoid anger towards the former sick.
- build rice farm
- Reset the pit trap, set for both tunnel monsters and others to feed to the river monster
- Put a blue cross over the sick house, make sure to use it if anyone gets sick.
- Theis appears
- Use the best food and drinks in the feast
- Make a small shrine at the grave yard (with instructions of burial rites)
- Send riders back to the "old world" to invite more to join us
- filter water or boil it.
- keep training the guards

As always, the mayor considers the suggestions. but not for long this time before he shakes his head in disbelieve...

I I cannot choose one of them how how could I? Is this truly within your power? I have never. As undead? No!!!

These thoughts makes the mayor break of he does not feel like talking he looks more sick than before.
As he goes out from his prayer room he mumbles a bit to himself
They but no we cannot. We should hold the feast and burry them we cannot. Can we?
All the gods, Elore included feels as if something broke, not just inside the mayor, but also inside each and every one of the gods. It all seems wrong!
(Sorry Theis, also welcome to you, but this interuptino from the mayor means that he will not ÔÇ£reactÔÇØ to your voice, but donÔÇÖt worry, it has been heard and your suggestions are just as valid as all others)


- Burns uses one point to see if she cansomeone the mayor asks for (1 point)
- 2 points to do it if she can (2 points)
- Tea adds 2 points to help. (2 points)
The ÔÇ£resurrection actionÔÇØ has been set ÔÇ£on holdÔÇØ due to the mayors reaction, but I will back track if the two gods still wish to do it, just, for one of their own selection.

- Elore talks to Magnus and suggest he could be her champion (no points yet)
- Elore will see if she can bless people wiht special abilities, her own maybe (1 point)
Elore does not do the bless test, read why in the update

- Pan wish to make contact and a packt with the female smith apprentice. (1 point)

- Gathers uses a point to improve the appel trees growth ( 1 point)

- twistedstraka uses a point to summon bees to the trees. (1 point)

- twistedstraka uses one point to try and make the sick house blessed (1 point)

- NotStick will use points to find and talk to a mortal farmer (2 points)

Already the next day the mayor has gathered everyone for a feast all brew and beer is used up, more food than usually consumed in a week is eaten in a day. While everyone feasts, it does feel like things get a little better, but the feeling that something is wrong sticks to all the gods

The next day, the god Vraag moves away from the rest slowly sliding down south he finds himself a nice little creek, gently flowing in the moon light. From it he draws the pale sand at the bottom, shaping it to the form of an Elf. As he sees the water that runs from it he freezes it and waves it into long strands of midnight black hair. Then he enters the body, stepping forward as his own Avatar! From where he stands, he first reaches for the earth, willing it to crawl over him, forming a fine decorated armor of light blue iron, robes grow from it to cover his legs. He then rips out a piece of bark and wills it to harden and take the shape of a shield, colors twisting and blending until a symbol appears at the center. Lastly, he takes another branch and shapes it into the shape of a mace then the world goes quiet for him all power he has used to form himself is now gone he is no longer a body less god. He ventures deeper into the forest.
Ask, please introduce Vraag in the OOC. Ill link to it in the updates :)
The rest of the month, seen form Vraags side is in the spoiler below, he does not go to the town, and as such, the other gods have limited knowledge of what he is doing
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Back at Our town one of the gods tries to make a sacred healing ground within the house of the sick.
As the god draws on his powers he feels it is not enough. As if it would take much more to do what he wants, and just as he is about to stop *****FWHOOOOOHMMMMM****** a soft vibrational sound explodes from the building, carrying for miles, at no point loud, but audible none the less. The building takes on a light blue hue, and it is as if it never gets truly dark in there. People who dares to go inside feels an odd sense of peace.
It is exactly as the god wanted it... people in here do heal both better and faster than they would in any normal place.
The gods all feel an odd pull towards the building, Elore and Vraag included. It is not as if they have to obay the feeling. Its just there.

The odd feeling lingers amongst the gods, along with the feeling that something is still wrong after the conversation with the mayor.

A week goes on where not much happens. With the grace of two gods, the apple trees grows and produce fruit far more bountiful than they should, and even at this late time of year, bees seems to be around at all times, ready to pollinate the flowers that oddly enough also bloom.
The mayor, who had not said much this month does offer a small thanks by leaving an apple on his shrine.
The day after, construction of a cemetery is completed. A small alter has been made there. As Elore stands in one of the watch towers looking down at it, her eyes wanders east. Suddenly she see the tail of the river monster. Its swimming towards shore but why? The she sees it a kid is running along the river bank. Quickly she jumps from the tower, not taking her own safety into consideration, as she runs she fires arrows at the water and yells at the kid to get away! The kid freezes in panic as the river monster jumps from the waters, ready to eat him. Elore jumps, pushes the kid to the side AAAARGH!!!! Red. Hot. Pain! As she looks down her side she sees her hips, the river monster managed to sink its teeths into her, breaking off one tooth as it retracted back into the water!
Full of adrenaline and pain, Elore manages, with the help of the kid, to drag herself back, away from the shore. She cannot really feel her left leg she cannot really feel anything? The pull of the sick house feels as if it increases.. Maybe the thought of its healing light is calling her She passes out!

While Elore is passed out, the other gods observe as the towns folk goes about their daily life.
The mayor is over at the sick house multiple times each day to look to Elore, Magnus and Jacob also comes to visit. But she is not regaining consciousness. When the kid had finely managed to drag her all the way to the town, she had lost a lot of blood, to make matters worse, Susie farmhand found that the tooth from the river monster was hollow, a stench of root and bile came from its center, and a small opening at the tip suggested that it had delivered some sort of poison when it pierced Elores skin.

A few days later, a warm light is spotted far away in the horizon each evening and each morning. It does not move or comes closer, but it is there every day.

On the third week of the month, the mayor notes that more birds has been seen flying around the town. And a few days later, a Guard reports that he had seen and shot an orc that was approaching the town.
When the people goes to investigate they find the orc, dead just outside of town. On closer inspection they see he has no weapons, and more oddly, some green mucus is flowing from his nose along with blood.
To be safe, the mayor orders the body burned and buried.

On the last day of the third week, the mayor has a happy announcement. The former sick people form the cursed town has agreed to stay! And for a time, it feels like the odd sense of wrongness is lifted.

Not vesting any time, Pan and one other god takes this moment of joy to reach out.
Pan to the female apprentice of Jacob farmhand, suggesting she could become something great with his help. She does not respond, but he knows she has heard him he can feel it he can feel how the words and ideas move inside her head she has not answered yet but he is sure she will come around

The other god looks for something different. And he finds it in one of the former sick he finds a man who knows how to tend the land, this man is not as open minded as he would have liked.. but a connection is made now the question is. What does a god say to a man who does not believe in gods?

The time goes on, and not much happens, not until the last few days of the month when suddenly two more orc are spotted, the mayor, when informed that the orcs does not carry any weapons, orders his men no to shoot, to let the orcs pass if they do not try to enter the town.

But they do not pas neither do they attack they just stand outside the city gates, covering from the wind and rain under blankets
A few days goes bye, the orcs only leave for short times to find food, then they are back. On the second last day, the towns folks have had enough, they gather in mass and scares the orcs away with farming tools and spears.

The orcs does not return, but a hunter reports that he has seen them in the forest and on the last day of the month he can report that he has found one of them dead. No apparent injuries, and green mucus from his nose. The other orc is still spotted hiding in the forest.

The month is over, and Elore is still not awake, Susie does not know what to do, but at least it seems like Elores wounds has healed nicely.


.[tabs:Our Town status]

The current population is: 1 Babies, 1 Kids, 0 Young adults and 18 Adults of working age.
There were No unlucky deaths and 0 Births this month

What are people doing?
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Under construction
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Info on Resources
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Money, Animals, Tools, Weapons and armor
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[tabs:Eastern tents]
9 Orcs (mostly unnamed):
1- Big orc, the Chief warrior named Orkork with bow, two bone axes and a two-handed sword
4 2 Spying orcs
8 4 Adult orcs.
3 2 Riders
5 Tents, 1 watch tower and a spike wall.

[tabs:Goblins in the south forest]
12 Goblins (mostly unnamed):
1 goblin named Tuhu
1 Chief
10 unnamed and 1 baby

[tabs:Gold fur tribe]
**Only the riders has seen the Gold fur tribe:**
20+ Beastmen (mostly unnamed):
1- Sharman and Weather teller named Fahra.
19+ Adult orcs.

[tabs:Named NPC Characters]
Alton Farmhand - Founder and Mayor of Our town.
Jacob Farmhand - First blacksmith of Our town and second son to Alton Farmhand.
Susie Farmhand - Mayors wife
Tari Klinge ÔÇô Miller and mother of Magnus Klinge
Magnus Klinge ÔÇô Guard Captain
Mirimi the Rider
Orkork - Chief warrior of the orcs from the eastern tent.
Fahra ÔÇô Of the gold fur tribe, - Weather teller and Sharman
[tabs:World map]
*Red dots are the rute travlers take to get her from the "old world" and the rute you'd have to take to send a trade caravan.
*Green dots are the rute the two riders had taken to get her from the "old world" to their destination when attacked.
*Red cross is where the two riders were attacked
*Spotted greenskin camps (black eyes) has not been engaged, so hostility or friendliness is unknown, but a rule of thumb is that Orcs at least are hostile, mostly because they like to fight, goblins varies a lot from camp to camp.
*Hostile greenskins (red eyes) are greenskins that has activity attacked the towns folk or travelers.
*Anything drawn with white background is something you've only spotted in the distance, not something you've seen close up.
*Each square is roughly 800 by 800 meters (0,5 by 0,5 us mile)

[tabs:Player status]
Aegis: 13 Influence point. /No character yet.
Ask: 0 Influence point. / Vraag the high elf.
Badge: 8 Influence point. /No character yet.
Burns: 3 Innfluence point. /No character yet.
Gathers: 5 Influence point. /No character yet.
m0rt: 4 Influence point. / Elore the wood elf, archer with sight of a hawk and speed of a cheetah..
NotStickFigures: 2 Influence point. /No character yet.
Spider: 3 Influence point. /No character yet.
Tea: 3 Influence point. /No character yet.
Theis: 1 influence point. / No character yet.
twistedstraka: 1 Influence point. /No character yet.[/tabs]

How to make a character
Read more in the OOC: http://www.goblinsforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1699&p=223651#a2
-Best regards LAYF

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.10

Post by spiderwrangler » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:03 pm

-As much as possible, have the new arrivals be integrated into work crews, avoiding any perception of 'us and them.'... Ask the 'spokesman' who spoke on their illness assist in helping join the communities.
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.10

Post by askstoomuch » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:04 pm

(oh damn elore got cut bad, i told u we should get rid of that monster ! )

Vraag, (slightly irritated that he didnt watch lord of the rings engouh and forgot that goblins hate elves) decide to spend some more time in the woods.

He will spend the first few days, getting familiar with the woods, not longer hiding, walking open between the trees.
he lookis for food or anything else of intresse, other setlements he might spot, easy food sorces , mineable ores everything that stands out.
He will hang around the camp at a respectible distance, never attacking but he will help where he can, always protect the village against any attack, Trying to start up a conversation, every time he introducing himself as a friendly powerfull spirit that wants to help the goblins.

Fearing that simply trying to befriend te goblins wont be engouh he will wait till nightfall and plans a trick.
He will shed his armor for now and play around with his mimicing abilities to change his form into a terrible looking monster, resembeling some sort of boar-bear, several times the size of the small green people.
He will stalk around the camp, not attacking, always in the shadows, being spotted but never fully seen, making terrible terrible sounds, by either altering his voal cords, or scraping and bashing the back of his shield, he will do what ever he can to scare the goblins, doing minor damage to their surounding to convince them they are being stalked by a terrible terrible morning, but without hurting anybody he disapearts again...
the following morning, he will, based on the reaction of the goblins, repeat it again the same night, or if they are proper scared, use his 1 IP , to give Tuhu a false memory, a powerfull vision of the past of a tale his grandfather told him, of a terrible terrible boar that eats goblins and who returns every night till the whole tribe is dead, remembering his grandfather telling him about a forest spirit that took on the skin of an elf and protecting the village saving his grandfather and his family, the spirit that did this in the fake memory looks like vraag, spot on
Last edited by askstoomuch on Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.10

Post by spiderwrangler » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:14 pm

I'll spend 1 IP to seek to contact Elore's god essence, seeking to determine if they are within the fleshy form, or unable to return to it.
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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.10

Post by BadgeAddict » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:16 pm

Pan, feeling the sense of dread that surrounds the town, goes on a quest of learning more of this world, without directly interacting with it, while he waits on a response from the girl.
In order to prove himself to her, he draws upon his powers to press a blessing of an increase in smithing skill upon her. (1 point)

Pan begins to move about the village, watching closely all that the humans make and do.

First, he moves to the house of healing. He looks closely at what was done to it, the strange hue of light that hung around it, in an effort to learn what had been done in order to create such an effect. While he is there, he down upon the body of Elore. He also looks closely at the tooth of the serpent. He thinks to himself, if blessing can be bestowed upon these humans and if buildings can have blessings thrust upon them, then surely bodies can be blessed with healing as well.

I must do something about the creature that I brought to this place, Pan thinks to himself, for it has harmed the avatar of one of ourselves, this must not stand. Pan again draws upon his power (1 point) and he wills it to down the river, several miles downstream from where it currently is, with the promise that there will be more food in that area.

Pan then rests as he looks down upon the village.

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Re: Our town (Game thread) Open game - Year 0.10

Post by Arch Lich Burns » Wed Mar 22, 2017 12:28 pm

"...that is not what I meant. I mean back from the dead, as in a ressurection. I will try my best to bring a person of your chosing back to life. "

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